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world-name: r3wp

Group: !AltME ... Discussion about AltME [web-public]
(1) Allowing translation (external language file with program strings)
(2) Ability to mark all messages as read
(3) Font size settings
(4) Users rights (limited guest account would be a good step)
export  messages --> save --> file name :  [ default world name ]
[unknown: 9]:
I think of communication software a little differently (in general), 
so I will share this.  

Read states

 (like the Red we are talking about) are a very interesting issue. 

Most computer software does a very poor job of replicating empirical 
or visceral conversations.  Email for example has a method of describing 
the "direction" you are speaking.  TO: Bob, CC: Carry.  Where the 
TO: indicates you are speaking directly to Bob, and that Carry is 
standing somewhere to the left or right of you.  BCC is someone hiding 
behind you. 

Email could have an interface where you first pick the people in 
the "room." And then use something like a 2D interface to move the 
listeners around a symbolic version of you.  This would be both silly, 
time consuming, and somewhat confusing, but you get the point.

What you have read and what you have not read though has a similar 
analogy.   There are thousands of sub states and markers people use 
to sort things they have read, will read, need to read again, need 
to respond to, etc.

In Box, Out Box, Papers upside down, putting papers you need to sign 
under your car keys on the floor in front of the door leading to 
the car, etc.

I have one friend who re-wrote some open source email program to 
have some huge number of states and then some simple filters.  It 
works VERY WELL, if you know his system.  He never forgets anything.

So the current model AltME has (right now) is a very simple interface. 
 Tantimount to "Have I ever seen this before."

We are playing with some other models in Qtask, which may get adopted 
into AltME.  I'm working on a system I call Venn Chat.  Some features 

Have I read this before? (like AltME)
Mark this:  

Follow up (add to a list of messages you want to think about more)
Note (All should read this when they come into the group)
All Must Read (converts it into an AltME-like alert)

Convert to a task (and keep the context of the chat in place, this 
is opens up a whole other area)
Branch (something like forum threading)
Re-file (move from one group to another)

Re-post (copy to another group, at the same time, similar to branch).
Trigger (tell me when someone has finally read this).
Status (tell me who has read this so far).
Attach (files, links, etc)
1. Better notification to user of a message. "Slide up window?" Reichart, 
you know this is my favorite.
2. Calendar - Ability to add more events. Alarms for events
3. File sharing
4. Programmable sounds for people/groups.
5. "Take back last entry"
1.  link tasks with the calendar

2.  "clear all" a simple button which removes red color of all groups. 
usefull when skipping a few days...

3.  HIDE groups (and users).  just add simple check mark to  window 
which lists all available groups and any you check-off are removed 
from the list you look at (yet you still receive their posts, if 
you want to look at them another time).

4.  per group moderators for private AND public groups (delete posts, 
insert posts, manage users, etc.   A part from "opting out", users 
are not able to change the setup (like deleting the group), group 
name, list of users in private group, etc ).  

5.  single file export of all selected task lists and their tasks 
(ascii or html)

6.  SORT task list... we cannot sort the task lists... only the tasks 
they contain... a real bitch when working with others...

7.  Also allows read-only mode for private groups for people not 
in private users list.   Great to manage announcements for private 
8.  'workdays only - weekend only' option for calendar

9.  properly support hours in calendar tasks, so that hours are always 
available, right now, the software often ignores any data we put 
in the hours field..
check your hosts file .. some viruses alter the hosts file which 
can prevent internet activity
[unknown: 5]:
Need a paging feature whereby we can click on a persons name and 
have it play a wav file on their computer to get their attention 
and flash.
[unknown: 9]:
Yeah, I'm REALLY anti FTP.  It took us writing our own FTP Client 
to realize, FTP is simply not worth supporting, the people who originated 
it were kids, that did not know what they were doing.  We waste too 
much time, as has everyone that has written FTP client or Server 

Basically, the standard should be rewritten such that every command 
that a normal DOS would use are available, even the simple stuff 
like getting the size of the volume the data is being stored on, 
and remaining space.

But also there needs to be systems in place for check-summing files 
in usable chunks, and also for doing metrics from both sides so that 
better predictions can be made about the time it will take to synch.

It goes on and on, just throw FTP away…

Build an x-internet interface to something new, and build it correctly 
to be global not local.

For example, every block (some unit of bytes) of a given file should 
be able to exist in multiple places (on the web, not just on a server), 

Let's solve everything in one place once and for all.
How do you export AltME checklist info and then IMPORT that data 
back into another world?  Is there a file format for what AltME expects 
the data to look like?
Group: MySQL ... [web-public]
Or actually yeah.. I'm going flat file ;)
I use mySQL admin utility, which sets old-passwords item in my.ini 
file, yet Doc's mySQL driver does not work ... now I am at the end 
maybe this is better description:

The password is saved (in user.password) by using the PASSWORD() 
function in

  This is .c file because it's used in libmysqlclient, which is entirely 
  in C.
  (we need it to be portable to a variety of systems).
    update user set password=PASSWORD("hello") where user="test"
  This saves a hashed number as a string in the password field.

  The new authentication is performed in following manner:

  SERVER:  public_seed=create_random_string()

  CLIENT:  recv(public_seed)
           reply=xor(hash_stage1, sha1(public_seed,hash_stage2)

           // this three steps are done in scramble() 


  SERVER:  recv(reply)
           hash_stage1=xor(reply, sha1(public_seed,hash_stage2))

           // this three steps are done in check_scramble()
maybe this is better description:

The password is saved (in user.password) by using the PASSWORD() 
function in

  This is .c file because it's used in libmysqlclient, which is entirely 
  in C.
  (we need it to be portable to a variety of systems).
    update user set password=PASSWORD("hello") where user="test"
  This saves a hashed number as a string in the password field.

  The new authentication is performed in following manner:

  SERVER:  public_seed=create_random_string()

  CLIENT:  recv(public_seed)
           reply=xor(hash_stage1, sha1(public_seed,hash_stage2)

           // this three steps are done in scramble() 


  SERVER:  recv(reply)
           hash_stage1=xor(reply, sha1(public_seed,hash_stage2))

           // this three steps are done in check_scramble()

  This file is the net layer API for the MySQL client/server protocol,

  which is a tightly coupled, proprietary protocol owned by MySQL AB.
  Any re-implementations of this protocol must also be under GPL
  unless one has got an license from MySQL AB stating otherwise.
what file are you referring to? We are not reimplementing anything, 
are we?
I solved the problem by installing the 0.99 version of mysql-protocol.r. 
It was quicker than trying to get XAMPP to accept a MySQL revised 
configuration file.
Group: !Readmail ... a Rebol mail client [web-public]
For the next release I will be changing the way in which the locale 
works. (For security reasons)

The locale.r file will no longer be evaluated ... i.e. the program 
will no longer do %locale.r.
The program will expect a pipe seperated file something like
    ; menu items

    ; gui items
    gt_Add-to-cont|"Add to Contacts"
makes it hard to encap anything if you 'do an untrusted file ... 
better to read it in, and parse it.
Would it not be better to use a dialect then for the locale.r file 
I"m probably doing it wrong, but my cerebrus config file is a dialect 
of sorts, and if it comes across an error, well.. that's it.  Can't 
continue. Messy.
When I read this file in I inore any lines that dont have a pipe, 
and also ignore any errors like a variable name not being spelt correctly.
Yes,  that works nicely ....
So now a locale will be specified like this 

; menu items
gm_About: "A proposito"
gm_Accounts: "Accounts"
gm_Contacts: "Contatti"

in the locale file
rebmail 4.7.14 & associated helptext has been released (31/12/2004) 

Changes Since 4.7.11
Enhancement - re-work locale format (for security purposes)
Bug Fix - Correct Fetch All Error
Enhancement - Use load/all & Construct to load locale from file

rebmail.r can be found at .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.r

reabmail is also the following formats 

rip format at  .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.rip

zip format at  .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.zip

the archive containing rebmail.r & rebamail.html (rip = compressed 
self extracting rebol archive)
Any problems let me know.
rebmail 4.7.14 & associated helptext has been released (10/01/2004) 

Changes Since 4.7.11

4.7.12 - Enhancement - re-work locale format (for security purposes)
4.7.13 - Bug Fix - Correct Fetch All Error

4.7.14 - Enhancement - Use load/all & Construct to load locale from 

rebmail.r can be found at .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.r

reabmail is also the following formats 

rip format at  .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.rip

zip format at  .... http://www.upnaway.com/~philb/philip/pbmail/readmail.zip

the archive containing rebmail.r & rebamail.html (rip = compressed 
self extracting rebol archive)
Any problems let me know.
1. exactly
2. effectively, but my rule does not work :
 if find ip-em/to "[mymail-:-myserver-:-com]" [op-block/2: "myfolder"]

 Where myfolder is the name of the directory in the file system (not 
 the name of the folder in Readmail)

3. not this window that is REALLY useful, but the window that allows 
you to delete some mails before fetchnig them
I dont think it would .... the only import function expects all mail 
items to be in a file with a suffix of .eml
(i.e. Each maill item is a single file)

 ... unless thunderbird stores its mail like this or can export its 
 mail like this you cant import it.
Hi Phil, that's not completely true. I, for example, am pretty sure 
that I still have a file with a 
	file: %rebmail.r
I just didn't feel it worthy of widespread distribution ;-)

when I use the "Check for Update" buton, their is no answer even 
if their is a new version. I believe that this is due to the first 
line of the readmail.ver file that is still Version: 4.12.6

Can you change this ?
uf, what is Eudora good for? Do you work on windows? I never wanted 
to work with anything else than Netscape and leter mozilla mail. 
You can try Thunderbird, you might be surprised by its functionality 
- and what is more - your folder is plain text file, readable
It is caused by bad design of their file system.
A little success. I used a text editors to copy the contents of out.mbx.001 
and out.mbx.002 to the end of out.mbx. Then deleted the out.toc index 
file. Started Eudora, and now I can see the emails. Hopefully I'm 
now be able to send them.
Though many scripts in the Library are just one script file plus 
one documentation file. That doesn't need to be a package:

The documentation can be in Makedoc or Makedoc2 format (plus some 
other formats too, like Nicomdoc)
I package readmail.r up as a single file (decompressed at runtime), 
it is 143Kb so I woulnt have a problem adding it to the library.
ISP down ? file not found
Which file is not found? They all seem to work here
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
RebGUI uses the standard View face (25 facets) and 'data is not used 
by REBOL/View. VID extends this face by an additional 22 facets:


and provides 'user-data as it uses the 'data facet itself. RebGUI 
widgets use 'data as the "interface" attribute (e.g. setting a progress 
bar's value) and may define additional facets for internal use on 
a widget by widget basis. The idea is to make best use of the 25 
available View facets and not have every widget using 47 facets regardless 
of whether it needs to or not! ;)
Right click just about any file and you can change the EXE that is 
associated with the file's extension so, potentially any version 
you like.
Windows keeps track of all the programs used to open a particular 
file extension. Just right click the script then choose:

	Open With | Choose Program

and browse select the file you want to open it with (checking the 
"Always use ..." option if you want to permanently associate it). 
Thereafter, this file is displayed whenever you right-click and bring 
up the "Open with" menu. On my system I have multiple REBOL versions 
and editors available so I can easily choose how I want to open a 

Anton: if your .R scripts are associated with your editor, how do 
you run them? Console session and do?
Latest release available at: http://www.dobeash.com/files/RebGUI-015.zip

Highlights include:

	- New LED widget
	- Tweaked check, splitter and tab-panel widgets
	- Basic edit feel added to area and field widgets
	- Resizing is now fully recursive
	- Added a light-weight request-file function for Win32/SDK use
	- Numerous minor improvements and fixes
	- Documentation update (the Display User's Guide in particular)
there's a compatibilty problem with 'check and 'led : #[none] #[true] 
#[false] don't works in /View 1.2.1 . it can be fixed by using reduce 
[true [...] false [...] none [...]]. (I think backward compatibility 
should be mandatory only for core functions/widgets, for additional 
optional elements like 'request-file function and /min-size option, 
a short note in documentation is enough)
tested 'request-file - spotted a bug:

when one uses a filename without a path in it, it causes an error.

ie: %my-file.r, split-path gives [%./ %my-file.r], the path isn't 
cleaned, local-request-file don't like "./" -> error
an easy fix is to uses 'clean-path before 'split-path: 
if file [
    set [path file] split-path clean-path path

that said, 'request-file works well (tested all /options,) and is 
a lot cleaner and smaller that the VID version :-)
Sunanda says me  to me that the file rte-dev-work.r wasn't downadable 
I fix it ..
I tried adding the following to tour.r

#include %gui.r
#include %gfx-colors.r
#include %request-file.r
#include %display.r

and encapped,.. but it tried to excute %gui.r
Pekr: the edit feel is pretty basic at the moment (doesn't support 
highlighting or cut / paste). The Ctrl+BackSpace and Ctrl+Del are 
"delete to end" and "delete to beginning" respectively, which almost 
all editors support without the need for highlighting ... now the 
key mappings are another issue. ;)

Graham: You need to add the following to %tour.r:

	#include %gfx-colors.r
	#include %request-file.r
	#include %gui.r
	#include %widgets.r
	#include %display.r

and comment out the "do %gui.r" in %tour.r and the "do %widgets.r" 
and "do %display.r" lines in %gui.r. I'll make this less painful 
in the next release.

Brian: See Sunanda's response or just comment out the redefine of 
'show in %gui.r
in this archive tour.r file countain the menu-bar new widget use 
description and the widgets.r file contains the declaration code 
for menu-bar
Group: XML ... xml related conversations [web-public]
to michael:

maybe you can show some rebol pseude code, how to read all chapters 
from a book.xml file, so we had some nice use case to think about
foreach file scripts[ call/wait file ]
and in each script:
 echo on
 print "Test1"
-> report
Right, but Carsten asked for comments, so:
output: rebxml2xml xml2rebxml <XML file>
will make output the same as the original XML input.
About memory for block or object, If you mean in bytes internally 
in REBOL, I don't know. But you could save the block or object to 
a file and see a size that way. You can of course see the length 
of a serie with: length?
RebXML is meant for conversion to/from the RebXML format and other 
formats (incl. XML). I use the RebXML format with NicomDoc, which 
makes it a lot easier to handle document formats. Let's say, you've 
got an XML file, and want to convert it to a format easily read by 
some application, then you first use xml2rebxml to get the XML file 
to RebXML format. Then make a converter from RebXML to the final 
format by renaming the rebxml2xml script and change it to do the 
output, that is wanted. rebxml2xml holds the structure of the RebXML 
format, so it's easier to start with that script. Search for "output" 
in rebxml2xml.

Maybe I should make a converter from RebXML to some format very easily 
manipulated directly within REBOL, like the python tool, Carsten 
But this is the issue here with Rebol and XML, there are solutions 
that suit one XML operation or another.  Aiming for loosely implementing 
DOM gives us loading, extraction, modification, and saving without 
affecting the integrity of the data structure.  Examples: changing 
the title of an HTML page, adding an entry to an RSS file, etc.
hmm, couldn't we just somehow mix the aproach, so to have some streamed 
dom? :-) I don't like the idea of having 10MB XML interchange file 
to load into memory ....
an empiric test (subjective to the xml structure and tag names obviously, 
but this IS a real world xml file)
I once used XML as a file format, just to play around with it. And 
later I found out, that I'd broken so many rules, that no other gram 
was able to read it anyways. ;-)
is the file corrupted?
All works, "read/custom url reduce ['POST query-string]" did the 
trick! Thanks guys.

My little 64 line script now does the following:

 1) Read Address Book vCard file and extract a list of number/name 
 pairs (I prefix the numbers with 'n to assist with lookups)

 2) Read each Linksys SPA942 IP Phone's call history and create a 
 sorted list of number/frequency pairs

 3) Join these 2 lists and create a query string for matches and an 
 exception report for numbers without an address book entry
	4) POST merged and updated name/number pairs back to each phone

Script took 2 hours to write and debug, runs in 2-3 seconds and gives 
us the features of an advanced call management facility for free. 
Once again, REBOL to the rescue (my business partner shook his head 
when he saw this and just said, "but HOW can REBOL do all this???").
This works for me:
    do %xml-object.r
     xml-file: read %my-xml-file.xml
     xml-object: first reduce xml-to-object parse-xml xml-file

Though the resulting object does need some tidying up
If xml-to-object meets a xml file with a number of elements with 
the same name, it creates a block of objects.
Here is the snipped of XMl:   <?xml version="1.0"?>

<xts:sports-content-set xmlns:xts="http://www.xmlteam.com"query-date-time="20090724T011802-0400" 
hostname="fod.xmlteam.com" result-count="1" error-count="0" elapsed-time="64.2ms"><sports-content 
xmlns:str="java.lang.String" xmlns:dt="http://xsltsl.org/date-time"
path-id="baseball/l.mlb.com/event-summary/xt.9140271-box" xts:systemid="MLB_Boxscore_XML" 

  <sports-metadata xmlns:fs="java.io.File" date-time="20090323T193000-0400" 
  doc-id="xt.9140271-box" xts:tsnslug="AAX%BOX-LOS-ANA" language="en-US" 
  fixture-key="event-stats" document-class="event-summary" fixture-name="Box 

    <sports-title>Boxscore: LA Angels vs. Los Angeles</sports-title>

      <sports-content-code code-name="The Sports Network" code-key="sportsnetwork.com" 

      <sports-content-code code-name="XML Team Solutions, Inc." code-key="xmlteam.com" 

      <sports-content-code code-type="sport" code-key="15007000" code-name="Baseball"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="league" code-key="l.mlb.com" code-name="Major 
      League Baseball"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="season-type" code-key="pre-season"/>
      <sports-content-code code-type="season" code-key="2009"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="priority" code-key="normal"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="conference" code-key="c.national" 

      <sports-content-code code-type="conference" code-key="c.american" 

      <sports-content-code code-type="team" code-key="l.mlb.com-t.11" code-name="Los 
      Angeles Angels"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="team" code-key="l.mlb.com-t.28" code-name="Los 
      Angeles Dodgers"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="action-listing" code-key="complete"/>
  <sports-event xmlns:fs="java.io.File">

    <event-metadata xmlns:xte="www.xmlteam.com/xte" date-coverage-type="event" 
    event-key="l.mlb.com-2009-e.26882" date-coverage-value="l.mlb.com-2009-e.26882" 
    event-status="post-event" duration="2:58" start-date-time="20090323T160500-0400" 
        <site-stats attendance="8704"/>
      <team-metadata team-key="l.mlb.com-t.28" alignment="away">
        <name first="Los Angeles" last="Dodgers"/>

      <team-stats score="4" score-opposing="10" event-outcome="loss">
        <sub-score period-value="1" score="1"/>
        <sub-score period-value="2" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="3" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="4" score="3"/>
        <sub-score period-value="5" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="6" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="7" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="8" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="9" score="0"/>

          <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="4" at-bats="36" hits="9" rbi="4" 
          bases-on-balls="2" strikeouts="4" doubles="0" triples="0" home-runs="0" 
          grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="1" 
          stolen-bases="1" stolen-bases-caught="1" hit-by-pitch="0" left-on-base="7"/>

          <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>

          <stats-baseball-pitching runs-allowed="10" hits="13" earned-runs="10" 
          bases-on-balls="6" strikeouts="8" era="10.000" balks="0" errors-wild-pitch="0" 
          number-of-pitches="0" number-of-strikes="0" shutouts="0" games-complete="0" 
          wins="0" losses="1"/>
      <player id="b.11965">

        <player-metadata position-event="8" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.11965" 
          <name first="Matt" last="Kemp"/>

            <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="0" at-bats="4" hits="1" rbi="2" 
            bases-on-balls="0" strikeouts="0" singles="1" doubles="0" triples="0" 
            home-runs="0" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="1" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".271"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
Rebol's open source xml parsers are not fully complete.  Where is 
the full XML file that the fragment comes from?
I<?xml version="1.0"?>

<xts:sports-content-set xmlns:xts="http://www.xmlteam.com"query-date-time="20090724T011802-0400" 
hostname="fod.xmlteam.com" result-count="1" error-count="0" elapsed-time="64.2ms"><sports-content 
xmlns:str="java.lang.String" xmlns:dt="http://xsltsl.org/date-time"
path-id="baseball/l.mlb.com/event-summary/xt.9140271-box" xts:systemid="MLB_Boxscore_XML" 

  <sports-metadata xmlns:fs="java.io.File" date-time="20090323T193000-0400" 
  doc-id="xt.9140271-box" xts:tsnslug="AAX%BOX-LOS-ANA" language="en-US" 
  fixture-key="event-stats" document-class="event-summary" fixture-name="Box 

    <sports-title>Boxscore: LA Angels vs. Los Angeles</sports-title>

      <sports-content-code code-name="The Sports Network" code-key="sportsnetwork.com" 

      <sports-content-code code-name="XML Team Solutions, Inc." code-key="xmlteam.com" 

      <sports-content-code code-type="sport" code-key="15007000" code-name="Baseball"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="league" code-key="l.mlb.com" code-name="Major 
      League Baseball"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="season-type" code-key="pre-season"/>
      <sports-content-code code-type="season" code-key="2009"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="priority" code-key="normal"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="conference" code-key="c.national" 

      <sports-content-code code-type="conference" code-key="c.american" 

      <sports-content-code code-type="team" code-key="l.mlb.com-t.11" code-name="Los 
      Angeles Angels"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="team" code-key="l.mlb.com-t.28" code-name="Los 
      Angeles Dodgers"/>

      <sports-content-code code-type="action-listing" code-key="complete"/>
  <sports-event xmlns:fs="java.io.File">

    <event-metadata xmlns:xte="www.xmlteam.com/xte" date-coverage-type="event" 
    event-key="l.mlb.com-2009-e.26882" date-coverage-value="l.mlb.com-2009-e.26882" 
    event-status="post-event" duration="2:58" start-date-time="20090323T160500-0400" 
        <site-stats attendance="8704"/>
      <team-metadata team-key="l.mlb.com-t.28" alignment="away">
        <name first="Los Angeles" last="Dodgers"/>

      <team-stats score="4" score-opposing="10" event-outcome="loss">
        <sub-score period-value="1" score="1"/>
        <sub-score period-value="2" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="3" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="4" score="3"/>
        <sub-score period-value="5" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="6" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="7" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="8" score="0"/>
        <sub-score period-value="9" score="0"/>

          <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="4" at-bats="36" hits="9" rbi="4" 
          bases-on-balls="2" strikeouts="4" doubles="0" triples="0" home-runs="0" 
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            bases-on-balls="0" strikeouts="1" singles="0" doubles="1" triples="0" 
            home-runs="0" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="0" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".211"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
      <player id="b.5647">

        <player-metadata position-event="ph,dh" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.5647" 
          <name first="Gary" last="Matthews"/>

            <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="0" at-bats="1" hits="0" rbi="0" 
            bases-on-balls="1" strikeouts="0" singles="0" doubles="0" triples="0" 
            home-runs="0" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="0" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".357"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
      <player id="b.6928">

        <player-metadata position-event="2" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.6928" 
          <name first="Jeff" last="Mathis"/>

            <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="1" at-bats="2" hits="1" rbi="1" 
            bases-on-balls="0" strikeouts="0" singles="0" doubles="0" triples="0" 
            home-runs="1" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="0" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".343"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
      <player id="b.6814">

        <player-metadata position-event="ph,6" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.6814" 
          <name first="Maicer" last="Izturis"/>

            <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="1" at-bats="1" hits="1" rbi="1" 
            bases-on-balls="1" strikeouts="0" singles="1" doubles="0" triples="0" 
            home-runs="0" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="0" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".278"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
      <player id="b.8016">

        <player-metadata position-event="6" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.8016" 
          <name first="Erick" last="Aybar"/>

            <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="2" at-bats="2" hits="2" rbi="2" 
            bases-on-balls="0" strikeouts="0" singles="0" doubles="1" triples="0" 
            home-runs="1" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="0" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".310"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="1" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
      <player id="b.6589">

        <player-metadata position-event="ph,7" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.6589" 
          <name first="Robb" last="Quinlan"/>

            <stats-baseball-offensive runs-scored="1" at-bats="2" hits="1" rbi="2" 
            bases-on-balls="0" strikeouts="0" singles="0" doubles="0" triples="0" 
            home-runs="1" grand-slams="0" sac-flies="0" sacrifices="0" grounded-into-double-play="0" 
            stolen-bases="0" stolen-bases-caught="0" hit-by-pitch="0" average=".310"/>

            <stats-baseball-defensive errors="0" errors-passed-ball="0"/>
      <player id="p.7092">

        <player-metadata position-event="1" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.7092" 
          <name first="Dustin" last="Moseley"/>

            <stats-baseball-pitching runs-allowed="4" innings-pitched="6" hits="8" 
            earned-runs="3" bases-on-balls="1" strikeouts="3" era="3.15" balks="0" 
            shutouts="0" errors-wild-pitch="0" number-of-pitches="0" number-of-strikes="0" 
            wins="1" losses="0" saves-blown="0" saves="0" event-credit="win" 
            xts:wins-season="3" xts:losses-season="0" xts:saves-season="0" xts:saves-blown-season="0"/>
      <player id="p.20390">

        <player-metadata position-event="1" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.20390" 
          <name first="Trevor" last="Reckling"/>

            <stats-baseball-pitching runs-allowed="0" innings-pitched="2" hits="1" 
            earned-runs="0" bases-on-balls="1" strikeouts="0" era="0.00" balks="0" 
            shutouts="0" errors-wild-pitch="0" number-of-pitches="0" number-of-strikes="0" 
            wins="0" losses="0" saves-blown="0" saves="0" xts:wins-season="0" 
            xts:losses-season="0" xts:saves-season="0" xts:saves-blown-season="0"/>
      <player id="p.20370">

        <player-metadata position-event="1" player-key="l.mlb.com-p.20370" 
          <name first="Mason" last="Tobin"/>

            <stats-baseball-pitching runs-allowed="0" innings-pitched="1" hits="0" 
            earned-runs="0" bases-on-balls="0" strikeouts="1" era="0.00" balks="0" 
            shutouts="0" errors-wild-pitch="0" number-of-pitches="0" number-of-strikes="0" 
            wins="0" losses="0" saves-blown="0" saves="0" xts:wins-season="0" 
            xts:losses-season="0" xts:saves-season="0" xts:saves-blown-season="0"/>
        <official-metadata position="Home Plate Umpire">
          <name full="Jim Wolf"/>
        <official-metadata position="First Base Umpire">
          <name full="Bob Davidson"/>
        <official-metadata position="Second Base Umpire">
          <name full="Mike Winters"/>
        <official-metadata position="Third Base Umpire">
          <name full="Mike Everitt"/>
    <highlight class="double-plays">
      <p>Los Angeles 2; LA Angels 1.</p>
parse-xml and xml-to-object seems to work okay on this file.
You can turn the xml file into a rebol object with it
Group: !RebDB ... REBOL Pseudo-Relational Database [web-public]
hello, i d like to know if its possible to call db.r script from 
an encaped program.  It says that core 2.6 is needed and if i try 
to remove the security it fails.  what i try to do is the following 
rebol []

#include %/C/Documents and Settings/xavier/rebApps/spikes/mezz.r;

#include %/C/Documents and Settings/xavier/rebApps/spikes/prot.r

#include %/C/Documents and Settings/xavier/rebApps/spikes/view.r

test: request-file
write %test/param.par test
do to-rebol-file read %test/param.par
probe db-select * patients
ask ""

in this example the file u are supposed to point is db.r.  When it 
s not encaped it work, not when it is.  if someone has an idea ...
RebDB uses features introduced in core 2.6 (case, unless, etc) so 
the solution to your problem is to use an SDK that supports Core 
2.6 and later. Calling %db.r from your encapped script will use the 
SDK version of REBOL, whilst running it from file explorer will use 
whatever version of REBOL is associated with .r files. Latest SDK 
builds are located here: http://www.rebol.net/builds/sdk/

You should then be able to include %db.r directly in your encapped 
Thought it was about time I started trying some of the great work 
done by the community and stop relying on the slightly less than 
friendly flat-file data storage I've been using.  RebDB is very interesting 
so far.
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
Anyone had any experience with SQLite (http://www.sqlite.org/), especially 
in conjunction with REBOL? What are the limitations of sqlite3-protocol.r 
if any?

I'm interested to see how folks have dealt with issues such as:

 1) Support for datatypes other than TEXT, INTEGER, NUMBER and BLOB?

 2) All tables in one DB, or one table per DB to improve concurrency?

 3) Multi-user access across a network, given this statement from 
 the SQLite website:

SQLite uses reader/writer locks to control access to the database. 
(Under Win95/98/ME which lacks support for reader/writer locks, a 
probabilistic simulation is used instead.) But use caution: this 
locking mechanism might not work correctly if the database file is 
kept on an NFS filesystem. This is because fcntl() file locking is 
broken on many NFS implementations. You should avoid putting SQLite 
database files on NFS if multiple processes might try to access the 
file at the same time. On Windows, Microsoft's documentation says 
that locking may not work under FAT filesystems if you are not running 
the Share.exe daemon. People who have a lot of experience with Windows 
tell me that file locking of network files is very buggy and is not 
dependable. If what they say is true, sharing an SQLite database 
between two or more Windows machines might cause unexpected problems.
I know that it is rather primitive (file locking based), but with 
rebd, you are lost, as your data is held in memory.
I am a bit worried about that - all tables in one file, because of 
no readability (not plain text, but a binary) and possible file corruption, 
but it seems to me, that it works, or sqlite would not be so highly 
praised ...
I also somehow don't like too much having everything in one file 
:-) (because I expect simple backup of some tables could be done 
simply by copying files ... I wonder, if I would use separate file 
for some tables, if it would be able to join them etc.?
1) how to influence where it stores/creates database?

Don't know, I've only been looking at all this for a day and havn't 
worked that out yet either.

2) if I would use separate file for some tables, if it would be able 
to join them

Yes. The ATTACH command lets you "hook up" to multiple databases, 
and you can prefix references with database name.

3) noticed there is brand new version of techfell protocol

Of the *four* sqlite scripts on REBOL.org %sqlite3-protocol.r is 
the one to use if you have a Pro licence.

4) those guys are really screwing with GPL license ...

Who? SQLite is PD as is %sqlite3-protocol.r
hmm, I found the section: sqlite-open to-file port/target ..... now 
just to interpret it :-)
Re: RebDB. I'm coming to the conclusion that SQLite is a superset 
of all I wanted from RIF; and it's:

	1) Here today
	2)Lean & mean
	3)One small (256KB) drop in DLL
	4)Works well with REBOL
	5)Public Domain

And, like RebDB, it is pretty flexible about column values (it uses 
column affinity to suggest how values may be coerced – so an INTEGER 
column could contain [1 999 “three” “four”])  which is more REBOLish 
than most other RDBMS's; and all values (TEXT, INTEGER, REAL and 
BLOB) are stored as variable byte length.

My benchmarking of RebDB vs SQLite with three tables; Customers (100), 
Orders (10 per customer) and Items (10 per order) gave the following 
results (measured in Transactions Per Second, with the first for 
RebDB and the second for SQLite):

	select * from Customers 148		120
	select * from Orders	141		11
	select * from Items	 76		 .73
	selective join on Order-Items for one order	8.93	437.23
	join on all Order-Items			.08	4.93
	size of all dat file(s)			410KB		625KB

What you have to remember is that RebDB is 100% memory-based using 
tight loops and REBOL natives where possible, versus SQLite which 
is disk-based and being called via routines.
ok, as for your benchmark, also note, that inserts etc. are slow 
as hell. Because it reopens the file each time ... IIRC there is 
some trick as transaction? for that?
or maybe it is better to use sqlite.exe - after all who needs scheme 
for file access here, right?
oh, I found the solution for the path problem. As I expected, the 
library needs path in filesystem friendly way. Just add to-local-files 
into sqlite-open function, so it should read as: sqlite3/open to-string 
to-local-file name tmp: make struct!
re:solution for the path problem. Was that for Cal's version? Problem 
occurs earlier than that in the 'open function with this line:

	port/locals/dbid: sqlite-open to-file port/target

asport/target contains only the file name regardless of what path 
you specify!
probably needs   to-file join port/path port/target
Yep, wish I had read your message earler. ;)

The 'open func sets port/target to a string of the file name and 
port/path to a string of the path (empty if none). So you just need 
to replace the sqlite-open in the 'open func with:
	port/locals/dbid: sqlite-open to-file join port/path port/target

as Anton stated above.
Oops, that should be:

 port/locals/dbid: sqlite-open to-file either port/path [join port/path 
 port/target] [port/target]

as port/path contains none! when no path is provided. On that note, 
anyone know why port/path and port/target are set to string! not 
file! ?
Ashley, don't know why, but they are string! for http and ftp schemes, 
and file! for file and directory schemes.
Ashley - ok, that is your choice, but imo strange one ... what is 
the point of having scheme access to apparently file-based database?
and are you guys sure your join port/path will work? As in low-level 
you are calling a library, which will not understand rebol path anyway, 
unless converted using to-local-file ...
What I don'T like about sqlite is that 1) it uses binary storage 
and that 2) it uses all-in-one-file aproach. I know it is low level, 
but I prefer directory/one-file-per-db aproach of RebDB kind of cool 
... I can watch/backup small dbs on per file base, not on going into 
sql base, to find out what internally changed ...
ah, now I know where my feelings for one-file-per-table, plain text, 
comes from - it is Netscape/Mozilla/Unix mail format. Each slot in 
your mail is one file, it is text ... in opposite to Outlook one 
binary file. If something screws up in your binary files (as we had 
some crashes of Outlook mailboxes), then you are ... well :-)
AFAIK SQLite is one-file-per-db - did I miss something?
I want one file per table!
Group: Postscript ... Emitting Postscript from REBOL [web-public]
PDF is also only a subset of postscript, created so you don't need 
to compile your docs everytime they need to be displayed. PDFs are 
static. You still need postscript to do the actual printing AFAIK. 
The trick would be not necesarily to generate a PS file, but the 
data that could be fed to the printer through LP.
My concern is that once you have the PS file, you do have to find 
a way to print it.
well, if you use unix systems such as MacOSX, you don't need a PS 
file. it can be piped directly to LP. For Windows there are freeware 
utilities like Printfile available.
I've got a colour laser printer on my network which I think supports 
postscript.  I presume to print a postscript file, I just send it 
to the ip address of the printer?
and I printed out my postscript file with no problems.
That was pretty easy ... create the postscript  file, and send it 
directly to the printer, or print server.
Say you wanted to insert an eps file into your output.
An eps file is just a postscript file which is written in a special 
way ...
PostScript dialect test ready. Try this:
do http://home.tiscali.dk/postscript/postscript.r
s: postscript [font ["Times-Roman" 20] ["Hello World!"]]

s is now the PostScript output, that can be saved to a PS-file or 
sent to a printer.
Group: !GLayout ... ask questions and now get answers about GLayout. [web-public]
Hi Maxim, 

looks very good!
Only the colors don't match my personal taste ...

And I like to work with up and back arrows in file requestors, which 
yours doesn't have ...

Guess I should now start to learn more about it ...
arrows in file requestors , good idea.  I didn't put any shorcuts 
there, I didn't realize how usefull that can  :-)
Group: DevCon2008 (post-chatter) ... DevCon2008 [web-public]
Hi James,

I've got 20 rooms set up already that I use to do live online music 
lessons on a daily basis.  I think the existing format of those rooms 
could work very well as they stand.  I'll create a special room just 
for Rebol Devcon.  I'd like to show you what I've got, to see if 
it'd work for your needs.  The audio/video conference software works 
on PC/Mac/Linux, in any browser that has a fairly recent version 
of the flash plugin installed (I believe version 6 onward will work 
- 8+ will definitely work).  Aside from flash, there's no installation 
required to use the system - just go to the designated web page. 
 It will allow anyone in the room to take turns jumping onto the 
mic/camera to speak (admin can ban unwanted users), there's a text 
chat, and I've got a really simple way of sharing screen shots already 
installed in the existing room setup.  It should take only a minute 
or 2 to show presenters how it works...

I've being doing daily live online music lessons as a part of my 
commercial music lesson business for the past 4.5 years, and this 
system is the most stable and simple that I'm aware of.  It'll work 
through just about any router/firewall configuration, and it's dead 
simple to use - visitors just go the url, and they'll hear and see 
the speaker.  If they want to be seen on camera and speak, they just 
need to have a web cam and microphone installed and working.  If 
flash is running in the browser, it'll work immediately, no download 
or installs to do.

There's a video that I send to students which explains a little about 


The online lesson page for my business, which has basic info about 
web cams, microphones, and headphones, is here:


Please let me know if you have any questions :)

> If someone will email me personally, I can start putting together 

> suggestions about how to organize and manage the presentation. 
 I need

> to get an idea of what sort of software components will be needed: 

> white board, text chat, file sharing, 1-to-many/many-to-many video 

> conferencing, etc...  I'd also need to get a close estimate beforehand

> of the number of people attending, to make sure I prepare enough 

> bandwidth and available connections for the live event (If you'd 

> I've got a little Rebol sign-up script that I use in my business 

> let people sign up for events, you're welcome to use that if you'd 

> like, to help organize things).  Please let me know whenever you 
get a 
> chance!
> - Nick Antonaccoio
Reichart, I'll add a file area, with a link at the top of the viewer 
page, and update the screen sender
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