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Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
colin, perhaps it would fit with a deployment scenario. compare installing 
visual studio in 40 minutes to just clicking an .exe file from a 
network share to install your rebol/services enabled source management 
client plus integrated texteditor in four seconds.
makes no difference .. file, edit or weird
hey, that select-file - with little arrows for scrolling, what style 
is that based upon?
	Title: "Local Index" 
	Type: 'index 
	dynamic: true 
	plugin-pane: 0.5

title "Local Files"
app 0.3

group "A" effect [multiply green] 
group "B" icon %action.png

action "a\gitarre"    do [explore %/f/gitarre/]
action "a\view-root" do [explore view-root]
action "a\hamster"   do [call "H:\prog\Hamster\Hamster.exe"]

action "b\Internet" do [
	call "H:\Programme\offline-proxy-mm3\MM3-WebAssistant.bat"
	call "C:\Programme\discountsurfer\discountsurfer.exe"
	call "H:\Programme\Mozilla\Firefox\firefox.exe"
	call "C:\Programme\Opera75\Opera.exe"

action "b\Firefox" do [	call "H:\Programme\Mozilla\Firefox\firefox.exe"] 
icon %web-surf-action.png

action "c\desktop"   do [editor view-root/desktop.r] 
action "c\imap"      do [editor %imap-handler.r] 

file "Info" %info.txt
file "T\Test" %test1.r 
file "T\Test2" %test2.r 
file "T\Test" %test3.r

; this is composed ----
file (form now/date) %dummy.r

action "Click me" #clickme do [
            alert "hi"

            [Text "This will be displayed within the desktop" [alert "ho"]]

action "Click me 2" #clickme2 do [
            alert "hi"
			; no return value, so nothing displayed in the desktop

action "PRINT" do [print "^/^/----------------------^/^/^/"]
action "prin somethin" do ["yea"]
file "t\Test" %dummy.r

; this will draw the plugin
app-draw [face /local cl-size][
   cl-size: to pair! reduce [face/size/x 50]
	face/pane: layout/offset[
		at 0x0 
	   text "00:00:00" cl-size center 255.155.40 with [
   		font: [size: 24]
	   	rate: 1
		   user-data: none
   		feel: make feel [
	   		engage: func [face action event i] [
		   		if user-data <> now/time [
			   		i: form user-data: now/time
				   	if 7 > length? i [append i ":00"]
					   face/text: i
   					show face
      text "TEST" 
		button "hi" [alert "you!"] 
   	button "CLOSE" [unview/all] 
	] 0x0 face/size 

; if you need to redraw after a resize, not yet used
app-resize [new-size][]
one thing about security: i would check that against a directory. 

 if find/match clean-path/file dirize view-root/local ["its my local 
 file, allow more"]
Group: PDF-Maker ... discuss Gabriele's pdf-maker [web-public]
what you have to do is: extend the typesetter so that it can read 
font descriptions and build glyph width and kerning pairs tables 
(Volker has an AFM file parser); extend the dialect so that it can 
somehow recognize and load external fonts; study the PDF reference 
to see what you need to do to include the font in the PDF file (at 
the very least, you have to provide a font object; i'm not sure if 
this is sufficient, but i hope that the reader is able to load external 
fonts once you give it the font name and description; in theory you 
should embed the font into the PDF file, which usually means parsing 
the font file and so on)
Henrik, pdf-maker is great. I have one program that creates mailmerge 
letters from data in an object database.  It creates a pdf file, 
allowing me to check each letter before printing it.  I can also 
pick out just one letter in the file to print.  Or, if the printer 
jams, it is easy to begin anew printing just the remaining letters. 
And, of course, I can use the program on any operating system.  Nice.
I don't think you can do that 100% within rebol, but Printfile seems 
to let you spool PS from a watched directory. Store a PDF or PS file 
in that specific directory and it will be printed. Printfile can't 
run as a service or in the background it seems.

It's easier under Linux where you can employ PDF2PS and just feed 
it to LPR, which will then print it.
it is possible, but not trivial; you don't actually need to change 
the pdf file, just append to it; however you need to parse it to 
do this correctly.
the reader looks at the end of the file (except for linearized format, 
but this should not worry you right now) for the xref
the xref contains the location in the file of any pdf object (such 
as pages, fonts, and so on)
the xref might just be an update to an older xref present earlier 
in the file
each object has an id and a generation number; the generation number 
must be incremented when you update the object, that is when you 
append a new object to the file that should actually replace the 
so if page 1 has id 123 (for e.g.) and generation 1, you can append 
an object with id 123 and generation 2 to replace the original page 
object that comes earlier in the file
so what you need to do is: 1) determine what objects need to be replaced 
2) append their replacements to the file 3) append new xref
it depends on the source pdf file
(the xref generator in the pdf maker only works for the main xref 
of the file, not the change xrefs, but it should be easy to change 
it to generate a change xref)
depending on how much you need to parse the original file, you may 
need to just read a few pages, or learn the whole spec
I converted my pdf to postscript.  So, perhaps all I need to do is 
to insert my PS commands before the "showpage" near the end of the 
ps file, and recompile back to pdf ?
REBOL/View 14-Oct-2005 Core 2.7.0
Copyright 2000-2005 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM
>> change-dir winpath-to-file "C:\rebol\scripts\pdf_maker"
== %/C/rebol/scripts/pdf_maker/
>> do %pdf-maker.r
>> myLayPdf: layout-pdf [[textbox ["This is some text."]]]
** Script Error: Cannot use add on none! value
** Where: make-pages
** Near: pid: (2 * length? pages) + i
any reason why you are using 1.3.50? also, that winpath-to-file shows 
you do have something in user.r ;) anything you may be accidentally 
overwriting? (btw, rebol has TO-REBOL-FILE as native, so no reason 
to define your own)
There was a reason - already forgot it.

The only thing in user.r was the function above (except set-net) 
- and I removed it ;-)
REBOL/View 5-Dec-2005 Core 2.6.3
Copyright 2000-2005 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM
>> change-dir to-rebol-file "C:\rebol\scripts\pdf_maker"
== %/C/rebol/scripts/pdf_maker/
>> do %pdf-maker.r
>> myLayPdf: layout-pdf [[textbox ["This is some text."]]]
** Script Error: Cannot use add on none! value
** Where: make-pages
** Near: pid: (2 * length? pages) + i

Could it be connected with that I am starting rebol with view.exe 
-i ?
you have to parse it out and rebuild it. (or at least recreate some 
objects and append them as a change, but then you have both the original 
and the new version in the file)
just typeset the first paragraph with the total-fit algo and actual 
font metrics. now i just add some page breaking (first fit), add 
the pdf file output from previous version, and i've got an alpha 
to test. :) (i'll be on vacation next week so this probably means 
the alpha will be available after that)
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
I have some sql that works fine using mysql db < file but fails with 
syntax error when using insert db reduce [query var1 var2]
the query file below. Any ideas ?
the mysql program does this automatically when you give it a file 
(using ; as separator)
You can do script it easily: foreach line parse file ";" [insert 
db line]
I might drop out the SQL requests splitting code (and also the delimiter 
option) from the driver as now everything is sent as-is to the server. 
It might still be useful for big SQL files, not sure what the best 
strategy should be in such case (send file as one big packet, or 
split it and send each request one by one) ?
The change I did on [Fri 21:21] version on the way SQL requests with 
multiples statements are sent to the server, might not be a good 
idea for sending big SQL batch files to the server.  The previous 
method (slicing SQL requests and sending them one by one to the server) 
wasn't that bad (could allow streaming the reading of a big SQL file 
from disk). Maybe it should be good to let the user choose how the 
driver should send multiple SQL queries.
I'm trying to upload a binary (image) file to a mysql DB. When I 
retrieve it teh binary data seems to have changed and I can not display 
the image. I was able to do it with sqlite with no problem.
I'm using the mediumblob field type for the image data... 
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
btw, I suggest not to store images in the db, store it somewhere 
on your hardrive and put in the db a pointer to the file, if you 
really need it and do not find ehat's wrong, ping me in the weekend 
and I can test that here, althougt I use other binary data with mysql-protocol 
with no problem, not sure if it apply but check also encodings for 
mysql storage, etc
I got it....
I have to convert it back to binary. ("to-binary") 

I assumed that if I was giving it a binary file it would remain in 
binary just as sqlite treated it....The field attributes state "binary".

Thanks for the help, Will!
OK, old-password is off in the server variable. Do you know where 
is the config file where this variables are sets (Ubuntu) ?
MySQL config file (my.cnf) can be in one of these places :
- /etc/
- $HOME/ 
- MySQL data folder
Hi MySQL Group, I program in C, Fortran, Cobol, Superbase4, PHP, 
MySQL and some other languages but I'm fairly new to Rebol. I am 
attempting to connect to a remote MySQL database by following the 
intstructions here http://reboltutorial.com/blog/mysql/.I have downloaded 
the mysql-protocol.r file and run it in my Rebol program but I keep 
getting this error 'Access Error: Network timeout'. What does that 
mean? How do I fix it? Any help appreciated.
Place this file in your cgi-bin and have your remote client 'read' 
the url to that file.  

Don't forget to place mysql-protocol.r somewhere on the server an 
'do' it.

you could 'encript' the output with encloak using a simple key if 
some security of the data is needed. Just decloak at the remote client 
with same key.
mysql problem what does this error mean?

    I am just looking at REBOL and trying to access mysql
    I got this error??
    connecting to:

    ** User Error: ERROR 1251 : Client does not support authentication 
    tocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
    ** Near: db: open mysql://[rootass-:-127-:-0-:-0-:-1]:3306/mysql
    This the code I am using from rebol document
    title: "Rebol Mini-Text Database with Visual GUI"

    author: "http://reboltutorial.com/blog/rebol-mini-text-database/"
    version: 1.0.0
    do %mysql-protocol.r
    probe first system/schemes
    db: open mysql://[rootass-:-127-:-0-:-0-:-1]:3306/mysql
    insert db {
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS products;
    CREATE TABLE products (
    name VARCHAR(100),
    version DECIMAL(2, 2),
    released DATE

    INSERT INTO products VALUES ('cheyenne', '1.0', '2007-05-31');
    INSERT INTO products VALUES ('mysql', '1.1', '2007-05-01');
    insert db read %setup.sql ;-- execute a big SQL file
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
as in linux you have a http.conf file to edit
(I hope this is the right group to post this in.)

I have a problem, when reading a file on another computer thru a 
shared drive. I'm sitting on a Windows client, and the file is on 
a UNIX server. First time I read the file, it's ok. Then if the file 
is updated on the UNIX server, I still get the old version on the 

I've tried the read-thru/update command, but it doesn't solve the 
problem. Maybe read-thru/update doesn't work with shared drives? 
My code looks like this:

read-thru/update %/u/adv71-20/data/invoice.txt

Any ideas?

(It's possible to distribute a sync from the server to the client, 
and then I'll get the new version of the file. But I'll like to be 
able to get the new version from the client.)
Geomol, READ-THRU is mainly for urls. READ-THRU file   operates almost 
just like  READ file. Anyway, I recommend just use READ, if you want 
the latest contents.  If it is true what you say, then it looks like 
there is some caching by Win98 or the driver for the shared drive. 
(So, outside rebol's control). However, perhaps you could force a 
sync by "touching" the file you are interested in reading first. 
By "touching" I mean use set-modes to change one of the file-modes, 
>> print mold get-modes %a 'file-modes

[creation-date access-date modification-date owner-write archived 
hidden system]
>> set-modes %afile [archived: true]
>> set-modes %afile [archived: false]
>> get-modes %afile 'archived
== false
Good suggestions, Anton! Yes, I'm pretty sure, it's outside REBOL's 
control, as I sometimes see strenge behaviour (for example regarding 
file locking) in other programs. The intra-network, I'm doing those 
things in, is a combined Win98-Win2000-WinXP network with a few UNIX 
servers present. The way, we share drives, is the standard Windows 
way using the SMB protocol (using Samba on the UNIX servers). I've 
for a long time suggested, that they do it the UNIX way and install 
NFS clients on the PCs in stead. I tried to install some ProNFS client 
yesterday, but couldn't get it to work (probably because of some 
lame Windows authentification, maybe also encrypted passwords).

It could be interesting to see, if the cache problem dissappear when 
using NFS.
read-thru: func [

    {Read a net file from thru the disk cache. Returns binary, else none 
    on error.}
    url [url! file!]

    /progress callback {Call func [total bytes] during transfer.  Return 
    /update "Force update from source site"
    /expand "Auto-decompress after transfer."

    /check {Update only if version, checksum/secure, or date/size do 
    not match.} info

    /to "Specify a file target, not cache." local-file [file! none!]
    /local file data purl loc-path
    vbug ['read-thru url info]
    if none? file: path-thru url [return none]
    if local-file [file: local-file]
    if all [not update exists-thru?/check file info] [
        if error? try [data: read/binary file] [return none]
        return data
    if file? url [
        if error? try [data: read/binary url] [return none]
        return data
    loc-path: first split-path file
    if data: read-net/progress url :callback [
        if not exists? loc-path [make-dir/deep loc-path]
        if all [expand find/match data "rebpress"] [

            if error? try [data: decompress skip data 8] [return none]
        write/binary file data
        if all [check block? info info/2] [

            error? try [set-modes file [modification-date: info/2]]
    vbug ['read-thru-ok? found? data]
I downloaded a page from a web site, but it will not display.  Could 
this have something to do with frames? What must I do to get this 
file to display?
Here is the script I used to download the files.  

rebol []

page: read http://militarygetsaved.tripod.com/id23.htm

links: []

parse page [some [thru {<A HREF="} copy temp to {"} (append links 
temp)] to end]

foreach link links [
	if find link "_ibcl.htm" [

  write to-file link read to-url rejoin ["http://militarygetsaved.tripod.com/"
None of the files will display.  Here is the link to the smallest 

If I try to open the downloaded file from my harddrive with Foxfire, 
I get an error message saying the file cannot be found!  But it is 
there and can be opened with my text editor.

   -->  Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property 
javascript: readpanel()

  -->  Error: panel is not defined  Source File: file:///d:/Anton/Dev/Rebol/View/list-demos/Micha's-javascript-page.html 
   Line: 26
curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, 
LDAP. Curl supports HTTPS certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP 
uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password 
authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, kerberos...), file 
transfer resume, proxy tunneling and a busload of other useful tricks.
I'm having some problems with the rebol example webserv.r   I've 
installed it on a computer at home and a computer here at work. It 
works fine at home, but here there appears to be problems with the 
path of the script. The log file is places several places (where 
the webserv.r script is located and severel places inside the www 
path), and there are problems accessing rebol scripts inside :[  
]: - apparently also because of problems with the path. Very wierd 
behaviour. Any help appriciated.
I've solved the problem with HTTPS thru a proxy. The problem is, 
that the commands to the proxy is sent with only a newline in the 
end of each line. If I replace the newlines with carriage-return 
newline ("^M^/"), it works. Within the SDK, the problem is in the 
file "source/prot-http.r".
And you can switch from FastCGI to CGI but modifying the flag mod-fastcgi 
in the file fmagic.r
often those things can be speedd upby caching/compiling. You parse 
the pagew, store this find-by-class data in a file and use that on 
Kaj, FastMagic! does not require SQL database. But it does require 
Rebol/Command and Linux. Indeed, FastCGI in CGI compatibility mode 
needs a POSIX environment. Nevertheless, you can use FastMagic! in 
normal CGI mode, by setting the flag mod-fastcgi to false (in the 
fmagic.r file). Actually, i develop under windows in CGI mode and 
deply under Linux in FastCGI mode, and it workds well. I tried to 
be as much compatible as possible with the original Magic!. Again, 
the application code for Rebol Directory is definitly the best way 
to learn how to develop with (Fast)Magic! You can download it at 
I want to use REBOL web server to take a tex file, and spit out pdf 
using pdflatex.  Anyone suggest a suitable server?  Cal's ? Others 
So, to render PDF, I do this

write %/d/rebol/rebgui/www/referral.tex tmp
either zero? ret: call/wait "d:\rebol\rebgui\www\pdflatex.bat" [

            alert join "Failed to print.  Batch file failed with return code 
            of " ret

and pdflatex.bat is just

copy referral.tex c:\texmf\
cd \texmf\
pdflatex referral.tex -output-directory=d:\rebol\rebgui\www\
Because if I just browse to the pdf, Acrobat locks the file which 
prevents me from rewriting the file.  This way, I can rewrite, and 
Acrobat reloads it.  Also I avoid writing lots of temporary files 
if I were to change the file name to bypass Acrobat file locking.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
MULTITHREAD DEMO for REBOL (you can esyly transform this to a lib-thread 
by puting scheduler and Rthread object and related data to a lib-thread.r 
file) I think this could be very interresting if it would be added 
into REBOL VM. Work have been make by François Jouen  you can download 
it hrere: http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/view-script.r?script=threaddemo.r
Aha-the article has the code download on the left side of it, downloads 
as a numbered .zip file, so ignore the last announcement!
New editor that support REBOL  colored syntax file. This sofware 
is SCITE 1.66 for linux and windows by default REBOL support is not 
activated. edit /usr/share/scite/ScitEGlobal.properties file ( MenuBar 
Options >  Open Global options File) search the line "#import rebol.porperties" 
and remove "#". Save changes (SCITE must be launched from a root 
terminal.) then edit /usr/src/rebol.properties file. Go to the last 
line of this file and set the proper path to your predered rebol 
VM version in the  command.go.($file.patterns.rebol)=....  Save the 
rebol.properties file ( this file can be located from Menubar Options>Edit 
properties>open rebol.properties). Once you make all those changes 
you are able to see rebol color syntax for your beloved rebol scripts.

the scripts are launched into the rebol VM hitting F5 key in SCITE. 
You will notice that the color syntaxe is very more advanced than 
the Crimson Editor one. And you have the  ability to hide the functions/objects 
inside code to make easier to read the script code.

Well this is the concret sign that REBOL  is being more and more 
considered in computing world. This is a good thing and a good reward 
for RT hard work.
Little goodie for Windows users: http://www.colellachiara.com/soft/Misc/clips.r

It will stay in your system tray and keep track of your clipboard 
(remembers the last 5 clips). They are saved in a file so you get 
them back across reboots. You can also add notes that won't get pushed 
out from the clips. Selecting a note or a clip will copy it back 
to your clipboard so that you can paste it wherever you want.
crc-32.r script updated to work on big files:


One can either uses the /direct mode (crc-32/direct %file buffer-size) 

the /continue refinement to calculate a checksum part by part (new-crc: 
crc-32/continue next-data old-crc)

- rebcode version for 1.3.61 included (as fast as the 'checksum native)
Visit  http://www.TGD-Consulting.de/Download.htmland take a look 

the final release of Hex-It!. (I posted on behalf of Dirk Weyand, 
since he cannot reach AltME)

Hex-It! is a small but powerful hex-editor. You can use this tool 
to analyse
or alter the "fingerprints" for any kind of files.

Known first as a contribution to the REBOL Demo 2006 contest, the 
release with enhanced features is available now.
Features of Hex-It! v1.2.0:
* cross platform hex-editor

* free "save-feature" for small files sized lesser 15 KB, to edit 
  files purchase a license-key that unlocks this limitation
* enhanced spot navigation with mouse scroll-wheel support
* non blocking file access 

* support of large files (a maximum chunk of 1MB file-data is only 
held in
  memory at once)
Some notes and useful tips & tricks on the usage of Hex-It!:

- Modifications of files were automatically saved on exit, if you 

another file or if a different chunk of the same file is selected.
- Byte selection:

  + Select a byte with a left mouse button (LMB) click on the hexadecimal
    values to the left. The byte is highlighted then.

  + If a byte is selected, either use the cursor keys or the scroll-wheel 
    the mouse to scroll through the bytes of the file.

  + Change a selected byte with plus (+) & minus (-) or just enter 

    new value. Single characters, three digit numbers or single hexadecimal
    values are valid.

  + Use the right mouse button (RMB) to deselect a highlighted byte.
- Spot-navigation:

  + The spot specifies the index/position of a byte in the file. If 
  no byte

    is selected it shows the position of the top left byte displayed. 
  + Enter a number to set directly the spot to a byte-position.

  + Skip a certain amount of bytes relative to the current spot by 

    plus (+) & minus (-), e.g. "+10000" skips 10000 bytes forward and
    "-1000" skips 1000 bytes backwards. 

  + Skip to end of file: Click with the RMB on the arrow-down Spot-button
    or use the "End"-Key.

  + Skip to first byte of file: Click with the RMB on the arrow-up
    Spot-button or use the "Home"-Key. 
- Seek:
  + ASCII- or Hex-Strings are valid queries.

  + LMB click on the "Seek"-button seeks from the current position.

  + RMB click on the "Seek"-button seeks from the beginning of the 

Please note, that the license of this release is not BSD like anymore.
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-024.zip

Highlights include:

 - New edit object / feel added in a separate file, %rebgui-edit.r

 - Documentation on above at: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/edit.html
	- Face redefinition localised to widgets object
	- Radio-group color toned down from green to leaf

Known issues:

	- auto-fill broken for the time being

 - edit feel needs to support tab / shift+tab into and out of "grouping" 

 - cursor down goes to end of text instead of next line?! (yell if 
 you know the answer as I'm stumped on this one)

On the drawing board

	- area widget needs a scroller added to it by default
	- field format / validation masks
	- inline spell-checker
Here's another issue:
rebgui 0.2.4 defines a new global word 'edit

  This interfered with my custom edit function, which I use to launch 
  my favourite editor.
  I'm not changing it for you ! :)

  This is an example of the problem of adding words to the global context 
  without doing
  an environmental impact study first.

  The user should be given the choice whether to export your words 
  to the global context or not.
  But probably most of them don't need to be out there at all.

  My advice is to add only these words to the global context: [

 ctx-rebgui display show-text show-data show-title splash request-color 
 request-date request-file
  --- rebgui.r ---
	CTX-REBGUI: context [


		edit: none
		widgets: none
		requestors: none
		display: none

		foreach [word file][
			edit		%rebgui-edit.r
			widgets		%rebgui-widgets.r
			requestors	%rebgui-requestors.r
			display		%rebgui-display.r
			if none? word [set word do file]

	;if not value? 'edit [do %rebgui-edit.r]
	;if not value? 'widgets [do %rebgui-widgets.r]
	;if not value? 'requestors [do %rebgui-requestors.r]
	;if not value? 'display [do %rebgui-display.r]

	; export DISPLAY and the accessor functions to global context
	foreach word [display show-text show-data show-title splash][
		set word get in ctx-rebgui word

  And each file no longer has a *named* context:

  --- edit.r ---

	REBOL [...]
	context [...]

  The above changes should mean few changes to the rebgui code. For 
  example, the body

  of the display function refers to the widgets context, but this is 
  still accessible
  because both DISPLAY and WIDGETS are inside ctx-rebgui.
gains speed. have a look on how much your os spends to file-buffering 
in comparison.
; Here's a solution to the dual-use 'load:

load-include: func [include [any-block!]][

    either parse inlcude reduce [to-issue 'include file!][load include/2][include]

; It acts like 'load, except returns a prebolled block, or loads 
a prebol file:

load-include [#include %include.r]
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-030.zip

*** Note that this version requires View 1.2.124 or later, and that 
the zip file is unusually large (346Kb) as it includes a dictionary 
file (future builds wont). ***

Highlights include:

	- New language, dictionary and spellcheck functionality added

 - Documentation on above at: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/edit.html#section-4
	- All objects merged into one context
	- Major code reorganization / restructure
	- Reduced number of global words to 11
	- Pre-0.3.0 comments removed
	- Pre View 1.2.124 code removed
	- New text-list widget added
	- Added show-color accessor function

 - rebface and rebfocus synonyms to avoid collision with face / focus
	- Large number of bug fixes
	- http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/roadmap.htmlupdated

Known issues:

 - edit feel needs to support tab / shift+tab into and out of "grouping" 

 - cursor down goes to end of text instead of next line?! (yell if 
 you know the answer as I'm stumped on this one)
	- focus

 - edit-list / drop-list should use show-popup/away (some compatibility 

On the drawing board

	- area widget needs a scroller added to it by default
	- field format / validation masks
	- menu widget
	- better keyboard navigation / focus
when you install, you have an option to set the temporary file directory
I'm writing it ... and as my ftp is jerked I can't post the adapted 
version of the demo-slider.r file
site: http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/
load-thru/check site/rebgui/slider.r 1.0.4

do site/rebgui/demo-slider.r  ;<-- modify this file to point to your 
rebgui installation
site: http://www.lexicon.net/antonr/rebol/
load-thru/check site/rebgui/slider.r 1.0.5
load-thru/check site/rebgui/pair-edit.r 1.0.1

do site/rebgui/demo-slider.r  ;<-- modify this file to point to your 
rebgui installation
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-031.zip

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3. ***

Highlights include:

 - Replaced scroller & slider widgets with Anton's new combined slider
	- Updated widgets to use same and set dragger size
	- Tab-panel now accepts actions (to enable dynamic tab displays)
	- Improved text-list selection logic
	- Prototype request-dir function added (needs a lot more work)
	- Large number of bug fixes
	- http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/display.htmlupdated

Known issues:


On the drawing board

ok, now it exists :-) ashley, language seems easy, so I'm gonna write 
a Danish language file for you
In teh readme.txt it could be usefull to make some text about your 
web site; You can find illustration about how to use rengu in tour.r 
file and you can refeer to http://www.dobeash.com/reguifor complete 
and detailled documentation. You can contact me directly for any 
suggestion bugreport improvement in AlteME REBOL3
I'm currently developing a load-svg-icon function that will take 
an SVG file name and size, and return a scaled draw block. Some questions 
need addressing first though (feel free to post the GPL answers to 
the licensing group):

1) Can I distribute a set of GPL SVG icons with the RebGUI zip bundle? 
If so, under what terms / conditions?

2) If someone creates a RebGUI binary application (with the to be 
released SDK) can they include GPLed SVG files, and if so, under 
what terms / conditions?

3) Can GPLed SVG files be distributed under a different file name(s)? 
(e.g. rename gnome-gtk-folder-icon3.svg to open.svg)

4) What if I want to take a set of GPLed SVG files and distribute 
them as pre-converted draw-blocks (so RebGUI apps don't need to convert 
icons from SVG to Draw)?

Now some design questions:

1) Should the result of the proposed load-svg-icon be a draw block 
or an image?

2) Should RebGUI have a stock image cache or a stock draw-cmds cache? 
(i.e. is it better to cache draw cmds or images)
no you have to keep original file names (content can be changes if 
you warn the user that you do so in the readme.txt file for example 
) and you have to keep the main authors name
for 2) it dependes mainly of the licence type of the binary ... GPL 
 is free to use/distribute modify until you stay in the GPL licence 
area ... And you keep original file names and original author name 
and you warn author that you retake there work and include it into 
an other work they can see to a gived location (it's most a way for 
main author to ensure that there rights and licence term is not derrived 
to an auther licence enclosement)
Actually, in this case the SVG is the source and the Draw blocks 
are the "binaries". You can change the file names of the "binaries" 
and distribute the source SVG files in a seperate archive with their 
original file names.
From the AGG Group: "Having our own SVG icons is a good idea as we 
don't have to worry about licence / distribution issues and we can 
tweak the generation to make it as AGG compatible as possible. To 
do that we need to settle on *one* tool so as we generate consistent 
SVG code, and we should generate SVG that uses a single unit of measure, 
preferably pixels, as it's a real pain trying to handle multiple 
units of measure within the same file."
shadwolf: Once you've settled on the "best" SVG generation tool to 
use (with feedback from folks here), then create a simple SVG icon 
(a shaded "next" arrow for instance) and post a link to the file. 
I'll have a look at the underlying SVG code it generates and we'll 
see if it's clean enough to use easily. We can then start creating 
more complex icons and improving the SVG renderer as we go. My hope 
is that we will end up with a nice set of REBOL / RebGUI SVG icons 
that are free of any licence / distribution issues.
I'm playing with ashley's svg-demo.r script code in order to understand 
it and know what are missing in it. I took as reference the blender.svg 
file because it's tiny and half rendered.  I constate that <g></g> 
block that encap transformations and transformed things is not support 
and LinearGradient is not supported too ...
Looks good under Opera. Has the SVG renderer you and Vincent have 
been working on got to the stage where it can display these? If so, 
post a link and I'll integrate that in. The entry point will be a 
function named 'load-svg in a separate file so we don't have to worry 
about "widget clutter", and I've already added a new 'icon widget 
and updated toolbar widget which use the 'load-svg function ... so 
we should be ready to go.
yess I'm hardly developping SVG renderer widget as flexible and complete 
support of the SVG file format
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-032.zip

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3. ***

Highlights include:

	- New keycode handler (to assign keystrokes to actions)

 - Tab focus expanded to include button handling (see %focus-demo.r 
 for details)
	- Buttons are now image based
	- Number of password widget fixes

 - Added basic SVG support (proof of concept at this stage - shadwolf 
 is working on *real* SVG support)
	- Added icon and svg-toolbar widgets to support above
	- Large number of bug fixes

 - Bit of code refactoring (split layout logic out of display function)
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-033.zip

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Minor synchronization release to align with latest REBOL/View 1.3.1 
builds and documentation. I've also removed all SVG related code 
until such time as AGG fixes allow SVG Renderer project to complete.
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-034.zip

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

	- request-dir requestor updated
	- alert and question requestors added

 - Tab focus expanded to include edit-list handling (see %focus-demo.r 
 for details)
	- Button image now resizes correctly

 - text-list widget totally rewritten to use [newly documented] View 
 1.3.1 iterated faces
	- text-list now supports Ctrl+click, Shift+click, Ctrl+A

 - text-list scrollbar now reacts to current display state (eg. disappears 
 if not required, alters dragger ratio as rows are added, etc) 
	- check and radio widget aesthetics improved

 - added options support to layout function and text-list and check 

 - changed base-size from 4x5pixels to 5x4 pixels (better granularity)
	- reworked all widget sizes to account for above
	- fixed scaling problems with many widgets
	- updated focus-demo.r

 - greatly enhanced and expanded %tour.r to demonstrate more variations 
 and usage cases
	- added "live" unit-size and font-size drop-lists to %tour.r
	- numerous other minor bug fixes and coding improvements

In the works

 - table widget being rewritten along the same lines as the new improved 
 text-list widget
	- aiming for a 0.4.0 beta release prior to DevCon2005
Image accepts a file for the image, but not an image type.
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-035.zip

Issue log: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

 - generic face-iterator function shared by all lists (text-list, 
 table, edit-list & drop-list)

 - new improved table widget finally supporting row (including multiple) 

 - updated drop-list & edit-list widgets (defocusing support still 
 limited though)
	- area widget now sports a slider by default

 - resizing code (supporting negative sizes) reverted to pre-0.3.4

 - IMPORTANT: resizeable windows that don't have min-size specified 
 are automatically assigned one the same as the original window size
	- Various multi-row text selection issues resolved
	- Various focus issues resolved
	- numerous other minor bug fixes and coding improvements

In the works

	- basic menu widget
	- revamped documentation 
	- stabilize existing code-base for 0.4.0 beta release
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-036.zip

Issue log: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

	- All widgets now support alt-action & dbl-action blocks

 - Table & Text-list widgets now have a selected function to access 
 selected data directly

 - New clear-widget accessor function to handle setting values within 
 iterated faces
	- Added a clear-text accessor function
	- Documentation updated to reflect above changes
	- Number of minor bug fixes

In the works

	- revamped focus system
	- basic menu widget
	- context menu widget
	- stabilize existing code-base for 0.4.0 beta release
I'm using code like the following quite often now:

	display join settings/file " Summary" compose/only [

  records: table 90x25 #W options ["Date" right .4 "User" left .2 "Description" 
  left .4] data (

   sql compose [select [date user description] from sys_records where 
   (id) order by date desc]
		) [
			;	set record path
			record-path: dirize join file-path first face/selected

The table widget is now very DB friendly. I haven't had a need for 
a grid widget, but then again my apps don't require spreadsheet type 
Latest build available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-037.zip

Issue log: http://www.dobeash.com/it/rebgui/issues.html

*** Unzip this file into your existing RebGUI 0.3.0 distribution. 
Requires View 1.3.1 ***

Highlights include:

	- Close handler refinement added to display function

 - Closing the main window when more than one is open now prompts 
 for confirmation

 - New 'after keyword added to layout (helps with displays that arrange 
 widgets in one or more columns)

 - Fixed major bugs with 'at positioning and window size determination
	- Couple of layout 'reverse bugs fixed
	- Documentation updated to reflect above changes
	- Number of minor bug fixes

In the works

	- revamped focus system
	- basic menu widget
	- context menu widget
	- field-level validation
	- stabilize existing code-base for 0.4.0 beta release
Any reason why request-file has lost the /keep refinement ?
Rebgui redefines 'request-file without the /keep refinement
I made some improvements in the list-view widget for rebgui  ^^ Now 
dynamc widget changes impact on data to be drawn (so when you change 
the state of a checkbox this impacts on the stored data) I make a 
generic callback funtion to allow ppl to save list data into a file 
 on changes. I make some estetical changes too 
I hope you will apreciate it  ^^
yeah, the download script needs to preserve the file dates :)
you can use set modes to alter the file creation date.
Group: !distro-bot ... [web-public] distro-bot: source & versioning + automated distribution
I'd like to announce the imminent public availability of distro-bot. 

A powerfull tool for version control (of scripts and any other file) 
and project distribution & packaging  

I'd like to know if any of you want to be alpha testers for the up 
and comming version, which is a result of several YEARS of fine tuning, 
 and now combining, a rich set tools.

CURRENT FEATURES (partial list):
-non intrusive, does not force any programing onto you.

    ex:  * no need to have version in header, and can still do version 

           * history format is user specified, massive configurability
-encapped (windows) application, so its easy to use.

-no external dependencies (ex: zip archive is embeded, and coded 
in rebol :-)

-script versioning
-file backup (versioned)
-zip archival
-file management

-creation of "packages" (create dirs, copy files, archive, prebol, 
slim-link, encap, etc)

-header manipulation (including history, date, version, and any field 
you want to enforce)
-system calls
-file parsing, replacing info tags.

Flexible setup:
-cascading configuration (global, user, project, + per file)

-config locking, prevents overiding configs in cascaded setups (project 
manager can create rules which no one can break)
-command-line arguments overides for many configs

-user set configs for most if not all features (ex: history format, 
date format).

and much more
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