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World: r3wp


See, that last message is exactly what I was recommending, Andreas. 
You have just pointed out that there is no harm whatsoever to defining 
the 'lib word in 'lib. Though there is no evidence of the "lazy" 
in your earlier comment.

Module issues.
uh oh, now I fear Carl will scrap BrianH's work, and we are going 
to wait for 3 months for Carl to come-up with his own version :-)
I hope this is not the case, however following is scary, while understandable 
-  ".... a fight between simplicity and complexity, between maintainability 
and chaos, between elegance and ugliness"
no Brian is doing the module work, its just that the changes to how 
the contexts are now layed out provoke deep changes in how things 
are bound.

because that is a big part of the module system's job, it means Brian 
has to update a lot of the code.

also remember that Brian has been splitting up the module code into 
sub-functions, so all of that makes it simpler, and more re-usable.
Earlier prototypes worked well. They were functional, clean, and 
simple. Understandable.

 - that simply means, that Carl does not like something about current 
 system ...
They where coding at opposite ends of the spectrum, now they are 
fighting to merge the two together.  that's how I read it.

IMO its just a question of getting it to work again. with new contexts 
layout and new, better module functionality.
AFAIK, Brian's code is usually accepted.
I like the following part :-) "Some of you may be saying "Carl, we 
don't care." Yes, I know, I've heard that before. But, (if I had 
a Yoda voice, I'd use it here) you will care. You just don't know 
it yet."
The module system has grown to include many advanced features, which 
are all usefull and viable.  Brian has been working to simplify the 
code by breaking it up into smaller pieces.   At some point you can't 
have features without at least a minimal amount of code.

The new contexts layout makes it a more complex task because my guess 
is that basically, its broken everywhere and that is hard to debug.

The original module system wasn't very powerfull in the sense that 
it didn't add much more than special objects... what Brian is doing 
is sooooo much more than that.
So I don't think Carl and Brian are fighting... hehe

I think they are fighting the code  :-)
Henrik - I know, that is just why I am surprised by Carl stating, 
that he liked to early prototypes. This just seems to follow the 
Gab's VID scenario - Carl detached from Gab's VID for quite some 
time, then having difficulcy to understand it, then - scrapping it.
Max - I hope so :-)
I've looked at the module code and it was a large and barely understandable 
by its complexity.  Even by Brian.   He was already working on this 
problem... its just that now that its all broken, they can't ignore 
it anymore  ;-)>
We weren't ignoring it, trust me. I have been working on integrating 
the new features, which resulted in a redesign of the semantics. 
But the code was intimidating even after the rewrite, and there were 
some repeating awkward code patterns that needed native replacement, 
which I couldn't do. The new module system that Carl and I are working 
on is based on my work, even if the code may not resemble my code 
on a surface level.
Main changes so far, relative to my recent work:

- A different code style which Carl thinks will be easier to read 
and maintain (mostly using CASE/all).

- Some of the more awkward repeating code patterns have been split 
out into functions, which in some cases will be made native.

- The API of LOAD has been simplified, though is more flexible. Its 
behavior with no options is the same, but some options have changed.

- Some functions are renamed, and some code has been moved from function 
to function (this was expected).

- The sys and lib contexts take the role previously planned for the 
exports context and module-tools mixin, though the usage is the same.

- Fewer functions will be exported into lib than I was expecting. 
The short names of the lib and sys contexts enable this.
Those first three were tricks that I couldn't do, because I don't 
set the standard APIs and don't write the natives. But the core semantics 
are quite similar to my recent work.
Btw, the reason why I didn't use CASE/all before is because I thought 
it would make things trickier. Apparently it made things easier. 
Who knew? :)
me :-)
Well, yeah, of course you :)
I have been recently starting to use CASE... funny how we can discover 
new code patterns after over a decade of using a tool.
BrianH, could you show us a before & after example of code modified 
to use CASE ?
Here's a low-level function to parse and process script headers, 
which shows how many features are built into the base script model 
in R3:

load-script: funct [
	"Decode a script into [header-obj script-ref body-ref]"

 source [binary! string!] "Source code (string will be UTF-8 encoded)"
	/header "Return the header object only, no script processing"

 ;/check "Calculate checksum and assign it to the header checksum 
	/original "Use original source for Content header if possible"
] compose [
	data: either string? source [to-binary source] [
		unless find [0 8] tmp: utf? source [ ; Not UTF-8
			cause-error 'script 'no-decode ajoin ["UTF-" abs tmp]

 ; Checksum all the data, even that before the header or outside the 
	;sum: if check [checksum/secure data]  ; saved for later
	if tmp: script? data [data: tmp] ; Find the start of the script
	; Check for a REBOL header
	set/any [hdr: rst:] transcode/only data
	unless case [
		:hdr = 'rebol [ ; Possible REBOL header
			set/any [hdr rst] transcode/next/error rst
			block? :hdr ; If true, hdr is header spec
		:hdr = [rebol] [ ; Possible script-in-a-block
			set/any [hdr rst] transcode/next/error rst
			if block? :hdr [ ; Is script-in-a-block
				unless header [ ; Don't decode the rest if /header
					data: first transcode/next data
					rst: skip data 2
			] ; If true, hdr is header spec
	] [ ; No REBOL header, use default
		hdr: [] rst: data
	; hdr is the header spec block, rst the position afterwards

 ;assert/type [hdr block! data [binary! block!] rst [binary! block!]]
	;assert [same? head data head rst]
	; Make the header object, or fail if we can't

 unless hdr: attempt [construct/with :hdr system/standard/header] 
		cause-error 'syntax 'no-header data
	; hdr is a correct header object! here, or you don't get here

 ;if check [append hdr 'checksum  hdr/checksum: sum]  ; calculated 

 ;assert [sum =? select hdr 'checksum]  ; Should hdr/checksum be reserved?

 if header [return hdr] ; If /header, no further processing necessary

 ; Note: Some fields may not be final because post-processing is not 
	; Skip any whitespace after the header

 ws: (charset [1 - 32]) ; For whitespace skipping (DEL not included)
	if binary? rst [parse rst [any ws rst:]] ; Skip any whitespace
	; Check for compressed data and decompress if necessary
	case [
		; Magic autodetection of compressed binary
		tmp: attempt [decompress rst] [
			data: rst: tmp  ; Use decompressed data (no header source)
			append hdr 'compressed  hdr/compressed: true ; Just in case
		; Else not directly compressed (without encoding)
		(select hdr 'compressed) != true [] ; Not declared, do nothing
		; Else it's declared to be compressed, thus should be
		binary? rst [ ; Regular script, check for encoded binary
			set/any [tmp rst] transcode/next/error rst
			either tmp: attempt [decompress :tmp] [
				data: rst: tmp  ; Use the decoded binary (no header source)
				hdr/compressed: 'script  ; So it saves the same way
				; Anything after the first binary! is ignored
			] [cause-error 'script 'bad-press -3] ; Else failure
		; Else it's a block, check for script-encoded compressed binary
		tmp: attempt [decompress first rst] [

   data: rst: tmp  hdr/compressed: 'script  ; It's binary again now
		; Else declared compressed but not compressed, so fail
		'else [cause-error 'script 'bad-press -3]
	; Save the script content in the header if specified
	if :hdr/content = true [
		hdr/content: either original [source] [copy source]

 ;assert/type [hdr object! data [binary! block!] rst [binary! block!]]
	;assert [same? head data head rst]

 reduce [hdr data rst]  ; Header object, start of source, start of 

Note all the commented assert statements: they are for testing (when 
uncommented) and documentation. Also, I later removed the checksum 
calculation from this code because it was the wrong place to put 
it, at least as far as modules are concerned. However, Carl didn't 
know this because he was working on it while I was offline for a 
few days.
Here is the corresponding function in the code reorg, renamed. The 
friendly empty lines and comments haven't been added yet.

load-header: funct/with [
	"Loads script header object and body binary (not loaded)."

 source [binary! string!] "Source code (a string! will get UTF-8 encoded)"

 no-decompress [logic!] "Skip decompression of body (because we want 
 to look at header mainly)"
	; This function decodes the script header from the script body.

 ; It checks the 'checksum, 'compress and 'content fields of the header.

 ; It will set the 'content field to the binary source if 'content 
 is true.

 ; It will set the 'compress field to 'script for compressed embedded 

 ; If body is compressed, it will be decompressed (header required).

 ; Normally, returns the header object and the body text (as binary).

 ; If no-decompress is false and the script is embedded and not compressed
	; then the body text will be a decoded block instead of binary.
	; Errors are returned as words:
	;    no-header
	;    bad-header
	;    bad-checksum
	;    bad-compress
	; Note: set/any and :var used - prevent malicious code errors.
	case/all [
		binary? source [data: assert-utf8 source]
		string? source [data: to binary! source]
		not data: script? data [return reduce [none data]] ; no header

  set/any [key: rest:] transcode/only data none ; get 'rebol keyword

  set/any [hdr: rest:] transcode/next/error data none ; get header 

  not block? :hdr [return 'no-header] ; header block is incomplete

  not attempt [hdr: construct/with :hdr system/standard/header][return 

  :hdr/content = true [hdr/content: data] ; as of start of header (??correct 
		:key = 'rebol [ ; regular script

   rest: any [find rest non-ws rest] ; skip whitespace after header

   ;rest: any [find rest #[bitset! [not bits #{7FFFFFFF80}]] rest] ; 
   skip whitespace
			case/all [

    all [:hdr/checksum :hdr/checksum != checksum/secure rest] [return 

    no-decompress [return reduce [hdr rest]] ; decompress not done

    :hdr/compress = 'script [set/any 'rest first transcode/next rest]
			] ; rest is now suspect, use :rest

  :key = [rebol] [ ; embedded script, only 'script compression supported
			case/all [
				:hdr/checksum [return 'bad-checksum] ; checksum not supported

    no-decompress [return reduce [hdr rest]] ; decompress not done

    rest: skip first transcode/next data 2 none ; decode embedded script

    :hdr/compress [hdr/compress: unbind 'script  set/any 'rest first 
			] ; rest is now suspect, use :rest

  :hdr/compress [rest: attempt [decompress :rest]] ; :rest type-checked 
  by decompress

  not :rest [return 'bad-compress] ; only happens if above decompress 

 ;assert/type [hdr object! rest [binary! block!]] ; just for documentation
	reduce [hdr rest]
	non-ws: charset [not 1 - 32]


- The other half of the CASE/all style is a lot of explicit shortcut 
RETURN statements, whenever the normal flow differs.

- Errors are returned as a word from the error catalog, which is 
later passed to CAUSE-ERROR.

- Carl redid the checksum calculation so that scripts can verify 
against a checksum in their header, to detect corruption.

- The checksum in the header probably can't be used for the module 
checksum because the header itself matters for modules.

- Compressed scripts lost a couple minor, unimportant features that 
we are likely better without. Quiz: What features?

- Part, but not all of the reason the code is shorter is because 
the doc comments haven't been added yet. The CASE/all style helps 
- The option of using the original data in the content field is now 
mandatory. If you need to copy it (rare), do so yourself.
I am not yet sure if using FUNCT/with is OK with the new build process 
(haven't heard back), but serialized values are now OK. This is why 
I have some alternate code with a serialized bitset.
The new code is not much less complex than the original, but it is 
more compact and faster too. And it is easier to maintain, because 
rearranging CASE clauses is easier to do without a full reorg than 
nested conditional code.
There are some other micro-optimizations as well in the new code. 
I was writing the original to determine functionality, not trying 
to prematurely optimize.
Thankyou, BrianH. Illuminating.
Is tasking close now? Express your opinion to proposed interpreter 
RESET functionality - http://www.rebol.net/r3blogs/0340.html
can someone please tell me how we can generate errors in R3.  cause-error 
has no list of appropriate values and everytime I've tried to use 
it it just fails with "you have no clue" errors.
to-error doesn't create armed errors anymore which is a bit strange... 

in the least they are not triggering errors when used within an extension's 
init block.
one function which I would really like to see added to R3 is a search 
function which searches the body of all resident code and returns 
paths or full text of every place an occurence of your search is 
in this case, I could see where cause-error is used and could learn 
from the mezz code.
iirc you just pass an error! value to cause-error
It seems    do  to-error "whatever"    also works.

but I'd like to get the list of valid types and expected args for 
the online-docs just say that the lists should be filled in...  ' 
I'm building a search function, btw.  so far not bad.  still have 
to solve a little unset! issue
here my simple but effective r3 search function:

search-body: funct [
	data [object! block! function!] "what to search"
	word [word!] "what to find"
	/paths "only returns paths, not their values"
	/indents i "how many tabs when listing?"
	/into blk "Add matches to this block"
	/path pth [lit-path!] "keep track of path"
	i: any [i 0]
	unless into [
		set 'searched-objects copy [] ; will set in "globals"
	either block? :data [
		b: data
		b: body-of :data
	; locals
	item: none
	match?: false
	blk: any [blk copy []]
	pth: any [all [pth copy pth] to-lit-path ""]
	last-set-word: none
	counter: 0
	foreach item :b [
		counter: counter + 1
		result: switch/default type?/word :item [
			set-word! [
				last-set-word: :item
			object! [
				; prevent endless cycles on self or inter references.
				unless find searched-objects :item [
					append searched-objects :item
					either block? data [

      search-body/indents/into/path :item word i + 1 blk append copy pth 

      search-body/indents/into/path :item word i + 1 blk append copy pth 
      to-word last-set-word
			function! [
				either word = to-word last-set-word [
					; adds the definition OF the searched item

     append/only blk to-lit-path append/only copy pth last-set-word
					append/only blk mold :item
					if search-body/indents/into/path :item word i + 1 blk pth [
						; adds a function WITH the searched item in it

      append/only blk to-lit-path append/only copy pth last-set-word
						append/only blk mold :item
			integer! tuple! string! [
				if last-set-word [
					if word = to-word last-set-word [

      append/only blk to-lit-path append/only copy pth last-set-word
						append/only blk  :item
			block! [

    search-body/indents/into/path :item word i + 1 blk append copy pth 
			; this is what we search for
			word! [
				either :item = word [
					match?: true
			; these types are not specifically managed by the search
	either into [
		set 'quiet-search? false
		new-line/skip blk true 2
in A107... 

search-body system 'red 
== [
    'contexts/system/red: 255.0.0
    'contexts/user/red: 255.0.0

search-body system 'error!
== [
    'contexts/system/map: {make function! [[
    "Temporary function to catch MAP usage changes."

    make error! {The MAP function has been rename to MAP-EACH. Update 
    your code.}
    'contexts/system/cause-error: {make function! [[

    {Causes an immediate error throw with the provided information.}
    err-type [word!]
    err-id [word!]
    args: compose [(:args)]
    forall args [
        if any-function? first args [
            change/only args spec-of first args
    do make error! [
        type: err-type
        id: err-id
        arg1: first args
        arg2: second args
        arg3: third args

    'contexts/system/to-error: {make function! [["Converts to error! 
    value." value][to error! :value]]}
a: [a]

parse [] a

R3 quits. Bug?
oops ... the end of the function should be replaced by:

	either into [
		either paths [
			blk: extract blk 2
			new-line/all blk true
			new-line/skip blk true 2
henrik, any case where R3 just quits is a bug... no?
I would assume so, but still asking to be sure.
with above changes, one can use search-body()  using  the paths refinement.... 
like so:

>> search-body/paths system 'error!

== [
I hope the  above function makes it easier for you guys to track 
down where words are being used and defined.  :-)
note, it only accumulates then within objects and functions for now.
in some cases block, might trigger a match but it doesn't seem completely 
functional, but for me, the above is enough.
Maxim, to answer your questions about cause-error: Three arguments, 
the first two being words from system/catalog/errors, the last one 
eiither being a single value of any type or a block of up to three 
values, depending on which error you are generating. All the info 
you need about a particular error is in system/catalog/errors. The 
number of arguments in the argument block is fixed, per error. The 
usage is in the phrasing of the error message. Pick arguments that 
when molded and put in that position in the error message would make 
the error message make sense.
thx  :-)