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REBOL3 web-public posts: Statistics for 2010


2010 totals125244677

Prolific posters

poster% total
[Other years: 2004 · 2005 · 2006 · 2007 · 2008 · 2009 · 2010 · 2011 · 2012]



  • month -- month of year for the statistics
  • posts -- total public posts for that month
  • groups -- total public groups (forums) posted to that month
  • posters -- total people posting to those groups that month
  • year totals -- for groups and posters: are not the sum of the column. The totals are the total number of groups posted to, and the total number of people posting for the year

Prolific posters

This table is shown if there are enough posts

  • poster -- name of world member who has made a prolific number of posts
  • %total -- the percentage of the total posts they have made

Public posts vs world totals

Web-public -- The counts show only the statistics for posts that are published on this REBOL.org archive. The world may have many other groups and people posting. You can see those posts by joining the AltME world.


Why are some poster names shown as [unknown n]?

They are people who have left the world, and their name is no longer available.

Why can't I get your stats numbers to match the actual posts I can see?

Many reasons, some are:

  • timing -- posts are uploaded the archive once or twice a day. So it is seldom exactly in sync with the world as viewed from AltME
  • caching -- some of the stats counts are cached, and only update daily, regardless of when we upload new posts
  • philosophy -- should we count empty posts or those with just a smilie? Your answer may vary from ours, and ours has changed at times too
  • deletions -- a very few posts have been deleted (or not uploaed) to the archive; you may be seeing them on AltME itself
  • change of definition -- a group may have been [web public]. The archive will show and count posts up to the change. The AltME world will show all posts
  • stupidity -- there's been a few bugs along the way
  • apathy -- we could go back and address all the issues so you can properly reconcile the counts you see. But it's not going to happen

Why did the numbers change for an old year?

  • Probably because we have started publishing an old group, and all its messages have now been uploaded
  • Failing that, one of the reasons given in the previous question