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World: r4wp

[Ann-Reply] Reply to Announce group

Geomol, very nice. Did those buttons in DRAW, eh? Inspirational work.
And now combine it with the put fire in your photo script! Looking 
good John!
James, yes buttons are made with DRAW in REBOL. Also the shutter 
button, which I first took a picture of from my Nikon FM3A camera, 
and then modelled in DRAW from scratch by looking at the grayscale 
in the picture.
Very nice John! Best of luck with your apps.
press the white balance button for effectful photos.

Effectful is not a normal english word. Maybe something like "to 
change the color balance"? I'm not a photographer, so can't say what 
the best terminology is.
GCam by default operate* in Auto Exposure mode
With commas: GCam, by default, operates in Auto Exposure mode
GCam measure* light - *measures
less shaking
 - "more stable"?
brightest area of the shoot* - "shot?
This makes it easier to judge, if a photo is in focus or not when 
zooming in on a photo

This makes it easier to judge if a photo is in focus, when zooming 
in on a photo
 With pinch gesture

Should it be " With a pinch gesture" or " With the pinch gesture"?
The JPEG format is the common 85% JPEG for the iPhone.

Double JPEG, and reads poorly to me.  "JPEG is used 85% of the time 
by most people"?
Thanks a lot, Gregg! I got some similar suggestions from a friend. 
I'll look into it tomorrow, when I'm less tired.

The JPEG is a 85% format, meaning it's not lossless, but keeps 85% 
of the original information in the images. The TIFF is a 100% format, 
meaning 100% lossless.
Ah, I didn't get that.
I searched for GCam on appshopper.com and got hits on the above mentioned 
app (in description they write GCam Swarm and GCam Server). I have 
alot of photo/image apps on my iPhone 4S. Good luck with your.

As far as I know you can compress JPG to any degree.
Yes, JPEG can be compressed further. 85% JPEG is the 'standard' on 
the iPhone. Apple made some API, which gives 85% JPEG. The default 
camera app on the iPhone output 85% JPEG.
Gregg, I made some fixes, incl. the ones you suggested. If you wanna 
take a look:
I once experimented with JPEG and also found that 85% is the level 
you can go until quality deterioration becomes clearly visible
 just point the camera in the decided direction
. "Decided" is odd there. Should it be "desired"?

GCam turn* on Automatic White Balance
 - *turns

The JPEG format is the common 85% JPEG for the iPhone.
 - This still sound to me like people use JPEG 85% of the time. 

Looks great John. Any further wordsmithing would be minor, maybe 
adding some prepositions and articles to make it sound more natural, 
but it's very good as it is.
@Robert "Cool.    See the source..." sure but where? LoL
Gregg, regarding JPEG, what about wording it:
The JPEG format is compressed with quality 85.
The JPEG format is compressed with 85% quality.
The JPEG is the common 85% quality for the iPhone.
*JPEG format*
The JPEG format is compressed at 85% quality setting, as is customary 
on the iPhoney..
 eh "iPhone".
Or "the iPhone default compression is 85%"
Thanks Max for the update.
the iPhone default compression is 85%

James +1
The iphone loses your data at 15%
re Carl's message ... dunno why, but once again I can see an aproach 
of how to steal the thunder from ppl being eventually interested 
in Red, claiming bright future of R3. It feels almost irritating 
to read the message containing claims, that porting of R3 takes 5 
minutes, yet the only port which happened was Amiga, and ARM or other 
platforms never ever happened, from whatever reason. I have to ask 
myself - why Carl did not find 5 minutes to do the port?
:) It's hard to get the best wording. When I read "the iPhone default 
compression is 85%", I would expect the JPEG file to be 85% the size 
of the uncompressed TIFF file. This is not the case. An uncompressed 
TIFF file from GCam is 23.9 MB, a JPEG is 10x smaller at around 2 
MB. The quality is 85% meaning you loose 15% information, if you 
save as JPEG and not TIFF.

I went with "The JPEG format is compressed at 85% quality setting, 
as is customary on the iPhone."

Thanks again, guys.
porting of R3 takes 5 minutes, yet the only port which happened was 
Amiga, and ARM or other platforms never ever happened [...]. why 
Carl did not find 5 minutes to do the port?

1. An ARM port was done, supposedly. 2. Porting is one thing, supporting 
a port is another.
Andreas - I know, and that's why I don't buy it. Have you ever (or 
anyone from community) received an ARM port, so that ppl could port 
host code too? My guess is - NO, hence from such POV - ARM port does 
not exist ...
R3 project started 5-6 years ago. We were dragged badly lately, so 
- I'll wait to see, if those words are fulfilled ....
I can see an aproach of how to steal the thunder from ppl being eventually 
interested in Red
- then your sight is a little bit far-fetched
how could it have that effect?
Ladislav - in 2004, when R# was slowly taking off, Carl published 
a blog article or announcement, describing R2 plugin feature. The 
supposed release was "imminent". Prior to that, Carl even contacted 
Doc to eventually stop working on R#, or so I remember. Of course, 
the announcement was just to distract ppl from alternative, keeping 
them interested in REBOL. 

Later on, I several times rightly identified some blog-post, whose 
purpose was nothing more, than to buy some time for RT, where in 
fact promissed things were not delivered. 

So - of course it is just my speculation, but with the history of 
R3 development I find it really curious to try to hype users to believe, 
that port to ARM could happen in 5 minutes, when RT was not able 
to deliver it is 5-6 years of R3 existence? And if so, it sounds 
a bit unfair to me ...

Simply put - wish Red, R3, World, whatever clone a success. It is 
just that what I would like to see is - a realistic estimates on 
any side ....
So - of course it is just my speculation

 agreed, that is what I wrote as well, adding the words "far fetched" 
 and you did not convince me I should change *my* wording.
I haven't played with it yet, bu thanks for releasing your code editor 
FWIW, any R3 announcements are not deterring me from supporting Red.
Porting takes 5 minutes
 getting to that point takes a lifetime.
Thanks Steeve and Arnold!
the JPEG compression uses the iPhone default setting of 85%.
Thanks Arnold. I will have to take a look at it.
Pekr, he already did port it to ARM Linux, but at the time noone 
working on the project had an ARM machine to test with other than 
an Android phone. And porting the core to Android is the simple part; 
the host would need to be rewritten almost completely for Android 
due to the different application model. Noone was using Amiga either. 
The only alternate platform that was getting any use by the project 
members was Syllable.
Porting the core takes about 5 minutes since it's just a matter of 
getting the compiler settings right. There is almost ne platform-specific 
code in the core. Porting the host code to a new platform can sometimes 
take a rewrite, depending on the application model of the platform.
You have to remember also that when the old R3 project was active, 
cheap ARM computers that could run straight Linux were almost unheard 
of, or were too expensive. Nowadays we have cheap micro-ARM computers 
that can be bought for less than $100 and can be easily experimented 
Pekr, he already did port it to ARM Linux, but at the time noone 
working on the project had an ARM machine to test with other than 
an Android phone.

Maybe I fall into the "no one working on the project" category, but 
I had ARM machines available for at least the last 6 years or so. 
Last time Carl was rumored to have ported to ARM (most likely "again"), 
I was certainly around, with ARM machines, offering to test :)
But in any case, I see no indication as to why "porting to (Linux) 
ARM" should _not_ be a matter of 5 minutes, and I also see no real 
reason as to why not to believe Carl when he last claimed to have 
done such a port.
Good news: ARM compilers are better now too. They were a bit iffy 
back then.
Andreas, whether you were working on the project before, I certainly 
hope you will be now :)