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Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
I have united two previousliy existing styles, which were very similar; 
PAIR-EDIT and INTEGER-EDIT into a single source file. Now a CREATE-EDIT-STYLE 
function takes a datatype argument (eg. pair!) and generates the 
appropriate style. A bit of extra work and it supports also  decimal!, 
so you can have a decimal-edit style as well... I'm proud of this 
optimizing - only possible using Rebol. The final source is only 
a little over the size of the original pair-edit, so it is a very 
good increase in efficiency.
Changing references in a file by hand can be really simple too, Find/Replace. 
Ammon, regarding your drop-down style.  Is it possible to also allow 
the field associated with the drop-dow to accept user data?  Such 
as a case where the provided drop-down contents does not contain 
the value the user needs to enter.   Of course it would be useful 
to also store that item into the drop-down for future reference, 
which is easily done dynamically by populating the drop-down with 
any value recorded in that field in the data file.
Hello, Long time no talk. Is there a way to tell the request-file 
to open up in a specific directory?
request-file/file %/c/mozillaFirefox/
Thanks Anton. That makes sense when I see it. I was thinking it had 
to be a file and not just a path. Cool. That will have me a lot of 
clicks. : ^)
Group: Make-doc ... moving forward [web-public]
Now next evolution of the rendering system mut be a fusion betwin 
the MDP raw format and the MDP to VID renderer.  In order to have 
on one panel that display the doc. Ths will lead me to write a multi 
file handler as we have only one panel for each open document. Save 
wil be made by default in .txt files and you still get the possibility 
to render HTML when you judge the document is publicable
I would like to create an IOS Wiki application based on MDP syntax. 
So it should be a Wiki I can use as IOS user and browse / edit with 
some kind of editor. Here are some thoughts (unstructured). I'm looking 
forward for you comments.

1.) How to handle CamelCase links and content?
	- One approach is to create a TXT file for each CamelCase word.
	- Than new files need to be autoadded to the fileset or

 - The editor recognizes CamelCase words and creates new files, this 
 implies the the internal
	  editor is used.

2) MDP needs to be extended to translate CamelCase words into links 
that MDViewer can handle

3) Filesync clashing needs to be integrated into IOS with DIFF/MERGE 
option based on the synced TXT files
1a) i use "%" as marker, not camel-case. and store everything in 
file. currently i use this to add relative links to make-doc-pages

1b) a reblet could check all links, and suggest to create missing 

2) i use the "%"-translator as a preprocessor, so i have not to patch 
the make-doc*.

3) Have a seperate work-folder for each user. so auto-downloads would 
not overwrite it. and then you can use your prefered merger if there 
is a clash. its all files then.

For what you have described, you may want to use navigation like 
that provided 

by a java script outline tree. One example is http://www.treemenu.net/

My plan is to soon make a make-doc revision that takes as input the 
NoteREB data from the
script by Alain Goye.   http://alain.goye.free.fr/rebol/NoteReb.r

Then generate an html site using the same tree structure as the NoteREB 
source file. 

Each page from the NoteREB data file is to be make-doc'ed into a 
separate HTML page.

NoteREB uses a very simple REBOL block structure to hold the content 
and sub-blocks.

If you want to change a page, change the source page, save the file, 
and click the new

reGEN button.  Alain's tree makes the management of the source much 
easier than methods
I had been using before.

I have used this approach for taking easy vid format and making an 
easy vid presentation 

format.  That means that it makes VID faces for each page and allows 
the execution of sample

code by clicking on it. Seems to work well and I plan to put it on 
the script library 
after View 1.3 is released and I can verify it works OK there.
The make-site approach is based on a directory tree on your disk. 
All path's you see are actually directories, and each dir has only 
one file, an index.html That's why you don't have to hack in any 
document name.
I have been inspired by the make-doc line.  Robert's rendition is 
fantastic.  Love the whole site in one file thing.  Keeping the CSS 
out of the rendered html is good, using classes.

MDP-Browser sounds really cool.   a makedoc/spec browser for makedoc 
formatted scripts.

I have been playing with a document format that I call nulldoc, which 
is mostly a set of generaly rules about how plain text documents 
have been formatted traditionally, or how plain text copied from 
a web browser can look, and I started developing a set of broad regular 
expressions to markup plaintext.

based more on what I wanted than what I actually had, the rules I 
came up with go something like:

two blank lines begin a new nulldoc document (segment)
spaces/numbers/letters/symbols represent lists.

tabs/spaces at the beginning of the line denotes code/hierarchy. 

tabs that are trapped by non-space on both sides means tabular data.

I differentiate between code and hierarchy indentation by short-circuiting 
code switch with #:

	code section

#	numbered section

I wrote a web page that reads the KJV aloud using an MS Agent character. 
  Used a control from MS for a menu   I had it voice-activated, but 
that was a drag so I used "web navigator control"  stupid name for 
a menu.  I think it's still up at http://members.cox.net/rovingcowboy/kjv/
 probably won't speak unless you have sapi 4 voice installed, though.
OK, I updated the MakeDoc2 file per MikeL's changes and here is a 
URL for testing:   http://www.cs.grin.edu/~shirema1/makedoc2.r
This is an odd one. I just re-downloaded makedoc2.r and for whatever 
reason I can get it to output. The html file includes only <% page-body 
%> despite the in input including the examples. ANyone have any ideas?
Thanks, btiffin, I changed the template-file to false. Now I'm goning 
to check if that is in the script.
Well, at least my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. The version in 
the script library has the template set to a file. Thanks for the 
%template.html  is a "one-of" default.  If it is not found it uses 
the embeded copy.  This code here
	if not no-template [

  template: any [select opts 'template select doc 'template template-file]
		if file? template [template: attempt [read template]]
		if not template [template: trim/auto default-template]
It's actually pretty handy.
Where can I find the latest make-doc.txt file used the make the Make-doc.html 
page at http://www.rebol.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/rebol/documentation.r?script=makedoc2.r
I'm using md2 v2.5.7 and cannot get the template function to work 
correctly. Is anyone having the same issue? In the file i use =template 
Henrik, when i have =template template_html_file as an example in 
the txt file and run md the parser just ignores it and uses the builtin 
template and does not use the seperate templating file
according to the make-doc code, it reads the file using:

if file? template [template: attempt [read template]]

so if it's not being read, it's being ignored, so perhaps check if 
the file can be read in the same console as make-doc uses.
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
You need to use the API to get the version resource from a PE file. 
It might be a standard resource , but I haven't touched that in a 
long time so I can't remember.

As an aside, this feature was so requested in the VB world, years 
ago, that Desaware created a commercial product called VersionStamper 
that did just that; and they sold a lot of them.
not so much luck with changing the file version though...
basically the size of the .ico file (in bytes) *must* match exactly 
the built in one. which means that you need same color depth, size 
quick question: I've got a file with a block in it that contains 
issue! elements particularly #do and #value. This is for a function 
that has nothing to do with the preprocessor.

I read the docs on how to include the file using do #include-string 

This seems to work fine, but in a way that I can't see, #do is now 
not recognized in the block. Is the block somehow altered? When I 
probe the block it looks fine, but the function in which the block 
is used, won't deal with the #do elements anymore.
is there no easy way to include a directory of files with the preprocessor? 
the #include-files command seems to want a fixed block of file names.
Umm, I've never used the prebol.r,  But if you changed the

foreach file blk/3
foreach file compose blk/3

or some such? in the #include-files code section...would that break 
anything? and then let you run
code inside the filelist block?
wouldn't that just compose each file or word in the file block?
Not sure if it will work, but you might also be able to set the Hidden 
attr on the file when you write it out. I don't think I've ever tried 
that, or how various OSs might respond.
Most platforms don't have a hidden attribute - they use file name 
tricks or UI hacks instead.
unless the data is actually invalid (ie never runs), that error usually 
means that rebol is not able to locate itself to load the script 
to run. ie. yourapp.exe must be able to read the yourapp.exe file 
in order to load the rebol script.
/rebcmd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: 
cannot open shared object file
Yes, just put the license.key file into the directory where the SDK 
tools are.
I don't think so Graham. Normally I do it all from REBOL and wait 
for the output file to appear.
If you run a program by double-clicking it from explorer, the working 
directory is set to the directory the program is in. Otherwise the 
working directory is either the directory you are in in the command 
prompt, that set in the shortcut properties, or the working directory 
in your program you are starting the program from. I use this to 
make file management tools that work on the current directory all 
of the time.
Apparently the system/script settings aren't getting set from encapped 
apps (after testing). The system/options/path setting is the current 
directory that the program or script is called from, while system/script/path 
is the current directory inside REBOL. When REBOL runs a script it 
sets the system/script settings a little different that it does when 
the script is encapped, but the system/options settings are basically 
the same, with the exception of the name of the file in system/options/boot. 
If you want to distinguish between the two situations, check for 
whether system/options/script is a file (script) or none (encapped).
A script does the upload of the new build so that the build time 
and server file times are not so different .. and I allow an error 
of 5 minutes
If I download an exe file with a unique icon when I save it I get 
the widows default icon for exe's.

I'm using 'read-thru'  to download and 'write' to save it locally.
There's no repository. it's just like serving webpages, only presented 
differently. Viewtop can just organize them via an index file from 
Rebol technologies.
kib, you can also use the Viewtop to let others run your programs, 
but with adding your site under Public/Sites/. If you click the "Goto" 
menu button, you can enter an URL for an index.r file, you have somewhere 
on the internet. And from there launch your programs.
An index.r file can look like this:
I'm trying to encap a script but I keep getting error: Cannot load 

THe program runs fine and loading it does not seem to produce any 

Any suggestions?
you can't just include a binary file
I don't advise just hacking my file. Better to get to the root of 
the problem.

You can test to see if the panel style has an access object, just 
before including my file:

	probe type? svv/vid-styles/panel/access
I suspect it is a problem of including files in the wrong order again. 
All the fundamental view / vid includes should go before including 
my scroll-panel. But it seems strange that panel is there but its 
access object isn't. I think that must be defined in a separate file. 
Historically, access objects were added fairly late to VID, so I 
think that's probable.
I was 'doing'  the file later in hte script
I do not know if I'm doing this wrong but it seems to me that I should 
be able to use a data file without saving it to disk first...something 
I can do with XPackerX...
But I do not seem able to get it to work..
Of course you can use data file without need to save it. I think, 
you just cannot load library from the memory.
Just realized that encapping the db's with the exe is not a good 
idea as the memory used is equal or close to the size of the exe 
and these db's will be quite large....

I keep thinking in terms of XPackerX where it unpacks first and runs 
the main file adn accesess the data as if its on disk (which it is) 
and does not  load it into memory...
Got an idea for one file distribution...

Encap the main app and use XpackerX to create package for distro....
Solves my main issues with encap
And if you are trying to connect to a db which is not in a file, 
but in a memory.. of course it will not work.. same as with the dll, 
you need a file! as an input. Also what's the point to have the sqlite 
db running from memory instead of file.
If I substitute request-file it opens hte requester and continues 
throughthe code but request-dir gives me the error before the requestor 
I have a application that is spread over around 15 files.. I use 
>>do %file<< to "include" them now. Now I am making a encapped version 
of app. do still tries to do the .r files but they don't exist when 
single exe is created so I get errors. I tried naming all files when 
doing encap but it behved the same. I read about prebol and understand 
that I have to  #include the files but I suppose that won't work

when developing and executing from it directly with >>rebol mainfile.r<< 
because it will need to be prereboled each time? 

Is there a way to make a script that I can encap and run directly 
via .r files? If there is no other way I was thinking about making 
>>either encap [ #include %file.r ] [ do %file.r ]<< but it's not 
the most elegant solution .. Is there any better?
I find it to be far less cumbersome than trying to come up with fancy 
methods of using a single file for do and #include. Especially if 
you are using multi-level includes.
With that I mean, if you create your own libraries that are preprocessed 
or 'do'ed separately and then included or 'do'ed in the main file.
yes, I have multi level do-s a file does app-specific lib file which 
do-es more generic libs etc .. hm I will think about it..
I don't like duplicating code.. then I can have one bug in one file 
and another in other and I always have to check if I updated them 
both etc.. winMerge and tools like this would help but anyway
In the build system I use now for my projects, there are two separate 
files. The one I use for development is the 'do, and the one my customer 
gets is the #included version. Then I have a make-file, that builds 
the project and puts it where it needs to be (local webserver), counts 
up the build version. I can build it whenever I want and there are 
no hiccups.

My earlier attempts at a build system was by trying to be fancy, 
i.e. build with as few keypresses as possible. It never worked as 
well as this one.
why not create a target source file and run that?
ok .. encap or prerebol every time I make a change .. I could automate 
it so that when I want to text-run app I have some batch file that 
prerebols it and runs it instead of just runs it
that could work since rebol doesn't give me line number on error 
so it doesn't matter that I am editing different thing than running 
(in terms of file/line num)
I use a .cmd file myself ... to build my sources and then run them.
you always can do: INCLUDE %file, which is an equivalent of DO %file, 
except for the fact, that it includes everything needed
...and if you want to just save the file, you use INCLUDE/LINK %my-input.r 
the headers: yes, that looks like making sense in case the file is 
meant to be published as text
there is a nice feeling about seeing a 450kb 20 file REBOL script 
being linked as one source , then add another 400 kb of view encap 
code over it and it all works... 

850 kb of REBOL is a hell of a lot of code... I can't imagine how 
much code that would be in C  !!!

I notice the icon of my encapped application displays info about 
rebol -company name, file version etc...

Anyway to get my info and file version for the App in there? If so 
-  Can this be done when encapping or to I need to change it afterward. 
It it indeed the icon that holds this info?
I simply used CALL to call encap and reshack sequentially. Kind of 
a make-file.
the only problem I've ever had with apps on the desktop is with the 
spaces in the file path.
Not sure where to put this so asking here:

I downloaded a web script and it has a  snippet I don't understand:
buffer: make string! 1024         ;; contains the browser request
file: "index.html"
parse buffer ["get" ["http"  |   "/ "  |  copy file to " " ]]

what does:

copy file to " "

mean or do?
copies everything after the http till it reaches a space to a variable 
named file
Sorry, I repeat... I upgraded to sdk 2.7.7 for $50. I am a very old 
Command and SDK legally licensed user. I am a macosx and windows 
user. My original license was for windows. According to a mail from 
Cindy, when upgrading to 2.7.7 existing license file would work for 
all platforms. I am willing to support rebol development and this 
why I choose to upgrade even if I do not really have the use for 
such a minor update. But, it looks that current sdk 2.7.7 release 
is not really bullet proof: under macosx, rebcmd et rebpro complain 
they could not find a valid license key file, while encap binaries 
seem to recognize my license key. Under windows XP, my license seem 
to be recognized, but rebcmd returns the following error: 'REBOL 
Internal Error: Boot error: 316' Anyone enconutering such problems? 
Thanks in advance.
... or have ommitted the SDK file containing the funct declaration
just thought I'd share my positive experience with a little app I 
just downloaded which *finally* makes creating icons for rebol easy 
and free:

the editing is simple, but its batch mode is really fast and it works 
very well!   just select one file, select all the resolutions you 
need (check out the rebol icon first) and go.

in 2 seconds you have an icon for use by rebol!
The SEND function is defined in the %prot-send.r file, so I guess, 
that you did not include that file when building the program
(you should probably include the %prot.r file to have all the protocols 
you might need)
Hi guys, I have a question. I'm trying to use the Windows SDK with 
Wine on a linux computer. I get the following error message: "***ERROR 
(enter-data.r): File not found: /home/lat/r/sdk-w/mezz.r".  But that 
is the correct path to the file. So what is wrong?
I have a problem with SDK on Windows. when I start rebcmd.exe it 
crashes immediately everytime, just after the REBOL/Command window 

And also when I encap a simple script using encmd.exe, the output 
file also crashes with REBOL Internal Error: Boot error: 316

Am I doing something wrong? I used drag & drop, interactive etc. 
And the executable file produced by encmd.exe also crashes also with 
REBOL Internal Error: Boot error 316.
Can anyone confirm that?
Ok now I found the URL to download SDK 2.7.8. There is download URL 
for 2.7.7 in the email that RT send me when I purchase. I changed 
the url and find the 2.7.8.

But I got 404 not found when I try 2.7.6. I'll send a msg to RT. 
Thank you.

May I use my license file for all of them? 2.7.6 to 2.7.8, or do 
I need to request a new license file as well?
The same license file will work.
Ok, my license file works with 2.7.8 also. And rebcmd.exe does not 
crash. Executable compiled with encmd.exe also does not crash.
The best what I get with e.g >> win-call/output "dir"  str: make 
string! 1024  is  either "The operation completed successfully." 
and then an empty file with the name "call-error-695.log" and following 
"A file can not be created if it already exists."
But this problem probably belongs to cheyene e.a. .groups,.
I tried the recipe but it's giving invalid port. I have SDK, license 
file, but it's not working.
Title: "ARCFOUR and CipherSaber"
Date: 17-Jan-2004
File: %arcfour.r
Author: "Cal Dixon"

Purpose: {Provides encryption and decryption using the ARCFOUR algorithm}

Note: {this implementation can decrypt data at about 40KB/s on my 
1Ghz AMD Duron system with Rebol/View}
Library: [
level: 'advanced
platform: 'all
type: [function module protocol]
domain: [encryption scheme]
tested-under: [view on [W2K] by "Cal"]
license: 'PD
support: none

;ARCFOUR specification: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/draft-kaukonen-cipher-arcfour-03.txt

;CipherSabre specification: http://ciphersaber.gurus.com/faq.html#getrc4

arcfour-short: func [key [string! binary!] stream [binary! string!] 
/mix n /local state i j output swap addmod sz][

swap: func [a b s /local][ local: sz s a poke s a + 1 to-char sz 
s b poke s b + 1 to-char local ]
addmod: func [ a b ][ a + b // 256 ]
sz: func [ s a ][ pick s a + 1 ]

state: make binary! 256 repeat var 256 [ insert tail state to-char 
var - 1 ]

j: 0 loop any [ n 1 ] [ i: 0 loop 256 [ swap i j: addmod j add sz 
state i sz key i // length? key state i: i + 1] ]
i: j: 0 output: make binary! length? stream
repeat byte stream [
swap i: addmod i 1 j: addmod j sz state i state

insert tail output to-char xor~ byte to-char sz state addmod (sz 
state i) (sz state j)
clear state
return output

make root-protocol [
addmod: addmod: func [ a b ][ a + b // 256 ]
sz: func [ s a ][ pick s a + 1 ]

swap: func [a b s /local][ local: sz s a poke s a + 1 to-char sz 
s b poke s b + 1 to-char local ]
ins: get in system/words 'insert
i: 0 j: 0
open: func [port][
port/state/tail: 2000
port/state/index: 0
port/state/flags: port/state/flags or port-flags

port/locals: context [ inbuffer: make binary! 40000 state: make binary! 
use [key n i j] [
key: port/key
n: port/strength
repeat var 256 [ ins tail port/locals/state to-char var - 1 ]
j: 0 loop any [ n 1 ] [
i: 0 loop 256 [

swap i j: addmod j add sz port/locals/state i sz key i // length? 
key port/locals/state i: i + 1
i: j: 0
insert: func [port data][
system/words/insert tail port/locals/inbuffer data do []
copy: func [port /local output][
output: make binary! local: length? port/locals/inbuffer
loop local [

swap i: addmod i 1 j: addmod j sz port/locals/state i port/locals/state

ins tail output to-char sz port/locals/state addmod (sz port/locals/state 
i) (sz port/locals/state j)
local: xor~ output port/locals/inbuffer
clear port/locals/inbuffer

close: func [port][ clear port/locals/inbuffer clear port/locals/state 
clear port/url clear port/key]
port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru
net-utils/net-install arcfour self 0

arcfour: func [key stream /mix n /local port][
port: open compose [scheme: 'arcfour key: (key) strength: (n)]
insert port stream
local: copy port
close port
return local

; CipherSaber is an ARCFOUR stream prepended with 10 bytes of random 
key data
ciphersaber: func [ key stream /v2 n ][

arcfour/mix join key copy/part stream 10 skip stream 10 either v2 
[ any [ n 42 ] ][ 1 ]
Group: Rebol/Flash dialect ... content related to Rebol/Flash dialect [web-public]
the swf file has 60kB (including all text data and 2 fonts) Images 
are loaded as external files.
Oldes, I;d like to see what the REbol file looks like that generates 
the site... do you have some examples you can share?
I also use script which goes thru dir sctructure and prepares XML 
file with image sizes which is used inside the swf
The data are at this moment from Yahoo maps... which story do you 
want? It should be paraglide contest visiualisation.. people jump 
from a hill with GPS and have to fly thru defined points. There is 
no pure rebol version.. I use rebol to parse the GPS data and convert 
them to precompiled SWF data.. also I use Rebol to compile the main 
file. Parts of the Rebol code is in google-maps chat as I was discovering 
the system from Rebol as well. And when you talk about hiding... 
as I'm using some non standard ways how to compile loops in my dialect, 
the best SWF decompiler I now is not able to decompile it correctly:)
But maybe I will just click thru the presentation, do screenshots 
manually, put them into word or powerpoint file, and turn it into 
pdf, dunno ...
As you maybe know, when you want to get your app to iOS, all code 
must be compiled into single IPA file (from ActionScript bytecode 
to native bytecode), which you can make out of one SWF only. I was 
not able to even load all sources of our game (>GB) into Flash Pro 
to be able create the only one SWF.

But I've found a solution (I hope, because it's still not tested 
on real iPad). The solution is:

	title: "Machinarium for iPad"
	type: 10
	file: %Machinarium_iPad.swf
	background: 0.0.0
	rate: 25
	size: 1024x721
	compressed: false

background 0.0.0
FileAttributes 2#{000 01000000000000000000000000000}

import-swf %levels/00_intro.swf no show
import-swf %levels/01_skladka.swf no show
import-swf %levels/02_brana.swf no show
import-swf %levels/03_dno.swf no show
import-swf %levels/04_pec.swf no show
import-swf %levels/05_mafodoupe.swf no show
import-swf %levels/06_vezeni.swf no show
import-swf %levels/07_bachar.swf no show
import-swf %levels/08_venek1.swf no show
import-swf %levels/09_venek2.swf no show
import-swf %levels/10_ulicka.swf no show
import-swf %levels/11_namesti.swf no show
import-swf %levels/12_predhernou.swf no show
import-swf %levels/13_herna.swf no show
import-swf %levels/14_vodarna.swf no show
import-swf %levels/15_bar.swf no show
import-swf %levels/16_zed1.swf no show
import-swf %levels/17_zed2.swf no show
import-swf %levels/18_zed3.swf no show
import-swf %levels/19_sklenik.swf no show
import-swf %levels/20_pata_veze.swf no show
import-swf %levels/21_mezilevel.swf no show
import-swf %levels/22_vytah.swf no show
import-swf %levels/23_foyer.swf no show
import-swf %levels/23_foyer_wc.swf no show
import-swf %levels/24_bomba.swf no show
import-swf %levels/25_mozkovna.swf no show
import-swf %levels/26_strecha.swf no show
import-swf %levels/27_outro.swf no show
import-swf %Machinarium.swf no show

(AIR SDK which is used to get IPA file requires AVM2 bytecode, iOS 
requires native code)
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
I only wish there where a safe way to implement local file sandbox 
within plugin.  AFAIK, the write and save commands do nothing...
Reichart;  We (a dev team) duked it out way back with Word for DOS. 
 It was a

complete waste of our time.  We handed management a text file with 
some fairly

complex technical information and a "beautiful" word doc, full of 
near gibberish.

Management picked the gibberish doc...it looked better, to pass up 
the line.  We

giggled, then informed him of the insider joke, and spent the day 
wrestling with

Word to make the real tech spec "look good".  Sex sells.  When we 
wanted a

faster network, the document started with "Your pipe is very small" 
 No manager
wanted a small pipe! Very effective.
What's the difference between a service and an app? 

PickOS used a DB as it's file system.
and its fully scriptable  :-)  antidote is actually used BY the GUI 
instead of coding many of the things internally... for example, all 
hotkeys are actually within an external file with character and command 
scripts which applied when that key is pressend and no focus is detected.
Yes, the whole "not saving" thing has been done before, but we haven't 
pushed far enough in that regard. Anyone remember Lotus Agenda? That 
was one smart app, and that's how you can auto-file things and find 
them again easily. 

The concept of a persistent image, ala Smalltalk, has also come up 
before. I think Maarten wanted to do something like that, but it's 
not a simple thing to do.
dialects, instead, are languages based on the rebol syntax. in a 
language you normally parse a text file into some internal representation, 
then you work with that representation (interpreting or compiling 
Not exactly.   This is not quite as bad as it looks at first.  It 
is not for multitouch, it is for a specific gesture.  This patent 
will not hold up, but it was easy to file.

It is also a broad claim specefically about how to scale with two 
or more fingers (not how to do general stuff with two or more fingers).

For example, this patent would not stop you from:

- Making a multitouch piano (you could play chords)
- Using two fingers to press and zoom.
- Using all your fingers to to make the page move around


If you hate one patent, you have to hate all patents.
Geomol, the Viewtop has nothing to do with it. REBOL file name conventions 
are different from those of the host OS (%/c/file instead of C:\file), 
it does not give you access to the OS functions directly, and it 
has its own graphic rendering engine that does not use hw acceleration 
of anything (faces in R2, GOBs in R3).
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