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Group: I'm new ... Ask any question, and a helpful person will try to answer. [web-public]
Thank you DideC this is what i was looking , i thought that parse 
will do the trick  I just did not know how. All i need to do now 
is see how fast this works with a 100KB text file.
Gabriele, if you're listening, the header of http://www.colellachiara.com/soft/YourValues/yourvalues.r
	File: %main.r   ; <-- should be %yourvalues.r   ??
Anton: the header is wrong because that file is generated with prebol 
using main.r
:) Now I think I remember I asked you that about the File: before 
Group: Linux ... [web-public] group for linux REBOL users
So what's needed:

1. We need a way to continually parse the SSHD log-file, something 
like tial

2. We extract the IP address and add it to some firewall, to block 
it for some time
3. We need to remove the IP from the firewall

Anyone interested in such a project?
When is this file re-read? I mean if we append something, how to 
activate it.
there is a tailor.r in my folder on developer. it polls the tail 
of a file and calls a callback which each new line. uses /skip on 
file. may be a base for a daemon
(oops, the "\!" is no special trick,  only escaping. test-file is 
I'm working on a text to speech processor that could use MBROLA  
as  engine ASCII TEXT would be converted to PHO mbrola phonetic describtion 
file. Of course using rebol/view  1.3
'run is supposed to start associated app to particular file suffix, 
isn't it? Dunno how associations are supposed to work in Linux?
Hi, all: anyone has succeeded to run the beta version of View 1.3 
on Fedora Core 4? I have the following error: error while loading 
shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory
50mb and includes.. 

XMMS (MP3, CD Music, and MPEG), FTP client, Dillo web browser, links 
web browser, FireFox, spreadsheet, Sylpheed email, spellcheck (US 
English), a word-processor (FLwriter), three editors (Beaver, Vim, 
and Nano [Pico clone]), graphics editing and viewing (Xpaint, and 
xzgv), Xpdf (PDF Viewer), emelFM (file manager), Naim (AIM, ICQ, 
IRC), VNCviwer, Rdesktop, SSH/SCP server and client, DHCP client, 
PPP, PPPoE (ADSL), a web server, calculator, generic and GhostScript 
printer support, NFS, Fluxbox window manager, games, system monitoring 
apps, a host of command line tools, USB support, and pcmcia support, 
some wireless support.
Group: CGI ... web server issues [web-public]
no Sunanda.. I did a .fcgi file that calls the rebol .exe file.
usage text appearing in my experiences is always because the file 
has not been detabbed
Chris: from what I see, it does not. Either the file has to be transfered 
and saved on the server with unix-style line enders or -q has to 
be there to make it work for me. Time will tell. Unfortunately I 
don't have a linux machine to download and compare.... Can you say 
"Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle"? :-) Anway, what works, works. 
I'll post more on this subject when I actually get back to programming. 
well, my index.rhtml file contains script generated output which 
works, encapsulated in :[ ]:. shouldn't I be able to see cgi data?
trying the same file as index.r now...
%.cgi as file-extension?
for debugging i would look for
   insert tail script-cache reduce [file-path script]

in webserv.r and comment that out. so that it loads allways from 
and in the error-catch around it 
  [probe disarm local]
instead of 
HELP w/ web rebol associations AND Rebol-View.
Here is the story..

On my PC, I have View pointing to an index.r file on my web server.
Everything is cool.

When I open up Rebol-View and traverse to my index.r on the server..
it works.

Now on the same server, I change the IIS-Web associations so that 
I can do rebol CGI.
I create a 'main.r' in some virtual directory on the server.
Web-ing to this http.//myserver/mydir/main.r   works GREAT!
CGI is working.

However, when I now open up Rebol-View on my local PC and traverse 
to my index.r which is
on the server.. I get an error.

The problem is that before.. rebol-view was requesting a file-download 
and the server sends it.

Now since IIS is doing '*.r' CGI, when rebol-view requests for the 
index.r download.. the server is processing the request
and attempting to send back html.. not a rebol file.

Is there any way of fixing this other than..

* changing the CGI association from '*.r' to something else  (ie. 

* changing all my view-apps on the server from '*.r' to something 
else   (ie. '*.rr')
I've had these issues a couple of times, and never had a satisfactory 
reason/answer why, sometimes just copying script contents pasting 
into a new file with new name, and then it works.
The shebang is necessary so the webserver can find the right program 
to execute.

(Unless you have set up an appropriate file association between the 
file type and rebol.exe then you may not need it under some operating 
systems and webservers)

The shebang line is treated as a comment by REBOL.exe  -- as is everything 
before the REBOL [...] header
It's fairly straigt-foward (I think!).

.......If you have no multi-part data, then just used the "standard" 
read-cgi  -- but remember that on some platforms no input returns 
"" while on others it returns none

.....If you have multi-part data (say an uploaded file), then use 
Andreas' decode-multipart-form script:


.....If the form could have both or neither (ie there may or may 
not be a file uploaded), then each of the above solutions will fail 
(Carl's when there is. and Andreas's when there isn't)....So wrap 
the full code in a few attempts to handle that.
(AFAIK:) The browser submits what read-cgi reads. Post means: give 
script all data in stdin (system/ports/input). Thats for lots of 
data, when you post something. Get means, give data in url. Thats 
for getting data, the query is only short (and typable in urlbar). 
So read-cgi write that in a file and read it in an editor.
I ´d like to have a CGI script to filter my emails at server. My 
ISP uses Cpanel that gives the possibility of use this to send emails 
to file:  |/home/user/cgi-bin/myfilter.cgi. The thing all I get is 
the whole content of each email appended to the CGI script. Anyone 
could help me?
Anyway, it works, but I still have a problem: in system/options/cgi, 
both 'path-info and 'path-translated are set to none, which prevents 
Magic! to wrks properly as it can not find the requested file (usually 
a *.rhtml) file. In normal CGI, it works well. Is this a bug? In 
that case, I will put it into rambo. Note that I have configure FastCGI 
in compatibility mode.
With lighttpd and LiteServer, both path-info and path-translated 
are missing, while 'script-name is the name of the originator html 
file instead of the name of the cgi script (magic.cgi).
(ln -s <src-file> <target-file>)
Gabriele: I meant to put after the exec the path to a script file. 
It didn't work because I wrote it in the wrong way. Now I modified 
it and it work.
Jaime: Probably it is the best solution. I was trying to reach the 
same result thru a script file but the result is the same and create 
a link is the fasted method.
< "Premature end of script headers">

 Usual cause: wrong line terminations....Maybe you uploaded a test 
 file from/to UNIX/MAC/Win without checking the "asciii" box to get 
 automatic CRLF/CR/LF conversions.
another try, Pekr does not find a new file.
No, that should only run, make a file in rebols dir and quit. Hmm, 
in the current dir, where is that?
Then, no I think of putting "robots.txt" file, I just think that 
some hackers can use it to exactly do the opposite of what it's suppose 
to do. They probably have make som bots that  just pick all pages 
marks as 'dissalow in it. If you don't know the name of the pages, 
it's a good place to find some !!
OK, now that cgi is working, I want to make a form that will allow 
people to give their name and email address to be saved in a rebol 
db file on the server for me to download at my convenience. Has anyone 
already done this so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel?
It writes the date and remote-add to the file, but does not write 
cgi-data to the file. What is wrong?
I am trying for first time to setup rebol for cgi on  remote Apache 
web server on Linux.
I am working from WinXP
Site management is done with EnsimPro. Ftp does not yet working.
So what is done up to now:

Uploaded file Rebol from rebol-core-2602042.tar package for Linux 
to cgi-bin directory;

Set permisions to owner read, write, execute and for group and others 
to read, execute;
Test script -> write file read file,

Test script uploaded (throught web broeser by using EnsimPro web 
interface) test script:

#!/var/www/cgi-bin/rebol -cs

REBOL [Title: "CGI Basics"]

print ["Content-type: text/html" newline]

print "Hello!!!"

to cgi-bin directory;
Set the same permisions.

Pointing to the test file I am getting "500 Internal server errror" 
What else could be wrong?

Interesting that I have interpreters directory on this web server 
where are couple files regarding php and perl.
Could it be connected with my problem?
Is it o' k that it is just rebol file from linux package and that 
I extracted it on WinXp then uploaded?
What you meant under "mask"?
Btw content of one of file in the interpreters dir:
if [ -z "$REDIRECT_STATUS" ]; then
  echo -e "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r
<b>Security Alert!</b> The Perl CGI cannot be accessed directly.

<p>This Perl CGI launcher is configured to require a redirect.  This

means that a page will only be served up if the REDIRECT_STATUS CGI 
is set, e.g. via an Apache Action directive.</p>

<p>For more information as to <i>why</i> this behaviour exists, see 
the <a href=\"http://php.net/security.cgi-bin\"> PHP manual page 
for CGI security</a>.</p>


As newcomer in linux and apache I can only ques what it mean, but 
I am thinking about this line:
 This Perl CGI launcher is ...
I did write file read file.
janeks, you could try to put .htaccess file into your directory, 
specifying e.g. AddHandler cgi-script .cgi for your directory .... 
it will override httpd.conf settings IF rewriteengine is set to enabled 
I'm doing multiple file uploads using flash8
there is only one file upload in the examples - http://box.lebeda.ws/~hmm/rswf/index.php?example=142
OK, I'm going to try it. Does the flash also handle the file saving 
here is ActionScript doc example: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flash/8/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00002226.html
what is file saving portion?
so on the cgi side you get just one file as from one input file field
Yes, more input-file fields is possible as well, just you may reach 
the upload size limit more easily. Most servers I used has maximum 
2MB per post, so if you want to upload 5 images with 1MB, you will 
not be able to post them at once.
change-dir %blogs/
foreach file read %. [
		port: open file
    set-modes port [
        world-read: true
        world-write: true
        world-execute: true
    close port

But with my tired mind, and the no end of 500 errors, I must be forgetting 
you can't change the owner of a file, unless you are root
You shouldn't need to open a file port to set-modes, just set-modes 
%file.r [... modes ...]
Also, I don't know if this is so with every setup, but when you create 
a file with a CGI script, the process owner, not the script owner, 
is the owner of the file, so you'd need to be able to do owner-read/owner-write. 
 I usually set owner/group/world-read/write to true and execute to 
Hello, I need to send multipart/form-data to a server for uploading 
a file from the console. I've been googling and searching the script 
archive, to no avail. Can anyone help?
Thanks for the help. The recipe from the rebol cookbook show you 
how to upload a file provided the server runs a rebol script too. 
The server I'm uploading a file to doesn't. It expects multipart/form-data. 
Maybe the %cgi.r by Cal Dixon provides a solution. I'll investigate 
further. More hints will be appreciated, as well...
this is an article I wrote in 2003 hacking the http protocol to do 
this too http://www.compkarori.com/vanilla/display/HTTP+file+uploading
The script should be able to post a multipart form as described in 
rfc1867. It should be able to post a number of fields, for example: 
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userid", and finally it should 
be able to upload a file in binary data.
You want to set the file permissions for each script  globally executable, 
but not globally readable.

Also protect the cgi-bin folder from being read by the whole world...If 
you are using Apache, look at the IndexIgnore directive:

One of my clients updates his site via some tool, which always seem 
to add some space between the lines. After some time, the page is 
instead of 400 rows something like 13K rows - the size goes from 
cca 25KB to 100KB. So I wrote a cgi script, which reads index.html 
and removes blank lines. Everything is OK, when I run the script 
from the console. But when I run it via a browser as a CGI script 
call, it can't write the file. Dunno why - cgi-script is being run 
using -cs switch, I even put secure none in there, cgi-script has 
the same own, grp set as index.html, but I can't write it ....
Check the permissions of the file to be written. Are you also sure 
the cgi script is being executed? Check its permissions too..
Maybe the cgi script current directory is not where the index.htm 
file is.
See if you can list the file, eg. instead of 
	write/lines %index.htm data
do this:
	print mold info? %index.htm
hmm, maybe I found the problem - it has rw--r--r-- file permissions 
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
Yes, load is our tree, parse our events. Think of parse as "Here 
comes the word 'file. Yuppa, and a real 'file! . Good, and a 'binary!. 
(fine, now i store that data in that file)"
Perhaps I don't understand Temple fully, but it doesn't so much manipulate 
an arbitrary XML file, rather pick and choose parts of a larger XML-based 
Thx ! Now I recall the article... As I thought, Carl is aiming to 
RIF: "RIF (index file) records will have the option of storing in 
REBin format". But you were right, RIF could be a solution for the 
data storage. Let's hope it will exists by Nov 14 :-)
John, I've downloaded it from your website - thank you!

One more question from an unexperienced REBOL-user:

What is the most commen way to enhance a block I've got with xml2rebxml, 
source is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<chapter id="ch_testxml" name="Test XML">
  <title>A chapter with some xml tests</title>
  <sect1 id="sct_about" name="About my Tests">
    <title>What kind of tests I will do</title>
      <para>Some simple paragraph.</para>

After read in the file with
my-doc: xml2rebxml read %test.xml

I'd like to insert a second sect1-element in the block my-doc, whats 
the best way - just to avoid some stupid mistakes.
carsten: I should have kept my mouth shut about XOM and asked you 
before :-)

the port-idea was just that a thought - in any case if one wants 
to use a dialect there has to be an entity to interpret the dialect, 
whether that's an function or something else doesn't matter, but 
a port seams to be a common rebol entity to encapsulate things - 
that's why I thought it would maybe even make sense to use a port 
as abstraction .... opening a port to an xml file and the port will 
parse it in whatever way - by sending (inserting) a dialected block 
into the port the xml document could be worked on - at least from 
the users point of view one wouldn't have to handle the xml-code-block/rebol 
code block separetely - even though it might be nice to access it 
directly .... well maybe I have too little glue about ports so the 
idea might not make too much sense when I forgot about some important 
drawbacks and the like
Group: PgSQL ... PostgreSQL and REBOL [web-public]
There is one defficiency with SQLite - it is one user solution. Well, 
you can lock iirc, on file level (yes, even records), but SQL requests 
are not serialised, so you have to think twice, when more than one 
client would connect to database.
Group: RT Q&A ... [RT Q&A] Questions and Answers to REBOL Technologies [web-public]
(Copied from rebcode group) Could you add struct! support to /Core?

I keep on having situations that would be made much easier by struct! 
when I don't need libraries. For instance, conversions from external 
binary data encodings to internal REBOL values, say for file formats, 
network protocols and so on. Now rebcode has added other forms of 
strong typing like the type-specific opcodes and the vectors. Having 
structs with their constrained field types, their specific data layouts, 
would be a perfect match for the low level operations of rebcode. 
They would be helpful later when implementing your own data types 
as well.
Q: What does the world on Nov-15-2005 look like?

A: Our main goal is to get REBOL into the hands of more users, not 
just programmers and techies.... by the millions over time.  By doing 
that, we create a market for not only handy free REBOL apps, but 
also for commercial apps and entire businesses that are related to 

Q: Given that  window transparency is OS specific, will there be 
a dialect that covers both Windows, Linux and 40+ other OS?  In other 
words, does RT plan on continued support of so many languages, or 
are we entering a new era of specific OS support?

A: Our plan is to make that a window option that is part of the face/options 
for a window.  If an OS does not support this mode, then the option 
will be ignored, but the application will still be fully functional.

Q: I hope it is still valid that cooperation with RT is possible. 
I mean - last few weeks I play with some Win32 functions (thanks 
to Gregg) and I would like we would have proper app behavior in multi-monitor/multi-desktop 
environments .... so I wonder if any SIGs will be created, some ppl 
will be invited to participate, comment etc., or if RT is gonna cook 
it all themselves?

A: Yes, there are many such special interest projects currently going 
on. (Most of them are occurring via private projects in AltME and 
IOS.)  These days 90% of REBOL changes are done in cooperation with 
the REBOL community.

Q: Hi .... with recent Rebcode releases, we can see that internally 
new Core is marked as 2.7 and View is marked as 1.4 Is it just working 
"title" or will those products be marked as that? And if so, can 
we know, what other changes will go for 1.4 View release target? 
Will there be any AGG fixes/additions (to support SVG RebGUI progress), 
or even VID changes? I still think, that VID is missing few fine 
styles as tab, group-box, better list as was introduced on IOS Developer's 
server, (eventually tree, menu), to allow novices to start using 
VID/View more productively. Any chance RT can tell us, what is the 
plan for 1.4 release?

A: Regarding 2.7 and 1.4 question: we change the revision numbers 
(the second number) whenever there is a major change in REBOL that 
may be unstable.  The /core 2.7 kernel (that is in /view 1.4 as well) 
adds new datatypes to REBOL, and they are the first datatypes added 
in several years, so we consider this to be a major change, and marked 
it that way.
Yes, we do plan to be making a few AGG fixes very soon.

Oh, and regarding VID: we plan to be making very big changes there. 
More to come soon.

Q: Could you add struct! support to /Core?

I keep on having situations that would be made much easier by struct! 
when I don't need libraries. For instance, conversions from external 
binary data encodings to internal REBOL values, say for file formats, 
network protocols and so on. Now rebcode has added other forms of 
strong typing like the type-specific opcodes and the vectors. Having 
structs with their constrained field types, their specific data layouts, 
would be a perfect match for the low level operations of rebcode. 
They would be helpful later when implementing your own data types 
as well.

A: On structs: yes, we will enable this feature on core, but it should 
only be used for lower level code.  Objects are more powerful.

Q: Could you add an APPLY opcode to rebcode?

    apply: ["Apply function or path to arguments, save result" word! 
    word! | path! block!]

In rebcode:
    apply x f [arg1 arg2 ...]
Is equivalent to this in REBOL:
    x: do f arg1 arg2 ...

The advantage to doing function calls this way is that the arity 
of the opcode is fixed, even if the arity of the function called 
can't be known ahead of time. The value assigned to the function 
word could be either a function or a path, or for efficiency you 
could have a seperate opcode APPLYP for path values (I'd prefer just 
one opcode for generality but it's your call).

A: I'm not sure what is meant by the path for it. You mean for refinements?
That may actually slow down the apply interface.
Q: (note - my view may be influenced by insufficient knowledge in 
the area given) - last weeks I played with wrapping some Win32 functions. 
I started discussion on dll.so channel, to ask developers, if they 
would enhance interfacing to C libraries in some way, and there was 
few ideas appearing. We currently have also rather strange callbacks 
support (limited to 16) and I would like to ask, taking into account 
that DLL interface in Rebol was not changed/enhanced since it appeared 
long time ago, if RT sees any area in which it could be made more 
robust, developers friendly etc.?

A: We are planning to do a lot more on DLLs. In fact, future versions 
of REBOL will expand on the way DLLs are used in REBOL.   For example, 
I would like to see DLL support for media loaders and savers, so 
if we do not directly support a specific type of media file (say, 
TIFF) then an external DLL can be provided to load it.  There are 
a few other DLL related features down the road, but it is still a 
bit early to talk about them.

Q: I realize that the open sourcing of the viewtop wasn't that successful, 
but do you still intend to keep releasing newer versions of it? AFAIK 
the current release is over a year old. I've experienced a lot of 
obvious bugs in the viewtop editor, which I think can easily be solved 
by people outside RT.

A: yes we will continue to release newer versions.  View 1.3.2 fixed 
a number of bugs in the Viewtop editor that were listed in on RAMBO. 
Any fixes and enhancements from the community are greatly appreciated 
(by everyone, not only RT!)  You can post them to RAMBO, and we will 
review and include them (if they look good).

Q: While reviewing the action! functions, I noticed the path action. 
The doc comment says "Path selection.". The parameters aren't typed. 
Does anyone know what this action does, and how to use it? Or whether 
it can be or should be called directly at all?

A: the PATH action is what the interpreter uses to evaluate VALUE/selector 
expressions for each datatype. It is an internal action and has no 
external purpose in programs. These kinds of words often appear as 
a sort of "side-effect" from how REBOL is structured.  Datatypes 
are implemented as a sort of object class, where the interpreter 
"sends messages" to the class to evaluate expressions. The PATH action 
is a message that tells the datatype to perform a pick-like or poke-like 
internal function.

Q: Is rebcode going to support paths and/or some kind of binding?

A: Certain rebcode can support anything we feel is important to put 
into it, but note: many things we add could slow it down, by a lot. 
 For example, if we were to allow paths as variables, I estimate 
that rebcode would be about two times slower than it is now.  Perhaps 
one way to solve this issue is for you to use COMPOSE prior to specifying 
your rebcode body.  Within the compose, you can use IN object 'word 
to "pre-compute" the context references for words. For example:

    add.i (in object 'num) 10

Your question about binding is not clear to me. Rebcode already supports 
binding. Your rebcode can be part of an object context, and rebcode 
function words are bound to the code context.  (Perhaps you are referring 
to an older bug that has since been fixed?)

Q: What do you think about  http://mail.rebol.net/maillist/msgs/39493.html
? Why not say a word in your blog, if you think that it's interessant 
for rebol developpment, and if you want to contact them ?

A: Recently, I had the chance to sit down and talk with one of the 
main people from the One Laptop Per Child project (he is a friend 
of mine from Apple Computer days).  The project has an interesting 
goal, but there are also many difficult issues around it (not just 
in the technical side, but also on the social and cultural sides). 
My current understanding is that the target software is Smalltalk 
based. Yes, it would be very interesting to allow REBOL on that system, 
but if you look at the list of principals for the project, you will 
see that such a revolution is unlikely.  Is it possible that perhaps 
REBOL could provide some additional capability in the future? I think 
so. We have some special plans that I think will bring REBOL to platforms 
like that in the future. But, this is too early to say more.

Q: 1. What is fixed/added in 2.6.2/1.3.2 (change-log, please) ? 2. 
What is planned for 1.4.0 (rebcode, rebservices, rich-text, RIF, 
and last but not least, fixed sound ...) ? 3. When can we expect 
1.4.0 ? Thanks.

A: 1. Gregg is preparing a summary. The document should be available 
this week. 2. We are evaluating a large variety of changes in REBOL, 
more than even the 1.4 release that we've talked about.  I hope to 
be able to say more about these plans soon.
I have two needs: (1) I need to display Greek, English, and Indonesia 
in the same file. (2) I need to be able to convert uppercase Greek 
characters with accent and breathing marks to lowercase without losing 
the accent and breathing marks.
do-uninstall: does [
	attempt [delete data-path/bypass-install]
	if get-face ckd [

  if confirm reform ["Please confirm that you want to delete all files 
  in" to-local-file data-path][
			attempt [delete-dir data-path]
	found? all [
		attempt [unlink-rebol form system/product true]
		attempt [unassociate-file true]
		attempt [unregister "REBOL" form system/product true]
Group: Windows/COM Support ... [web-public]
what about plain tcp or via-file kinda of interface?
All in one zip: (MS word only untill now incude some bug fixes)
• Add a Formatted Table to a Word Document.
• Add a Picture to a Microsoft Word Document.
• Add Formatted Text to a Word Document.
• Append Text to a Word Document.
• Apply a Style to a Table in a Word Document.
• Create a New Word Document.
• Create and Save a Word Document.
• Open and Print a Word Document.
• Save a Microsoft Word Document as an HTML File.
Download from:
Anton, OK DL'd the zip file, tried a couple of files, realized I 
needed Pro, ran Pro, sat amazed. Nice stuff my man. Thanks.
Where's the file Anton?
COMLib website update:
Added outlook-calendar.r and outlook-contacts.r demos.
Fixed a few bugs in the main rebol interface file, COMLib.r
The Speech Reco software is the one that comes built-in with Windows 
XP and Windows Vista (BTW, speech reco in Vista is much better than 
in XP). It analyzes widgets on the screen by running through all 
the windows handles (just about everything on a Windows screen is 
a window) and their labels, so it actually knows there's a menubar 
with a file menu on it so you can do things like say "Menu" "File" 
"Open" and it simply works for almost all native apps. It sends the 
equivalent commands by sending Windows messages to the windows. Problem 
is, since Rebol widgets do not have their own handles, the system 
never finds them, doesn't know they're there or that messages can 
be sent to them...
Anyone built a file transfer using FEC ?  http://research.microsoft.com/barc/mbone/fcast.aspx
Group: Plugin-2 ... Browser Plugins [web-public]
Especially with the signed CAB file.
The file shouldn't be that much bigger--not like going from Base 
to CommandView--so I'd say include everything needed for commercial 
use. Of course, this opens up security questions too (e.g. lib access).
the same for local disk access.  for example, we might restrict any 
file i/o to ONE sandbox.  anything trying to access or write out 
of user-specified paths, would either get a dialog, or be refused.
Let it prompt the user for files to work on, using the system file 
dialog even, and then allow the plugin to work on only the files 
that the user specifies. That should be a good balance.
The places a browser puts persistent data, and manages that data, 
are cookies and the temporary file cache. There are already security 
restrictions and management tools for those places. That existing 
persistent storage should be sufficient for REBOL scripts loaded 
by the regular plugin. Any other storage should be on the server, 
with the same server access restrictions as JavaScript. Anything 
more should be restricted to trusted sites.
there should be an optional way to allow library acces, local file 
access etc .
Without prompting the user, cookies and JavaScript. Perhaps REBOL 
could prompt for any additional files it needed to access using a 
standard file open dialog (by standard I mean native).
As for things like do-browser, it would be nice if the copy of REBOL 
called by the plugin could be passed some callbacks to which it would 
delegate some basic functionality like requesting a local file, proxy 
settings, do-browser, etc. This would allow the plugin to better 
integrate with the browser's existing behavior and security infrastructure.
To much here to keep up, just picking " The problem is, then you 
have 5 "REBOL/Plugin" objects in Downloaded Program FIles. Thoughts 
on that approach?":

AFAIK with COM, a CLSID is not bound to a file. You can "serve" multiple 
clasids from the same file.  The idea is, that interfaces are frozen, 
if you need more functions you add another interface. which may include 
the same functions as the old one. So instead of using multiple files, 
you can have  the newest one implementing the old interfaces too. 
But then you have to be exactly compatible when using the old interfaces, 
at least thats the  idea. As firefox clones COM, i guess they have 
a similar feature.
Versioning: I dont see the problem, but i may understand com wrong. 
AFAIK a single file can implement multiple interfaces. So you dont 
have multiple files when the new version implements the interfaces 
for the old rebols.
i mean - i cannot fix it if i don't have the master source file. 
we can send improvements to carl, but i don't think he has time to 
consider them right now.
Extra Security, some thoughts:
- 'secure for ips, eg: secure [net ask tcp://rebol.com allow]
- don't share sandbox-folders between hosts.
- if possible memory-restriction, hd, cpu?
- clipboard-restriction somehow?

- check for memory-access, specially disable struct! . IMO real hackers 
will figure out how to inject code by poke. 

- reblets can store executable code by naming the file *.exe. Does 
not run immediate, but script can open folder in explorer by browse, 
and one wrong click runs it. (or is windows smarter now? Maybe you 
could add an own extension always, and maybe store everything as 
64#{} ?

- Make sure untrusted reblets don't run invisible, can snoop clipboard, 
or at least users online-times. I guess creatives can find other 

- Maybe some kind of log about starts/stops, with urls? To have a 
little chance of tracking. Some kind of global console.
- Running out of thoughts for now.
- protect access to real file-pathes. kind of chroot. getting 'what-dir 
can be a good hint for attacks i guess. At least mozilla puts a random 
part in profile-folders.
haven't you meet yourself with requester, which asked for permission 
for file e.g., where path was cut-down? That is the same like no 
requester at all ...
Group: !Cheyenne ... Discussions about the Cheyenne Web Server [web-public]
the only thing it needs is someone to adapt it for cgi use... I have 
too little CGI practice and no real need, atm... so its hard to put 
time on this... but its a rebol script, so its easy to adapt.  all 
it would need is to check if its been started as cgi and call a different 
startup, which only prints out one file.  for static pages (which 
CAN include dynamic conent like sql queries) then its a very good 
solution which already supports site magamenent and ftp xfer.
they are all part of the standard apache distro... but you have so 
edit the config file to enable them
I just intalled the windows version, it works very well. I just had 
to edit the stunnel.conf file to uncomment the HTTPS config options.
Group: Games ... talk about using REBOL for games [web-public]
direct access to .r file with changes is: http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/mahjong.r
 (assuming you already have images and maps).
running the .r file directly doesn't work for me (its missing the 
.r file is just for updaters who already have resources :)  altho 
i did fix the ricebowl.map in this update
RebTower updated.  http://rebol.mustard.co.nz/rebtower-0.0.2.zip
- Card types are now loaded from the starter-deck.txt file.

- template.txt holds the name of a card and how many times it occurs 
in a deck.

- Added win / lose screens and an intro screen (very basic at the 
- Fixed a rebview.exe not closing when window closes issue.
- Cleaned up a few show-stopping bugs internally ;)
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