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don't you mean:

foreach v reduce [a] [if all [string? :v empty? :v] [...]...]
I didn't want to reduce first as then I can't report which one is 
I do not understand
say I have a: "testing" b: ""

how would I say .. variable b is empty?
If I reduce the block of words first, then I no longer know which 
word is empty
if you have foreach v [a] [...] , then v is a word, not a string, 
so, in case you really mean it, you need something like:

if all [string? get v empty? get v]
sounds right
Ladislav, I corrected the issue with :less-or-equal?
And made some optimizations (I hope so).
On large serie
heapify: func [s start len comp /local step sav inc][
	inc: 0
	;-- search terminal leaf.
	step: start
	while [2 * step < len][
		++ inc
		step: 2 * step
		unless (comp s/(++ step) s/:step) [-- step]
	if 2 * step = len [++ inc step: len]

	;-- bottom-up, search insertion point
	loop inc [
		unless (comp s/:step s/:start) [break] 
		step: shift step -1
		-- inc
	;-- bottom-up swap
	switch/default inc [
		1 [swap at s start at s step]	;-- single swap
		0 []							;-- no swap
		sav: s/:start					;-- chain swap
		loop inc [
				s/:step: also sav sav: s/:step
				step: shift step -1
		s/:step: sav

heapsort: func [serie comp /local len][
	len: length? serie
	;-- build heap
	for i shift len -1 1 -1 [heapify serie i len :comp]
	;-- sort
	for i len 1 -1 [
		swap serie at serie i
		heapify serie 1 i - 1 :comp
s: make block! len: 1000
loop len [append s random len]
s2: copy s

n: 0
heapsort s func [a b][++ n a < b]
print ["bottom-up heapsort, number of comparisons =" n]

n: 0
sort/compare s2 func [a b][++ n a < b]
print ["Rebol sort (R3 + Vista), number of comparisons =" n]
bottom-up heapsort, number of comparisons = 10301
Rebol sort (R3 + Vista), number of comparisons = 12726
Steeve, my measurements suggest, that your previous version was a 
bit faster (is it caused by the fact, that you have to provide also 
for :lesser-or-equal?
My result:

random/seed 0
s: make block! len: 1000
loop len [append s random len]

n: 0
heapsort copy s func [a b][++ n a < b]
print ["bottom-up heapsort, number of comparisons =" n]

n: 0
sort/compare copy s func [a b][++ n a < b]

print ["Rebol sort (R3 + Windows 7 Home Premium), number of comparisons 
=" n]

n: 0
msort copy s func [a b][++ n a < b]
print ["Merge sort, number of comparisons =" n]
bottom-up heapsort, number of comparisons = 10406

Rebol sort (R3 + Windows 7 Home Premium), number of comparisons = 
Merge sort, number of comparisons = 8715
BTW, the "information-theoretical limit" of comparisons is: 8530
I should have a look on your merge implementation.

It's said that "merging" merge with insertion sort give better results
but as it is now, you got pretty nice  results
merging merge with insertion sort give better results

 - actually, it depends; "merging merge with insertion sort" gives 
 worse results from the information-theoretical POV (IMO), since you 
 "prefer certain permutations" (= give them higher probability)
Thus, you can sort certain permutations (the ones already sorted) 
much faster, than is the "information theoretical limit", but at 
the cost of exceeding it noticeably sorting other permutations.
Searching for an optimal (small and fast) implementation of the following 
* Swap two subsets inside a serie.

	block:  [4  5  6   1 2] (5 values)
	Starting index of the 2nd subset inside the block: 4

	[ 1 2    4  5  6] 

Easy to do in plain Rebol right ?

But here's the trouble, It must be memory safe. You're not allowed 
to do any memory allocation.

You're can only swap values inside the block. And the number of swaps 
should be optimal.
(no sort, no parse, no copy/make/insert/append/change)
Don't want something recursive aswell
Just for starters.....This does it with 12 XORs (three per swap).

But the tricky bit may be pre-computing the from-list and to-list 

;; function to do the swap

swap-items: func [
   data [block!]
   from-list [block!]
   to-list [block!]
 for n 1 length? from-list 1 [
     ind1: from-list/:n
     ind2: to-list/:n
     data/:ind1: xor data/:ind1 data/:ind2
     data/:ind2: xor data/:ind1 data/:ind2
     data/:ind1: xor data/:ind1 data/:ind2
     return data

;; Sample run    
     block: [4 5 6 1 2]
     probe swap-items block [1 2  1 1] [3 4 5 2]
    [1 2 4 5 6]
I should have said: the values can be of any type,.integers or anything 

You don't need to find a tricky way to swap values. The purpose is 
not to find how to swap values.

The purpose is to find an algorithm with a minimal amount of single 
swaps .
>> swap-sub [a b 1 d  z 3   X 3 Y ]  7 
== [ X 3 Y   a b 1 d z 3]
in R3, you can swap values like this:
swap [a] [b]
in R2
a: also b a: b

Or use a tmp variable, as you want.
Any kind of these methods count as 1 swap.
what does that 7 in swap-sub [a b 1 d  z 3   X 3 Y ]  7 mean?
7 is the index if the second subset in the serie
where X stand
I try to swap [[a b 1 d  z 3]   [X 3 Y ]]
minus the sub blocks
OK, thanks
Not optimal, but a start:

bubble-to-front: funct [series index] [for i index 2 -1 [swap b: 
at series i back b] series]

swap-sub: funct [series position] [loop (n: length? series) - position 
+ 1 [bubble-to-front series n] series]
I've written some very clunky code that I'd be ashamed to post as 
a solution.

But I can offer you an algorithm that acheives the effect in N-1 
swaps at most where 
N is the sum of the lengths of the two sequences.
It's the more-or-less same algorithm used by Andreas.

Here's how it works. Given these two sequences:
       a b c    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Step1: cyclically rotate the longer sequence M times, where M is 
the difference in length of the sequences. So in this case, we rotate 
3 (7 - 4) times:
       a b c    4 5 6 7    1 2 3

Step2: swap the elements of the shorter sequence with the tail of 
the longer one:
       1 2 3    4 5 6 7    a b c
And it's done.

The cycling in place is the tricky part. It can be done, but my code 
is just too ugly to share :(

Andreas's bubble-to-front is an elegant approach to doing the cycling, 
but is not optimed to reduce the number of steps.

It's a managable sub-problem that is a challenge to solve, so I am 
sure someone can do better than me :)
; helper function:
swap-first: func [
	{swap the first elements of A and B}
	a [series!]
	b [series!]
	/local t
	set/any 't first a
	change/only a first b
	change/only b get/any 't
; implementation:
swap-sub: func [
	{swap the subseries using the SWAP-FIRST function}
	a [series!]
	b [integer!]
	/local la lb pa pb
	pa: a
	la: b - 1
	pb: skip a la
	lb: (length? a) - la
	while [all [la > 0 lb > 0]][
		either la <= lb [
			loop la [
				swap-first pa pb
				pa: next pa
				pb: next pb
			pb: skip pa la
			lb: lb - la
			pa: skip pa la - lb
			loop lb [
				swap-first pa pb
				pa: next pa
				pb: next pb
			pa: skip pa negate la
			la: la - lb
			pb: skip pa la
but, I do not have a proof at hand, that it is optimal
I had a similar volume of code, but not nearly as neat, Ladislav.

The problem somehow feels that it ought to have a one-liner solution; 
but the constaints on what can be used in the code make that hard 
to find :)
looks more like rebcode :)
When you take away everything that makes REBOL REBOL, there's not 
much left :)
Steeve also forgot to mention that you're not allowed to use syntax.
this may look more readable:

; implementation:
swap-n: func [
	{swap n elements}
	a [series!]
	b [series!]
	n [integer!]
	loop n [swap-first a b a: next a b: next b]

swap-sub: func [
	{swap the subseries using the SWAP-FIRST function}
	a [series!]
	b [integer!]
	/local la lb pa pb
	pa: a
	la: b - 1
	pb: skip a la
	lb: (length? a) - la
	while [all [la > 0 lb > 0]][
		either la <= lb [
			swap-n pa pb la
			pb: skip pa la
			lb: lb - la
			pa: skip pa la - lb
			swap-n pa pb lb
			pa: skip pa negate la
			la: la - lb
			pb: skip pa la
aha, it is wrong, this way
swap-sub: func [
	{swap the subseries using the SWAP-FIRST function}
	a [series!]
	b [integer!]
	/local la lb pa pb
	pa: a
	la: b - 1
	pb: skip a la
	lb: (length? a) - la
	while [all [la > 0 lb > 0]][
		either la <= lb [
			swap-n pa pb la
			pa: pb
			pb: skip pa la
			lb: lb - la
			swap-n skip pa la - lb pb lb
			la: la - lb
			pb: skip pa la

swap-first: func [
	{swap the first elements of A and B}
	a [series!]
	b [series!]
	/local t
	k: k + 1
	set/any 't first a
	change/only a first b
	change/only b get/any 't

k: 0
swap-sub [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] 7
k ; == 6
So, Sunanda, how many swaps you are getting?
If the two series lengths are L1 and L2, I get L1+L2-1 swaps -- at 
most. But there are exceptions, eg:
    [a b c d   1 2]

Needs only 4 swaps....An any [{L1 // L2) = 0 (L2 // L1) = 0] test 
triggers a shortcut.

However .....I also have some edge-case bugs in my code -- so you 
OUPS my cat on my keyboard ;-)
Claude, use the little pencil above the typing area for multi-line 
text. That might reduce accidental sending :-)