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world-name: r3wp

Group: All ... except covered in other channels [web-public]
I'm rather badly needing a pagemaker pm5 file converted to ASCII 
format. My copy of Pagemaker has been corrupted, and I just want 
to print a document using LaTeX. The file is about 309 MB. Is there 
anyone here that can do this for me?
guys, don't you  know any application, which would be able to generate 
traffic? I want to install two Mikrotik routers in Dual Nstreme mode, 
and I would like to test real-life thoughput. Copying one big file 
amongst two ends is interesting test for line stability, but there 
is a difference if you run one connection, or few hundreds ones ...
Hi Izkata, I have been trying to use your calendar application. When 
I paste Scheduler.r in to view I get the following error message:

** Script Error: Interface has no value
** Near: view/new/title Interface "Calendar"
do %NetworkingStuff.r

when I click on the file it causes view to shut down. What am I doing 
ScottM, in the main Scheduler.r file, there are two lines in the 
MakeMonth function that use that, and are what are causing it not 
to work (when run from the file, at least).  If you comment them 
out, you lose the nice borders that each day would have in the calendar, 
but it won't crash.

I'll go update what's on Rebol.org, and see if I can make a quick 
workaround or something, so the borders stay.
PNG can't scale, no? And I can be PNG file smaller than vectors transferred? 
The slowness of whole stuff is another thing.  Dunno if we can support 
SVG out-of-the-box. We are using AGG, while the rest of the world 
is using Cairo.
Well, didn't found the group Security, so writing here.

I am thinking of solution, where to user is sent e-mail with attached 
 rebol file, that contains simple form with with some data, that 
user opens add some his data and push the button to send back.

I like this solution because it works just on e-mail, that is very 
common to ordinary people, no needs to make additional installations 
except Rebol and that do not wory about new versions of forms, because 
it always is sent again.
So the qestion that arises is it good from the point of security?
The target systems for this solution would be the Windows.
... and also the window is rather primitive ... e.g. with some file 
security requestor, if the file path is too long, it does not fit 
the screen and does not allow you to scroll :-)
Of course, it's no where near so difficult if you can export a CSV 
file from Excel first.
[unknown: 5]:
Actually, I find it not difficult at all with a tab-delimited text 
file but not sure I can get the file brought to me in that format 
and not sure if I can automate the conversion to that type.
[unknown: 5]:
It looks like it is supposed to automate opening an Excel doc and 
then converting it to save it as a tab-deliminated file which would 
be perfect for me to then use REBOL to parse that file.  However, 
I tried saving this data in file with a .vbs extension but it gives 
me an error after the first line which says "Expected End of Statement". 
 I have no clue how to fix it as this code came off the net.
[unknown: 5]:
If I go the macro route then I can use the call command to call excel 
and the macro workbook which will perform actions on the other excel 
what about  a microsoft tool called Log Parser?  It allows command 
line access to files and can also do things like file format conversions 
and simple manipulations etc.   http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/tools/logparser/default.mspx
[unknown: 5]:
I don't think it can read native XLS can it?  Doesn't the XLS file 
still need to be converted first for logparser?
Also, what are the best tools to rip a DVD to an AVI file on Windows. 

The trick here is (well, a) Windows), but more importantly, that 
the AVI will have proper keyframes, which seems to be the problem. 
 All the systems we have played with produce AVIs you CAN'T skip 
you sure the file is not encrypted in some way?
i never had a hd tv transport stream file to play with though, so 
i guess i don't have much advice.
Actually, the refinement is /CSV -- but your wish has, I think, been 
taken into account.

You can grow a CSV file one row per run of application-sizer.r to 
gather lots of metrics.
All we now need to do is work out what those metrics mean!
[unknown: 5]:
2.62 works but 2.7.6 doesn't work.  Same permissions on file and 
same locations but wouldn't work.
for me the key point lies not in the fact that we can already make 
mezz func which simulates the foreign! handling with a function such 

the difference lies in the fact that if the native function can load 
invalid data, then it should simply because of the the fantastical 
speed its able to convert string data into rebol literal values of 
a variety of types.

hooking up interpreter driven code within the handling of that will 
slow it down.  using the parse with next refinement works... but 
its nowhere near as fast, for loading, say 300MB of scientific data. 
 which is an actual case I had to deal with.  just doing a replace/all 
on that file took 30Minutes.  assimilate with foreign! handling  
would have taken about 5-10 seconds, and the code would have also 
been easier to write over all.
I have helped file patents for 25 years... I'm not sure what your 
real question is though.
I hold patents in many fields, and around the world.  Costs are tricky. 
 In general, a patent is not worth it in the big scheme of things. 
 You best have something amazing.  Today, coming up with a patent 
in compression  would not really matter, since it would just annoy 
people, i.e. the Unisys patent inside GIF.

Let's say you came up with a way to make something 50% smaller even, 
but if you patent it, and no one will touch it, does it really matter? 
 And then, WHO would touch it, knowing that it is not open?  Is it 
really worth it.  Keep in mind, I made a lot of money specifically 
selling compression technology.  If you did much better, like 70% 
over the next best open system, then it might become worth something.

You have to weigh the value.  But figure to file outside of America 
will cost half again what it cost in America.  That can range from 
you doing it your self (a few grand all said, to an average of $8K 
- $12K ).

I personally have never paid less than $20K just in America. But 
my patents tend to be well researched (better than most people do 
for their patents).

The patent "search" is the expensive part.
The world runs fine, but it only has one user. When I look in the 
users.set file, all users from before are there.
I'm guessing the world name is stored somewhere inside the server 
folder's "rebol4" file.
file = folder.
I agree with Max, but there are other issues too. Need to check the 
info file.
Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
Excel managed to parse the file correctly ...
When you import data using "data: read/binary {sometextfile}" you 
seem to get a string of hex values.  Ex:

probe 'data' of a file containg the word "Hello"  results in #{48656C6C6F} 
but if you 

probe first data it returns 72.  So when you probe the entire data 
stream it returns it in hexidecimal format
but when you probe each character it returns a decimal value.

At any rate how do you convert the characters in the variable 'data' 
back into ASCII values?  IOW, how do you convert the decimal value 
of 72 back into an "H" or the #{48656C6C6F} back into "Hello"?
Gordon, This may be too obvious to mention but if you know it is 
not a binary file then don't read it with the /binary refinement 
then you won't need to convert.
Hi guys;
  Thanks for the input.

PeterWood & Anton:  I could have sworn that I tried both to-char 
and to-string.  It is the obvious answer, but I have been trying 
so many things in solving a parse problem that I missed it.  Now 
I remember, I did try them but at the time I complicated the character 
testing by using quotes and brackets and braces, or in the case of 
the hex string - not using the #{}.  Anyway, thanks for your time 
in answering. 

Gabriele:  As I was waking up this morning, I was thinking about 
modifying your CVS parser to make it work with (improperly) quoted 
strings.  That may be the simplier answer to my parsing problem.

MikeL: I started by not using the /binary but then the 'read' converts 
the #{0D0A} sequences to just #{0A} so I was going to try using the 
/binary option to preserve the original #{0D0A} and got sidetracked 
into changing the rest of the file back into a string.  Turns out 
that I will be going back to just using the 'read' without the /binary 
option and try modifying Gabriele's, CVS parser to handle improperly 
embedded quotes.
gordon, can you just ignore the quotes? (if you know they are not 
really relevant in your file)
PeterWood and Anton, many thanks! It turned out that one of my children 
sent me a file with many huge photos. The very slow dialup connection 
I have here in Indonesia could not (or perhaps is designed to not) 
handle it. I was able to delete the file and all is well, except 
that now I can't look at the photos, at it cost me two days trying 
to solve the problem. I probably could not have solved it at all 
without you guys.
it wants to find the file in my local cache before the remote one 
and crashes:

>> do http://www.fm.tul.cz/~ladislav/rebol/include.r
connecting to: www.fm.tul.cz
Script: "Include" (5-Jan-2006/14:31:42+1:00)
>> append include-path http://www.fm.tul.cz/~ladislav/rebol/
== [%. %/Volumes/c/rebol/ http://www.fm.tul.cz/~ladislav/rebol/]
>> include %spider.r
connecting to: www.fm.tul.cz
** Access Error: Cannot open /Volumes/c/rebol/spider.r
** Where: include-script
** Near: found: load/all target 
if header

Sorry, if I'm being a little difficult :-)
Depending on how you're going to do the actual diff, there are other 
ways you could work around this. You could try using the /seek refinement 
to read just parts of the files, you could split the files into chunks, 
or you could split them by top-level key (HKLM, HKCU, etc.); assuming 
you can read one full file into memory in order to do that.
To Gregg,

I tried what you said. But there was a weird situation for the Windows 
Registry in my computer.

If I export these 5 HKEY_??? into 5 files, respectively, the sum 
of their size is 568 MB.

If I export all of them into 1 file. the file size is 316 MB, which 
is much smaller than 568 MB. I don't know why.

So the 5-file version of Registry-Diff in REBOL might use more memory 
if the GC doesn't work well.
I would like to know ...

1. How to use the OPEN function with the /SEEK refinement to replace 
the 1,000,000th byte with the 2,000,000th byte in a file.

2. How to truncate a huge file to its helf size, and keep the head 
helf only. 

My answer to your first question (from reading http://www.rebol.net/article/0199.html

>> write %testdata "123456789A123456789B"    ;; A simple test file

>> fp: open/seek %testdata                                   ;; Open 
the file in seek mode

>> fp: skip fp 19                                                
      ;; Move to 20th character

>> newval: copy fp                                               
  ;; Copy the 20th character
== "B"

>> fp: head fp                                                   
       ;; Position at start of file

>> change at fp 10 newval                                      ;; 
Overwrite 10th character

>> copy head fp                                                  
     ;; Check change made
== "123456789B123456789B"
>> close fp
>> fp: open %testdata

>> copy fp                                                       
             ;; Check file was changed
== "123456789B123456789B"
And loading the registry into a REBOL block is not a problem so far. 
I simply READ the registry-dump file as a string, then PARSE the 
long string into block:

parse-reg: func [ file /local str blk ] [
    str: read file
    blk: copy []
    parse str [ 
        to "[HKEY_" 
        some [
            copy txt thru "]" (append blk txt)

            copy txt [ to "[HKEY_" | to end ] (append blk trim txt)
    str: none
I have used   data: read/binary url   and saved data to disk. Now 
I want, without accessing the disk again, to translate the line terminators 
as if I had just READ the file at the beginning.
Any ideas ?
Group: View ... discuss view related issues [web-public]
don't forget ATTRIB for fast file finds from DOS console.  Quickest 
way I know.
It is fast, but I don't think it's able to look inside file contents 
as well.
Regarding bug:

Script of Gabriele works fine for me even no console window is visible. 

Then the question is - does it (systray opeartions) affects other 
event waiting on ports (f.ex. interface events, loading file from 
Anyone know what parameters are expected by local-file-request ?
You can see local-request-file used in request-file.
Group: DevCon2005 ... DevCon 2005 [web-public]
[unknown: 9]:
Once you accept the invite, you can eithr click on the file link 
on the home page, or the link here.
BEER is a great framework to use.  They have implented a file transfer 
protocol, authentication, and .. a working LNS profile.
It would be an excellent base upon which to rewrite Altme with file 
- Pekr : Carl hasprepared his presentation the night before he given 
it (so he was not in great form this particular day ;-)

- About Internet connection : the scholl connection where we were 
is provided by an Italian telephon companie that ensure the security. 
Mario have tried more than a week before to have some opening on 
it. Lot of faxes, telephon calls and time lost. We were all disapointed 
of that, in or outside the Devcon.

- Rebcode : it will be part of Rebol soon. You can even try it if 
you want (windows builds folder, the zip file). But it still in design 
stage. The form, the capabilities and implementation are sugest to 
changes. Carl has insisted on the fact that rebcode will be a bit 
tricky to use. Kind of assembler code. Not for newbies.

- Rich text : Cyphre show us its work. Actually it's a .dll, like 
he did with AGG in the begining. It's not just a renderer : it's 
editable rich text. Dialect base like Carl's blog proposed. Nothing 
more to say, it's just a prototype, a proof of concept, like AGG 
was at its time. It use AGG as engine, so font can be aliased or 
I miss any kind of mention about security/identity. Maybe not so 
important in US, but we should start to understand, that there is 
NO security without an identity. What I talk about? We have security, 
that is good, but we need to be sure who do we talk to - it has to 
be assured by some 3rd party - such party is called CA - certification 
authority. I really do miss ability to read e-certificates - either 
having own container in rebol would be ok, or to work with imported 
ones into OS .... forget business file transfer/sync utils without 
e-certificates - at least in EU.
phil: you can also wait for when the file will be completely up on 
my server and then download via HTTP (though torrent would save a 
bit of my bw, thus is preferred whenever possible)
Brock - I asked about Vital Needs and you can find Carl's answer 
in Reichart's post, but it is not clear to me - something like "they 
are talking" .... but it seems to me like partnership would be lost, 
otherwise they would not remove every single reference from every 
single PDF file and announcement they published ;-)
what's wrong with the original bittorrent client? (ok, quite raw, 
but as long as the file is downloaded...)
The original client is OK if you are downloading one torrent and 
don't care to keep track of the file after you downloaded it. If 
you download multiple torrents It is better to have a queuing client 
like Azureus.
Everyone that is downloading or has downloaded the file(s) is a peer, 
part of the swarm, until they disconnect. What Azureus calls a Peer 
is someone who hasn't finished downloading yet - this was traditionally 
referred to as a Leach, but some people got offended. A seed is someone 
who has the whole file(s) and is still connected to the torrent to 
provide the file(s) to those who are still downloading.

When it says Seeds 4(6) and Peers 0(1), it means the tracker can 
see 6 "seeds" but you are actually connected to 4, and that the tracker 
can see 4 "peers" but you aren't connected to any of them. If you 
are behind a NAT your external IP address is different, so you may 
be in either the peer or seed set, one of the ones you aren't connected 

You may also be connected to others through DHT, a kind of distributed 
tracker. The regular tracker won't necessarily see those, so you 
can't assume that the 4 seeds you are connected to are all part of 
the 6 that the tracker sees, for instance. This only matters when 
you are connecting to shaky tracker sites or those that enforce friendly 
upload/download ratios.
I thougth that they open client connections to download files while 
keep an open server port to let others download from its. it  would 
be interesting to understand how a client that share a file open 
a client connection. I mean where it connects to.
Gabriele - what was the mention of file-syncs etc about? Will LNS 
sport some kind of IOS syncing pre-built or ....
LNS does not have file-sync in. but, file-sync (next-gen IOS, to 
be used in Altissimo and so on) is probably going to be the first 
thing we build on LNS.
and what is 'File-sync going to be? kind of syncing frame-work based 
upon LNS? Commercial or free one?
Should the file size be 150,954,509 bytes ?
Brett, I also grokked Gregg's "turtle" hunting metaphor.  Already 
I have filled more than a page of inspirations from it.  Here is 
a sampling of  my found design patterns, mostly in REBOL which are 
powerful "turtles" which are concrete examples of what Gregg said:

1. View console where a user can type VID/View lines, and hit return 
to see what they do.

2. Using print statements to the console from a View script to understand 
it (so easy to do protytping)

3. Parts of layout.r IDE with Nubs, and you generate scripts (which 
are human readible) from the GUI.
4. The source and help systems built-in to REBOL

5. Arexx for Inter-App-Messaging (I listened intently to Gab's Reb/Services 
talk saying "Arexx of the X-Internet")
6. awk file parsing. (I know Gregg wrote rawk.r a while back)

... "Turtle hunting" challenges us to develop more of these.
what i mean is that it won't be any easier/faster than using the 
script (which will save me figuring out how to make the thumbs from 
the zip file ;)
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
No, it basically a harddrive with a rectangular magnetic plate, and 
instead of one head it has millions sitting in an array in another 
plate above the magnetic plate, placed on a very thin lubricant. 
the thing is that the heads can move up to 250 micrometers back and 
forth above the plate using a piezo actuator. Everything is tightly 
packed together with no loose parts.

There isn't much motion and the frequency of the motion is only about 
800 - 1000 Hz. However the head arrangement allows for massive parallelization 
of read and write ops. Currently only 64 heads can be accessed simultaneously, 
but I suspect this number will go way up. If the drive is idle, no 
power is used as nothing is moving. Due to the low frequency of motion, 
there can be a latency of about 0.5 ms, but the read/write speeds 
far exceed that of SSD. I suspect this frequency is used to avoid 
thermal and power problems.

The difference here from SSD is no need for specialized file systems, 
current manufacturing methods can be used and it uses even less power 
than SSD. It can also freely be scaled and adapted to 1.8", 2.5" 
and 3.5" drives, from what I can see. The durability for writeops 
on the same sector would be same or better than a harddrive.
I can see it reducing latency [head movement time] but rotational 
delay is likely to be the same. You could optimise for that, but 
that would need tweaks to the file system.

Maybe they got the inspiration from 1950's drum storage -- one head 
per track :-)
Another MS Research OS - Helios ... sounds like a distributed REBOL 

Helios is an operating system designed to simplify the task of writing, 
deploying, and tuning applications for heterogeneous platforms. Helios 
introduces satellite kernels, which export a single, uniform set 
of OS abstractions across CPUs of disparate architectures and performance 
characteristics. Access to I/O services such as file systems are 
made transparent via remote message passing, which extends a standard 
microkernel message-passing abstraction to a satellite kernel infrastructure. 
Helios retargets applications to available ISAs by compiling from 
an intermediate language.

I can't right click on a file in S3 to get the context menu anymore
Why any "device" is treated differenly just confused me.  Why can't 
I drag a file from my desktop to a webpage, and if that page is set 
up to handle it, allow it to uploadload the file in the background?

Why can't  I just direct outlput of anything on my computer ot a 
path, a path that could be a website?

Why can't I simply PIPE things from one place to another?  

I get the security concerns, but this can be handled with a requester.

I'm tired of the silliness...
OMG !!! 

As of the current version with the full CLI and internal functions, 
the operating system binary is only 16384 bytes. 

A standard "Hello, World!" example compiles to a file of only 31 

Carl talking at amiwest
Traditionally Rebol file transfers were done by reading the file 
into memory first which is a pain for large files.
Having said that, I think for my R3 ftp implementation, I stream 
the file off the file system instead of reading into a variable first
Actually Brian, if you try to load a 650Mb file into R2 .. you'll 
crash as far as I recall
I'm wondering why he isn't telling how it's working. If he want to 
protect it, he has to file a patent, which makes the thing public 
We can easily build a CLI dialect in REBOL to build a console:

<move, copy, delete, send, show-all> find <what-to-search> in <path-to-folder>

<copy-to-clipboard, print, send> find <what-to-search> in <file-name>
it would be a nice project :)
a little lighter topic:  http://www.sublimetext.com/2

the best generic code editor ever and it's CROSS PLATFORM since the 
beginning of the year and it's beta already!

im using it for a day and no bugs so far. it costs 60 USD to get 
rid of the "buy me" dialog after every 50th save, but that's the 
only pain point, i think.

here is the list why i love it:
- knows save on focus lost

- have the intelligent filename search (with instant file preview!!!)
- can open full folders
(no need to create a project for it explicitely!!!...)
- handles proportional fonts
- handles double width characters (chinese for example)
- beautiful default color scheme with black background
- distraction free "zen" mode
- no stupid dialog box config
- cross platform; which is good because

    - i can remote control less advanced users no matter what is their 

    - i can use the same interface and shortcuts on every platform; no 
    annoyance on switching
- not extremely bloated yet...
Tamas - I actually don't use Sublime Edit for Rebol these days. The 
syntax file I have is from SE 1 - not sure it would work with 2 or 
how much it colored various keywords. If you want I can zip up what 
I have and you can try it out.
Group: !REBOL3-OLD1 ... [web-public]
Gabriele, how high level would you carry auto-layout? I have myself 
thought about creating standard layouts, certain combinations of 
faces that are common, not just for yes/no dialogs, but, say, a two-pane 
or three-pane layout. Something that strongly encourages you to put 
a menu at the top, generic content in the middle and buttons at the 
bottom, where for example OK/Cancel/Retry buttons also are laid out 
in a specific sequence. Never got around to it though.

Silly example:

view layout [
  three-panel [
    menu [File Project Edit Show History]
  ] [
    ordinary VID code here
  ] [
    buttons [OK Cancel]
Hmm.. however, how is that different from:
view layout [
	vertical-panel [
		menu [File Project ...]
		ordinary VID code ...
		buttons [OK Cancel]
It's a shame that menus have to be reinvented -- every system View 
runs on has a menu structure built in, and I'd rather use that than 
rolling our own.  Especially on OS X.  Our interface could be eg. 
a dialect attached to a window containing features common in menu 
systems: view/menu layout [...]["File" ["New" ["Document" "Template"] 
"Open" ctrl #"O" (does this) "Open Recent" get-recent-docs]]
if R3 is to take advantage of OSX GUI, it would have to be made compatible 
with .nib files, the file in which menus are stored. The GUI is a 
separate file in the application bundle.
Henrik, the link above state exaclty what you say: The NIB (stands 
for NeXTStep Interface Builder) file is a loosely coupled, standalone, 
user interface definition. It wouldn't make sense to double-click 
a button and immediately be taken to a code-behind. Instead, you 
have to create a controller class, and then ctrl-drag from the button 
to the controller and then pick the outlet you're going to use (something 
like click: or calculate:). To me, as a huge fan of the MVC pattern, 
this makes perfect sense. And it seems so elegant in its simplicity, 
and so incredibly cool in the fact that it is truly enforcing good 
design simply by the way the IDE works.
This seems to me a similar issue to using native file requesters. 
 Why reinvent a complex pattern in a way that is substandard and 
unfamiliar to users?
I can type -- request-file -- on any fresh View installation and 
have a fully-featured file requester that a user of that system would 
be familiar with.  I want the same with menus.
Look and compare Windows XP to Windows Vista - have you looked e.g. 
at file requestor? It is FUNDAMENTALLY diffeent, more like different 
OS to different OS ....
I tracked down the probable cause of the massive memory-eating behaviour 
of Christian's menu-system-demo.r

The problem depends on the user's file-system. In my case, I have 
many many files under my rebol/view directory.

The demo makes a huge nested menu by recursing every file, so that:
>> length? mold dir-data
== 717187
parsing of some file format - that you can do yoursef.
you're still confusing signing with certificates. the ssl module 
certainly has to parse certs in the ssl handshake. but that does 
not mean that it will parse any cert file format. and, there are 
many. but... even if it was exposed, what would it save you? three 
lines of parse?
having more time, i'd just study the binary file format and parse 
it myself. i don't see any show-stopper.
I think, you just have to include the glut dll with your app install. 
It's only a file to be copied.
hehe, just reading Alianz success story. Those bank guys don't fear 
risking choosing non-traditional aproach. They chose AcuCobol with 
its own file system as a storage instead of relational database. 
Those IT ppl must be crazy, to run such a big house ... well, without 
SAP and Oracle :-)
Naa, not so crazy. The Vision file system used in AcuCobol is really 
really simple. Not much can go wrong, as with a huge database. And 
it's very fast.
latest R3 alpha, which came a few hours ago has:

- built in VID
- built in HTTP
- more undocumented features
- about the same amount of documented features as last alpha
- dll file is 262 kb
- exe file is 336 kb

There are 225 bugreports in our database, of which perhaps half are 
fixed. Two reports were added today.

That's my status update for now. :-)
- Carl managed two releases today, the last one added a request-file.

- I've been working on some very thorough 64-bit decimal testing, 
and I found a couple of bugs. Better to find them now than after 
a public release.

- I made a little program to help getting a view on the alpha situation. 
(tests, bugs, etc.)

- I just had a talk with Carl, and he has some more to say about 
testing. He has a test script, that was used for VID2, that he wants 
to get running under R3. It should make it easier for all the testers 
to get more done faster. Testing this is big project, but there is 
progress all the time. Just 4 updates to the bug tracker yesterday, 
but more than 20 updates the day before. (Both new reports and solving/testing 
old bugs.)
Some more output from the R3 console:

>> length? system/words
== 1296

>> ? system/datatypes

SYSTEM/DATATYPES is a block of value: [end! unset! none! logic! integer! 

! percent! money! char! pair! tuple! time! date! string! binary! 
file! email! ur

l! tag! issue! bitset! unicode! vector! image! block! paren! path! 
set-path! get

-path! lit-path! dictionary! datatype! typeset! word! set-word! get-word! 

rd! refinement! native! action! routine! rebcode! op! closure! function! 

object! module! error! task! port! gob! event! handle! struct! library! 

>> ? system/view/event-types
SYSTEM/VIEW/EVENT-TYPES is a block of value: [

    ignore interrupt device custom error init open close connect accept 
    read write wrote lookup ready done time show hide offset resize active 
    inactive minimize maximize restore move down up alt-down alt-up aux-down 
    aux-up key key-up scroll-line scroll-page drop-file
Does anybody know that if Rebol 3 will conform to the new security 
norms iin Windows Vista with respect to file system access?
so, as for me, I would maybe prefer PS too, otoh, from the practical 
pov, I would maybe prefer PDF, because I can generate .pdf file, 
and send it to others too ....
Sounds really great!  Is there going to be a new file system with 
file locking for multi-user support?
I don't think Mediawiki allows you to save multiple versions of the 
same file for versioning, but Deki Wiki does ...
Just a note for those who might be curious. From Carl today:

Just a note of interest...
I've built the first version of R3 for Linux and OSX.
Console only, with file and dir I/O.
They pass most of the non-graphics tests.

John (Geomol) will be working on the OSX features in the days ahead.

.... just to let you know, that other platforms are not forgotten 
uh, filesystem? IIRC RT was talking about RIF - rebol idexed files, 
so kind of file with header, for custom db and other purposes. That 
is all I remember ....
I don't need a perfect R3. I just need to make some forms... 

 <-- For that you need VID3 to be complete and the view system as 
 well. You need skins and you need a functioning event system. You 
 need keyboard input and a proper way to direct form text data to 
 objects or file storage. Furthermore since you don't want to change 
 it, we have to have the layout dialect in feature freeze, which it 
 isn't. It's currently undergoing design review, before we add more 
 features. Not simple. :-)
    Title: "Formatting dialect"
    Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
    Date: 01-Jun-2007
    Version: 2.99
    File: %format.r

    Purpose: "Simple, powerful string formatting; well padding at least"
    History: [
        01-Jul-2007 2.99 "Carl" "first R3 alpha"
        02-Sep-2007 2.99 "Bluey" "prepped for R2"

    Comments: {R3 format will be more powerful, this is a teaser version}
    Usage: {
        format rules values
          /pad padding-character; defaults to space
        rules include the following dialect messages;

          integer!              sets width left aligned (trailing spaces)

          negative integer!     sets width right aligned (leading spaces)

          string!           inserts the string based on position in rules

          char!          inserts the character based on position in rules

        rules can be a single message or a block! of formatting messages;

        rules can also be a word evaluating to a single or message block!
          format 5 12 == "12   "
          format -5 12 == "   12"

          format/pad [5 "---" -5] [12345678 1] "0" == "12345---00001]
2901 / 484512345...2829[30] 3132...4546474849