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[#Red] Red language group

So you can always check the type of a value, and you can return a 
value of any type
Some languages dispatch a function to multiple implementations depending 
on the types of its arguments, but that's multiple dispatch, not 
necessarily overloading
Hey invalid Red program if I #include a reds program? Complaint about 
*** Syntax Error: Invalid Red program
*** line: 1
*** at: {/System [^M
Red is not Red/System, is it?
Expected this to be no problem at all. Just not the other way around. 
I feel tutorial stuff coming up.
To write Red/System within Red, you need to enclose it in
#system-global [ ]
seen that before. Had no clue what it was for.
It's usually me who uses it, and it usually #includes Red/System 
files :-)
I guess Red #include could be made to inspect the type of the file, 
and add an implicit #system-global [ ] if it's Red/System
Thank you it compiled. Now I have to find out what this means
*** Error: word has no value!

*** Script error: action 42 not defined for type: 2
That depends on what you're doing
That would be a nice improvement indeed as the file extension is 
reds and the header is Red/System
Apparantly action 42 ;)
sorry bedtime now for me.
Hello2 working on Nexus 7 - Great job Doc. I have to hit the "DO" 
button twice to see a result but it works.
I have this bit of Red/System code that I wrote, but for some reason, 
it just closes the console window.  So I don't know if there is an 
error, and if there was, how would I debug it?

#include %../C-library/ANSI.reds

img1: as-binary 0
size1: 0
img2: as-binary 0
size2: 0

img1: read-file-binary "img1.bin" :size1

print-line img1
print-line size1

print-line as integer! img1/1

img2: read-file-binary "img2.bin" :size2

print-line img2
print-line size2

img3: as-binary size1

i: 0
until [
	i: i + 1
	img3/i: img2/i - img1/i
	i = size1

write-file-binary "img3.bin" img3 size1

until [no]
Generally speaking, I drastic approach is to comment everything out 
and gradually uncomment lines until you find the place where the 
problem gets introduced.
And or adding lines where you print information to the console

print [" before call to read-file-binary, size of size1: " size1 
write-file-binary has a logic! return value
write-ok: write-file-binary "img3.bin" img3 size1
And even try to initialize img3 by 
img3: read-file-binary "img2.bin" :size2

that way img3 can be subscripted like img1 and img2, not sure now 
about your as-binary from integer what you have now.
I am not familiar with Kaj's Libraries but I searched ANSi.reds and 
the Red/System runtime to try to find where as-binary is defined. 
I guess it must be in one of Kaj's other libraries.

I noticed the ANSI.reds includes %common/FPU-configuration.reds but 
couldn't find that in Kaj's Repo. (It doesn't sound as though it 
would include a definition of as-binary though).
Though if as-binary is not defined, you would definitely get a compilation 
Do you get any output from the print statements ?
I created an account on the red.esperconsultancy site hoping it would 
bring a little more possibilities in browsing up the tree. This was 
not the case. I am sure that it must be there somewhere but you have 
to know or have a link or own the server ;)

(@Peter, your last question is to Bo about his print-line statements 
I presume.)
@action 42 I think I was not returning the return value and violating 
various other things at the same time
Bo, it seems you're starting Red/System programs by clicking on them? 
If that's the case, it's not the best way to debug such programs. 
You need to open a DOS window and launch the programs from there. 
The window will never close, so you'll be able to see all the messages 
and avoid doing infinite loops at the end of your code.
Click <start> and type cmd.exe another hint is to have a textfile 
at hand with a suitable cd command.
I stumbled upon a possible bug with local variables.
flexfun-s: function [s [string!] return: [string!]][return s]
flexfun-i: function [i [integer!] return: [integer!] ][return i]

flexfun: function [n [integer! float! string!] return: [string! integer! 
logic!] /local rv uitstr uitint][
    rv: type? n

    either "string" = rv [uitstr: flexfun-s n][uitint: flexfun-i n]

When I do not declare the uitstr and uitint local variables, the 
compiler makes a ~local extra and notices double declaration:
Compiling to native code... 

Script: "Red/System IA-32 code emitter" (none)

*** Compilation Error: duplicate variable definition in function 

*** in file: %/Users/Arnold/data/develop/red/testscripts/flextst1.red 
*** at line: 126 
*** near: [func [/local ~n ~local ~rv ~local ~uitstr ~uitint] [
        push ctx194/values
When I declare both everything is ok.
Arnold, good catch, pleas add it to the bugtracker.
@james_nak, thanks for testing. Your issue is probably related to 
the fact that the output area in this demo has a fixed height, so 
it probably is a bit out of screen on your device, that's why you 
can't see the first output value.
ha, demo pushed :-)
Yes, but you'll need to put all the pieces together in a single folder 
to be able to build it with Eclipse...I'm working on automating the 
APK building process, if I can't finish on time, I'll just provide 
a link with an archive of the eval demo project suitable for Eclipse, 
so you can at least have a chance to mess things around in the meantime. 
Well, actually, I've just packaged it so here's the link: 
You just need to unzip it in a dedicated folder, install ADT (Android 
Development Tools) which contains both the SDK and Eclipse, install 
a JDK, open the project in Eclipse and compile it. For the Red part, 
there's a precompiled eval.red version in libs/armeabi/libRed.so. 
You can recompile it with the following command-line options: "-t 
Android -dlib". Ensure that you replace it with exactly the same 
name at the same place, then recompile the whole project.
If the automation script I'm working on work, you'll be able to generate 
an APK without download the SDK and JDK! ;-)
I don't want to use Eclipse, nor any other SDK :-( Willing to use 
command-line tools as javac etc. Btw - I use Android Studio, so actually 
wonder, if I would be able to do it using it instead of Eclipse ...
Just wait an hour more to see if I can finish the automatic building 
Believe me, Eclipse is actually much easier to compile/build/test 
an android app than manually calling the command-line tools.
I know, it is just that I am multiplexing between work, red, creating 
ads for my led screen, photo shooting, photo editing, video editing. 
So basically I just jump here or there, and right after I was suggested 
to use Android Studio last month, because - it comes from Google, 
I am now supposed to install yet another toolchain. Last month I 
also installed my Visual Studio 2013 and got really scared by the 
complexity of all that stuff, that comes with it ....
So - I can wait, but maybe not, I am fast at trying new stuff and 
making my Window8 installation even more messy with constantly trying 
new SWs :-)
Hmm, can't avoid Java dependency...maybe I should be able to use 
the preinstalled JRE on Windows platforms, but not sure...
Nevermind, in any case, some description of how to proceed, is going 
to be needed. But it is a pity, as it pushes us to the different 
land, where no more the claim of sel-contained dev environment is 
true. Now we are in a lend of - do regular Android JAVA development 
and use Red DLL, when handy ...
issue #492 added on https://github.com/dockimbel/Red/issues?state=open
Ok build script pushed. You need to have JDK (correctly) installed 
currently for the script to work.
The jarsigner tool needs to access the Java runtime...we'll remove 
that dependency partially or fully in the future.
Holly crap! That works!
Haha :)
Just generated APK, it downloaded some tools (not sure it is cross-platform, 
but on Windows it works), then I thought it hanged, but there was 
a dialog requesting ability to write to dics, then lots of output 
in console, now uploaded apk to my server, and tried on my HTC Sensation! 
Nice dark theme!
Just wrote it in a hurry, I need to take a bus in about an hour...