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[ReBorCon 2011] REBOL & Boron Conference

we had some some problems with the camera
Peter provided us with another camera
we shifted the time schedlue
= schedule
so Kaj starts with Boron 3D demo
(by proxy) from Karl Robillard
Kaj gives Boron overview
now Boron-GL
Boron-GL datatypes
now the 3D demo starts
lens flares
shadows it generates
about this presentation
someone mentioed that the planet in the background
was not completely round
Kaj explained thath this depended on OpenGL and the quality of the 
3D card
we invite Nenad now to start his presentation
Nenad starts his presentation about Cheyenne
introducing himself
Nenad skis the usual jokes out of time pressure
skis = skips
Nenad started programming at fifteen years
on Sinclair Basic
owner of software company in Paris: Softinnov
Cheyenne Web Server: Introduction
Why making yet another web server
A few facts
Cheyenne Architecture overview
Main process, Worker Processes Pool
The Request Pipeline
Content Serving
RSP Scripting
- Basic Concepts
- Session handling
Web Apps:
- Application container
- Application services
Other Features:
- Maintenance using external console
- Embedded mode
- Upload API for clients
- Experimental built-in services
- Windows NT Services support
presentation is over
Nenad is showing a demo
Nenad is now fastly jumping to his new project announcement
Why am I using REBOL since 11 years