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World: r4wp

[Announce] Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat

Added 2 more video's to the RedRebols channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4UikCida6olTyowsi5JyyA

I forgot to tell about not requiring a specific return, not needed 
to declare types and use of normal naming is encouraged and the automatic 
casting of the return value. Need to make a [3.5] too someday..
Video number 5 posted. This one uses routine to call a Red/System 
function from a Red script.
I'm happy to announce that Doc and I got the first Red/System kernel 
driver working, for Windows. This is Doc's second kernel driver, 
and my first, and also my first real Windows program, so it took 
a few weeks to figure it out. This new ability of Red is sponsored 
by Respectech. Our test driver just loads and prints a Hello World 
style message that a kernel debugger can view, but I will be developing 
the driver into the functionality we need for our Respectech project. 
I will post the code of the test driver in the Red group.
This replaces the Windows Driver Development Kit (WDK) that you normally 
have to install on Windows to compile drivers. The WDK is a full 
CD download, 650MB. You don't need the WDK, but currently, you do 
still need to run the Red/System compiler on Windows (or WINE on 
Linux) to compile Windows drivers. This limitation will be removed 
later, so you will be able to cross-compile Windows drivers from 
all other Red platforms, like you can with other Red programs.
You should be able to compile the test driver with the latest Red/System 
development version, following the normal build procedure but adding 
the following parameter to the Red/System compiler command line:

rsc.r -t WinDRV driver.reds

This effectively replaces a makefile build script that the WDK uses 
that is almost 12,000 lines.

By the way, the WDK is unable to work in a path that contains spaces, 
so for example on older Windows versions such as XP, you can't develop 
drivers in your home directory, because your home path always contains 
spaces. I think Red will now allow you to do that.
You will get a driver.sys file that you can install, start, query 
and remove like this, from a Windows account with administrative 

sc create hello-Red type= kernel binPath= C:\full\path\to\driver.sys
sc qc hello-Red
sc start hello-Red
sc query hello-Red
sc delete hello-Red
To view the debug message generated by sc start, you need to install 
a (kernel) debug tool such as DebugView, and enable kernel debugging 
in the Windows boot options.

Other than that, you should see sc query showing the driver as running.
Red has a new platform, Android for x86 processors, so I added it 
to the downloads of example programs:


The Android programs for both ARM and x86 include the recent fixes 
to the Red Android port, so they have a better chance of working 
now. I would still like someone to test them.

All example programs for other platforms have also been rebuilt with 
the latest Red enhancements and fixes.
Remember Doc's instructions for running command line programs on 

Now that generation of shared libraries and drivers is available 
in Red's mainline, I have extended my build script to build libraries 
and drivers. I have added examples of a Windows kernel driver and 
libraries for R3 extensions in both Red/System and Red to the downloads 
repository mentioned above. The R3 extensions are available for all 
platforms to test, but the Windows kernel driver is here, as hello-kernel-driver.sys:


See above how to start the driver. Instructions for using the R3 
extensions are in the headers of the source code:

I have extended the Red/System null driver for the Windows kernel 
into a null mini-filter driver. It now registers itself as a mini-filter 
and imports functions not only from the kernel, but also from the 
FilterManager driver, so it is now in a hierarchy of drivers. It 
now responds to a stop command, so you can stop running the driver 
like this:

sc stop hello-Red

I will set up a new repository later to publish the Windows kernel 
and FilterManager bindings and examples.
We did a new Saphir / R3 Andoid release.

-fixed input text renderin bug

-reworked misc internal threads synchronisation issues to fix possible 
dead locks
-added ACTIVE, INACTIVE events
-added horizontal native scrolling for layouts wider than screen
-fixed screen rotation
-updated demo script (just type DEMO in the console)
-fixed BROWSE bug

-added .r3 suffix to be able open this type of R3 scripts automatically
-other smaller internal fixes

If you want to test it on your phone just run the console and type:

do http://development.saphirion.com/experimental/demo.r

ATTENTION: We changed the directory layout a bit. You find the Andoid 
release here:


We added other platforms as well:

And the root is still:

Next Wednesday I will give a short talk about our porting efforts 
here via Web-Cast:  http://www.vksi.de/sneak-preview/17072013-android-qs.htm
In conjunction we did a new R3-GUI release as well.

added DETAB flag support
fixed TEXT-AREA issues
fixed TEXT init-size handling
fixed SIZE-TXT bug
built new R3GUI release (version 4897)
delete "experimental" layout-sizing-independent.r3
improve rouding
move docs/r3-gui/ to documentation/r3/r3-gui/

remove documentation/r3/r3-gui/license/ directory containing obsolete 
Copyright notice update
license update
typo fixed
Rounding correction
improved rotate event handling

improved drag handling code (removed duplicate gui-events/drag reference)
improved android text input handling
fixed progress resizing
improved text-able cell font handling
fonts are antialiased by default on android now

Some additional notes:

-you can run the demo on Saphir / R3 Andoid just by typing DEMO in 
the console

-the Linux, OSX-PPC and OSX-Intel "View" binaries needs 32-bit version 
of freetype2 library (also included in the specific build folders)

-the Linux, OSX-PPC and OSX-Intel "View" binaries are currently able 
to render DRAW dialect to image! (using the DRAW command). We'll 
be working to get full graphics support on the metioned platforms 
in the near future.
I upgraded the 0MQ library for Windows that is included in my Red 
downloads from version 2.0.10 to 2.2.0:


Timeouts are now available for sending and receiving messages, and 
the OpenPGM library is included for multicast networking. Thanks 
to MikeL for noting the newer binary builds for Windows.
Robert, Cyphre Congratulations !! Correct link for r3-gui is: http://development.saphirion.com/resources/r3-gui.r3
(no .r)
New World alpha release at

- Added better networking using cURL library, libcurl (OS X and Linux)
- Added tasks incl.:
	- task! datatype
	- task-id! datatype
	- TASKS native function
	- task? and task-id? mezzanines

 - Task support for many functions incl. HELP, SOURCE, FIRST, SECOND, 
	- KILL mezzanine to call TASKS/KILL

- Added inter-task communication using SEND and RECEIVE native functions
- Added support for messages to WAIT as: wait 'message

- Added preemptive multitasking using TASKS/TICKS to specify number 
of Virtual Machine instructions per task run (default is 200)

- Added timers for tasks triggered by WAIT native and READ native, 
when reading from url
- Task yield can be achieved by: wait 0
- Changed ;{ } comment syntax to ;( )
- Parens can now span several lines at the prompt
- Added system/console/paren
- Added support for pressing <Esc> to stop execution of main task

- Sending input via pipe to World started with a script will activate 
input without echo and without <tab>-completion etc.. (Not sure how 
and if this works under Windows.)
- Added support for picking 'Re and 'Im of complex numbers
- Better implementation of TRY

- New test versions of IF and EITHER, that can take other than block! 
- Added more tests
We have pushed our R3-GUI sources to Github. The project was cleaned 
up, old stuff removed etc. So it should be in pretty good shape. 
We keep the GibHub repository in sync with our internal SVN repository. 
We will further take a look at pull requests and take your feedback 
into our main line. You can find the repository here:

README adjustments made as Adrian proposed.
Thank you very much Robert and your team members for all of your 
efforts. I'll also contribute to your advancement by sending some 
contributions to you very soon. Just waiting for my next pay cheque 
in about 15 days.