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Group: Core ... Discuss core issues [web-public]
amacleod, I wrote some efficient string search functions. The file 
has simple, first implementations alongside some efficient implementations 
which use PARSE.

peterwood can I make a wish?

I really need a function which can detect if a file is binary or 
text... do you think its possible to have such capabilities in your 
It may not seem obvious, but 

	view layout [image %file.png]

does make use of LOAD-IMAGE, as Oldes pointed out.
Here is where the IMAGE style does it:

	print mold get in svv/vid-styles/image/multi 'file
In Windows you want virtual memory to be turned on, but you can set 
it to not use a swap file if you like, without touching the registry. 
Virtual memory is used to support memory-mapped files and speeds 
program loading and use (which is done with memory-mapping). The 
computer I am on right now has virtual memory and no swap file since 
it has an SSD, and it runs fine.
I get out-of-memory errors sometimes even with a swap file :)
However, I tend to not get out-of-memory errors on this computer, 
which has 1GB of RAM and no swap file. This is because I am careful 
about which programs I use (no IE, no Firefox).
I need to view various files in a browser and if I use 'browse, then 
this blocks the UI until the browser appears with the file.  I just 
tried with a xmlrpc server accepting the url and it works fine.
This is pretty cool ... I am sitting in front of my laptop, and on 
the other side of the room is my 46" LCD screen with my media PC 
attached.  I installed the rebxr xmlrpc server on it .., and I have 
cheyenne installed on the laptop.  I click on a file in my application, 
it gets downloaded to the www directory in cheyenne, and then I send 
a command to the xmlrpc server to browse to that file so that it 
displays on the big screen but is served up by the laptop's cheyenne 
call/output does not work, when console is not being run? I tried 
to convert some character sets, prepared short script, and run it 
by double-clicking .r file. No result was shown and rebol process 
is hang in memory. It was enough to put one print statement so that 
console showed up, and it was OK then. But that is weird, I wanted 
it to run without REBOL console showing up ...
I was wondering how to download a 120Mb file from S3
I can send you short script called "multiserver", which is able to 
accept connections from various IPs, save content to file, it simply 
multiplexes on opened ports ....
Here's the finished code (which obtains REBOL compatable font names 
under Mac):

	fonts: copy []
	caps: make bitset! [#"A" - #"Z"]

 foreach file compose [(read %/System/Library/Fonts/) (read %/Library/Fonts/)] 
		if %.dfont = suffix? file [
			s: form first parse file "."

   parse next s [any [mark: caps (insert mark #" ") 2 skip | skip] end]
			insert tail fonts s
	remove-each font-name fonts: sort unique fonts [

  (size-text make face [text: "A" font: make face/font [name: font-name 
  size: 10]]) =

  size-text make face [text: "A" font: make face/font [name: font-name 
  size: 12]]

(the windows func to do this is http://www.reboltech.com/library/scripts/get-fonts-windows.r
I once used lock file - you keep file openeed, and you try to delete 
that lock from the other app. If you can delete it, so create lock 
file, if not, another instance is already running. But - that works 
only under Windows, I've heard that under Linux, you can delete file, 
even if another app is using it. Dunno if true ...
so, open a file and keep it open?
under Windows, if you open file in one process, another one can't 
delete it. Easy enough. Prevents the case, where process does not 
remove the lock, but crashes. Then you would be in locked situation. 
But if app crashes, you can remove the log. Under linux, dunno how 
to do it. One chance is e.g. the need for process to update timestamp, 
and if timestamp is not updated, then app most probably crashed, 
so you can start another instance ...
One way:

On startup:
-- check for your timestamp file

-- If it does not exist or  (it exists and timestamp is over 2 minutes 
in past), proceed to run

-- otherwise, wait 65 seconds.  Test if timestamp has changed: yes-halt; 

While running:

-- write the  timestamp file at least once a minute with an updated 

On clean closedown:
-- delete the timestamp file.


-- application could take over a minute to restart if immediately 
restarted after a crash.

-- manual deletion of timestamp file can lead to multiple instances 
running (you can minimise this by re-reading file and aborting if 
timestamp is not the last one you set)
-- all those writes of the file.
Sunanda,  does your timestamp file mean a file with the timestamp 
as content or just the date and time of the file?

I have many times seen, that the timestamp of a file under windows 
does not change, although there is always data added to the file.
sqlab -- I mean a file whose contents is just a timestamp, eg:
  write %timestamp.txt mod now/precise

In practice, the actual method is a little more convoluted (to avoid, 
for example, two instances both starting at once -- so neither sees 
a pre-existing timestamp.txt file).
>> to-rebol-file "\\path\to\rebol\"
== %/path/to/rebol/
Thanks Graham. User error on my part. I can "read" now. I was wondering 
though if I have just the computer name and not a folder name I get 
an error. In other words, list-dir to-rebol-file "\\xyz\myfolder" 
is OK but not list-dir to-rebol-file "\\xyz\" doesn't.
I was just thinking that as soon as the driver receives a file, just 
popup a requester asking where to send it to ....
How fast is encap with a file that large? Does it deliver the error 
message immediately?
Looking at to-rebol-file and wondering what advantage it has over 
to file! ... they seem functionally equivalent to me.
>> to-file "c:\rebol\rebol.exe"
== %c:\rebol\rebol.exe
>> to-rebol-file "c:\rebol\rebol.exe"
== %/c/rebol/rebol.exe
>> exists? to-file "c:\rebol\rebgui\enfacecmd.exe"
== false
>> exists? to-rebol-file "c:\rebol\rebgui\enfacecmd.exe"
== true
Mostly around driver letter and slash direction handling. I suppose 
the question then is, why doesn't to file! do what to-rebol-file 
does ... I don't see the point in using to-file to create an "invalid" 
file ... a bit like having both a to-decimal and to-rebol-decimal 
for example.
>> to-file "test.exe"
== %test.exe
>> to-local-file "test.exe"
== "test.exe"
to-local-file makes sense to me, it's the need for both to-file and 
to-rebol-file I'm curious about.
TO-FILE is only for datatype coersion. It makes sense to have both.
Uh? All the to-* datatype conversion functions are implicitly to-rebol-* 
... why the need for a to-file that can produce "invalid" rebol file 
types and to-rebol-file that produces "valid" rebol file types? I'm 
looking for the reason/case where you would want to use to-file in 
preference to to-rebol-file.
to-rebol-file and to-local-file are more like a pair, too.  The other 
to-* are their own set.  For a new user, it seems more obvious that 
to-rebol-file and to-local-file would go together, I think.
I think the way things are with TO-FILE and TO-REBOL-FILE is just 
fine. I would be annoyed if TO-FILE took had the more complex functionality 
of TO-REBOL-FILE. I agree with BrianH.
if the file containing the password is accessible to other people, 
then the password is accessible to other people.
the only way to keep a password secret if your files are accessible 
to other people is to not store it into a file.
What's the quick way of getting the root directory ?

This seems tortuous 

rootdir: to-file rejoin [ "/" second parse/all what-dir "/" "/" ]
Nope - remote file manipulation. UNC paths are for Windows shares, 
not web shares.
Perhaps he means 2GB, which is a known consequence of using 32bit 
signed integers for file indexes.
Geomol: "What defines a series in REBOL?"

A series has contents, sequence and persistent position. The characters 
that make up a file (contents) are in a specific order (sequence) 
and you can do an offset reference to a later offset in the filename 
(position). If you do FIRST %a it will return #"a" every time (persistent 
position). Being a series doesn't mean that it is sortable, though 
many are. Being sortable means also having the contents be comparable, 
and the series be modifiable.

We were careful to make sure that things that aren't really series-like 
were removed from the series! typeset in R3. R2 is less consistent 
in this regard, so you have some types attempting to act series-like, 
poorly - pots being the worst example.

Some of the functions that act on series also act (differently) on 
non-series, but not all.
I am not joking about "pushed out eyes" ... I saw 2 that were programmers 
that were towards the end really intenselly looking at code I was 
showing and how I'll explain it.  

the whole thing about read http:// read %file ... open pop:// and 
process it as serries qute impressed one guy 

When I ended a couple of other programmers aproached me and asked 
me how this can be installed and if it's free etc .. and one pythonista 
said that email sending really impressed him, but otherwise he doesn't 
know yet .. there were also questions like "why this and not python" 
and "community size" and I had some explaining to do about code is 
data / data  is code big deal
Yes, I use hylafax which runs on linux .. but a windows client just 
has to do a http post of the file to the hylafax server
when you use file! call does a to-local-file automatically, and wraps 
it in quotes.
would there be instances where write/lines/append would write a quarter 
or half a line? I'm logging tests of several script instances into 
the same file and write/lines/append sometimes produces only half 
a line in the log.
If you write with different rebol instances into the same file at 
the same time, you are out of luck. I
Transfering memory based hash! (map! in R3) datatype into disk based 
shema automatically keeping the hash table computation and lookup 
hidden from user gives you a RIF. Holly grail of all rebollers :) 
long long time promissed, still waiting to be done. Anyway hash tables 
are always usually unsorted, when necessary to search in usually 
some type of additional index is used (B-tree for example), for simple 
information if the key is in the set, bitmap vectors are used with 
advantage, when the set is really big (and bitmap vector doesn fit 
into memory) comressed bitmap may be used and usually bitwise operations 
on those vectors are much quicker than on uncompressed. 

Thisi is why it should be used for bitset! datatype anyway. The number 
of byte aligned (BBC,Packbit,RLE)od word aligned (WAH) schemes exists. 
 It is used in very large datasets when index also resides in disk 
file. Once again bitwise operation may be much quickier even in memory 
on those schemes.
What about a "pipe" operator (as in F#), such that you can write 
something like:
read/lines %files | remove-each x [10 > length? x] | sort 

Would be simplier to read than:
sort remove-each x read %file [10> length? x]

Basically the pipe gives the parameter to the following function 
that is of the same type of the function that precede it.
BTW I think that this could be done with a dialect
for functions that take just one example you can make it yourself 
pretty simpy.. I made it last week for processing tome fixed width 
data file ..
Is there any solid way to find which chars are illegal in a specific 
file system?
where name is the name of the variable which stores the xml and your-xml-data 
is, obviously, your xml file content.

you might also need to url-encode the xml-data so it gets read properly 
at the other end.
-you open a tcp listen port
-edit the hosts file so your remote server points to

-and then just print out the data which the client would have sent 
to the server.

this works for just about every networked application I have tried 
and is a very powerfull way to learn how to build custom clients 
in rebol
We really need a simple list of changes compiled in a single file, 
I have no clue how and when the process of 2.7.7 occured, and really, 
I've got A LOT of other "cats to whip".

FYI, this not a negative comment, just stating that unless someone 
builds a (similar to prior versions) simple list of all changes, 
I won't be able to use 2.7.7... as previous versions have bitten 
me, I can't risk running code in an untrusted environment... I feel 
others with serious tools and services might feel the same..  a single 
little change change cause havoc like data destruction which is only 
apparent, once the process is done.
; Aliases copied from R3 mezz-file
ls: :list-dir
pwd: :what-dir
rm: :delete
mkdir: :make-dir

cd: func [
	"Change directory (shell shortcut function)."

 'path [file! word! path! unset! string! paren!] "Accepts %file, :variables 
 and just words (as dirs)"

 ; Workaround for R3 change in lit-word! parameters with paren! arguments
	if paren? get/any 'path [set/any 'path do path] 
	switch/default type?/word get/any 'path [
		unset! [print what-dir]
		file! [change-dir path]
		string! [change-dir to-rebol-file path]
		word! path! [change-dir to-file path]

 ] [throw-error 'script 'expect-arg reduce ['cd 'path type? get/any 

more: func [
	"Print file (shell shortcut function)."

 'file [file! word! path! string! paren!] "Accepts %file, :variables 
 and just words (as file names)"

 ; Workaround for R3 change in lit-word! parameters with paren! arguments
	if paren? :file [set/any 'file do :file] 
	print read switch/default type?/word get/any 'file [
		file! [file]
		string! [to-rebol-file file]
		word! path! [to-file file]

 ] [throw-error 'script 'expect-arg reduce ['more 'file type? get/any 
if it's of use and Dock agree, this function has just been added 
to latest cheyenne svn:
relative-path: func [src dst /local i][
		src: remove parse src "/"
		dst: remove parse get-modes dst 'full-path "/"
		if src/1 <> dst/1 [return none]					;-- requires same root

		i: 1 + length? src 
		repeat c i - 1 [if src/:c <> dst/:c [i: c break]]	
		dst: to-file at dst i
		src: at src i
		if not tail? src [loop length? src [insert dst %../]]
I think we already have something like this. It's called TO-RELATIVE-FILE.
As I recall, MV isn't possible due to limitations in R2 ports, but 
I may be wrong. You would have to load the entire file into memory 
and save it at the destination. If there already is a MV function, 
then I'm wrong.
to-relative-file works only one way, not good
;   %/Users/alpha/
  to-relative-file %/Users/alpha/Pictures/IMG_0003.JPG
;   %Pictures/IMG_0003.JPG
  to-relative-file %/Users/                           
;   %/Users/		;this should be %../
From the help:

Returns the relative portion of a file if in a subdirectory,
althought the definition is right "Returns the relative portion of 
a file if in a subdirectory, or the original if not." the function 
name would have suggested to me that in the secon case I get a %../ 
but no
Yeah, sorry, TO-RELATIVE-FILE doesn't do full relative, it's mostly 
a variant of CLEAN-PATH. I wrote the R2/Forward version for use in 
DevBase 2, included it in 2.7.6, then ported it to R3. It's one of 
the two functions where the flow went the other way (IN-DIR being 
the other).
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
We do need a directory selector that can access directories across 
the network.  At present i have to resort to using request-file,and 
selecting a file in the target directory.
I've renamed mine thus:
etc. so that they sort correctly in the file list.
the rebgui file does no seem to be formatted properly. Its all one 
long line.
The code that blocks the UI is a ftp file upload, which to the best 
of my knowledge is done synchronously, hence the blocking.
For the moment I'm using a progress bar incrementing with each file 
	title: "Weird error in area"
	Date: 04-Dec-2007
	File: %areaerror.r
	Author: "Johan Aires Rasten"
	Version: 0.1.0

do %rebgui.r

; Values of 25 or less doesn't produce the error, but larger ones 
max-info-lines: 26

display system/script/title [
	panel sky data [
		after 1
		button-size 30
		button "Status" [print-info "status"]
		button "Archive" [print-info "archive"]
		button "test" [
			loop 30 [print-info "status"]
			loop max-info-lines - 4 [print-info "archive"]
		button "crash!" [print 1 / 0]

 info-area: "To see error: Press test button, then Status once" area 
 80x40 #HW options[info] data []

info-area-list: make list! []

print-info: make function! [
;	Add the line to the buffer
	append info-area-list rejoin [info "^/"]
	if max-info-lines < length? head info-area-list [
		remove head info-area-list

; set-text works, but it moves the scrolling area to the top
;	set-text info-area rejoin make block! head info-area-list

; This produces weird errors:
	info-area/text: rejoin make block! head info-area-list
	show info-area

Im can't seem to be able to download from http://trac.geekisp.com
I have Tottoisesvn but I kep getting errors. I tried to down load 
from reb console as Ashlley described above but the file is html 
not rebol code.
svn://svn.geekisp.com/rebgui - is the correct address. All I need 
to do is to go up to see RebGUI dir, click on it, and select Update 
from right context menu in my file manager. Works here ...
was it deliberate decision to remove the functions tab from tour.r

 Yes, RebDOC now covers the same ground. My goal is to pull the content 
 across from %tour.r into RebDOC and then obsolete it (%tour.r that 
 is). In RebDOC the examples will become stand-alone scripts.

RebGUI Core

 ... I like it, and it means we can distinguish general RebGUI app 
 issues from RebGUI Core issues (e.g. keyboard navigation is a core 
 issue, lack of a domain specific "bells & whistle" widget a RebGUI 
 app issue). For me the line is quite simple: if it is an issue that 
 can be fixed by creating a new widget (either from scratch or based 
 on an existing one) then it is probably an app issue; if it is an 
 issue that effects most if not all widgets and / or the fix is to 
 the RebGUI engine itself (e.g. a %rebgui-* script) then it is probably 
 a core issue.

request-dir function has lost the 

home" button" ... yep. The old request-dir function was dynamic and 
only read dirs as needed. The new one, due to the "static" nature 
of tree, pre-reads all dirs. It's also lost the "make dir" button. 
These features maybe important to us as developers, but if users 
need to navigate the entire file system or create dirs to use an 
app then the native request-file is probably a better choice. The 
[new] request-dir is really intended for the simple "which of these 
directories or sub-directories do you want to use" case, and assumes 
the developer will use the /path refinement to start in the relevant 
directory. These changes were requested by one of my clients who 
didn't want their staff "seeing stuff they shouldn't and creating 
directories everywhere".

neat scroll-panel now means I can have enormously wide tab-panels

 ... I had that in mind when I created it! Note that the horizontal 
 and vertical sliders only appear as needed and the space they occupy 
 is given back to the child widget. Also note that the button on the 
 extreme bottom right of scroll-panel toggles between "home" and "end".
Ok, here are some other examples, and considerations when sized.

For example, when you get small, the "hand" looks like the REAL hand 
on the screen, which could confuse people.  So while it is fun at 
larger sized, it won't work once the pixels drop to less than 4x4 
each (my guess).

I think you might like the one in the lower right.  It is very RACEY, 
the italics make it look "fast" and the black and red were something 
I think you requested.

If you want me to try something special, or do a treatment like something 
else you have seen out there, just say the word.

This one is a Qtask syndicated Folder.  So any file we put in this 
folder from inside Qtask can be accessed by people outside of Qtask


So for example, since this came from the "REBOL SIG" project inside 
Qtask, Ashley, you can go into that project, and delete this file, 
which will effectively put it in the Trashcan, and this link will 
then point to an empty folder for people.
There seems to be a problem in 2.7.6 on WIn XP
start  rebvire them go to console
do %rebui.r
editor %some_file_not_yet_existing.r

; now hit Save as : concole returns and both console and editor are 
locked up

; REpeat without load of rebgui.r ; warning so such file and then 
Save As will save as that file no problem
I started writing a simple file browser widget today. It's almost 
usable, but maybe someone else has already made such thing so I'm 
wasting my time?
Maybe it would be more consistant if rebgui loaded ui.dat and request-ui 
saved the file in the same dir? request-ui saves in current script 
dir, while the main script loads from it's own dir?
Hi, folks.  I am getting back to an application I developped with 
RebGui in 2006.  I did download the last one from SVN, but the app 
no longer works under the current version of RebGui.  I get a lot 
of error messages about show-text, even the most simple ones, like 
--> show-text Fmsg "Warning --  Unable to read Products, Phone&Meet 
and Notes.  No file to read." <--.  Looking at docs, I still see 
the show-text function; there is still some appearances in some docs, 
but there are not much.  Maybe it is deprecated now?  I see set-text, 
but it talks about attributes of text, not its content.  So not shure 
it is the one to use now.  I would need to show the app soon, but 
hesitate to retarget the code, seing the frequency of the error message 
** Script Error: show-text has no value.  Inexistant function, bad 
assignement (for unknown reasons), or something else.  For me, hard 
to know now. From the 2006 epoch, is there a lot of change.  The 
app still get drawn a bit, though.  Thanks for an answer that would 
me out of problem.
to get rebGUI  you simply write those lines into a ".r" file or you 
go into the rebol/desktop in the REBOL/DEMOS folder
this file includes widget + sample
hum you have the 10 last line of the file a demo code of how to use 
ok sorry too much change  well a fast solution would be i think to 
copy the liste-view code after rebface[   and paste it to the regui.r 
file where belongs table: make rebface ]
hi, i have a problem with rebgui build 116 on table or field widget. 
i post a file here could some explain to me what append when i want 
to do a update of a row ......
fil => file
i would lilke to build display  not in the same source file............is 
it possible ?
Map the CNTRL key to one of the freely assignable TabletPC buttons? 
How does he do it currently (e.g. in File Explorer)?
Here's a movie to show what the effect is.  Basically I am opening 
up an XML file, turning it into a REBOL object and browsing it.
Build 207
- Fixed slider bug (zero divide error when ratio = 1)
- Added find-key-face to needed funcs when not using view.r
- Added undisplay (does what unview/only does, but better)
- request-error now accepts string
- Removed gui-error (obsoleted by request-error)
- Removed find-face func
- Cosmetic changes to:
	- led
	- led-group
	- radio-group
	- chat
- Removed tip & over? attributes
- Made init, options & old-color attributes optional
- Made action & feel objects optional

- Replaced rebface, subface, gradface & btnface with baseface & gradface
- Added over? function
- icon changed to accept file name directly

- Added action/on-time event (used in conjunction with rate - see 
- Added table & text-list alternate row coloring
Note the reworked tree widget only has one option [only], and currently 
defaults to expanded mode with no leading graphics. It accepts input 
in either nested block or file/path notation. Selected items are 
now fully qualified by default. Due to it's use of face-iterator, 
it no longer has practical data limits (previous version created 
a face for each item).
Maarten: Thanks. The Systray.r file Steeve linked to above is pretty 
self-contained (and explanetory), so I don't see much value in duplicating 
it in RebGUI (apart from the fact it is Windows specific, which is 
why I've left native requestors out as well).

Graham: The only SDK file that RebGUI now requires is gfx-colors.r 
(plus prot.r if you need protocol support). load-stock is one of 
the many View funcs loaded when you include view.r.
** Access Error: Cannot open /C/Rebol/rebgui/icons/16x16/actions/document-new.png
** Where: load-icon
** Near: icon: load file
Just tried to create custom widget (213 and 212 distibutions). Simply 
running %create-distribution.r crashes because %btn.r and %chat.r 
widget files are missing. They   must be included in %rebgui.r file 
as it comes. I will try to recreate missing widgets from %rebgui.r 
to solve this problem for now. And hopefully will be able to add 
my custom widget after that.
Just confirmed that btn and chat widgets are included in supplied 
%rebgui.r file but corresponding widgets files are missing in widgets 
directory. I'm sure Ashley will fix it one day. My custom widgets 
work ok now with 213.
I found another bug in version 213. 

Yesterday I managed run %create distribution.r after recreating %btn.r 
and %chat.r widgets first. Today I found out that some requestors 
don't work:-
>> alert "test"
** Script Error: image has no value
** Where: layout
** Near: image images/alert 
text 60 "test"

It works from original %rebgui.r file. It seems that images exist 
in re-created one, but they cannot be found. Unfortunatelly, I've 
got no idea how to fix it
Build 215
- fixed editor
- fixed clear-text (check for disable)
- fixed set-text (check for disable)
- fixed set-texts (check for disable)
- ESC no longer auto terminates main display
- added make-dir to request-dir
- replaced request-file with RebGUI version
- updated request-value to trim return value
- fixed slider bug in RebDOC
Why RebGUI uses request-file non-native requestor? For more GUI consistency?
Why RebGUI uses request-file non-native requestor?
	- GUI consistency
	- speed
	- functionality
	- native requestor is broken on OS X

Can editor's position/size be set?

 - I can make the default smaller, what's your notebook screen res?

 - I'll probably add a /size refinement as well (I can see how you 
 might need a small or large editor in certain situations)
Build 216
- resized editor
- added /size refinement to editor
- fixed edit-list
- fixed request-file (returns full path)
Build 218
- fixed area resize bug
- added dbl-click support to request-file
- added /only refinement to request-dir
- improved editor save logic
- generalized RebDOC keyword support
- face-iterator now supports toggle-row
As append-widget removal was oversimplification imo, especially for 
the widget authors, I created short script, which kind of automates 
the process ....

1) Save the script, e.g. make.r, into the RebGUI root dir

2) create one file, called %my-widget-list.r, containing unnamed 
block, containing file-names. Your widgets can be placed anywhere

3) create backup of %rebgui-widgets.r, call it %rebgui-widgets.old.r, 
in order to be able to easily "remove"  widgets by commenting them 
out in file 2)

Here's the script:

;--- to enable removal of unwanted own widgets, create
;--- copy of rebgui-widgets.r into rebgui-widgets.old.r

;--- remember to do so, when official distro release contains new 
if exists? %rebgui-widgets.old.r [
  write %rebgui-widgets.r read %rebgui-widgets.old.r

;--- load list of widgets you want to include
;--- file containing un-named block of list of files to include
widgets-to-include: load %my-widget-list.r

template: "^-#include %widgets/^/"

;--- read RebGUI widget list (%rebgui-widgets.r)
tmp: read %rebgui-widgets.r

widget-buffer: copy "^/"

foreach widget-filepath widgets-to-include [ 

   widget: last split-path widget-filepath

   ;--- copy widget to the widget-directory
   write join %widgets/ widget read widget-filepath
   ;--- build string containing widget names you want to add ...

   ;--- but only when not already on the list - prevent duplicate entries
   if not found? find tmp widget [

        append widget-buffer (head insert find/tail copy template "/" widget)


;--- append to RebGUI widget-list (%rebgui-widgets.r)
change back back tail tmp (append widget-buffer "]")
write %rebgui-widgets.r tmp

;--- rebuild RebGUI distribution ...
call "create-distribution.r"
did you try adding the file extension to the path qualification on 
You can create the following file index.html:
  function getDirectoryList ($directory) 
    // create an array to hold directory list
    $results = array();
    // create a handler for the directory
    $handler = opendir($directory);
    // open directory and walk through the filenames
    while ($file = readdir($handler)) {

      // if file isn't this directory or its parent, add it to the results
      if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
        $results[] = $file;
    // tidy up: close the handler
    // done!
    return $results;

$path = ".";
$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Error opening $path");
echo "Directory content: <br/>";
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle))
if($file!="." && $file!="..")
echo "<a href='$file'>$file</a><br/>";
most of the times, you can put that in a .htaccess file.
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