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world-name: r3wp

Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Excuseme please, but can someone pull me out of the mud here please?

filenames: request-file/title/filter/path {Select all files to read} 
[*.txt] %/D/Rebol/X/!conf/   

What have I not understood this time?  Why does the documentation 
have no examples I can find?  Sorry to be always asking :-(
I added an extra string for the title and now get this similar failure

>> filenames: request-file/title/filter/path {Select all files to 
read} {x} [*.txt] %/D/Rebol/X/!conf/

** Script Error: Invalid argument: *.txt * *.r *.reb *.rip *.txt 
*.jpg *.gif *.bmp *.png
** Where: request-file
** Near: done: local-request-file data: reduce

[tt/text ob/text clean-path where picked filt-names filt-values found? 
any [only]...
Large message coming, with examples of showing progress. Note that 
it uses INCLUDE and FILE-LIST, so adapt accordingly, and let me know 
if I left any other dependencies in it that cause it not to work. 
It was quickly hacked from existing code.

do %include.r
include %file-list.r

flash-wnd: flash "Finding test files..."

if file: request-file/only [
    files: read first split-path file
if none? file [halt]

items: collect/only item [
    foreach file files [item: reduce [file none]]

unview/only flash-wnd

;-- Generic functions

call*: func [cmd] [
    either find first :call /show [call/show cmd] [call cmd]

change-each: func [

    "Change each value in the series by applying a function to it"

    'word   [word!] "Word or block of words to set each time (will be 
    series  [series!] "The series to traverse"

    body    [block!] "Block to evaluate. Return value to change current 
    item to."
    /local do-body
    do-body: func reduce [[throw] word] body
    forall series [change/only series do-body series/1]

    ; The newer FORALL doesn't return the series at the tail like the 
    old one

    ; did, but it will return the result of the block, which is CHANGE's 
    ; so we need to explicitly return the series here.

collect: func [
    "Collects block evaluations." [throw]
    block [block!] "Block to evaluate."
    /into dest [block!] "Where to append results"
    /only "Insert series results as series"

    /local fn code marker at-marker? marker* mark replace-marker rules
    block: copy/deep block
    dest: any [dest make block! []]

    fn: func [val] compose [(pick [insert insert/only] not only) tail 
    dest get/any 'val

        get/any 'val
    code: 'fn
    marker: to set-word! word
    at-marker?: does [mark/1 = marker]
    replace-marker: does [change/part mark code 1]
    marker*: [mark: set-word! (if at-marker? [replace-marker])]
    parse block rules: [any [marker* | into rules | skip]]
    do block
    head :dest

edit-file: func [file] [
    ;print mold file

    call* join "notepad.exe " to-local-file file ;join test-file-dir 

flatten: func [block [any-block!]][
    parse block [

        any [block: any-block! (change/part block first block 1) :block | 
    head block

logic-to-words: func [block] [

    change-each val block [either logic? val [to word! form val] [:val]]

standardize: func [

    "Make sure a block contains standard key-value pairs, using a template 
    block    [block!] "Block to standardize"
    template [block!] "Key value template pairs"
    foreach [key val] template [
        if not found? find/skip block key 2 [
            repend block [key val]

tally: func [

    "Counts values in the series; returns a block of [value count] sub-blocks."
    series [series!]
    /local result blk
    result: make block! length? unique series

    foreach value unique series [repend result [value reduce [value 0]]]
    foreach value series [
        blk: first next find/skip result value 2
        blk/2: blk/2 + 1
    extract next result 2


counts: none

refresh: has [i] [
    i: 0
    foreach item items [
        i: i + 1
        set-status reform ["Testing" mold item/1]
        item/2: random/only reduce [true false]
        show main-lst
        set-face f-prog i / length? items
        wait .25
    set-status mold counts

reset-counts: does [counts: copy [total 0 passed 0 failed 0]]

set-status: func [value] [set-face status form value]

update-counts: has [pass-fail] [
    counts/total: length? items

    pass-fail: logic-to-words flatten tally collect res [foreach item 
    items [res: item/2]]
    ;result (e.g.): [true 2012 false 232]
    standardize pass-fail [true 0 false 0]
    counts/passed: pass-fail/true
    counts/failed: pass-fail/false


main-lst: sld: ; The list and slider faces
c-1:           ; A face we use for some sizing calculations
ml-cnt:        ; Used to track the result list slider value.
visible-rows:  ; How many result items are visible at one time.

lay: layout [
    origin 5x5
    space 1x0

    style col-hdr text 100 center black mint - 20

    text 600 navy bold {

        This is a sample using file-list and updating progress as files are
    pad 0x10

    col-hdr "Result"  col-hdr 400 "File" col-hdr 100
    pad -2x0

    ; The first block for a LIST specifies the sub-layout of a "row",

    ; which can be any valid layout, not just a simple "line" of data.

    ; The SUPPLY block for a list is the code that gets called to display

    ; data, in this case as the list is scrolled. Here COUNT tells us

    ; which ~visible~ row data is being requested for. We add that to 

    ; offset (ML-CNT) set as the slider is moved. INDEX tells us which
    ; ~face~ in the sub-layout the data is going to.

    ; COUNT is defined in the list style itself, as a local variable 
    ; the 'pane function.
    main-lst: list 607x300 [
        across space 1x0 origin 0x0
        style cell text 100x20 black mint + 25 center middle
        c-1: cell  cell 400 left   cell [edit-file item/1]
    ] supply [
        count: count + ml-cnt
        item: pick items count
        face/text: either item [
            switch index [
                1 [

                    face/color: switch item/2 reduce [none [gray] false [red] true [green]]
                2 [mold item/1]
                3 ["Edit"]
        ] [none]

    sld: scroller 16x298 [ ; use SLIDER for older versions of View

        if ml-cnt <> (val: to-integer value * subtract length? items visible-rows) 
            ml-cnt: val
            show main-lst
    pad 0x20
    f-prog: progress 600x16
    status: text 500 return
    button 200 "Run" [refresh  show lay]
    pad 200
    button "Quit" #"^q" [quit]

visible-rows: to integer! (main-lst/size/y / c-1/size/y)

either visible-rows >= length? items [
    sld/step: 0
    sld/redrag 1
    sld/step: 1 / ((length? items) - visible-rows)
    sld/redrag (max 1 visible-rows) / length? items

view lay
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
The two most obvious things are the shebang line in the script and 
file permissions.
Louis; do yourself a favour.  Read up on chmod, chown and chgrp. 
 In particular chmod.  These aren't the easiest of topics at first 
(mainly due to the crap involved with the 1970's octal numbers and 
some poor choice of names).   But after the initial weirdness the 
concepts are really straight forward.  Read, Write, Execute across 
User (the owner), Group, Others (not in group) and All (world).

There is an overlay of weirdness with directories and Execute (create 
a file in the dir) and a special mode bit etc.  But again ... grunt 
through until your brain tells you that you get it.  It's important, 

Flailing around with sudo and su (and root powers in general) is 
not the safest of ways to run Linux.  Potentially lowers the security 
to the level of your average Windows box ... nearly none.  :)    
 It can seem like a pain sometimes, but it isn't, it's part and parcel 
of a secure os.  BG has tainted the world to think it is inconvenient. 
Much like a lock maker giving everyone the same key.  A stupid "convenience" 
that wouldn't fly when it came to your car or house or bank, but 
PC users have grown up with and expect for reasons I have never understood. 
 (This last part is simple ranting - sorry about that)
What console is he running?  Under Konsole the list of encodings 
is overwhelming.  (From the Settings menu).

If it's xterm, then ... I dunno, but regardless, if it is xterm or 
other, drop a note and we'll track down an appropriate place to tweak 
the default encoding used by his REBOL console (whatever terminal 
he uses) session.

It might be easier (some gui menu), but it could well look something 

XTerm*locale: true

XTerm*font:             -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-200-75-75-c-100-iso10646-1

in an X config file

From the root text console for REBOL/Core, we'd have to look into 
that as well; been there, kinda done that, too many details, forget 
all details, but keep foggy clue where to start looking ...  :)
how copy a file from a samba server with a space in it ?
file\ with\ space ?
I got some error about being unable to write some .configuration 
Ok, when Cheyenne is started, it searches for a %httpd.cfg file in 
the same directory. If it doesn't find it, it writes down a default 
one. So if your cheyenne binary doesn't have the rights to write 
in its directory, that would the cause of the error.
oh no, it's quite a different file name ....
the file was of the form .xxxx.xxxx
Did you checked the rights needed to be able to write that configuration 
file ?
not seeing this request to write a cofiguration file at present
Since Gutsy, the first couple of lines of /etc/iftab

# This file is no longer used and has been automatically replaced.

# See /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules for more information.

The system for naming / managing eth0 eth1 has changed.  I had to 
mess a file in the path above to get my eth0 back.
ldd    will list dependencies for any object or binary.
Tracking which package (as Robert mentions can be a pain, but)

after  apt-get install apt-file   and  apt-file update   it gets 
Anybody see what is wrong with this script? It is supposed to call 
ImageMagick to reduce the size of specific jpeg files in a directory. 
 It processes a few files, then locks up my computer.

rebol []
files: sort read %.
num: length? files
print ["Number of files in directory: " num newline]
count: 0
foreach file files [
	if all [find file ".JPG" not find file "Nain-"][
		newfile:  join "Nain-" file
		call/console reduce ["convert" file "-resize 25%" newfile]
		count: count + 1
		prin [count " "]
print "DONE"
the most simple way is to create a file /root/.forward with your 
email address in it
otherwise, you can use the virtusertable file to control what happens 
on incoming mail. you can send to a local user, forward to another 
address, run a command, and so on. (eg. you could call rebol, filter 
with your spam filter, then SEND to gmail, or whatever)
Had a power outage in town, and my red hat server had to be shut 
down uncleanly since although it was protected by a UPS, the screen 
wasn't.  On rebooting, the raid array had become critical with one 
of the drives dead.  Unfortunately the good drive had developed a 
corrupted file system as well :(
Since it was IDE raid ( fasttrack 100 ) I was able to look at the 
file system using this http://www.fs-driver.orgcool tool that allows 
you to browse ext2 file systems from windows!
anyone using ZFS then? I'm tired of being bound to an OS with a file 
I'm trying to get the daytimer from xinetd running...

Not sure how . I see the daytime config file and turned of disabled 
and restarted xinetd but still can't readh it.
I found the problem - I shouldn't have specified the rebol script 
file on the shebang line. That's given automatically.
Search for "-f file" in bash manpage.
-f file
	True if file exists and is a regular file.
IIRC VMS had a very cool method to handle different version if the 
same file in a transparent way.
hi, has anyone had this problem before? I got to a new VPS .. I downloaded 
rebol and cheyenne and I can't run them ... 

- when they weren't chmod +x  if I did ./rebol ./cheyenne I get  
Permission denied
- once I make them executable I get No such file or directory .. 

If I type ls they are there in both  cases, I also copied them into 
bin and tried to run them there but same thing, I could run neighbour 
files in bin like ./readlink but not ./rebol and by the looks of 
ls -l they had the same rights/owner everything .. I also copied 
and renamed both files and the same .. any ideas how this can happen 
.. file is there
[root-:-www]:/usr/bin# ./rebol
-bash: ./rebol: No such file or directory
[root-:-www]:/usr/bin# ldd ./rebol
        not a dynamic executable
[root-:-www]:/usr/bin# ldd ./who
        linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffe89fd000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00007ff4e02bc000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007ff4e060f000)
ManuM, can you do something similar for a file manager window? That 
would solve a bug in R3 Chat. Thanks.
Henrik: If you are talking about bug#779 I have added a comment at 
Something similar can be:
open-file-manager: funct [ dir ][ call reform [ "xdg-open" dir ]]
Robert: I work with kubuntu 8.10 but I think that can help

This is one line from my "/etc/fstab" file. It mounts a fat filesystem 
at /media/DESARROLLO ( dir /media/DESARROLLO already exists )
/dev/sda7 /media/DESARROLLO vfat rw,utf8,umask=000 0 0

With umask=000 the access to /media/DESARROLLO will be rwxrwxrwx 
( the owner is root and the group is root, I don't know how to change 
it )
Robert, afaik file names are utf8 by default on ext filesystems. 
(actually i think the filesystem does not care much about the encoding, 
but the os in general uses utf8.) i think you need that option on 
the ntfs filesystem, not the ext one.
most programs do not check that the file name is valid utf-8. normally, 
you're using a utf-8 terminal so there is no way you can type an 
invalid filename. but you can easily create one using rebol for eg. 
or using escape sequences in the shell and so on
I haven't played with unix for so long I'm a bit (very :-)  rusty.

when doing an 'ls -al'

I get:

total 20
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 May 16 05:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 May 16 12:10 ..
-rw-------  1 root root  437 May 17 09:35 .bash_history
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  412 Dec 15  2004 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  140 Nov 19  2007 .profile

I can't remember what the "total 20" stands for. 

it doesn't map to file numbers, block counts used by files, or anything 
I can gather... is this some type of millisecond count of time it 
took to perform the file list?
More seriously, it looks like it's the total number of file system 
blocks. See there : http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/[fedora-list-:-redhat-:-com]/msg51203.html
I am sourcing a file with alias commands in them, but they aren't 
actually being applied.

typing those exact commands directly in the shell works.

I know alias is not a file command, but a bash internal operation, 
but how can I get bash to source the files and apply the aliases 
to my login automatically?

the echo within the file IS printing on the shell, so its not just 
chmod thing... any linux gurus can help me?
what's strange to me is that the echo within my sourced file was 
sent to the console, clearly indicating it was being call as a script, 
unless there are different bash script evaluation levels and I don't 
know how to set it up.
Any ideas how to do this? I am trying to compile it now on my other 
VPS which is 32bit and copy file to the 64bit vps but I have no idea 
if this will work
Any idea how to start a rebol script via ssh (I have a VPS) .. and 
detach it from my console so when I close it it won't stop running?

cheyene executable file does this automagically (I have no idea how) 
.. if I run cheyenne through .r script it exits with me .. but my 
problem now is not with cheyenne but I have a custom script that 
should run in the background. After googling yesterday I found out 
about >> nohup script-to-run & which seemed to still work if I closed 
ssh and started another one but now I see for the second time that 
after a while it exited as it isn't running any more ...
yes, nohup is very usefull too , with &  .. for example nohup some-longer-tast 
&  .. but for my concrete example I wasn't able to figure out why 
rebol script terminated after a while, not on every exit but at some 
point I just saw it wasn't running any more .. and by the look of 
nohup.out file there was no error .. but "rebol terminated"
Janko, basically the thing is, if you want to see the program's output, 
you need to use screen. This allows you to have output and detach 
it. Otherwise, you can just redirect the output to a file (or to 
/dev/null), then you can exit your ssh session without problems.
Gabriele: I was using nohup like this >> nohup /.../rebol script.r 
&  << but at 2 times rebol script got terminated for some reason 
after a while.. it did stay alive after I closed and reopened ssh 
but when I came later it wasn't running any more and by looking at 
output file nohup.out last thing was "rebol terminated" so it didn't 
 exit on error but got terminated in the same way if I press Ctrl+C 
(maybe I just need to read more about nohup)
OK, so I've downloaded Ubuntu 9.04 (64bit) and got it running under 
VirtualBox, then I download and untar/zip the REBOL SDK and open 
a console session. cd to the REBOL dir and do a chmod +x and type 
./rebview ... which comes back with a "file or dir not found message" 
... anything else I need to do to get REBOL working? Oh, and what 
font looked best with RebGUI in your opinion?
Are you talking about AGG or standard View text? For the latter, 
anything that X can use REBOL can use, in principle at least. For 
the former, I think any TTF file will work (notice that you can install 
the MS Core Fonts package).
wonder if it is a permission issue on the index.php file
the vulnerability has been identified.  There is a vulnerability 
in the rich text editor which allow a user to upload a php file as 
an image type and then browse to it executing it.  http://xinha.webfactional.com/ticket/1363
 So, not really a php exploit ...
I tried to change the agg script to point to a ttf font file under 
OS X. It doesn't display.
setup file is like this: 
# iptables example configuration script 
# Let's not lock ourselves out of the server
 iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
# Flush all current rules from iptables
 iptables -F
# Allow SSH connections on tcp port 22

# This is essential when working on remote servers via SSH to prevent 
locking yourself out of the system
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
# Allow HTTP connections on tcp port 80
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
# Set default policies for INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT chains
 iptables -P INPUT DROP
 iptables -P FORWARD DROP
 iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
# Set access for localhost
 iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
# Accept packets belonging to established and related connections
 iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
# Save settings
 /sbin/service iptables save
# List rules
 iptables -L -v
modprobe gives me the following error: 

FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.24-2-pve/modules.dep: No such 
file or directory

I looked and it seems that VPS container can't access kernel modules 
.. I am still waiting for administrator because there was some linux 
conf two days now.. he should fix it today ... 

I will check out shorewall .. I need quite simple confihuration , 
no forwarding, just close everything and lock ssh to some static 
Should just work, but the permissions need to be right, both in the 
Samba configuration and the underlying Unix file system
Oh, the source. It's probably not a problem here, but it's a bit 
dangerous because the source file may need processing
hm... I still have problems.. the file is missing LSB information 
it's probably wrong file.
might be missing a library file...check the list of required libs...find 
it somewhere on rebol site???
I tried to download the LIbc6 View 2.7.7 from the main download page 
to check. The file name is http://www.rebol.com/downloads/v277/rebol-view-277-4-2.tar.gz
but it contained this :
REBOL/View 15-Mar-2008
Copyright 2000-2008 REBOL Technologies.  All rights reserved.
REBOL is a trademark of REBOL Technologies. WWW.REBOL.COM
Some Plug-computer experience: I use one as the replacement for DroboShare 
(which is crap and damn slow). So I have set it up to be my file-server 
where a Drobo Storage Array is attached too. All conected via Giga-Ethernet, 
using AFP and Bonjoure.
Barik: replace browse with
browse: func [
    "Open web browser to a URL or local file"
    url [url! file!]
] [
    if file? url [url: to-local-file url]
    call join "xdg-open " probe url
Ahem, maybe even without the probe :):
browse: func [
    "Open web browser to a URL or local file"
    url [url! file!]
] [
    if file? url [url: to-local-file url]
    call join "xdg-open " url
to not do something stupid wrong. I created a user.r file with REBOL 
[] print "123456" . 
- I put it in same folder as rebol executable
- I put it in ~/.rebol and ~/.rebol/core
- I put it in the folder where rebol script is that I run
- I set REBOLHOME and REBOL_HOME to these 
  - export REBOLHOME=/usr/share/cheyenne/
  - export REBOL_HOME=/usr/share/cheyenne/
  - export REBOL_HOME="/usr/share/cheyenne/"
  - export REBOLHOME="/usr/share/cheyenne/"
  - export REBOL_HOME=/usr/share/cheyenne
  - export REBOLHOME=/usr/share/cheyenne
  - export REBOL_HOME="/usr/share/cheyenne"
  - export REBOLHOME="/usr/share/cheyenne"
there is rebcmd.. when I run it it shows

/usr/share/cheyenne/rebol-sdk-276/tools/rebcmd: error while loading 
shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory

is rebcmd the "main" reb pro VM?
-bash .. can not execute binary file
I tried creating an empty user.r file in the rebol directory and 
in my user's home, but that didn't change anything.
The file is in those debian packages ..but how to open a deb in Suse?
On the twiki site http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/GenPDFLatexAddOn

I found this

#  Setup the Latex rendering software

    * Ensure that a latex document preparation system is available to 
    the user name (uid) running the twiki web server.

    * Install any custom latex style files needed. The best suggestion 
    is to create a local texmf tree accessible by the server. For example, 
    for an apache server running as 'nobody' on a linux system:

          o create the directory /home/nobody/texmf/tex/latex, with reasonable 

          o Place the custom .cls and .sty latex files in this directory

          o as user root or nobody, run texhash /home/nobody/texmf to create 
          the ls-R latex database file for the /home/nobody/texmf/ tree.
Hi, need an advice. I am setting up very simple CGI, and I use ClearOS, 
and CZ installation. But one of CGI scripts seems to be in UTF-8 
or so, and I think error I am getting has nothing in common with 
Apache or its config. When I press enter on the file in Midnight 
Commander, I get following error (the text is my english translation, 
no exact wording):

./test.cgi: line 1: #!/usr/local/rebol-sdk-cmd/bin/rebol: not 
a file nor a directory

It seems like file is containing an unicode BOM marker at the very 
beginning, so even shebang line can't be interpreted? How can I solve 
it, apart from converting file into some CZ compatible charset?
Have you checked if the file does start wth a BOM? My str-enc-utils.r 
at rebol.org includes a BOM? function. 

 Apache will process a file with a correct BOM - https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16687

- has a 'grep' line that checks if a file contains the BOM, and a 
bash script that can remove it from all files in a directory.

Untested, as I've not seen this myself before.
when a file system is not unmounted cleanly, fsck says "corrupt or 
not cleanly unmounted", so, the "corrupt" does not necessarily mean 
bad. in particular, if you didn't notice anything weird, you're most 
likely fine.
Do you have a file FreeSans.ttf at that location?
Look for it with linux shell command:
	locate FreeSans.ttf
I have been playing with this for hours and have not made any progress 
after reading everything I could find about ports and ftp. Why does 
the following script not work?

    ftp-port: open [
        scheme: 'ftp 
        host: "ftp.mysite.org" 
        port-id: 21 
        user: "[user-:-mysite-:-org]" 
        pass: "xxxxxxxxxx"
    write ftp-port "Test File" 
    close ftp-port

It gives the following error.

** Script Error: write expected destination argument of type: file 
url object block
** Where: func [face value]
You haven't specified a file to write to
but the way you have it above you haven't specificed a target file
Oh, you are right, no target file.
Script Error: write expected destination argument of type: file url 
object block
remote-spec:  [scheme: 'ftp  host: "ftp.mysite.org"  user: "[user-:-mysite-:-org]" 
 pass: "xxxxxxxxxx"]
local-file: %text.txt

source-port: open/binary/direct/read local-file ; BINARY mode
print "Attempting FTP connection..."

target-port: open/binary/direct/new/write remote-spec ; BINARY mode

insert target-port copy source-port

attempt [close target-port]
attempt [close source-port]
1 difference:  using RT's download, the REBOL console only works 
when REBOL is started from the Ubuntu command line (i.e., not when 
it's started by clicking an icon in file manager).  New users may 
think that scripts are broken because GUIs w ork fine, no matter 
how REBOL is started.
Anton: it seems that more of the demos on Rebo/demos work with the 
deb file than the dl from rebol.com let me test more and get back 
to you
chown -R src dest 

and if you can use scp or rcp (depending on your setup) to copy your 
files over, it should be less hassle than ftp which often has many 
issues with stranger filenames and permissions.

on one server, for example, a file was created with ftp, which is 
a legal (albeit twisted) path, but it cannot be access or deleted 
from that same ftp access, because the path gets mangled when it 
goes through the url path parser of that ftp server.

also unless both source and destination ftp servers are the same, 
you can have other nasties.

its always best (and much faster) to gzip your whole directory and 
copy over one file, and then unpack it on the other server (you also 
get a free backup ;-)
putty comes with an scp file xfer utility. I'd recommend using that 
instead of ftp... its really easy to use... just look in the docs 
everything is there.

this also has the advantage that you're not sending your password 
in clear text over the web (which ftp gladly does for you :-)
some newer Linuxes have an improved security model which I don't 
reallly know anything about, but for simple file access within data 
directories, you will have no problems with root.
Oh, I mean if later the php app cares whether or not a file is owned 
by a different user.
Before mucking with a recursive chown, I would recursively list your 
files and save into a file, eg:
$ ls -lR > listedfiles
(that first option is a lowercase L ).

Then later if you are worried about having blasted some particular 
permissions, you just refer to listedfiles.
For all Linux gurus:
- I have a xen disk image file
- I want to mount it to read-back some files from it

How to do this? I have tried some stuff but...

- It seems that the images might have some problems

Is there a way to rescue a disk image?
Group: AGG ... to discus new Rebol/View with AGG [web-public]
wondering what the 'dot' is that appears on the right side of the 
 divider over the menu item  "File > Recent Files"?
site: http://anton.wildit.net.au/rebol/gfx/
old-file: %intersection-points-of-circle-and-line.r

if exists? cache-file: path-thru site/:old-file [delete cache-file]

if exists? cache-file: path-thru site/(join %demo- old-file) [delete 
well My svg engine is working and got trouble only with matrix calulations 
due to an odd bug in the adapted version. Next i don't like the way 
my SVG works  I wish to be able to do it  in plain parse way (My 
method in not really elegant but it works fine  in most cases SVG 
is an XML file so the XML data is converted to REBOL  objects using 
parse and then i process those objects to convert into draw/Agg instructions). 
That was the fastest way i found at that time since what was important 
to me was the result not the beauty of the processing way.
Group: Rebol School ... Rebol School [web-public]
Is there a way to scan a document from Rebol script, and to use it 
in program as file or image ?
To start scaning using available Twain or Wia drivers?
Or external exe or dll ?
Well, if you assume that your internal storage method is one which 
just needs to be "converted" to an other, like CSV => XML, you might 
be in for a suprise when trying to model a real time dynamic system 
with Undo like a paint program with a file format as export.

For example, do you store a given object once, with the history of 
the object elsewhere, or do you store the object together, with the 
most recent at the top of the list.

Also, Do you store objects, and actions, or both togther.
Okay, I follow now.  Like using the Photoshop format that saves the 
object order etc with the file.  Tx for the explanation.
Limited to 50Mb per file.
It's pretty slow to transfer the files as well.  I tried transfering 
a 49 MB file and it took near an hour to transfer.  I don't do this 
often, but that seemed excessive to me.
I've added a zip file with the images and scripts needed for my sample 
application mentioned above.

I'm sure you will let me know if there are any issues accessing the 
Or when you use functions:
read %disk-file
read http://www.rebol.com
(or reading some other port)
hm.. I think you have to a line to your .emacs file .. just a sec
hm.. it seems I just copied that file into .emacs and added 2 lines 
(I just started using emacs)
you can find my file here http://www.refaktor.si/storage/
I used wxwidgets before... and it works... but I hate bloated stuff 
every day more and more... 

And Rebol way with one file download and simple text file few lines 
long working on linux and win just as it is............

Man, I'll wait for rebol3 and its modules and other more usefull 
stuff and wont look back.... :)

Until then I'll keep using rebol for stuff like ftp, email and simple 
interface stuff.....
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