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[Databases] group to discuss various database issues and drivers

but it will not save user input
yes, you have basically two options:

1) work with string - insert db {insert into data1 ....} - you simply 
construct the DB string directly

2) work with block - insert db ["initial string here, contatining 
values(?)" value] - which allows to work with rebol blocks and evaluate 
some things ...
so in your case it should be:

insert db ["insert into data1(oneone) values(?)" "c"]
or something like:

value: "c"
insert db ["insert into data1(oneone) values(c)" value]
but value should not be as constant ! when user put character it 
should save in values ,now plz tell me how should i write ? i should 
write like : value:"c"
ishould write like : value :<input ...> ?
@Peker : i am using option one ,but i does not save any value ...
you want to save value from the form into the db?
i  want to save value from the form into the database!
any solution?
I think, that your script is wrongly constructed! What you seem to 
do is to just print a form, which then gets delivered to user's browser 
screen. But at that time, there is no value yet. You should study, 
how to do CGI in REBOL. You need a separate html form, then you need 
to read CGI values and store them in a DB ...
plese study following link - on the right side, there is a link, 
of how to process forms using REBOL: http://www.rebol.com/docs/cgi1.html
this is how you should do it - http://www.rebol.com/docs/cgi2.html
but in those links ,i can not find database example! i read that 
link before ,i created html form and cgi as well, it is working properly 
... the point is when user enter input and click submit it goes to 
cgi page. i need save that input in database ...plz guid me or show 
me one example how can i save value from the form into db?
please use:

values: decode-cgi read-cgi

then you will get block of values IIRC
then you pick a value and save it ...
>> blk: decode-cgi "var1=Petr"
== [var1: "Petr"]
>> type? blk
== block!
>> object: construct blk
>> object
>> object/var1
== "Petr"
so use:

values: decode-cgi read-cgi
result: construct values

insert db ["insert into data1(oneone) values(?)" result/oneone]
how can i write <input ...> in block?
uh, my question is, if you ever worked with CGI?
examples on the above page are pretty straightforward?
there are two things - 1) you have to write a form, basically a html 
file, with fields, etc., and submit button, linking it to your cgi 
script 2) you have to write a CGI script, being able to read submitted 
values ...
I might dig-up some simple example later ...
i am using the first one ... can i use codes which you mensioned 
in above ?  values: decode-cgi read-cgi
result: construct values

insert db ["insert into data1(oneone) values(?)" result/oneone]
i wrote whatever you said but i got this error :
>> do %compare.cgi
Script: "Untitled" (none)
Script: "MySQL Protocol" (12-Jul-2008)
MySQL protocol loaded
connecting to: localhost
** Script Error: Invalid path value: oneone
** Where: map-rebol-values
** Near: result/oneone
Any one knows how can we save value from the form into database?
You first check that the value is acceptable for what can be expected. 
This is to prevent SQL injections and other malicious input from 
hackers/innocent users and monkeys using your application. Than you 
insert a SQL command to insert or update  the mysql database just 
like you did when you did with your select statement before.

 mijnquery: "INSERT INTO cms_artikel (titel, tagregel, sectie, toegevoegd, 
 artikel_tekst) VALUES ('"

 mijnquery: append mijnquery rejoin [titel "', '" tagregel "', '" 
 desectie "', '" toegevoegd "', '" artikel-tekst "')"]
 insert db mijnquery

 The names after INTO are the fieldnames of the table cms_artikel 
 the ones after VALUES are the REBOL variables that get replaced by 
 their values
it means i should write like:        query: "INSERT INTO data1 (oneone,onetwo,onethree) 

                                                          query: append insert db rejoin [oneone "', '" onetwo "', '" onethree 

                                                           insert db query
i am very thankful if you do based on my codes ...
i am too confiused ...
Yes. Do a probe of the query to see if it generates the sql you expected.
I am not doing your code for you. If you want to find someone to 
do it for you post your job in the ~Opportunity section.
i did not say do my code Arnold !!! i wanted only help ... because 
till now whatever guys said  here was not related to form ! my problem 
is only saving value  from form in database ...
Look here:
Any one knows how can we save value from the form into database?
 - sure, Pekr told you how to do it.

Your problem is that you do not do what Pekr told you to do. First, 
you need to create the form. Check: Do you really have the form?

Second, you need to create a CGI script (this is not the form from 
the first point, the form from the first point is not a CGI script). 
Check: do you really have a CGI script ?

Pekr told you that the example you posted was neither the form, nor 
the CGI script.
One more note: your problem is much more elementary than handling 
the database. Before writing data to the database you need to have 
a script accepting (decoding) the data obtained from the form.
Ladislav - thank you. It is apparent, that what afsanehsamim is missing 
is the basic knowledge of how webserver stuff works between the client 
and the server. Examples at rebol.com are pretty straightforward. 
The only chance is to really create a simple example for him ...
Create 2 files. Call the first one e.g. cgi-test.html, and upload 
it to your server. The only thing you have to change is the link 
to your .cgi script in there:

<TITLE>Simple Web Form</TITLE>
<b>Simple Web Form</b><p>
<FORM ACTION="http://www.xidys.com/cgi-bin/cgi-test.cgi">

Create a second file, called cgi-test.cgi (it has to align to how 
you name it in the above source file). Upload it to your cgi working 
directory. Remember to change the first line to contain the path, 
where your REBOL executable is placed:

#!/usr/local/bin/rebcmd -sqc


print join "Content-type: text/plain" newline
start: now/time/precise

submitted: decode-cgi read-cgi
values: construct submitted

prin "Submitted: " print mold submitted
prin "values: " print mold values
prin "values/field: " print mold values/field

print now/time/precise - start
print newline

Now go to your URL, and try to submit some values. You can test it 
on my site at: http://www.xidys.com/cgi-test.html
but afsa, honestly - it does not even belong to the database group, 
but to Rebol School group - you seem to miss the basic understanding, 
of how CGI works on the server. Your problem is not in getting the 
value into DB, but handling CGI stuff in general. In above example, 
what you would put into your DB would be values/field ...
Thankyou so much ladislav and Pekr ... guys i  underestand whatever 
you said ... Pekr : you meant i should first decode values after 
that should values save in database? i have two files and both work 
properly! one html and another one is cgi ! i did your codes as well 
... now plz tell me what is the next step ?  As i told you before 
i should save value in database  ,it is one part of my project !!!! 
:(  i did this link  http://www.rebol.com/docs/cgi2.html#section-2
and i underestood ...    http://www.rebol.com/docs/cgi2.html#section-2http://www.rebol.com/docs/cgi2.html#section-2
plz tell me decoding value is not related to saving data ?
then how can i save values ?
do you mean saving result to a file?
it is just a block, you can simple SAVE %file.r RESULT
no ...i mean saving values into database .
use a normal INSERT query.
insert db-port "INSERT INTO table (colA, colB) VALUES (1,2)" 

insert db-port ["INSERT INTO table (colA, colB) VALUES (?,?)" 1 2]
Endo  values should get from form ,it is a big problem till now that 
no one could underestand ...
i did that query before but it is not working
how does it matter where the values come from? it is a totally different 
try reading