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[Red] Red language group

Good to know, seems easier at first look, to interface with than 
Interfacing with C++ functions and objects requires matching the 
name mangling and structure layout conventions, and those are different 
between compilers. There are some attempts to standardize these conventions, 
but their success is limited. This is why the developers of most 
Unix clones tend to hate C++. The best solution on most platforms 
tends to be to use C wrappers or one of the binary object interop 
standards like COM or CORBA.
Note that there is a typo in the manual you linked here: http://www.rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore-16.html#section-3.1
- the caret character is listed as #"^" when it should be #"^^".
Actually, almost all of those character literal examples are missing 
their leading ^.
Bad place for a typo.
Thanks for mentioning it, I've added a note in the specs about that.
It's an incomplete list too. Here is a complete list of the control 
characters (not including the keywords or hex in parens):

>> print mold collect [for x 0 255 1 [if 4 < length? mold to-char 
x [keep to-char x]]]

[#"^@" #"^A" #"^B" #"^C" #"^D" #"^E" #"^F" #"^G" #"^H" #"^-" #"^/" 
#"^K" #"^L" #"^M" #"^N" #"^O" #"^P" #"^Q" #"^R" #"^S" #"^T" #"^U" 
#"^V" #"^W" #"^X" #"^Y" #"^Z" #"^[" #"^\" #"^]" #"^!" #"^_" #"^"" 
#"^^" #"^~"]
That's in R2. In R3 it seems to be the same list, but #"^!" molds 
as #"^(1E)".
The new documentation is quite extensive. Is everything described 
(apart from the plans section) implemented, or not everything yet?
Doc, the Red project has really sparked my hope for future REBOL 
development.  The following discussion is particularly exciting:

Kaj: I've implemented 85-90% so far, I'll publish a list of missing 
features today.
Btw, anonymous comments are now allowed on the blog (I've left the 
Nick: french talks passed through Google's translation service really 
do look weird...but the meaning seems mostly preserved. About Red, 
the potential is huge: draw a triangle with C, Lua and REBOL on each 
corner and put Red in the middle, you'll get a feeling of the possibilities. 
I want View for drawing triangles, not C or Lua :-)
But maybe you mean the possibility of rather easy usage of different 
targets/backend, and Red being  a glue language? Well, IIRC Reichart 
suggested REBOL being renamed to Glue, in the past. So will we have 
Red Glue? :-)
But you have it: view [drawing 200x200 [triangle 0x0 200x0 100x200]] 
Rebolek - does it work in Red? :-)
Red turns out to be classic:
hmm, a name conflict? Well - we are modern red :-)
it's not here though - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programming_languages
But maybe you mean the possibility of rather easy usage of different 
targets/backend, and Red being  a glue language?

No, it's actually the opposite. I meant capturing the possibilities 
of these tools and merging them in one unique tool: Red.
The old Red mentioned on the page from Kaj's link never made it public 
AFAIK and seems burried six feet under decades of computing history. 
So, no name conflict there ;-)
The ES Red = EN Network name works well (methinks).
Good to know, I'll spend the next weekend in Spain, so I'll try to 
keep that in mind if I have to present my work. :-)
Specs doc updated with now an additional CSS skin with white background 
(as requested by several ppl): http://sidl.fr/red/red-system-specs.html
WRT naming, is it's uniqueness as a search term not important? I 
suppose that you could always use "red language", but I would still 
think that a unique name would be the way to go. Maybe Petr's redglue.
Uniqueness would be nice, but it's very hard to find a unique language 
name, that is short, doesn't sound bad, have a meaning, etc...Also 
having a common name has never been a problem for Perl, Python, Ruby,...
Thanks Doc, that reads much better
Well, you have to think a little bit if Red is the same as those 
when it comes to searching. Perl is actually unique since pearl is 
the spelling of the oyster product. When it comes to Python, I can 
tell you that in typical English language use, the frequency of the 
word python will be relatively low, so you won't really pollute search 
results for the language which has a relatively large use in the 
IT community. Ruby is somewhat similar in that you won't find too 
many uses of the singular word ruby used by the general population 
- at least not to outweigh its language name frequency. When it comes 
to Red, I can guarantee you that red is quite a common word.
well..... if you search red language in google, you already have 
the 3rd entry and several hits on the first results page, so I  guess 
it not that big a deal  :-)
sure, that's what I said above, you need to use "red language" - 
the thing is that "language" needs to be part of the query and I'm 
guessing that there will be lots of pages where this word will not 
be included. I just think that if you are going to be creating a 
new language, uniqueness in naming is only a plus and now would be 
the time to determine that rather than after its use is widespread
really it's not like there is a shortage of unique names out there 
- the only problem is that usually everyone has an opinion as to 
what's a good name - too many points of view
I think that the language name alone is not the typical query that 
someone would do. Here's two examples:

- Tiobe index relies on "<language> programming" as its search query 
to mesure the popularity of a programming language (see http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/tpci_definition.htm)

- For Cheyenne web server (not a language, but uses a common name), 
people coming to the web site with only "cheyenne" as a search keyword 
are very few. A vast majority use "cheyenne server" or "cheyenne 
web" or "cheyenne rebol". Anyway, after been online for a few months/years, 
Cheyenne's web site appeared on first page if you search for that 
word only (while there's really a *lot* of others resources not related 
to this web server).

There's also another point to consider. If the target name is not 
strongly associated with an existing brand or a popular product, 
you'll see a lot of unrelated results on first page (that's the case 
for "Red"). So, AFAIU page ranking algorithm, once Red language will 
spread larger, I'm ready to bet that the cross-reference links of 
Red-related site (and back-references to Red's home site) will push 
it rapidly on the first page, or even in the top 3 list.
Anyway, I'm not against switching to a better (unique) name, but 
it needs really to fill my criteria:
- short
- sounds ok in english
- doesn't sound bad in french
- have a meaning related to the language
- if possible, not a backronym (they are usually bad)

- has .org / .com / .net free (it's ok if adding "-lang" is needed 
for that)
- I need to like it (or at least be able to get accustomed to it)
The jewel names could have been a good place to pick a programming 
language name, but last time I've checked all the good&short ones 
have been taken already.
(Gabriele took the last good one ;-))

 was a good name that Carl once said he would have been willing to 
 rebrand REBOL to.
but I really like Red.  :-)
Zen would have been a good choice too for my language. IIRC, when 
I checked that a few months ago, it was taken already. Anyway, same 
lack of uniqueness as Red.
Stay with the name, Doc :-)
You could use ch'an ... that preceded zen :)
Ch'an Buddhism spread to Japan where it became known as Zen
I like Red. It's a strong, simple name with emotional connotations 
that isn't in current use for baffling unknown reasons. It's the 
same reason that Project (Red) chose it.
I have to say I'm not a fan of the something in 14.7 of the system 
specs: "Support 0 and 1 as valid boolean results". That is a bad 
practice, and putting it into Red/System might lead to it leaking 
into Red. Just because it's C level doesn't mean it needs to repeat 
C's mistakes. It's better to stick to the REBOL-like, Lisp-like truth 
Well, it's just an option, as mentioned in my last blog entry, another 
one is to make boolean first class type.
I also would like variable declarations to infer type based on first 
(static) assignment.... much more usable.
That would be better, Doc.
Maxim, that is what he has proposed for the top level variables. 
It might work for locals as well though.