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World: r4wp

[#Red] Red language group

I can't wait to have a cross-platform Red IDE and forget about what 
"installation" means. :-) A Red OS would also help a lot. ;-)
Sorry for the hardware problem Doc. You can blame me. I sometimes 
think "How can I get Doc to write a Red OS...?"
Hehe :-)
We'll to that too at some point in the future.
We'll <come>...
What would be the difference in Red/System between
#define var value ;and 
var: value 
because both are valid? When to use either of them?
Ah read documentation again. Constant form, macro substitution. #define 
should be hardcoded, non variable so faster in executing.
How do we install support for Unicode when using a Windows console 
? When I open Hello.red with my MS Word, the unicode characters are 
visible but when I run it my "invite de Commande" I can't see them, 
they are replaced by ? Must we go the old way of page codes as when 
we were under DOS boxes ? I hope not ...
I'm trying this small Rebol 3 sample code under Red console and I 
get 3 load errors plus a real error at the end  - invalid char!. 
char ending delimiter " not found! unmatched ] closing bracket! word 
has no value.  Is it OK ?  Here is what I tried to enter : red>> 
 #"^(3B1)"     ; char as a hex encoded literal
It's used as my first step to get some code translation on the Perl 
Cookbook (pleac project ). the first exercises are about strings. 
I encoded the small snippets using Rebol 2 already and now I was 
testing the same code for Red and later I 'll attack the same for 
Rebol 3. I'll then submit in the REBOL SCHOOL  or another dedicated 
group this first trial for revision and correction. May be their 
introduction could aslo be revised to ttake into account Rebol and 
/or Red internals subtleties which I don't really master... yet!
Even the Windows help was not useful since they state that  some 
installed programs can't display the foreign UNICODE characters. 
In this cas they simply offer me to select the language in which 
these characters will be displayed. I selected French since it was 
already selected and since it is convenient to me if I want to understand 
anything displayed here !!!
IIRC Red console does not support Unicode yet ...
OK thanks. But then how could Doc test his Hello.red output ?
But I might get it confused, so better wait for Doc or Kaj to appear 
Yes it seems logical. I will try it then!
I also get some ? instead of the chars that Word is displaying ! 
May be our american products can't display this correctly from the 
Win Console too ...
Except if we change the regional language to be able to dusplay it 
but then I'll have to chage it for every foreign language and this 
is not the good way to go I hope !!!
May be that the character sets offerd for selection under the properties 
tab of the Win console don't offer this display choice but I don't 
know how to install others. Currently I only have True Type Lucida 
Console, True type Consolas and Raster... : (
Will look further in Windows Help - for how to install other char 
sets under the Win console ...
It' located under the Panneau de configuration (accessible using 
MSConfig) but the problem I have is that I don't have the admin privilege 
to add such a char set - I found one which is described as ARIAL 
MS UNICODE which could do the job. I'll try again...
mystr: "^/"        ; a newline character
print "test-1" probe mystr print length? mystr

mystr: "^(line)"   ; a newline character (alternative)
		     ; last one is converted into "^/"
print "test-2" probe mystr print length? mystr

mystr: "\n"        ; two characters, \ and n
print "test-3" probe mystr print length? mystr

mystr: "Jon 'Maddog' Orwant"  ; literal single quote inside 
                              ; double quotes
print "test-4" probe mystr print length? mystr

mystr: {Jon "Maddog" Orwant}  ; literal double quote inside 
                              ; braces (also used for multilines)
print "test-5" probe mystr print length? mystr
mystr: {
This is a multiline string literal
enclosed in single braces.
print "test-6" probe mystr print length? mystr

mystr: "^(line)"   { a newline character (alternative)
		      the last one is converted into "^/" by Rebol}
print "test-7" probe mystr print length? mystr


; There si no way to change the delimiters for strings
; No way either to define strings using "Here Documents" form

The last snippet of code was some test I did for verifying how the 
strings behaviour are similar between Rebol 2 and Red. Look by yoursel 
and you'll see some small difference for the Escaped characters which 
are interpreted differently. Was this supposed to be so Doc ? Just 
asking before posting my tests for revision and correction ...
The tests evaluated here are based on the Perl string related features 
which appear on the Perl Cookbook (pleac website).
How do we install support for Unicode when using a Windows console 

You just need to select Lucida or Consolas font, raster font has 
no Unicode support. The CJK plans are not supported anyway by those 
fonts AFAIK.
The console script for Red supports only ASCII input.
You compile the script for full Unicode support for now.
You <should> compile...
Hey Gerard :)
For named characters like "^(line)", IIRC, we don't support it yet.
It seems I already did it without having seen the right results but 
now it works ... : )
OK For your information about what I have done today for the introduction 
to the Perl Cookbok  just go to the REBEL BB forum and see my last 
post, it will be quicker to judge by yourself. - please you can comment 
too if you have some time. but LEt the others do the real work for 
revision and correction please.
I noticed your answer for the escaped chars
Is it the same for the other codes given in the Rebol 3 doc ? as 
for example when I type #"^(3B1)"     in the Red console, I get some 
errors too ...
I suppose it is the same case as the one before ...
when I type #
^(3B1)"     in the Red console, I get some errors too ..."

The console script for Red supports only ASCII input. :-)
OK but in a sense what I typed is in full ASCII, isn't ?
Thanks Doc and I leave you now - going "à la soupe"... You will soon 
go to bed too I suppose.
Glad you came back already and safe
Yes, you input ASCII characters, but the runtime lexer needs to decode 
your Unicode codepoint in hex format, and the lexer has no support 
for that.
OK that's already fine as is for now.
Right, I'm not far from going to bed. ;-)
Keep up the good work - i'll support you by means of other donations, 
as soon as my next cheque is coming in.
Must go back to some real work now - I just played all the day with 
these other websites and books ...
Thanks Gerard! I'll have a look at your posts on RebelBB and will 
send you my comments, if any.
Results for the initialized state-table are now the same, finally. 
Red/System: Could it be that if you 
#define MAX-SIZE 100
my-array: as int-ptr! allocate MAX-SIZE * size? integer!
then using  
gives a compilation error??
*** Compilation Error: undefined pointer index variable
Probably food for an issue?
I remember that we allowed macro replacement in paths, but it might 
be only for macros with parameters. Have you found an existing ticket 
about that?