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World: r4wp

[#Red] Red language group

I don't see any better ID for now other than that, if you do, please 
propose it. Anything else would look odd and inconsistent with other 
targets ID, except maybe "DOS", but that wouldn't change anything 
about the "accuracy".
The point of target names is that people can easily associate them 
with the set of config options they refer to.
IMO, the only way to get a new good replacement ID for "MSDOS" is 
to change all targets ID and adopt a different naming convention 
(one that is easy to remember).
Gabriele: that was my first intent, but I gave up to avoid having 
to code and maintain a dynamic web page...Also, I would need to set 
up a workflow, so that donators would need to fill a form first before 
accessing the donation options. I wanted to keep it simple, but maybe 
we need that.
Petr, have you tested the Windows binaries?
no, not yet, no time left for few days here ...
Kaj, it would be helpful to make it easy for ppl to get. I am an 
average user, and I can't locate the executables:

- esperconsultancy does not provide any link

- red lang does provide link to fossill (which UI I find terrible)

- I go to Files section, examples subdir - no executables there ....
I must have missed some other link probably poste around here?
Found them - it was scrolled away from the sight, as Max posted his 
source code in the Announce group :-) It would be usefull to add 
the link to the Contribution page ...

We have new Samsung 64bit Win8 machine in the office, I might try 
next week to run some tests there too ...
uh, whoever came with the Fossil interface, is real example of idiot.
Click click click click, nonsense timeline, nonsense hashes, then 
you finally get to the point, where you can download a ZIP file, 
and it is named like a crap, subdir's name is weird too. I am really 
upset anytime I have to go to such an interface. It is not imo normal, 
in order to get a clue how to get a file, to twiddle around for a 
The same idiot who gave the world SQLite
First thing - unpacking the archive triggered the AVG antivirus alert 
Yes, we have already established that AVG is the idiot there
SQLite is a masterpiece. Fossil might be the masterpice under the 
hood too. But really - Git's user interface is much easier to grasp 
imo for an occassional user ...
Git doesn't have a web UI
Yes, I don't like the AVG either, I just have to use it :-) In my 
last company we used Slovakian ESET NOD - much better imo ...
Kaj - I meant the Github. You see? I even don't know how the system 
works underneath, it just gives me the link to download stuff on 
the first page :-)
I had to kick AVG from the Windows 7 machine to be able to use Red 
and thus Red in Fossil
So, what is the strategy? I can see various dirs, one named MSDOS, 
but can't see Windows? So what are the targets to distinguish, when 
we build the Windows apps for GUI, or the console?
And soon enough, we will most probably add Windows RT (ARM)?
Looks like your "rant" day today Petr. :-)
I don't necessarily disagree, but the Fossil UI is a generic interface 
to the generic Fossil versioning database. It's just the first visible 
step in my project to create custom apps with underlying version 
OK, red works, as for Red/System demos, where do I get all the dependecy 
libraries from? Any previous chat you can point me to?
Things will get much better once I can make GUIs in Red
Windows (whatever)/ARM support: I would love to see that, I just 
need to get access to such platform first....Anyone know if there's 
a virtualized option for that OS?
Tonight I added almost all dependency libraries to the MSDOS builds
Doc - the less time I have, the less I am willing to spend my free 
time, just to get around various things, where I need to get to the 
point. Multiplexing on 2zone advertising, new 2zone project, initial 
works for my new photo studio, X-zone wifi network, doing some charity 
for children next week, and my primary work, Walmark, I am being 
put on 5 new projects :-)
Kaj - e.g. do-sql errored out on not finding a library, ditto GTK 
demo ...
Pekr: maybe you would like to write a handy REBOL script that would 
download all the latest bindings from Fossil repos? That would be 
a useful tool.
maybe I downloaded bad version ...
Kaj - maybe something wrong with your config? I get following zip 
archive naming:

System) Testing-4d2b660531ddd6fc(1).zip / Red( / Red(\System) Testing-4d2b660531ddd6fc

Why the parens in there?
Yeah, the Zip names seem to be weird on non-Unix systems. I'll have 
a look at that later
You do seem to have downloaded an old version. Go to the latest checkin 
and download the package there. Or better, update with Fossil
Glut triangle exe missing a dependency
hello-unicode give incorrect output ...
champlain map browser - missing a library
lazy sunday - ditto
mandelbrot - just crashes. In console I can see a message "Access 
read webpage - could not resolve host name when I feed it with http://www.rebol.com
Above was for the MSDOS target. None Red/System app for Windows target 
works here ...
Mandelbrot binary from the MSDOS/RedSystem/ folder works well here, 
for others I can confirm Pekr's issues.
GTK binaries are working fine.
The host name resolving is the same problem I had with cURL. Now 
that I know it's on other Windows', too, I'll try more libcurl binaries
Petr, the other dependencies you mention are indeed not included 
yet, because they're not available in binary, too big, or in versions 
not matching my bindings
hello-Unicode is because the program source is UTF-8 instead of UTF-16
Mandelbrot crashing is sabotage by your AVG
Somehow AVG blocks more of the Windows builds than the MSDOS builds
By the way, the URL for read-web-page is hardcoded to red-lang.org