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Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Thanks Brian.  I will play around with it a little more.  Just to 
re-iterate my understanding of rebol assignments

A variable is not evaluated when assigned - the value is, and then 
it is assigned to the variable. You don't really 
define" variables in REBOL"

So at the time of assignment, the text following the : is assigned 
to the variable but is not evaluated.  That is to say the variable 
is like a pointer to the text string that was typed in.

Does that mean that Rebol will not do evaluations until it needs 
to.  For example:
In-file:	%file_path_name.txt
In-text:	Read In-file

write %out-file-path-name.txt In-text		<-- this is where the evaluation 
occurs to resolve all the above?  Is that right?
Another similar example:

In-file:	%file_path_name.txt
In-text:	Read In-file

append In-text 'this-is-the-end-of-the-file	<-- evaluated because 
of action word append
write %out-file-path-name.txt In-text
Getting better, but still no cigar.

Here is my test code for Mold-CSV function in CSV.r script:  ( I 
hope this formats correctly on Altme)

In-block:	[					; (want in csv file)	; (want in excel) 
["Col A1"		"Col B1"		]	; Col A1,Col B1	; Col A1	Col B1
[2			3			]	; 2,3			;      2	     3
["'3"			"'4"			]	; '3,'4			; '3		'4
["4a"			"4b"			]	; 4a,4b			; 4a		4b

["^"5a^"^"^"^""		"^"^"^"5b^"^""		]	; "5a""""","""5b"""	; 5a""		"5b" 
["6a x"			"6b y"			]	; 6a x,6b y		; 6a x		6b y
["7a, x"			"7b,^"^" y"		]	; "7a, x","7b,"" y"""	; 7a, x		7b," y"

["^"8a ^"^",x"		"^"8b ^"^"^"^"y^""	]	; "8a "",x","8b """" y"	; 8a 
",x	8b "" y

["^"^"^"9a^"^" x"		"^"9b ^"^"y^"^"^""	]	; """9a"" x","9b ""y"""	; 
"9a" x	9b "y" 

 Out-block:	Mold-CSV In-block
 write %Book2.csv Out-block

In the above, I have 3 "views" if you will of what I am after.

The first view is the In-block that I would like Mold-CSV to run 

The second commented view is what I need Mold-CSV to generate to 
put into the csv file

The third commented view is what Microsoft Excel will generate when 
I open the CSV file.

Mold-CSV works fine for the first 6 lines, then it gives me this 
for lines 7,8 and 9:

7a, x
,{7b,"" y}		<-- Where did the braces come for for 7b?
{"8a "",x},"8b """"y"	<-- Same quest for 8a?

,"9b ""y"""	ok

Any ideas on how to solve this?
I don't understand the exact logic of the CSV file quote formatting, 
but you could use a function similar to this:
	enquote: func [string][rejoin [{"} string {"}]]
>> print enquote "hel^"lo"

and you could take it further by replacing single instances of " 
in the string with two instances, etc.
Anton,  What do you think of this approach -- I'm just thinking it 
through and am not sure if I have covered all the bases.

Since my input can contain any number of symbols, commas, single 
and double quotes, and rarely, but possibly braces, what if I attack 
the problem a different way.  Whenever an embedded comma, or double 
quote or something like that occurs within an spreadsheet cell, it 
will require some kind of "extra" formatting like two quotes or the 
like.  It may even be that there are unique combinations of such 
symbols, rare as that would be, to have complex formatting of an 
input block for rebol to convert it properly for CSV.

What if I shift gears and look at a TAB delimited file instead.  
I know that I will never have TAB embedded in my cells, and that 
I deal with the entire block as a series instead.  I could embed 
TAB wherever needed to separate the columns and leave the remaining 
string the way it is.  Would that work, or would I still need to 
do some formatting to handle it.  I think I'll open an excel spreadsheet, 
and work in reverse to see what it needs for TAB delimited file. 
 Any comments?
For those of you monitoring and want to see what I mean:

Out-string:	[		; (want in tab file)		; (want in excel)
	{Col A1^-Col B1^/}	; Col A1	Col B1		; Col A1	Col B1 
	{2^(tab)3^(line)}	; 2		3		;      2		     3
	{'3^-'4^/}		; '3		'4		; '3		'4
	{4a^-4b^/}		; 4a		4b		; 4a		4b
	{5a""^-"""""5b"^/}	; 5a""		"""""5b"		; 5a""		""5b
	{"""6a x"""^-6b y^/}	; """6a x"""	6b y		; "6a x"		6b y
	{7a, x^-7b," y"^/}	; 7a, x		7b," y"		; 7a, x		7b," y"
	{8a ",x^-8b "" y^/}	; 8a ",x		8b "" y		; 8a ",x		8b "" y
	{"""9a"" x"^-9b "y"^/}	; """9a"" x"	9b "y"		; "9a" x		9b "y"	

 write %Book2.txt Out-string 

Aside from just need to insert a ^(tab) or ^- at the appropriate 
places to separate a cell from each other, and a ^(line) or ^/ in 
a string, I will also need to check the first character of each "cell". 
 If it starts with a ", then I need to add another set around it. 
 See 5b and 9a above to see what I mean.
My end goal is to be able to take some formatted text of some kind, 
something that is generated by a utility of some kind, and generate 
a spreadsheet from it.  The formatted text can be of any type including 
" and the like.

I'm working in reverse, by creating a spreadsheet in MS excel with 
various kinds of data that I've shown above.  Some data with just 
alpha, just numbers, combinatins, leading quotes, trailing quotes, 
embedded quotes, embedded commas, spaces etc.  Then I saved the spreadsheet 
as CSV and another version as Tab delimited.

Then by looking at those files via notepad or other editor, I can 
see how the data must be in order for MS excel to accept it.  I initially 
had problems with the CSV model because embedded qutoes needs other 
qutoes added to that "cell" if you will.  The Tab delimited model 
has less restrictions on it.  The only thing that needs attention 
is when a "cell" starts with a quote, which needs additional quotes 
added to it.  Embedded qutoes or trailing qutoes don't need any modification.

Long story short -- I'm going with Tab delimited model and figuring 
out a rebol script to take data from an IBM utility dump (with rules 
on what data to capture), and model that info into an excel spreadsheet 
via Tab delimited file.
Hi Gregg -- The cookbook recipe is a good one for reading and processing 
CSV's as input.  My main issue is NOT the CSV part itself.  It is 
pretty simple really.  But as usual MS has some additional formatting 
rules whenever certain characters are embedded, and that is the part 
I'm having trouble with in order for a CSV file to be loaded as a 

You don't happen to have one that lets you write CSV files as output 
for excel (with all the special rules etc)???   :-)
can you tell me why to-file does not care if a word holding the value 
of a file name is presented as
to-file :filename
or  to-file filename
source to-file is very simple  to-file: func [value] [ to file! :value 
]  ; which seems to apply : to a get-word! in the first case
ed: func [/file filename [string! file!] " afile name" /local fn 
	[either file 
		[either exists? fn: to file! :filename
			[editor fn]
			[fn: ask "file name:  " editor to file! :fn] ]
		[editor {}]
comment { this works the same

ed: func [/file filename [string! file!] " afile name" /local fn 
	[either file 
		[either exists? fn: to file! filename
			[editor fn]
			[fn: ask "file name:  " editor to file! fn] ]
		[editor {}]
>> logname: does [rejoin [now/date ".log"]]
>> to-file logname
== %1-Aug-2007.log
>> to-file :logname
== %?function?
what seems a little spooky is the way the behavior Gregg illustrates 
disappears when I define to-file as
to-file: func [value] [to file! value] ; cool - or spooky
Carl wants such a list for   form, mold, to string!,  format (but 
that's R3), add the serial form, score some points and help the beginners 
in one grand pdf-maker datatype file.  Not much to ask, is it John? 
I have written an alternate form of the func WHAT  that dumps to 
a file ( I have only 481 global functions at startup )

I will try to find time to build a page that gives clicks for SOURCE 
and HELP for each func in a given file dump (and maybe group them)
I tried messing with PRINT but that broke HELP and SOURCE ;-)
you can also just:   echo %somefile.txt    - everything that is printed 
also goes to the file. echo none disables it.
; this now makes sense
>> file: %image.jpg

>> print copy/part file find file "."  ; == "image"   I will focus 
on this example in my tutorial but only AFTER
>> fileName: "image.jpg"
>> print copy/part fileName find fileName "."  ; == "image"
; I did a dif between the functions in VIEW and those in CORE for 
a default install.  What I get is this ( I hope it is useful to have 
al 106  in one place )

 alert  brightness?  caret-to-offset  center-face  choose  clear-face 
  clear-fields  confine  crypt-strength?

 dbug  deflag-face  desktop  dh-compute-key  dh-generate-key  dh-make-key 
  do-events  do-face  do-face-alt  do-thru  

 draw  dsa-generate-key  dsa-make-key  dsa-make-signature  dsa-verify-signature 
  dump-face  dump-pane  edge-size?  

 editor  emailer  exists-thru?  find-key-face  find-window  flag-face 
  flag-face?  flash  focus  get-face  

 get-net-info  get-style  hide  hide-popup  hilight-all  hilight-text 
  hsv-to-rgb  in-window?  inform  

 insert-event-func  inside?  install  launch-thru  layout  link-relative-path 
  load-image  load-stock  

 load-stock-block  load-thru  local-request-file  make-face  notify 
  offset-to-caret  open-events  outside?  

 overlap?  path-thru  read-net  read-thru  remove-event-func  request 
  request-color  request-date  request-dir  

 request-download  request-file  request-list  request-pass  request-text 
  reset-face  resize-face  rgb-to-hsv  

 rsa-encrypt  rsa-generate-key  rsa-make-key  screen-offset?  scroll-drag 
  scroll-face  scroll-para  set-face  

 set-font  set-para  set-style  set-user  show  show-popup  size-text 
  span?  stylize  textinfo  unfocus  

 uninstall  unlight-text  unview  vbug  view  viewed?  win-offset? 
Group: Make-doc ... moving forward [web-public]
Robert : For the structure, you can look at my 'Easy-Doc prototype:
It works with 3 sets of modules: readers, parsers and writers. 

'readers have to supply a text string to parsers (ie. MS-Word files 
are scanned for text),

'parsers build a block in intermediate format (there is a makedoc 

and 'writers output the result either in file or on screen (VID / 
html / pdf / rtf / swf).
Group: PDF-Maker ... discuss Gabriele's pdf-maker [web-public]
one possibilty would be: pass jpg file name, not image!; parse jpeg 
file for jpeg data; embed jpeg data in the pdf
if compress does work, that could be applied to everything else too, 
so the resulting file would be surely smaller.
(embed jpg file saved from rebol and converted to jpeg with image-magic)
hmm, rereading the spec, it may work just putting the jpg file there. 
i will try that, eventually. :)
there's also the issue, that if we allow specifying a binary! instead 
of image! and interpert it as a jpeg file, then the dialect will 
have no default to use for the size, unless we go on and parse the 
jpeg header, or load the jpeg into a image! temporarily just to get 
its size. (binary! would have the added benefit to work also in Core, 
however that would only be for jpeg images)
and which windows encoding? Maybe can janeks just set some flag or 
something which specifies his encoding in the file.
Is a pdf file compressed or encrypted. Is there anyway to parse it?
How tuff would it be to parse out the image data from a pdf file...or 
for that matter, the text. Formating not important...
Or does anyone know of a good lib or dll that does this?
depending on how the PDF file is built, extracting text and images 
could be trivial, or very difficult.
do you know anything about this http://www.tv.com.pl/stepbystep/pdfinclude/
 .. I am trying by manually editing the pdf file but so far no changes
in the pdf file ... I discovered one good news now ... I need csz 
( like ch sh zh in eng) .. I saw  that zh that I thought before doesn't 
have a glyph in standard fonts didn't make it to the generated pdf 
and if I add it by hand and update length of stream Zh works ... 
so now only Ch is the problem .. (because it's not represented in 
win1252 , the character with same code 200 in 1252 is E (arrow) È
changing the pdf file directly will break it because the index at 
the end needs to point to all the objects in the file... so if objects 
move around the index needs to be redone.
it's possible to edit the pdf file by appending stuff to it, but 
you'll need to read the specs to make that work, it's not entirely 
trivial either.
IIRC adobe is notorious for implementing the worst file formats possible.
that is defined in the test-pdfm.r file where it says:

text book [
this is the end of the file 

8 0 obj
<< /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R] /Count 1 >>
1 0 obj
<< /Type /Catalog /Version /1.4 /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 8 0 R >>
2 0 obj
<< /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >>
3 0 obj
[/PDF /Text /ImageC]
0 9
0000000000 65535 f 
0000005180 00000 n 
0000005259 00000 n 
0000005305 00000 n 
0000000009 00000 n 
0000000111 00000 n 
0000000208 00000 n 
0000000414 00000 n 
0000005123 00000 n 
<< /Size 9 /Root 1 0 R >>
Group: AGG ... to discus new Rebol/View with AGG [web-public]
I use inkscape to make new-file.svg and this one doesn't load at 
I think taking as dev reference my file new-file.svg made with Inkscape 
is a good start point (this image is simple but a good sample of 
what we need to support :)
Pekr: the SVG Demo is just a quick and dirty prototype. I'm just 
going to get it to the stage where it can display simple SVG icons 
(for RebGUI). If someone else wants to write an SVG viewer that is 
fully SVG 1.1 (with 1.2 around the corner) compatible then good luck 
... I'm *not* going to be doing that! ;)

yeksoon: see above comments. I'm tweaking the SVG Demo code on an 
SVG icon by icon basis. As long as it works for the icons I use (or 
intend to use) I'm happy - I don't guarantee the code will work with 
anything other than the specific SVG files I have tested it on.

Cyphre: SVG is such a "flexible" standard isn't it? :) One question; 
how did you map SVG "path d" commands (e.g. <path style=... d="M 
10 10 C 20 20 ... z") where there is no "z" command to close the 
"shape" (i.e. the AGG shape command closes by default).

shadwolf: Having our own SVG icons is a good idea as we don't have 
to worry about licence / distribution issues and we can tweak the 
generation to make it as AGG compatible as possible. To do that we 
need to settle on *one* tool so as we generate consistent SVG code, 
and we should generate SVG that uses a single unit of measure, preferably 
pixels, as it's a real pain trying to handle multiple units of measure 
within the same file. I'll continue this discussion in the RebGUI 
I think trying to arrive to the level to inkscape in our own SVG 
DRAW MAKER software will take more than one year to redone it with 
REBOL... So to avoid loss of time we can yet work on the engine for 
rebgui feeting to InkScape SVG format then we can start working to 
our own SVG DRAW MAKER made in full REBOL... One thing that afraid 
me a little is the flexibility of the SVG format as it can be very 
different how to support any SVG file comming from any EDITOR ? For 
me SVG appears to me to be close to what we done with MakeDoc format. 
Today we have many MD like format all very good but to make a Viewer 
in rebol that support them all it wil be very very difficult.
take my file fraisier.jpg and draw it the same translating it to 
VID Draw AGG dialect you will see that it's  afull too (take left 
space i'm agree ...)
what is more easier and productiv (sorry but if you spent 3 weeks 
to draw the logo of your website in DrawAGG commands you will be 
fired and that's all) Making a description of your image in pure 
draw dialect ? Making it in SVG using a SVG Drawer editor then integer 
it to a VID renderer to have the snapshot ?  And then if your boss 
or client found that the produced graphic doesn't complity to his 
thought how difficult would it be to modify it in AGG code (pure 
texte no graphical editor) in SVG (there you have an editor and you 
can retake the file and then modify it very easyly ) or in bitmap 
once produced it's very hard to modify (a part if you save it into 
an intermediate format ? )
20 years ago Wav and Midi format where the only ones now in day you 
have more than 10 sound encoding format ....  An alternative could 
be to traslate systematically the what ever encoded sound file to 
a WAV one and then play it but franckly do you thing people that 
are using a jukebox software (like winamp for example) will accept 
1) to wait 5 minutes for theire files to be translated then have 
a poor audio quality ???
Pekr imagine you compose you graphics with inkscape (SVG editor very 
complete and free) then you set your animation process with AGG and 
then you put it online in your site. People come along in you web 
site make the click on the link to you new file then rebol/view plugin 
launch and run you SVG graphics with you AGG animation. In front 
of that you have flash sure but flash is made by a specialised in 
the grpahic industry company and not by a generic company ;)
Group: Web ... Everything web development related [web-public]
I must be doing something wrong in creating my tex file.
Question: Has anybody written a log-file analyzer tool in Rebol? 
I really must say, that I have looked into a lot of those tools but 
never found a good one. All spit out some information but not the 
one I'm mostly interested in. And I just get reports but can't do 
any trend analyzes etc.
yes, no problem, and the issue with the bots - if the bot don't support 
cookies (non of them does), i can give him whatever I want, I'm not 
cheeting, I just may think, that it's somethink like LYNX and serve 
him pure text pages:) And if he don't like it so it's his problem 
(or its?) And with the robot.txt file - ugly bots will not respect 
robot.txt file anyway :)
I need to post file with field data from console
    Title: "Http tools"
    Date: 14-Dec-2000
    Version: 0.0.3
    File: %http-tools.r
    Author: "Graham Chiu"
Hm. it should be: read/custom url [multipart [file %test.r name "test"]] 
  (because I need field name for the file as well:-)
!!! Cookies-daemon script now allows to post data as a multipart 
do http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rebol/cookies-daemon_latest.r
;sending single file:

read/custom target-url [multipart [myfile %somefile.txt]]   ;== same 
like <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=myfile>
;sending normal fields:

read/custom target-url [multipart [field1 "some value" field2 "another 
;sending multivalue:

read/custom target-url [multipart ["field[]" "some value" "field[]" 
"another value]]
;sending file with field value:

read/custom target-url [multipart [myfile %somefile.txt field1 "some 

Source files (with modified %http-patch.r) are in this archive:  

As it's part of the cookies-daemon, it should deal with the cookies 

The script is trying to detect content-type of the file which you 
want to upload calling get-content-type function, which is not part 
of the cookies-daemon (at this moment)
That doesn't work either. There must be something wrong with the 
file itself.
maybe it crapped out while transfering, try copying the file again?
Maxim, you are right, the file is corrupted during transfer. Thanks!
The server just serves files. It should not care what they contain. 
You can check if the file completed with:

	probe info? http://www.myserver.com/path/to/your.jpg

to see if it has the right size, at least.
Due to a very slow Internet connection, I need to make the FTP module 
of my website builder script more efficient so I don't send files 
unnecessarily. What I have in mind is:

1. Delete all the files in the website directory on my harddrive 
to eliminate all unused files.
2. Build the website to the website directory on my harddrive.

3. Download a list of the file names and creation dates from the 
website (all are in one directory).

4. Read the list of file names and creation dates from the directory 
on my harddrive (all are in the one directory mentioned in 2 above).

5. If a file is on the hard drive but not on the server, send it 
to the server.

6. If a file is on the server but not on the harddrive, delete the 
file on the server.

7. If a file on the harddrive is newer than a file on the server, 
send it to the server.

Has anyone already done this? Am I forgetting anything? Any pointers 
on how to do this?
Sorry about the CRLF ..... you don't want to be checking the timestamps 
on the server with a slow connection. Just hold the last updated 
value locally and if it changes then transfer the file.  Same for 
deleting ... else you spend all of your time checking on the server 
over a slow connection.    You could check the timestamps or hash 
the local value ... then if  the hash value of the source changes, 
transfer the updated version.     There's some code to do some of 
this in build-sie.r  http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/view-script.r?script=build-site.r
 but it's a rebol-ish task.
Graham, if a file upload fails somewhere in the middle, will you 
script restart the upload where the failure occurred so that the 
first half of the file does not have to be downloaded again?
Louis -- a couple of pointers about uploading files to a server using 
a slow FTP connection:

(I do it myself with REBOL.org -- most of the development takes place 
on my machine and is uploaded to RO via a 56K modem, so this is based 
on real experience.)

-- If you are uploading a large live file, that file will be available 
and/or "broken" during the course of the upload. Best to upload with 
a temporary file name, and then rename when uploaded.

-- That won't work with CGI scripts under Apache/UNIX as the rename 
won't leave them with the right file permissions to execute. But 
it will work for all other files, including scripts that are DOne 
by your CGIs.

-- We have a checksums file that the uploader uses.  Before uploading 
a file, it checks the file's upload checksum. That way, we only ever 
upload new or changed files.
I had faced with problem for file uploads:

I had file upload script (upload.r posted somwhere in rebol lists/worlds) 
on my web servers, that works well on KF web server.

But on MS IIS script hangs and I am getting timeout error from server.
If it is needed I can post upload.r here!
the simplest way, which however needs write permissions to the filesystem, 
is to have a unique session id assigned to users; this id could be 
basically a file name (and you need to check for its sanity then); 
then you read from the file at the beginning, and save to it at the 
eg. you could have session: load session-file at the beginning; then 
your script does whatever with session; then you save session-file 
session at the end.
Thanks C. It is really easy isn't it?

The main differences between your approach and mine that I can see 
1. you hold all data in one file; mine uses one file per session

2. you create just a cookie; mine creates a session record in which 
the CGI script can save data

Either way, the scripts demonstrate that the problem is really trivial 
-- with the one need to create unique and hard-to-guess session ids. 
 We've both put some serious code into doing that.
the problem is, that if you are posting large file, it's not too 
good, as all file is first uploaded again and than you can decide, 
if you want it to store for example. I though I sow something, but 
maybe it was just a fata morgana, I thing, that the best is the redirect. 
My problem is, that I'm trying to connect on database, which was 
not designed by me, so there is no crypted id for the data I upload, 
just incremental integer, which I don't want to use, as I would give 
chance to everybody go thru the data just inserting other numbers. 
I have to take a risk, modify the original database adding ne column 
with crypted id and redirect to the uploaded data using this id. 
And hope, that I will find and modifie all places, where is this 
database used:(
Hi, I'm looking into Chris' emit-rss.r script, however, when I run 

usage example provided in the header, all I get in the my-feed.rss 
is this:

No Item Author Details - "Journal Entry title...."

I believe it is used on Carl's blogs, so I'm surprised, it should 
be working. 

Thanks in advance for any valuable clues...1
>         Title:          "RSS Generator for Carl's Blog"
>         Date:           31-Dec-2004
>         File:           %carl-rss.r
>         Home:           http://www.livejournal.com/~premshree
>         Author:         ["Premshree Pillai" "Gregg Irwin"]
>         Version:        0.0.3

>         Purpose: {Generate valid RSS 2.0 feeds for Carl's blogs}
>     Comment: {

>         0.0.2 Massive code changes for instructional purposes. 

>         0.0.3 More changes, knowing Carl actually wants to use 
it. :) --Gregg
>     }
> ]
Aha !  Tracked it down. In my frame I had a BASE tag. This caused 
the javascript error:

Error: document.getElementById("navList") has no properties

Source File: javascript:alert('width: ' + document.getElementById('navList').offsetWidth);


	<base target="_top" /> 


<ul id="navList" >

<a href="javascript:alert('width: ' + document.getElementById('navList').offsetWidth);">navList 

here is a more complete example that will save url of all browser 
windows to a file:
I'm searching for a good free log-file analyzer (whatever that means 
;-)). Any hints? I know:

- Analog
- Webializer

But both are not that good IMO.
Then, when this script runs well, put the same sheeband at the beginning 
of the magic.cgi file.
Then I have a file test.rhtml (handler for .rhtml must be configured 
in the webserver) with this content to test magic :

From your posting on the Rebol-France BB, it looks as though the 
formattng of your AddHandler declarations in your httpd.conf file 
are not correct.

I use these:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .r

#Following entry added to enable Magic!
AddHandler magic .rhtml
Action magic /magic/cgi-bin/magic.cgi
do you have a domain name assigned to your computer? if it is then 
you can access it as anybody else ... I am not sure I understand 
... if you have a virtual host set and you want to test if it works 
(and are on windos) you can add www.yourdomain.com  to hosts file 
in winnt/system32/drivers
If you are on windows, check c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 
Code snippet to "inline" an image:

	string: trim/lines form read/binary file
	remove back tail string

 ajoin [{<img src="data:image/} next suffix? file ";base64," skip 
 string 5 {">}]

Adds about 30-50% to image size but reduces server fetches (important 
for wireless access).
Ah, even simpler then:

 ajoin [{<img src="data:image/} next suffix? file ";base64," enbase 
 read/binary file {">}]

and obviously you can have all the image data in a javascript file 
as well (for which you probably already have a longer cache expire 
set up)
In my approach, the mapping between the data and the "view" is defined 
by a dialect. I guess, one might want to make at least part of that 
mapping part of the view; this does not change the fact that the 
template file can then be simple HTML.


 to me does not seem a templating issue though. It's about localization 
 and customization (different users will want different formats for 
 dates, and almost everything else). So, this is a completely separate 
 axis. As Carl often says... the problem is multidimensional, reducing 
 it just to "model" and "view" is not really going to work.
From 2003 ... the header dialect might work now though since the 
article was written http://www.compkarori.com/vanilla/display/HTTP+file+uploading
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]

is a wrapper around Anton's batch download script.  It reads a configuration 
file(s) from a site and loads the data into the script.

This is as: file description url and then extended file description.

Defaults are embedded into the script and are used if the read fails.
You can use it to download iso files etc.
Any urls in the extended file description are clickable.
there is a zip file containing everything
rebol [
Title: "Stopwatch"
    Date: 23-Mar-2005
    Version: 1.0.0
    File: %stopwatch.r
    Author: "Louis Turk"
    Purpose: "Simple desktop stopwatch."
kbhit: does [
    con: open/direct/binary/no-wait console://
    until [wait con]
    choice: to-char pick con 1
    close con
forever [
	prin "Hit any key to start: "
	start-time: now/time/precise
	print [start-time]
	prin ["Hit any key to stop : "]
	end-time: now/time/precise
	print [end-time]
	print [newline newline end-time - start-time newline newline]
rebol [
Title: "Stopwatch"
    Date: 19-Sep-2006
    Version: 2.0.0
    File: %stopwatch.r
    Author: "Louis Turk"
    Purpose: "Simple desktop stopwatch."
    history: "v.2 works across midnight thanks to Gabriele"
kbhit: does [
    con: open/direct/binary/no-wait console://
    until [wait con]
    choice: to-char pick con 1
    close con
forever [
	prin "Hit any key to start: "
	start-time: now/precise
	print [start-time]
	prin ["Hit any key to stop : "]
	end-time: now/precise
	print [end-time]

 print [newline newline difference end-time start-time newline newline]
    Title:   "Slideshow"
    Date:    12-Oct-2006
    Name:    'SLIDESHOW  ; For window title bar
    Version: 1.0.0
    File:    %slideshow.r
    Author:  "Louis A. Turk"
    Rights:  "Public Domain; use at your own risk."
    Needs:   "A version of REBOL/VIEW supporting sound"

    Purpose: {To make possible simple, easy to make narrated slide shows.

              Hopefully can be used with the REBOL plugin to show narriated slides
              on a web site.

              Hopefully can an effective tool to teach REBOL programming.
    Note: {
        The concept and design originated with Louis A. Turk.

        DideC helped considerably by answering programming questions and 
        giving bits of code;
        it would not have been possible without his help.
	Josh also answered programming questions.

        You can make wav files using the free program Audacity. http://audacity.sourceforge.net

        Advanced JEPG Compressor does and excellent job compressing graphics 
        files so they load 
        faster, but is not free.
    History: [
        1.0.0 [ "First release." "Louis"]

    Language: 'English

;Requires a data file named %slides.r containing lines of blocks 
in the following format:

;Each block must contain: (1) slidename, (2) overlay, (3) caption, 
(4) sound.

;Example block: [%slide1.jpg "Overlay text." "A caption!" %sound.wav]
;Use "" for no overlay or caption.

;file: request-file/title/only "Select the slides data file to use." 
"Select Data File"

file: %slides.txt ;uncomment the above line, and comment this one 
to select data files with different names.
slides: load file
narrate: func [talk] [ ;--- Manage the sound
    sound-port: open sound://
    insert sound-port load talk
    wait sound-port
    close sound-port

view/new win: layout/size [] 650x650 ;<= Set the max size you need
wait 0  ;---Initialize REBOL's internal event handler.
foreach slide  slides [ ;--- Start the slide show
    set [graphic overlay caption narration] slide
    lay: layout [
        origin 0

        banner center bold red "A REBOL Produced Narriated Slide Show" 
        image graphic overlay 500x400 frame black [unview] [quit]
        text 500 bold caption
        button "Quit" center [quit]
    center-face/with lay win
    append clear win/pane lay
    show win
    narrate narration
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
Yes. You need to publish the sdp file.
I was talking about the MP4 container format. We were talking about 
portable formats, right? H.264 in Quicktime requires version 7, which 
is still a little shaky on Windows, and absent on Linux. MP4 doesn't 
require Quicktime, even if the standard file format is still a derivative 
of an older version of the Quicktime file format.
Group: rebcode ... Rebcode discussion [web-public]
ech 10MB of download just to read a simple text file, I'm not going 
to read it today.
Console:   0:00:12.979 - 39 KC/S
Processor: 0:00:00.801 - 1078 RHz (REBOL-Hertz)
Memory:    0:00:02.023 - 23 MB/S
Disk/File: 0:00:00.991 - 30 MB/S
Hey, that's cool. I get 33.3 FPS.

Console:   0:00:01.082 - 467 KC/S
Processor: 0:00:00.501 - 1724 RHz (REBOL-Hertz)
Memory:    0:00:01.091 - 43 MB/S
Disk/File: 0:00:00.471 - 64 MB/S

I am trying to convert a 300+ MB file from little-endian 16-bit Unicode 
to UTF-8. I am pretty sure that all the characters in this file are 
ASCII characters, so I can just discard the second byte (0x00) of 
every 16-bit Unicode character. Beside that, the beginning 2 bytes 
(0xFFFE) need to be discard too. 

In these two days, I wrote REBOL scripts for this purpose in different 
ways, and I suffered in different ways, too. Sometime I got out-of-memory 
error, sometimes I didn't. Even if I didn't get any error, the performance 
would definitely dramatically dropped down after few minutes because 
of the memory issue, I guess. I would take me 30 minutes to convert 
the file in my PC. I was trying to make it less than 10 minutes, 
so I kept asking stupid questions in the AtlME REBOL3 World.


Few ours ago, REBCODE came to my mind out of the blue. I remembered 
Carl said something like 10-30 faster. Because I am no REBOL expert, 
I'd never used REBCODE before. I took 1-2 hours to read the REBCODE 
document, then I do my very first REBCODE code in my life. Guess 
what? It turned out very well. The REBCODE version took only 45 seconds. 
steeve, you could probably make your file even smaller by enbasing 
the game rom in source.
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
net-utils/net-log join "Type: " type: any [
	    all [new-dir? 'new-dir] 
	    all [new? 'new] 
	    all [dir-read? port 'dir] 

     all [port/state/flags and system/standard/port-flags/open-append 
     <> 0 'app] 
	do select [
	    file [

  confirm-cmd port either port/algorithm = 'nlst [nlst-check] [list-check] 
		accept-connect port type 
		parse-dir-list port 
		if tmp: select locals/dir-cache to-file port/target [
		    port/status: first tmp 
		    port/date: third tmp 

      if any [none? port/size: second tmp 1024 > port/size] [port/size: 
		data-connect port 
		confirm-cmd port binary-type-check 
		if 0 < cmd-port/state/index: port/state/index [
		    confirm-cmd port restart-check
		confirm-cmd port read-check
	    new [confirm-cmd port write-check] 
	    new-dir [confirm-cmd port mkdir-check] 

     dir [confirm-cmd port either port/algorithm = 'nlst [nlst-check] 
	    app [confirm-cmd port append-check]
	] type 
	accept-connect port type 
	if type = 'dir [
	    port/size: port/state/tail: parse-dir-list port
close: func [port /local cmd-port cache-size][
    cmd-port: port/locals/cmd-port 
    if not dir-read? port [error-try? [confirm-transfer port]] 

    net-utils/net-log reform ["Caching cmd-port" cmd-port/host cmd-port/local-port 
    cmd-port/host: cmd-port/locals/tuple
in the best of worlds I'd prefer it if we could read all the info 
from a .h file and convert it into a rebol file ready to load the 
Gregg, Do you think this is possible?
I did a .h file parser a long way back... it was able to find and 
extract function names... but did not tackle the structs....
I made a .h header file parser, which handled function names, typedefs, 
structs, and enums. It was made specifically for FMOD and FMOD EX 
libraries, but it is pretty general, able to be tuned for other libraries 
"fairly" easily.  Swig is probably the ultimate way, though it's 
not as easy as it sounds on the cover, and you might lose associtated 
documentation found in comments next to functions, struct elements 
how can I garantee loaded code is safe?  ITS IMPOSSIBLE once you 
say OK to file I/O
create a file and check ownership? does get-modes tell?
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