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World: r3wp


Robert - nice, thanks for update. btw - what type of application 
you are using it for? IIRC, BEEP(R) is high performanace solution 
(although I found it quite difficult to handle/utilise).
We use / will use it for all applications that need to communicate 
between a client, server or peers. It's high-performance and pretty 
simple to use. Just send a message of any size :-)
Could be used to get Altme faster :-) (although I think that the 
throughput is not the problem, but message store is).
there's an extension for that too :-)
Hmm, SQLite? We also have ODBC one, although only for Windows ....
When I call a callback from C to R3 can I return a result from R3 
to C from the R3 callback handler?
I understand it in that a SYNC callback can return something to the 
C side.
And for ASYNC case I somehow can use RXICBI.result to return something. 
But there is not much doc how to use it. Any exmaples out there?
On the DELIMIT func name topic, my original suggestion, long ago, 
was to add /SKIP to INSERT, but that never went anywhere. What is 
the current feeling toward that (knowing that getting it added might 
be an obstacle).
I generally like /skip. Just recently I used find/skip - very usefull, 
as it treats series as a set of records.
It's currently associated with fixed length records. I'm not sure 
that's flexible enough for DELIMIT
Interesting... Carl wants R3 to run on DirectFB.
presumably for the project he's working on
That makes sense. It's the only Linux video system that's not incredibly 
bloated. It's in Syllable Server and they claim it's in WebOS
I was planning to port R3 to it until it all went poof
+1 for DirectFB. although it required callbacks, thats why i had 
hard time to interface it with gforth many years ago.
It's a low level subsystem. But it's written in C, so it shouldn't 
be too hard
Is Carl trying to run R3 on some embedded system ?
I think he wants to do that.
a TV probably
mm.... close :-)
I thought he would blog about it, but I guess he forgot.
Trying to get back a result from an async callback to Rebol. This 
is the code I use:

	int cb_error = RL_CALLBACK(cbi);

	// check error
		printf("to_rebol_processor: R3 callback failed");
		return false;

	// let's access the result from the callback (string! for now)
	char *callback_result;
	RL_GET_STRING(cbi->result.series, 0, (void**)&callback_result);

The problem is that I get back a (null) pointer for callback_result 
and not the string.
Any idea? The rebol call just returns a fixed a string at the end 
of the callback function.
Ok, as usal I just need to post my problem to solve it :-) I did 
return the string! from a wrong place. Works.
If I use an async callback from C to R3 and want to access the result 
from the Rebol callback on the C side, how do I find out, if the 
async-callback has been executed by R3?

If not, I think I need some kind of active waiting / polling on the 
C side until the callback was executed.
I think the events system supports that
This works: if (GET_FLAG(cbi->flags, RXC_DONE)) {
reply to the statement of past month "No It's not in my imagination 
that rebol is a financial faillure. R3 isn't sold so how can it bring 
money ? r2 is less sold than 10 years ago it's a matter of fact...Last 
point Carl had no remorse to take another job and disapear without 
announcing it publically... This is just basic respect  you say goodbye 
 when you leave ..."
seeing the glass of water half empty or half full don't changes the 
core truth of it's nature ... the glass only contains half of it 
of the liquid it could contain as maximum :).
I'm tired  of being over optimistic and supportive and see the poor 
results that brings ...
you take carl's abandon as you want so let me free to interprete 
it as I want too and on my own point of view what he did is a slap 
in our face ...
Carl could not do anything worst to rebol ... and neither the less 
it was a logical conclusion of a pharaonic oneman driven project...
expressing my opinion is all Carl eventually allowed us when it comes 
to direct interaction to rebol/core  all what isn't rebol/core deeply 
related was cut short by carl ...
now can we ask why and hope to have a frantic reply on that matter 
or  do we have to play happy face   forever ?
by the way banning me from here will just have as effect to had my 
name to the over long long list of people that don't express anything 
anymore for rebol ...
118 people camed here since 1th january, 67 people of them camed 
since 1st agust
this is what our community is in 2011 ...
I see the other language grow I see rebol shrink. Can I ask what 
you really plan to do to change this ?
Everyone agrees the situation is bad. That's no reason to make it 
worse by fighting over exactly how bad. Besides, it's old news. Several 
of us are moving on
rebol shrink  this is a fact too look how much brillant things were 
abandonned in those past 5 years sacrificed on the altar of progress 
to feed r3. But r3 is it really a progress ... I like some of the 
things in it ... as much as I could see them when Carl presented 
them  like the new trace function but sincerely I never used it ... 
and sincerely I never used r3 ... I don't even understand why the 
r2 console was abandonned ... and replaced by the cheapest possible 
less elegant solution ...
Kaj  I don't think I make things worst I thing most of the people 
here just don't give a damn ...  but if you are at a state were you 
refuse any discution to try to find a solution  to our current problem 
... Can we set RMA R3GUI to have as main goal to propose a concrete 
thing like for example "a rebol console based on their library in 
can we show concretly that carl is wrong to be AWAY undefinatly from 
rebol ? Can rebol survive this  or will rebol community be tired 
and bring a community project that will continue what ever Carl do 
to bring the interest back to rebol?
If you keep placing demands on things you have no control over, you 
will keep being disappointed
Kaj it's been 10 years now I'm around rebol  and  last time this 
very people talked about creating a fork of rebol that could standalone 
as a relevent project with a true future it was  before Carl anouncing 
the r3 projet and already in that time  Carl was went missing without 
news to hear.
I know; what's your point?
so Carl came at that time with the r3 project motivate us around 
it gived us hopes and 5 years later we are in the worst situation 
... And we are back at the initial stage "carl is missing we need 
another solution to make rebol granted a futur independently of Carl"
my point is that I really fear all the actual project to be nothing 
more than oneshots that runs short and disapear after Carl brillant 
return to announce on his all mighty goodness he will reboot rebol 
and do r4 :)