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[!REBOL3 Proposals] For discussion of feature proposals

(looking at old R3 the policies may have moved)
You can store that stack as local variables in the SECURE mezz, manually 
restoring them when the /do is done.
The problem with making running state secure so that functions won't 
be installed when the security restores is that it is much trickier 
to secure task-local state than it is to do for the stuff in lib 
and sys. We should consider doing this as a MAKE task! extension 
ah... yes... stupid idea on my part... obviously that makes it task 
local by default... doh.
though the MAKE task! is appealing its also very disruptive, since 
it implies a lot more than just securing access to devices.

but I am not sure what you mean by "so that functions won't be installed 
when the security restores"
We can secure lib and sys because we are smart mezzanine developers, 
and they can stay secured. But the user contexts are task-local and 
isolated, so they would need to be secured again for each task. And 
any script you run in a user context affects subsequent scripts run 
in that same context. So if you run a script with increased security, 
it can install functions in the user context that it is running in 
that wouldn't affect the already-secured lib code, but *would* affect 
code that is run in the same user context after SECURE/do returns. 
So if those functions are called later, they will run with full permissions. 
This is called escalation.
yes... I just wanted to be sure that is what you meant.
But SECURE doesn't protect from those kind of security issues anyways, 
so this may be not a problem that we have to worry about here. However, 
normally the security prompt will protect against this kind of thing, 
and the whole point of SECURE/do is to get rid of that prompt.
though in most cases SECURE/do would be used to restrict what *your* 
code is allowed to access ...
Full sandboxing would require running in a separate task, calling 
a script by IMPORT/no-lib/no-user/isolate instead of DO, and providing 
a whole set of safe words and wrapper functions for the script to 
use. But many aspects of the existing system are designed with this 
in mind.
I think we don't need a separate task for sandboxing... since this 
opens up new different concurency issues.
Total sandboxing might require SECURE/LAUNCH rather than SECURE/DO. 
But that's a whole other set of trade-offs.
We would need eval limits then if you don't do the separate task. 
Do those work yet?
since as part of the new task, there is an implicit "clone-user-context" 
step at some point...   maybe that could be something we can actually 
use manually within a script?
so you clone user context, run stuff inside of it, then pull out 
some expected data changes, and destroy that clone explicitely.
The eval limits I tried work
Um, no, there is no indication that there will be a "clone-user-context" 
step as part of making a new task. There is a "clone the user context 
from the lib" step in starting all user scripts, but no "clone a 
user context from another user context" step.
Everything said about the concurrency model so far indicates that 
it will not be the fork/exec model. Instead it will be the "create 
a new user context from scratch and populate its task-local values 
from the shared stuff" model.
And shared stuff you don't want modified will be made read-only. 
There will likely be some kind of message passing and/or synchronization 
to share modifiable data between tasks and coordinate efforts.
I think that user-context cloning should be considered as an option. 
 even without tasks.  it might help in providing a proper sand-box. 
  though I can see some things that it currently doesn't cover on 
its own, it would allow the basis for a strong model.

something like:

ctx: clone-user-ctx

ctx/my-func data ; (this becomes shared, so you decide how this is 
managed, copy if required)

what I need:  ctx/some-value

ctx: none  ; recycle it.
All you need to do to sandbox some code is isolate it and give it 
its own lib and user contexts.
yes... but "it's own" should allow a clone of the "current" one.
A user context by default only contains a reference to system. Everything 
else comes from lib. Cloning lib is more effective.
I'm not talking about fast, I am talking about easy and practical. 
 the user-context already exists so Cloning it should also be an 
make it lib by default (which I agree it should be) but in many cases, 
that will lead to *very* complicated or even impossible to replicate 
data setups.
shared stuff can be tampered.

when its protected, then it can't be used in all circumstances.

a perfect clone of the user allows tampering, without the danger, 
since it can't affect you anyways.
A standard sandbox lib could be provided that contains a safe version 
of the standard lib that R3 comes with. Then you could derive your 
own safe lib from that one, to add your own predefined functions. 
No clone of the user context would be necessary. And for that matter, 
you should assume that cloning the user context is impossible because 
of cyclic references.
actually, cyclic references is one of the specific reasons for a 
clone-user-context native ! ;-)
The SANDBOX function wouldn't then need to do anything custom to 
the user context that the script it is running is using. All it would 
need to do is create a safe system object, create an object that 
references that object using the 'system word, and set the lib and 
security settings to those provided as arguments to the SANDBOX function.
I agree on all points.
The object with the one 'system word in it would be the script's 
user context. Everything else would come from the lib.
A different lib than the one that regular scripts use, of course.
#1743 added to have QUIT with no /now, #1744 added to have CATCH/name 
use EQUIV? comparison (considering contexts), and #1520 scaled back 
to be the CATCH/name true option, no other options added.
Also changed the comment in #1742 to match the new combined model 
of #1518, #1520, #1742, #1743 and #1744.
#1521 would be better to do as a separate function (perhaps RECOVER).
I would be just thrilled to see something like PROBE/SOLVE 

I have trouble "understanding" how to read rebol code.  I'm getting 
there, but still I make mistakes.  I would love to see a "step by 
step" breakdown of some rebol code.

I'll give you a good metaphor:   Remember Algebra, with parethasis 
and the steps you took to solve a problem:

( (a * 2) + (b / 3) ) / 5   Then you substituted for your variables 
step by step and solved the problem.  I'd love to have rebol do something 
like that.  So instead of one line like PROBE, you could get several 
lines, that show how the function was evaluated to arrive at the 
final result.  Maybe TRACE does this?

All in all, I'd like more debugging tools, or at least some expanded 
documentation on how to debug rebol code faster!  Thanks
TRACE does this, but it may be hard to read.
trace/function too
Pat, remember that you can replace the function building mezz code 
like funct and func.   though its not for novice users, since you 
do have the source when you 'SOURCE these builders, it can be quite 
easy to tweak them so they do a few things more...  like add a little 
break point at the end of each func and probe all the collected words, 

with a global word you could control if this tracing occurs, just 
by setting it to true or false, dynamically.
Ladislav and I have been collecting the pros and cons of the various 
issues and proposals related to escape functions here: http://www.rebol.net/wiki/Exceptions
wow, that is a very nice document, I hope it makes its way to the 
official r3 documentation when an "official" R3 specification is 
finally written, after all the tweaks to the language.
Keep in mind that only *one* of those proposals for the new model 
of function behavior would be done. I am in favor of either "Definitional 
return with an option to not define RETURN and EXIT, dynamic return 
as a fallback" or "Definitional return with an option to not define 
RETURN and EXIT, no dynamic return". How about you?
Just tweaked it a little - something wasn't a disadvantage, it was 
just part of the proposal.
right now..  my brain would choose this way:

my-brain [ ]

hour: 12h35AM
options: [
	"Dynamic return with optional transparency"
	"Definitional return only"

 "Dynamic-return-only functions vs. option of definitional-return-only 
	"Dynamic return with a definitional return option"

 "Definitional return with an option to not define RETURN and EXIT, 
 dynamic return as a fallback"

 "Definitional return with an option to not define RETURN and EXIT, 
 no dynamic return"

either hour > 00:00:00 & hour < 06:00:00 [
	select options random length? options

 write altme://!REBOL3 Proposals/answer  read http://www.rebol.net/wiki/Exceptions
and my-brain doesn have the same seed as rebol, so you can't guess 
my option right now  ;-)
Let's just make it a standing question then :)
I just finished clening up my public xml library for Graham to test... 
if all goes well, I will proably upload it to rebol.org this week.
so I'm pooped.... time to fire up the PS3.
Ah, I was going to lie down and watch TV on my computer in the other 
room :)
If a function can't be rewritten so it doesn't use inner functions, 
you have no recourse.

What's that supposed to mean?