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World: r3wp


OK what do we have to do to put an end to this masquerade ???
do we have to buy rebol source code from carl like it was done from 
neogeo by blender ? if that the case I'm ready to give to taht purpose 
one moth of salary in full this is how commited I am to rebol cause 

I like rebol I always liked it and will always like it ... I'm just 
extermely sad that we can't organise a proper stuff to make rebol 
the gran scripting language it deserves to be 

We lack comitement we lack seriousnes and sorry to tell you this 
but rebol shouldn't be our hobby it should be our reason to very 

You guys should be ashamed to see so much people leaving this community 
and instead of smugging them and ignoring them YOU (yeah you !  don't 
force me to call you by your name !) should be an offering  force 
to create main project AND WORK WITH THE OTHERS to make rebol something 
noticeable not just something to fill your spare time !

you shoudl be ashamed of this ... common are you so blind that you 
see rebol being abandonned and deserted more and more  RMA is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar 
zillion light years of being as community moving as RebGUI and the 
main reason is that by abandoning REbGUI you slaped us in our faces 
and know what we don't like that we don't like the gurus selected 
fews we don't like RMA we don't like what rebol has become and the 
one more hating is is carl sassenrath  himself  we forced his hand 
to give us more  freedom and more action on rebol and WE WASTED IT 
purely and simply 

Then all we ever standed for is futile and void ... and what I see 
here is stupid comments about a dead product that it's main own and 
only author abandoned .

Instead of giving bucktracks that will never been read or take in 
considaration please the remaining of you the rebol community TAKE 

If you hate me if you dispise me then this is your chance to prouve 
me wrong and make miserable ! cause hey the mniserable ones til now 
are you the stupid tens thousand bugs founders that will never find 
a solution cause the main guy to  implement those fixe is gone since 
november 2010
focus on one and single project do what RMA wasn't able to do ... 
and if to acheive that you have to make cyphre Robert and the other 
RMA members myserable just do it ! do a freaking r3gui that can hold 
a candle to was rebGUI was and is ! so far you are just fucking sploiled 
child and I hate you  sooooooooooo much .  you were given everything 
I never had, the fame the confidence the spot light  the ears of 
each and everyone and what you do out of that  ????!!!  nothing ! 
 you let carl to totally toy you !
telling you you are spineless would be un insult to unvertebrated 
kind ...
any other people with un inch of  pride would have  in front of such 
a move reacted 1000 times folds  you waht you do is summing the stupid 
talks and not take any concrete action !
rebol is dead ...  it's dead since the rebol 3 project was started 
in 2004 just after AGG was integrated to vid and just after rebservice 
and rebcode were alpha done
now you will continue to do what you have always done ... submiting 
stuff that noones cares about it just to feel the blanks of your 
existence ... this is one thing that not even carl wants to participate 
in ... so face it ... and stop you  are ridiculous can you give me 
since january 2010 one noticeable thing that is worst mentioning 
Why don't you do it yourself? Your fame is there for the taking
Dear shadwolf, please, notice that we have a special channel for 
frustration... it's called ~Vent. Use it. By the way, we already 
know that you "hate us soooooooooo much". And if REBOL is dead, let 
it RIP. And find a living toy elsewhere. Or at least ... use the 
~Vent if you are so addicted to be here.
I think, he's outta here, maybe for good.
How can I get a list of all R3 words that are available directly 
after the interpreter booted as input for creating a color coding 
BrianH or others could say for sure. You could start with [words-of 
system/catalog] and drill down into datatypes, actions, etc. from 
`words-of lib` is a good start.
Only 2 months for R3 to be in limbo for one year :-( Still no sign 
of Carl's more active involvement?
We should hold awake
I agree with Andreas: words-of lib is the best start for a syntax 
Is rebol a going concern or not?  I don't want to take the time to 
learn a dead language.
it's probably a good idea for you to wait a couple of years and see 
where it is at that time.
Well, we've waited four years so far from the initial announcement 
and timescale:
Rebol is a 100 year language like Arc :)
Well said, Graham, even if you were trying to be funny.
REBOL is far from a dead language. REBOL 2 is being used as heavliy 
as ever, see Qtask.com, Synapse-EHR & Cheyenne-Server.org. Three 
dialects of REBOL, namely boron, RED & Topaz, have evolved from REBOL. 
Each offers something different - a fast cut-down evaluator, a native 
code compiled  language and a JavaScript compiler. They are all a 
different stages of their development.
The core of REBOL3 appears sufficiently stable for a lot of work 
being put into developing a REBOL3 GUI.
the 100 year old language means that the developer is prepared to 
take as long as it is necessary to get it right .. I think Paul Graham 
has mentioned the 100 years in relation to his development of Arc
I read that essay a long time ago. I thought he meant that he wanted 
to develop a language that would still be relevant 100 years from 
now -- not take 100 years to develop it.
Yes I think the implication is that as well ....
Languages don't die, but become irrelevant. You are free to use ALGOL 
for your projects, but there are probably other languages better 
for the task, so ALGOL is not so relevant anymore. I don't see REBOL 
becoming irrelevant any time soon.
Carl is terrible in mainataining the community. The same question 
was asked on facebook. His blogs an twitte are dead, and R3 chat? 
The system, which halted development of R3 for quite some time, is 
offline for something like a month? Didn't Carl even noticed? Well, 
of couse, as the last time he was online was in April.

R3 is in the state, where others might use it to their advantage, 
and buil-up on it. And e.g. RMA is doing so. What would be still 
welcomed by many, it is for Carl to at least share his commitment 
to the future of REBOL, because I can understand, why ppl are reluctant 
to use it.

From all the REBOL related projects, RED and maybe TOPAZ are the 
most real ones. We will see, how those projects go ...
Hmm, should replace my keyboard :-( I need to press certain letters 
several times on my notebook ....
Learning Rebol makes sense even when you don't use it because it 
just shows you the big problems and miss conceptions of other languages.
Boron and predecessors have been pretty real for half a decade, Petr; 
it's just that people are ignoring them. It's all in the mind
or in their architecture and achievement, and in author's ignorance 
to co-work with the community ....
Boron's author has made all the arrangements for the community to 
contribute. It's the community who is ignoring him
Red now has a better architecture, but that says nothing about Boron 
in the past
Kaj - who's Karl Robillard? And who's Boron author? Carl too? I don't 
remember him from ML (but maybe my memory does not work well enough), 
I don't know him from here,so if I might choose - I will always prefer 
systems from guys like Gabriele, Doc, Ladislav, or other ppl well 
known from the community past. So - the problem in communication 
might be on both sides. Besides that, of course - many of us had 
no interest in fork projects, as R3 seemed so promissing ... who 
could knew that it will end the way it is? :-)
Pardon? What does Carl have to do with Boron?
In old times, Karl was active in the REBOL community under the handle 
Wickedsmoke, publishing REBOL code on his website and SourceForge
He was also in AltME, but he's an open source guy, so for his language 
implementations he followed all the usual open source routes, much 
like Red is doing now
you see - I even don't know, who's the Boron's author ...
And you deny that REBOL people are ignoring him?
Conversely, the open source scene is ignoring REBOL, and sadly that 
includes clones, so Karl fell between a rock and a hard place
No, I deny his work with the community, that is all. Imight set-up 
REBOL conference, and invite no-one, just do some infrastructure, 
web-presentation, etc., not talk to ppl, and wonder, why noone is 
attending ... I never felt enough "marketing" is surrounding Orca 
or Boron.

And yes, open-source world is ignoring REBOL clones, maybe because 
1) they think that there is very few ppl involved anyway 2) because 
they might feel that anything REBOL related is doomed, not enough 
popular, etc. 3) because REBOL syntax and functional languages do 
not attract many, and they hardly become mainstream ... 4) because 
world is moving towards - do-everything-in-JS+HTML+CSS
Ah, so why does the open source world think nothing is going on with 
REBOL? Because we organised a conference without inviting them
It's true that Karl is not very proactive, but you have to ask yourself 
who the needy one is here. Open source has all they want, Karl has 
his own language he wanted; the REBOL community is the needy one 
without a language
I don't compare him to R3, I am comparing him to Doc, and his aproach. 
And I can see the difference (for myself, of course). And RED is 
open-source language too ... Anyway - I abandoned R3.I am waiting 
for Carl to announce R4 :-)
What other project is Carl involved in?
SFaber, I think that learning REBOL cannot hurt. For me it still 
will be very good universal tool.
Carl is involved in some secret projects, that's why it's such a 
I can accept that.  I've been looking at python and perl and cannot 
even choose a gui to work with.
I like python best, but there is no gui for v.3.0.