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I wrote a simple text editor in the Red GUI dialect:

Red []

#include %common/input-output.red
#include %GTK/GTK.red

load-file: function [
	field		[integer!]  ; "widget!"
	area		[integer!]  ; "widget!"
	return:		[logic!]
	all [
		link: get-field-text field
		not empty? link
		data: read link
		set-area-text area data
view/title [
	"File/URL:" line: field "" [load-file face text]
	button "Load" [load-file line text]
	button "Save" [
		all [
			link: get-field-text line
			not empty? link
			data: get-area-text text
			write link data
	text: area
	button "Quit" close
] "Red GTK+ Text Editor"
In the line field, you can enter either a local file name or a URL, 
so the editor can be used both on local files and files on remote 
This is really cool.  I wanna play!
I extended the Red text editor to support a program argument, for 
loading a text source from the command line:
Red []

#include %common/input-output.red
#include %GTK/GTK.red

link: argument 1

load-file: function [
	field		[integer!]  ; "widget!"
	area		[integer!]  ; "widget!"
	return:		[logic!]
	all [
		link: get-field-text field
		not empty? link
		data: read link
		set-area-text area data
view/title compose [
	"File/URL:" line: field (any [link ""]) [load-file face text]
	button "Load" [load-file line text]
	button "Save" [
		all [
			link: get-field-text line
			not empty? link
			data: get-area-text text
			write link data
	text: area (any [
		all [
			not empty? link
			read link
	button "Quit" close
] "Red GTK+ Text Editor"
With Doc's latest Red fixes, I was able to write a very simple IDE 
in the GUI dialect:


You can write either regular Red code or GUI dialect code, and execute 
it with respectively the Do or View button. Do executes the code 
in the interpreter, so no compilation is needed, but the current 
limitations of the interpreter apply.

The code is only 25 lines, but at Brian's request, I'll post that 
in the #Red channel.
It's best to start it from a command line to get any diagnostic output
I added seven Red GTK+ examples to the test builds, including the 
new text editor and simple IDE, so you can try them out right away.

The sources are here:

The binary programs are here:

*/Red/console-pro now includes the GTK binding, so you can make GUIs 
interactively right from the Red interpreter console.

Further, HBOX and VBOX styles are now available for layouting.
I've moved the support libraries for Windows from the MSDOS/RedSystem/ 
folder to the MSDOS/Red/ folder, so the Red examples can be run right 

Of course, this means that the libraries now need to be added to 
the Red/System examples before starting them.
I've reconsidered removing the Windows libraries from the MSDOS/RedSystem/ 
folder. It occurred to me that Fossil identifies files by their hash 
value, so it should be able to detect identical files and store them 
only once. It turns out it does, so I have now actually also added 
the Windows libraries to the Windows/Red/ and Windows/RedSystem/ 
folders, without using extra space in the database or over the network.

All varieties of all Windows examples can now be started right away.
That's helpful - it took me a little looking to find and download 
all the libs.  I doubt there are too many people outside our small 
group who would put in the effort.
They've all been in that one test repository for some time
I wrote a Red binding on top of the Red/System binding for 0MQ:


I also wrote Red versions of the client/server request/reply example:

Red has no binary! type yet, so it's limited to text messages for 
The Red example is shorter and simpler, at the expense of more message 
copying, which needs to be done in Red, anyway
I can also send messages between the Red and Red/System versions 
of the programs
Remember that I already made 0MQ bindings for R3 and R2, so you can 
also have Red communicate with those, or many other languages
I added the new Red examples for 0MQ to the test repository with 
ready builds, so you can try them without compiling:


I enhanced the Red versions with support for a program parameter 
giving the network URL, so you can adapt it to your environment and 
try different transport protocols.
I implemented the 0MQ ventilator example for Red, in which the push/pull 
pattern is used to distribute tasks over an arbitrary number of worker 
processes, then afterwards collect the results by a sink process:

For the ventilator example, I implemented simple versions of to-integer, 
ASK, now/precise and subtract-time:

I added binaries for the 0MQ ventilator example to the test repository, 
so you can try it right away:


Like the client/server example, you can give program parameters to 
change the network URLs.
Rebol3 is dead, long live to Rebol3Bazaar

I've been quiet for a long while, and this blog is not easy for me 
to write.

I'm sitting here with a glass of 2013 Ferrarelle mineral water of 
the glass bottle... hoping to be inspired on how to write this...
No, bad introduction...

You know that Rebol is a fantastic programming language, but its 
development was discontinued and bad supported. A lot of people when 
encounter Rebol falls in love for its simplicity, a blend of theory, 
experimentation, and invention, the language embodies elegant and 
wonderful concepts and properties. It was and is the most productive 
language I've ever used. I hope your experience has been similar.

Unfortunately a lot of bad events are leading Rebol to a no through 

- no direction of the new Rebol3
- no a central site open for discussion
- no updates on Rebol 3 source (well, just one every month)
- to many sites about Rebol and with no updates from years

These and other reasons forced me to create http://rebol.informe.com/portal.html
a public forum, with a public wiki and a blog, where everybody can 
contribute. The result is just 17 users, this means that Rebol is 
dying; the cathedral way of Rebol 3  development is not working.

So I'm forced by my love for Rebol to create a new GitHub repository: 
Rebol 3 Bazaar, it's a Rebol 3 source, with graphic working (VID, 
but just on windows at the moment); I promise you:

- pull requests and issues discussed and merged in 24 hours (or max 
a week)
- open to add people to its organiziation
- always update!
- link:  https://github.com/angerangel/r3bazaar

If you like to contribute write me, use GitHub or Rebol portal; you 
don't need to be a programmer, think about a new logo, contribute 
the wiki.

If you know REBOLers who might be interested in this discussion, 
please let them know about this blog posting. I look forward to hearing 
from you,
I committed new test-suite enhancements. You can perform LOG-DIFF 
now to compare test results of different interpreters, e.g. See the 
comparisons in the "Testing and Tools" group.
With Doc's latest #include path fixes (issue #385), I could make 
the Red bindings independent from my system configuration. You can 
now use them without changing the source code.
I wrote an example of a browser for Internet sites written in Red. 
The source code is here:


The usage model is like a web browser. You point it to network or 
local file links, in an address bar or as a command line parameter, 
and it displays them in the same content area in one window. A Red 
page can contain links that make the browser go to another page.

You can create and roll out Red sites just like websites. We are 
hosting the first Redsite here:

I added binaries for the Red browser example to the test repository, 
so you can try it right away, in */Red/GTK-browser:


The latest Red interpreter enhancements are also in the build run. 
In the console, GTK-IDE and GTK-browser, path accessors can now be 
I upgraded the Fossil server for the Red bindings to the new version 
1.25. There are some nice new features in it:


They also have a new short introduction guide:

I adapted four of the Red GTK examples to run in the Red browser. 
They are now pages on our Redsite, with links listed on the front 


You can view/run them without compiling or even installing them, 
from the above Red browser program.
Some updates on Rebol 3 Bazaar:  http://rebol2.blogspot.it/2013/02/rebol-3-bazaar-evolution.html
The core-tests test framework available at

has been significantly revamped recently. Main changes:

* new core-tests added

* core-tests reordered so that all "chapters" are contiguous now

* the run-recover.r script is the way how to run the tests now

* the log-diff.r script can be used to compare differnt log files

* the log-filter.r script can be used to obtain just the list of 
failed tests

* the http://www.rebol.org/art-display-article.r?article=n28vxdocumentation 
article rewritten

Please, report any improvement proposals to me.
It turns out that the C library on Windows converts Windows newlines 
in text files to standard Unix newlines, so when reading a file, 
it can return fewer bytes than requested. I have extended the Red/System 
read-file function in the C library binding to support this:


This fix propagates to READ in common/input-output, console-pro, 
GTK-text-editor and GTK-browser. They can now load local text files 
with Windows newlines, including those that were originally in Unix 
format but converted when downloading.

Thanks to Doc for helping test, and to Gerard and Sqlab for additional 
This fixes access to local files on Windows. Next we're looking into 
the reported problems with network access
I've rebuilt all binaries in the test repository
Announcing first three Android-related source code pull request to 
the official rebol source code:

- dtoa.c amending MOLD decimal

- added Android platform, some R2 platforms, corrected handling of 
system/product name, added platform existence sanity check

- clipboard amendment (corrects clipboard handling on non-windows 
Both the "clipboard" and "platform" change made by Cyphre.
New Android release:

URL		: http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/

Direct URL	: http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/r3-droid.apk

-fixed console output crashes
-implemented CLIPBOARD:// device
-implemented BROWSE
-added circular buffer to console

-release has now correct platform, version, product and build information
-fixed console input hang-on-destroy bug

Please give it a try and have fun.

This release is a milestone since now Rebol CORE is fully done for 
Android. We will now start to get the VIEW (graphics) to Android. 
As soon as we have this, R3-GUI should almost work on Android too.
Again, I want to thank everyone who is supporting the Android port. 
A special thanks goes to NickA for his great support.
This is a fantastic thing Robert :)
To put it into perspective, the above mentioned R3/Droid is more 
advanced (less core-test framework failures) than the mainline R3 
core builds for Windows, Linux, etc.
Great news, Robert! Can hardly wait for the UI part. Will you be 
putting any of this stuff in a public repo any time soon?
Just some additional notes to the Android release. It also contains 
the latest version of TLS scheme including supported ciphersuites. 
And there is updated HTTP/HTTPS scheme which should be more stable 
and handle network timeouts in better way.
I moved the SDL binding for Red/System into a CONTEXT:


If you have written any code on top of it, you need to adapt the 
Andreas noticed Carl just merged something three hours ago. Is he 
back for 5 min or more, this time?
In Carl's defense, just because someone is a genius with code architecture 
and development doesn't mean they are perfect in other areas, like 
finding time to work on free projects.

As an example, look at Albert Einstein.  An absolute genius in many 
things, but absolutely horrible in others.  I guess it's a trade-off. 
 If you're going to be really good at something, you have to be really 
bad at something else, or at least below average in a bunch of things. 
 I guess that's better than being average at everything.
I must be pretty good at something, because I can think of a lot 
of things where I am below average, and some I'm WAY below average. 
There's no disputing Carl's genius, but his delegation skills, ummm...
-> Ann-Reply

the problem, that the console window closed, was caused by my wong 
assumption, that the convention for file names is the same as in 
read   -> crash
read %test -- > crash
write %test -- > crash
read "test"   --> works
sorry, never mind