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world-name: r3wp

Group: RAMBO ... The REBOL bug and enhancement database [web-public]
execve("../rebol2558042", ["../rebol2558042"], [/* 18 vars */]) = 
uname({sys="Linux", node="dino.local", ...}) = 0
brk(0)                                  = 0x809b000

-1, 0) = 0x40017000

access("/etc/ld.so.nohwcap", F_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)

open("/etc/ld.so.preload", O_RDONLY)    = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)
open("/etc/ld.so.cache", O_RDONLY)      = 7
fstat64(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=51977, ...}) = 0
old_mmap(NULL, 51977, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 7, 0) = 0x40018000
close(7)                                = 0

access("/etc/ld.so.nohwcap", F_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)
open("/lib/tls/libm.so.6", O_RDONLY)    = 7

read(7, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\2405\0"..., 
512) = 512
fstat64(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=141236, ...}) = 0

old_mmap(NULL, 139712, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 7, 0) = 

old_mmap(0x40047000, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 
7, 0x22000) = 0x40047000
close(7)                                = 0

access("/etc/ld.so.nohwcap", F_OK)      = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)
open("/lib/tls/libc.so.6", O_RDONLY)    = 7

read(7, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\200X\1"..., 
512) = 512
fstat64(7, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1270908, ...}) = 0

old_mmap(NULL, 1281292, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 7, 0) = 

old_mmap(0x40176000, 36864, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 
7, 0x12d000) = 0x40176000

-1, 0) = 0x4017f000
close(7)                                = 0

-1, 0) = 0x40181000

set_thread_area({entry_number:-1 -> 6, base_addr:0x401812a0, limit:1048575, 
seg_32bit:1, contents:0, read_exec_only:0, limit_in_pages:1, seg_not_present:0, 
useable:1}) = 0
munmap(0x40018000, 51977)               = 0

rt_sigaction(SIGCONT, {0x804b6c4, [CONT], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 
8) = 0

rt_sigaction(SIGTSTP, {0x804b67c, [TSTP], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 
8) = 0

rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0x804b700, [INT], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) 
= 0

rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {0x804b700, [TERM], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 
8) = 0

rt_sigaction(SIGHUP, {0x804b700, [HUP], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) 
= 0

rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, {0x804b718, [CHLD], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 
8) = 0
socketpair(PF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, [7, 8]) = 0

child_tidptr=0x401812e8) = 21686
close(8)                                = 0
brk(0)                                  = 0x809b000
brk(0x80be000)                          = 0x80be000
brk(0)                                  = 0x80be000
brk(0)                                  = 0x80be000
brk(0x80eb000)                          = 0x80eb000
brk(0)                                  = 0x80eb000
brk(0x810c000)                          = 0x810c000
ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, TCSETSW, {B38400 opost isig -icanon -echo ...}) = 0

open("/etc/termcap", O_RDONLY)          = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)
write(1, "R", 1)                        = 1
stat64("/home/volker/d/t/rebol.r", 0xbffff11c) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)

stat64("/home/volker/rebol.r", 0xbffff11c) = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
or directory)

stat64("/home/volker/d/t/user.r", 0xbffff11c) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)

stat64("/home/volker/user.r", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3086, 
...}) = 0
time([1105173013])                      = 1105173013
open("/home/volker/user.r", O_RDONLY)   = 8
fstat64(8, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3086, ...}) = 0
time([1105173013])                      = 1105173013
read(8, "REBOL [\n    Title: \"%~/user.r\" \n"..., 3086) = 3086
close(8)                                = 0
Note the: open("/etc/termcap", O_RDONLY)          = -1 ENOENT (No 
such file or directory)
the rebol parser could be more relaxed (what it is not an integer, 
an url, a file and so on) must be a word!, but so you will never 
see an error! for invalid integer! invalid url! and so on, and the 
parser would be also more slow
so the file may look like %localhost_atport_88/test.php_query_id=100
for example here: %file or here: %e./
	Author: "Romano Paolo Tenca"
	Date: 10/02/2005
split-path-3: func [

 "Splits a file or URL pos. Returns a block containing path and target."
    target [file! url!]
	/local dir pos
	parse/all target [
		[#"/" | 1 2 #"." opt #"/"] end (dir: dirize target) |
		pos: any [thru #"/" [end | pos:]] (

   all [empty? dir: copy/part target at target index? pos dir: %./]
			all [find [%. %..] pos: to file! pos insert tail pos #"/"]
	reduce [dir pos]
There is a file rebol.r in the directory where rebol0301.exe
Just the one file, trust me :)
The bug is shown for any file, not just rebol.r
I think so. Bad timezone found by QUERY (as used by INFO?). Replacement 
is to use GET-MODES file 'modification date.
oops, that should be GET-MODES file 'modification-date,  but Sunanda's 
answer is more relevant..
it might help with file paths, but what about object paths?  How 
should a typo like system/view/ be handled? or face/text/ ?
DIR?  -  This function, useful as it is, is confusing, because it 
is not obvious that it goes to the filesystem or network to check. 
Perhaps it should be called EXISTS-DIR?

I also feel the lack of a function just to see if a file or url ends 
with a slash. If you work with the filesystem at all you quickly 
find yourself checking for final slashes all the time. Here is my 
latest way of detecting that:
#"/" = pick tail file -1

That sure is ugly to put into code all the time, and I keep wishing 
this is what DIR? would do.

I understand that there is probably a huge body of code that would 
be adversely affected by this renaming, so I am looking for a nice 
short name. So far I thought of DIR-SPEC?  (ie. "does this file have 
the specification of a dir ?") but....
Anton, that are the results of standard split-path that i replicated.The 
only difference is in %"" which gives an error on split-path and 
that result on split-path-3. I have some problems on how path are 
splitted by split-path in some cases, but to change them is a problematic 
thing, because all handlers knows how split-path works and get their 
decisions on it. I am not sure that the better result is [%./ none] 
in the %"" example, because the starting path (%"") is a file of 
name "" like in the %"a" example, where the starting path is a file 
of name "a". In the other 2 examples (%/ %.) the starting path is 
a DIR not a file (and the file is "exactly" none).
#"/" = last file ; somehat shorter.
In #3639, Oldes asks for a request-dir, same as request-file. I've 
always wanted these to be implemented in rebol. So I created my own, 
based on scroll-table.
Also if i always thought that this file/url paths are a little strange.
Group: Script Library ... REBOL.org: Script library and Mailing list archive [web-public]
Basically I am writing to ask something ... I am newbie at writing 
rebol bindings. This binding if it works it works but if almost anything 
goes wrong it simply crashes. For example missing some file, not 
going into TEXT mode , not oppening closing something, page reference 
insted of pdf doc reference given to some function in binding .. 
pdf that we intend to write being locked (alredy open in acrobat)... 
ETC ... 

I intend to write this robust now, so I am asking how is this usually 
done? I can check for preconditions before talking to binding at 
runtime in rebol. Another (better) option is that binding shouldn't 
just crash for anything that goes wrong. I saw in docs something 
about error messages as return, so maybe I am doing something wrong 
in the first place , for example not implementing or setting up some 
callback for errors... Anyone more experienced than me? Rebol Haru 
could be quite capable otherwise, it supports all things that are 
really messy to do in PDF (encodings, embedding fonts, images, encryption, 
graphics, ...).

One thing is that I can check for these preconditions at runtime,
Is there any way to produce a single animated  .gif file from ten 
frame files?   
This  script
runs animation in the gui. Can it be saved into a gif file?
Sunanda, how did you change the simetrics matching? (I noticed there 
were several algorithms in the simetrics.r file, so I suppose you 
 selected a better one.)
We've had all sorts of fun trying to get the line endings to work 
for everyone.

There's a magic, undocumented URL parameter you can add to the URL 
that might make a difference on your platform.

It is MODE=????

I'll just cut'n'paste the comment from the download-a-script source... 
it may help explain it:

;; mode=windows -- the default. Makes LF or CR into CRLF
;; mode=binary  -- sends file as binary
;; mode=carl    -- saved and reloads file first as Carl thought
;;                 this would fix the problem
;; mode=text    -- the old default. Works in most cases. Just
;;                 prints the file (so sends whatever line
;;                 terminations work on the platform the library
;;                 is running on.
Okay....that's a problem.....the downloader does not pace itself, 
so it triggers flood protection.

Best current work-around is to download the whole set as one file 
-- probably faster too:

Let me take you off the flood trigger list first.....
Group: Parse ... Discussion of PARSE dialect [web-public]
Save the following data out to a file (I used territory.txt)...
I read the file in using...
It may be a recurrence of a problem parsing " at the beginning of 
a line -- doesn't seem to be a problem on the beta that I have open 
(1.2.54).  As an alternative, you could always read/lines, or simply 
load the file...
note:  block: parse/all read file newline    could as well be written 
  block read/lines file  to side step the issue
and what do you do if the text is not a file ?  Write your own parse 
newby here: can anyone direct me to a sample of  code which matches 
a pattern over multiple text lines? I need to process a 5MB text 
file and remove all patterns of multiple consecutive email address 
es eg. [foo-:-my-:-com]; [foou-:-you-:-net] except the multiple email address 
string spans mulitple lines. Thanks for any pointers
I have CSV file and I have trouble using parse one-liner. The case 
is, that I export tel. list from Lotus Notes, then I save it in Excel 
into .csv for rebol to run thru. I wanted to use:

foreach line ln-tel-list [append result parse/all line ";"]

... and I expected all lines having 7 elements. However - once last 
column is missing, that row is incorrect, as rebol parse will not 
add empty "" at the end. That is imo a bug ...
Group: SDK ... [web-public]
Question: the SDK license require to not let the program interpret 
Rebol code !

If the program load a config file (with 'construct) does it go against 
the license or not ?
I found that under win32, set-modes file [ modication-date: date 
] works in the betas, but not in the latest sdk.  Can anyone else 
confirm this?
I have a problem, if I in a DOS-prompt under windows try to run a 
REBOL program built with REBOL/SDK into a .exe file, and the program 
is not in current directory, but has to be found along the PATH. 
I get the error
Program error: invalid encapsulated data

I've tried under Windows2000 and WinXP. Can others confirm this error? 
(Just make a simple REBOL-script with e.g. a print and try it.)
It works, if you place yourself in the same directory as the .exe 
file and don't give full path. It also works, if you place yourself 
anywhere and give full or relative path. As I see it, the error is 
only, if you're not in the same directory as the .exe file, and the 
system finds it along the PATH environment variable. Maybe I should 
report it in RAMBO!?
unsiged integers can safely be casted to integers, you sould know 
that some dll's wont work just because the need special arguments 
like pointers to certain data etc... nay whay why do you need to 
write a file using windows API can't you use rebol ?
if you're just distributing a script to friends, then what about 
just a zip file with view, the script, and a windows link that starts 
view with the script?
so you link to an exe file within the zip file? is it not necessary 
to unpack the zip file?
In the case of #do the result of the expression will be placed in 
the output file. For example:
    version: #do [1.2.3 + 0.0.1]
will create the output:
    version: 1.2.4
The #if and #either commands will put the results of their blocks 
into the output file. For example:
    version: #if [new-version] [2.3.4] [1.2.3]
will result in:
    version: 2.3.4
Group: !RebGUI ... A lightweight alternative to VID [web-public]
same file
same file on my ftp  ;)
same file ;)
Group: !Uniserve ... Creating Uniserve processes [web-public]
put this corrected file into your services directory as smtpd.r
Rebol [

 title: "example of starter script that act the same with View after 

#include %/e/rebol/sdk/source/mezz.r
#include %/e/rebol/sdk/source/prot.r
#include %/e/rebol/sdk/source/view.r

;***** This is the function that make the tricks
#include %uniserve/libs/encap-fs.r 
if not value? 'encap-fs [do %uniserve/libs/encap-fs.r]

set-cache [
	%uniserve/uni-engine.r		[#include %uniserve/uni-engine.r]
	%uniserve/libs/headers.r	[#include %uniserve/libs/headers.r]
	%libs/log.r					[#include %uniserve/libs/log.r]
	%uniserve/protocols/HTTP.r	[#include %uniserve/protocols/HTTP.r]
	%your-file.r					[#include %path/to/your-file.r]

;***** Start
do-cache %uniserve/uni-engine.r
do-cache %uniserve/libs/headers.r

UniServe-path: %./uniserve/
logger/level: none

;***** You have to load protocols and services before starting Uniserve
do-cache %uniserve/protocols/HTTP.r

;***** Uniserve Initialise
; Require like this to not loading protocols/services from disk
uniserve/boot/no-loop/with []

;***** Your script initialise
encap-fs: context [
	cache: path: none
	root: system/script/path

	get-cache: func [file][
		path: parse file "/"	
		remove-each dir path [dir = ".."]
		file: to-file path	
		either file [
			either file: select cache file [file][load file]			
			make error! join "Cannot access : " file
	set 'encap? to-logic select system/components 'decap

	either encap? [
		set 'set-cache func [list [block!] /local bin file][
			cache: list
			;cache: make block! 16
			;parse list [
			;	some [
			;		(bin: no) opt ['binary (bin: yes)]
			;		set file file! (
			;			repend cache [
			;				file
			;				either bin [read/binary file][read file]
			;			]
			;		)
			;	]
		set 'do-cache func [file [file!]][do get-cache file]
		set 'load-cache func [file [file!]][load first get-cache file]
		set 'read-cache func [file [file!]][]
		set-cache: none
		do-cache: :do
		load-cache: :load
		read-cache: :read
This might be useful to a lot of non-techie users. (Just a single 
exe file with a minimal form for login/pass).
but when you stream a file that is encrypted, the file length is 
now changed
if you encrypt the whole file at the start, it defeats the point 
of streaming which is to save cpu
Open/skip will be very helpful to allow file resume in Cheyenne.
Still have this context issue though.. goes like this.. 

If I have a service, and in that service i have a "on-received' event.. 
and I put a function within that event (aka, in the on-received function 
itself.. then it works fine.. but if I try to add the same function 
to an external file, so that, when I trigger the on-received function, 
it does a DO to the external file, that function now DOESN'T work? 
 Some kind of context issue, and how do you work around it?  If i 
have a 1000 pieces of code that needs to be processed with each event, 
do i need to bury the whole thing in the service?
And if I LOAD the external file, you would think it would bind it 
all globally, but it doesn't?
Again, this is a service.. 

on-received: func [data][
raw-input: copy to-string data 
if raw-input = "test" [print "works"]

But if I put the if raw-input = "test" [print "works"] line in a 
seperate file.. ie  process.r ,and do it like this.. 

on-received: func [data][
raw-input: copy to-string data 
do %./process.r

It doesn't work.. In fact, it seems difficult to put global functions 
that are truly global, anywhere.
Here's an example.. prototype ( a javascript framework uses prototype.js 
 and that file uses includes to add other JS files.. like this.. 

<%= include 'ajax.js', 'dom.js', 'form.js', 'event.js', 'position.js' 

the problem seems to be here somewhere?
Group: SVG Renderer ... SVG rendering in Draw AGG [web-public]
	Title:		"SVG Demo"
	Owner:		"Ashley G. Trüter"
	Version:	0.0.1
	Date:		21-Jun-2005
	Purpose:	"Loads and displays a resizeable SVG file."
	History: {
		0.0.1	Initial release
	Notes: {
		Tested on very simple SVG icons
		Only a few basic styles / attributes / commands supported

  Does not handle sizes in units other than pixels (e.g. pt, in, cm, 
  mm, etc)

  SVG path has an optional close command, "z" ... AGG shape equivalent 

  load-svg function needs to be totally refactored / optimized ... 
  *sample only*

;	The following commands are available for path data:
;		M = moveto
;		L = lineto
;		H = horizontal lineto
;		V = vertical lineto
;		C = curveto
;		S = smooth curveto
;		Q = quadratic Belzier curve
;		T = smooth quadratic Belzier curveto
;		A = elliptical Arc
;		Z = closepath

;print: none	; comment out this line to enable debug messages

load-svg: function [svg-file [file! string!] size [pair!]] [

 id defs x y to-color to-byte draw-blk append-style svg-size scale-x 
	xml: either string? svg-file [parse-xml svg-file] [

  unless %.svg = suffix? svg-file [to error! "File has an invalid suffix!"]
		parse-xml read svg-file

 unless xml/3/1/1 = "svg" [to error! "Could not find SVG header!"]

 ;unless find ["id" "xmlns"] xml/3/1/2/1 [to error! "Could not find 
 ID header!"]

 ;unless xml/3/1/3/1/1 = "defs" [to error! "Could not find DEFS header!"]

	id: xml/3/1/2
	defs: xml/3/1/3

	;	--- Parse SVG id

	svg-size: either find ["32pt" "48pt" "72pt"] select id "width" [
		switch select id "width" [
			"72pt"	[120x120]
			"48pt"	[80x80]
			"32pt"	[60x60]

  as-pair to integer! any [select id "width" "100"] to integer! any 
  [select id "height" "100"]

	x: to integer! any [select id "x" "0"]
	y: to integer! any [select id "y" "0"]

	scale-x: size/x / svg-size/x
	scale-y: size/y / svg-size/y

	;	--- Helper functions

 to-color: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string in the form "#FFFFFF" 
 to a 4-byte tuple
		to tuple! load rejoin ["#{" next s "00}"]

 to-byte: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string with a value 0-1 
 to an inverted byte
		255 - to integer! 255 * to decimal! s

	;	--- Parse SVG defs

	draw-blk: copy []

	append-style: function [
		command [string!] blk [block!]
		x xy pen-color fill-color line-width mode size radius shape
		closed? matrix transf-command
		xy: 0x0
		size: 0x0
		line-width: 1
		matrice: make block! []
		radius: none
		transf-command: none
		foreach [attr val] blk [
			switch attr [
				"transform" [print "tranform have been found" 
						;probe val halt 
						val: parse val "(),"
						transf-command: first val
						probe transf-command
						switch transf-command [
							"matrix" [ 
								foreach word val [
									if not find word "matrix"
										insert tail matrice to-decimal word
				"style" [
					foreach [attr val] parse val ":;" [
						switch/default attr [
							"font-size" [ ]
							"stroke" [
								switch/default first val [
									#"#" [pen-color: to-color val]
									#"n" [pen-color: none]
									print ["Unknown stroke:" val]
							"stroke-width" [line-width: to decimal! val]
							"fill" [
								fill-color: switch/default first val [
									#"#" [to-color val]
									#"n" [none]
									print ["Unknown fill value:" val]
							"fill-rule" [
								mode: switch/default val [
									"evenodd"	['even-odd]
									print ["Unknown fill-rule value:" val]

       "stroke-opacity" [pen-color: any [pen-color] pen-color/4: 
       to-byte val]

       "fill-opacity" [fill-color: any [fill-color] fill-color/4: 
       to-byte val]
							"stroke-linejoin" [
								insert tail draw-blk switch/default val [
									"miter"		[compose [line-join miter]]
									"round"		[compose [line-join round]]
									"bevel"		[compose [line-join bevel]]
									print ["Unknown stroke-linejoin value:" val]
							"stroke-linecap" [
								insert tail draw-blk 'line-cap
								insert tail draw-blk to word! val
							print ["Unknown style:" attr]
				"x"			[xy/x: scale-x * val]
				"y"			[xy/y: scale-y * val]
				"width"		[size/x: scale-x * val]
				"height"	[size/y: scale-y * val]
				"rx"		[print "rx"]
				"ry"		[radius: to decimal! val]
				"d"	[
					shape: copy []
					x: none
					closed?: false
					foreach token load val [
						switch/default token [
							M	[insert tail shape 'move]
							C	[insert tail shape 'curve]
							L	[insert tail shape 'line]
							z	[closed?: true]

       unless number? token [print ["Unknown path command:" token]]

       either x [insert tail shape as-pair x scale-y * token x: none] [x: 
       scale-x * token]
		insert tail draw-blk compose [
			pen (pen-color)
			fill-pen (fill-color)
			fill-rule (mode)
			line-width (line-width * min scale-x scale-y)
		switch command [
			"rect" [
				insert tail draw-blk compose [box (xy) (xy + size)]
				if radius [insert tail draw-blk radius]
			"path" [
				unless closed? [print "Path closed"]
				either transf-command <> none  [
					switch transf-command [

      "matrix" [insert tail draw-blk compose/only [ (to-word transf-command) 
      (matrice) shape (shape) reset-matrix]]
					insert tail draw-blk compose/only [shape (shape)]

   "g" [ print "Write here how to handle G insertion to Draw block" 

    insert tail draw-blk probe compose/only [reset-matrix (to-word transf-command) 
	probe defs
	foreach blk defs [
		switch first blk [
			"rect"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"path"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"g"		[
						print "key word" probe first blk  
						print "matrix and style in G" probe second blk  
						append-style first blk second blk 
						;print "what to draw in G" probe third blk
						foreach blk2 third blk [
							probe blk2
							switch first blk2[ 
								"path" [append-style first blk2 second blk2]
probe draw-blk

view make face [
	offset:	100x100
	size:	200x200
	action:	request-file/filter/only "*.svg"
	text:	rejoin ["SVG Demo [" last split-path action "]"]
	data:	read action
	color:	white
	effect:	compose/only [draw (load-svg data size)]
	edge: font: para: none
	feel: make feel [
		detect: func [face event] [
			if event/type = 'resize [
				insert clear face/effect/draw load-svg face/data face/size
				show face
			if event/type = 'close [quit]
	options: [resize]
AS reference take the file blender.svg from svg-demo.zip package 
maide by ashley
	Title:		"SVG Demo"
	Owner:		"Ashley G. Trüter"
	Version:	0.0.1
	Date:		21-Jun-2005
	Purpose:	"Loads and displays a resizeable SVG file."
	History: {
		0.0.1	Initial release
	Notes: {
		Tested on very simple SVG icons
		Only a few basic styles / attributes / commands supported

  Does not handle sizes in units other than pixels (e.g. pt, in, cm, 
  mm, etc)

  SVG path has an optional close command, "z" ... AGG shape equivalent 

  load-svg function needs to be totally refactored / optimized ... 
  *sample only*

;	The following commands are available for path data:
;		M = moveto
;		L = lineto
;		H = horizontal lineto
;		V = vertical lineto
;		C = curveto
;		S = smooth curveto
;		Q = quadratic Belzier curve
;		T = smooth quadratic Belzier curveto
;		A = elliptical Arc
;		Z = closepath

;print: none	; comment out this line to enable debug messages

load-svg: function [svg-file [file! string!] size [pair!]] [

 id defs x y to-color to-byte draw-blk append-style svg-size scale-x 
	xml: either string? svg-file [parse-xml svg-file] [

  unless %.svg = suffix? svg-file [to error! "File has an invalid suffix!"]
		parse-xml read svg-file

 unless xml/3/1/1 = "svg" [to error! "Could not find SVG header!"]

 ;unless find ["id" "xmlns"] xml/3/1/2/1 [to error! "Could not find 
 ID header!"]

 ;unless xml/3/1/3/1/1 = "defs" [to error! "Could not find DEFS header!"]

	id: xml/3/1/2
	defs: xml/3/1/3

	;	--- Parse SVG id

	svg-size: either find ["32pt" "48pt" "72pt"] select id "width" [
		switch select id "width" [
			"72pt"	[120x120]
			"48pt"	[80x80]
			"32pt"	[60x60]

  as-pair to integer! any [select id "width" "100"] to integer! any 
  [select id "height" "100"]

	x: to integer! any [select id "x" "0"]
	y: to integer! any [select id "y" "0"]

	scale-x: size/x / svg-size/x
	scale-y: size/y / svg-size/y

	;	--- Helper functions

 to-color: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string in the form "#FFFFFF" 
 to a 4-byte tuple
		to tuple! load rejoin ["#{" next s "00}"]

 to-byte: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string with a value 0-1 
 to an inverted byte
		255 - to integer! 255 * to decimal! s

	;	--- Parse SVG defs

	draw-blk: copy []

	append-style: function [
		command [string!] blk [block!]
		x xy pen-color fill-color line-width mode size radius shape
		closed? matrix transf-command
		xy: 0x0
		size: 0x0
		line-width: 1
		matrice: make block! []
		radius: none
		transf-command: none
		foreach [attr val] blk [
			switch attr [
				"transform" [print "tranform have been found" 
						;probe val halt 
						val: parse val "(),"
						transf-command: first val
						probe transf-command
						switch transf-command [
							"matrix" [ 
								foreach word val [
									if not find word "matrix"
										insert tail matrice to-decimal word
				"style" [
					foreach [attr val] parse val ":;" [
						switch/default attr [
							"font-size" [ ]
							"stroke" [
								switch/default first val [
									#"#" [pen-color: to-color val]
									#"n" [pen-color: none]
									print ["Unknown stroke:" val]
							"stroke-width" [line-width: to decimal! val]
							"fill" [
								fill-color: switch/default first val [
									#"#" [to-color val]
									#"n" [none]
									print ["Unknown fill value:" val]
							"fill-rule" [
								mode: switch/default val [
									"evenodd"	['even-odd]
									print ["Unknown fill-rule value:" val]

       "stroke-opacity" [pen-color: any [pen-color] pen-color/4: 
       to-byte val]

       "fill-opacity" [fill-color: any [fill-color] fill-color/4: 
       to-byte val]
							"stroke-linejoin" [
								insert tail draw-blk switch/default val [
									"miter"		[compose [line-join miter]]
									"round"		[compose [line-join round]]
									"bevel"		[compose [line-join bevel]]
									print ["Unknown stroke-linejoin value:" val]
							"stroke-linecap" [
								insert tail draw-blk 'line-cap
								insert tail draw-blk to word! val
							print ["Unknown style:" attr]
				"x"			[xy/x: scale-x * val]
				"y"			[xy/y: scale-y * val]
				"width"		[size/x: scale-x * val]
				"height"	[size/y: scale-y * val]
				"rx"		[print "rx"]
				"ry"		[radius: to decimal! val]
				"d"	[
					shape: copy []
					x: none
					closed?: false
					foreach token load val [
						switch/default token [
							M	[insert tail shape 'move]
							C	[insert tail shape 'curve]
							S   [insert tail shape 'curv]
							L	[insert tail shape 'line]
							Q   [insert tail shape 'qcurve]
							T   [insert tail shape 'qcurv]
							z	[closed?: true]
							H   [insert tail shape 'hline]
							V   [insert tail shape 'vline]
							A   [insert tail shape 'arc]

       unless number? token [print ["Unknown path command:" token]]

       either x [insert tail shape as-pair x scale-y * token x: none] [x: 
       scale-x * token]
		insert tail draw-blk compose [
			pen (pen-color)
			fill-pen (fill-color)
			fill-rule (mode)
			line-width (line-width * min scale-x scale-y)
		switch command [
			"rect" [
				insert tail draw-blk compose [box (xy) (xy + size)]
				if radius [insert tail draw-blk radius]
			"path" [
				unless closed? [print "Path closed"]
				either transf-command <> none  [
					switch transf-command [

      "matrix" [insert tail draw-blk compose/only [ (to-word transf-command) 
      (matrice) shape (shape) reset-matrix]]
					insert tail draw-blk compose/only [shape (shape)]

   "g" [ print "Write here how to handle G insertion to Draw block" 

    insert tail draw-blk probe compose/only [reset-matrix (to-word transf-command) 
	probe defs
	foreach blk defs [
		switch first blk [
			"rect"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"path"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"g"		[
						print "key word" probe first blk  
						print "matrix and style in G" probe second blk  
						append-style first blk second blk 
						;print "what to draw in G" probe third blk
						foreach blk2 third blk [
							probe blk2
							switch first blk2[ 
								"path" [append-style first blk2 second blk2]
probe draw-blk

view make face [
	offset:	100x100
	size:	200x200
	action:	request-file/filter/only "*.svg"
	text:	rejoin ["SVG Demo [" last split-path action "]"]
	data:	read action
	color:	white
	effect:	compose/only [draw (load-svg data size)]
	edge: font: para: none
	feel: make feel [
		detect: func [face event] [
			if event/type = 'resize [
				insert clear face/effect/draw load-svg face/data face/size
				show face
			if event/type = 'close [quit]
	options: [resize]
	Title:		"SVG Demo"
	Owner:		"Ashley G. Trüter"
	Version:	0.0.1
	Date:		21-Jun-2005
	Purpose:	"Loads and displays a resizeable SVG file."
	History: {
		0.0.1	Initial release
	Notes: {
		Tested on very simple SVG icons
		Only a few basic styles / attributes / commands supported

  Does not handle sizes in units other than pixels (e.g. pt, in, cm, 
  mm, etc)

  SVG path has an optional close command, "z" ... AGG shape equivalent 

  load-svg function needs to be totally refactored / optimized ... 
  *sample only*

;	The following commands are available for path data:
;		M = moveto
;		L = lineto
;		H = horizontal lineto
;		V = vertical lineto
;		C = curveto
;		S = smooth curveto
;		Q = quadratic Belzier curve
;		T = smooth quadratic Belzier curveto
;		A = elliptical Arc
;		Z = closepath

;print: none	; comment out this line to enable debug messages

load-svg: function [svg-file [file! string!] size [pair!]] [

 id defs x y to-color to-byte draw-blk append-style svg-size scale-x 
	xml: either string? svg-file [parse-xml svg-file] [

  unless %.svg = suffix? svg-file [to error! "File has an invalid suffix!"]
		parse-xml read svg-file

 unless xml/3/1/1 = "svg" [to error! "Could not find SVG header!"]

 ;unless find ["id" "xmlns"] xml/3/1/2/1 [to error! "Could not find 
 ID header!"]

 ;unless xml/3/1/3/1/1 = "defs" [to error! "Could not find DEFS header!"]

	id: xml/3/1/2
	defs: xml/3/1/3

	;	--- Parse SVG id

	svg-size: either find ["32pt" "48pt" "72pt"] select id "width" [
		switch select id "width" [
			"72pt"	[120x120]
			"48pt"	[80x80]
			"32pt"	[60x60]

  as-pair to integer! any [select id "width" "100"] to integer! any 
  [select id "height" "100"]

	x: to integer! any [select id "x" "0"]
	y: to integer! any [select id "y" "0"]

	scale-x: size/x / svg-size/x
	scale-y: size/y / svg-size/y

	;	--- Helper functions

 to-color: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string in the form "#FFFFFF" 
 to a 4-byte tuple
		to tuple! load rejoin ["#{" next s "00}"]

 to-byte: func [s [string!]] [	; converts a string with a value 0-1 
 to an inverted byte
		255 - to integer! 255 * to decimal! s

	;	--- Parse SVG defs

	draw-blk: copy []

	append-style: function [
		command [string!] blk [block!]
		x xy pen-color fill-color line-width mode size radius shape
		closed? matrix transf-command
		xy: 0x0
		size: 0x0
		line-width: 1
		matrice: make block! []
		radius: none
		transf-command: none
		foreach [attr val] blk [
			switch attr [
				"transform" [print "tranform have been found" 
						;probe val halt 
						val: parse val "(),"
						transf-command: first val
						probe transf-command
						switch transf-command [
							"matrix" [ 
								foreach word val [
									if not find word "matrix"
										insert tail matrice to-decimal word
				"style" [
					foreach [attr val] parse val ":;" [
						switch/default attr [
							"font-size" [ ]
							"stroke" [
								switch/default first val [
									#"#" [pen-color: to-color val]
									#"n" [pen-color: none]
									print ["Unknown stroke:" val]
							"stroke-width" [line-width: to decimal! val]
							"fill" [
								fill-color: switch/default first val [
									#"#" [to-color val]
									#"n" [none]
									print ["Unknown fill value:" val]
							"fill-rule" [
								mode: switch/default val [
									"evenodd"	['even-odd]
									print ["Unknown fill-rule value:" val]

       "stroke-opacity" [pen-color: any [pen-color] pen-color/4: 
       to-byte val]

       "fill-opacity" [fill-color: any [fill-color] fill-color/4: 
       to-byte val]
							"stroke-linejoin" [
								insert tail draw-blk switch/default val [
									"miter"		[compose [line-join miter]]
									"round"		[compose [line-join round]]
									"bevel"		[compose [line-join bevel]]
									print ["Unknown stroke-linejoin value:" val]
							"stroke-linecap" [
								insert tail draw-blk 'line-cap
								insert tail draw-blk to word! val
							print ["Unknown style:" attr]
				"x"			[xy/x: scale-x * val]
				"y"			[xy/y: scale-y * val]
				"width"		[size/x: scale-x * val]
				"height"	[size/y: scale-y * val]
				"rx"		[print "rx"]
				"ry"		[radius: to decimal! val]
				"d"	[
					shape: copy []
					x: none
					closed?: false
					if all [x not number? token] [

          insert tail shape x * either token = 'V [scale-y][scale-x]
  						    x: none
					foreach token load val [
						switch/default token [
							M	[insert tail shape 'move]
							C	[insert tail shape 'curve]
							S   [insert tail shape 'curv]
							L	[insert tail shape 'line]
							Q   [insert tail shape 'qcurve]
							T   [insert tail shape 'qcurv]
							z	[closed?: true]
							H   [insert tail shape 'hline]
							V   [insert tail shape 'vline]
							A   [insert tail shape 'arc]

       unless number? token [print ["Unknown path command:" token]]

       either x [insert tail shape as-pair x scale-y * token x: none] [x: 
       scale-x * token]
		insert tail draw-blk compose [
			pen (pen-color)
			fill-pen (fill-color)
			fill-rule (mode)
			line-width (line-width * min scale-x scale-y)
		switch command [
			"rect" [
				insert tail draw-blk compose [box (xy) (xy + size)]
				if radius [insert tail draw-blk radius]
			"path" [
				unless closed? [print "Path closed"]
				either transf-command <> none  [
					switch transf-command [

      "matrix" [insert tail draw-blk compose/only [ (to-word transf-command) 
      (matrice) shape (shape) reset-matrix]]
					insert tail draw-blk compose/only [shape (shape)]

   "g" [ print "Write here how to handle G insertion to Draw block" 

    insert tail draw-blk probe compose/only [reset-matrix (to-word transf-command) 
	probe defs
	foreach blk defs [
		switch first blk [
			"rect"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"path"	[append-style first blk second blk]
			"g"		[
						print "key word" probe first blk  
						print "matrix and style in G" probe second blk  
						append-style first blk second blk 
						;print "what to draw in G" probe third blk
						foreach blk2 third blk [
							probe blk2
							switch first blk2[ 
								"path" [append-style first blk2 second blk2]
probe draw-blk

view make face [
	offset:	100x100
	size:	200x200
	action:	request-file/filter/only "*.svg"
	text:	rejoin ["SVG Demo [" last split-path action "]"]
	data:	read action
	color:	white
	effect:	compose/only [draw (load-svg data size)]
	edge: font: para: none
	feel: make feel [
		detect: func [face event] [
			if event/type = 'resize [
				insert clear face/effect/draw load-svg face/data face/size
				show face
			if event/type = 'close [quit]
	options: [resize]
I allways use as reference script for my work the blender.svg file 
provided in ashley's archive svg-demo.zip
if you wants to write the "in" AGG/draw code that is based on my 
rebol linear gradient list there is the code and a sample file from 
in this file we have xml-to-object function load-svg function (mostly 
empty there is where to put the data conversion and draw block construction) 
and the widget that start the program
hum xpdf.svg file shows me a problem with the use of xml-to-object 
 ... if you have serveral g block at the same level all g block are 
compacted into the same reference
so you have to remaining choice (3 in fact ) 1) using IE  but then 
your not my pal any more, 2) installing Inkscape and relate it to 
svg file 3) help me finishing the SVG viewer using REBOL !!! ;))
I improve some more the rendering now the file gnome-keyboard-dev.svg 
is fully and perfectly rendererd. I put a red pen-fill color for 
identify all primitives that needs fill:url related gradient
for me to be honnest the advantages of  using SVG instead of images 
 are a lot this is a quick list of my thoughts on what can be done 
with  SVG format.
 - easier embeding of graphical content
- resizing auto ith not grphics quality loss
- cheap but sharp skining 

 - graphical content of an  User  Interface  very low because rebol 
 is pretty able to  work with compression of text content ( compress/decompress)

A little sample to enlight this  compressed SVG file with blender 
logo ->  less than 500 octets (any size can be applyed with no graphic 
loss (aliasing, color loose, blur, pixelisation etc..) )  a fixed 
jped for same content will use  around  50ko. This means less datas 
in memory to as graphic pixel tables are very heavy in VM memory

- Dynamic graphical content. some thing like text scrolling or efffect 
like Flash ones but with  a  reduction of  1000  of the data and 
memory use SVG use a labeling system for  each graphical content 
that compose the image we can provided a tiny system to handle easy 
animation and show/hide of graphical content using raw rebol commands 
-> this will make pretty easier the realisation of dynamic animations 
in rebol ViD content and  as any REBOL/View face is DRaw/AGG capable 
the effects that we can create isn the futur with this idea will 
have no limits  -> this means too to have a pretty fast and ell designed 
SVG engine (that's my actual path on research)
Joe hum inkscape is not able to show this svgz file that's strange 
 ...  I will try to investigate why this happend ...
surfing around on internet i found another common application for 
SVG -> graphs representation. The idea is inspired by  a ruby project 
To do this in rebol we need teh ability to save data in an image 
PNG. The way we can use a thing like this could be to use a simple 
rebol draw based dialect to write  the graphs if we are in REBOL/view 
application the  graph is isealy shown if we need to show the  graph 
in webrowser we can have  2  external sources SVG  and PNG.  For 
importing graphs from another application the SVG is the best way. 
 So our REBOL::SVG::GRAPH would be able to import graphi content 
from a SVG file, output SVG and PNG files, render graphs to REBOL/view 
draw pane, propose a simple way to implement graphs  using a rebol 
Group: AJAX ... Web Development Using AJAX [web-public]
it would be a plugin, but I'm not sure how much sense it makes other 
than a smaller DLL file
Group: Syncing ... Syncing technologies [web-public]
- the problem of IOS syncing is, that it can't work in sync-and-forget 
mode - simply put, once you delete your file locally, there is no 
simple solution of how to tell server, that it is still ok
rsync - file syncing protocol - http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync
what is to be said the best file-sync for Mac - ChronoSync - http://www.econtechnologies.com
I would like to have answered:

1) what technique to use for "timestamping" - do we continue with 
timestamps against one central time, or do we use hashes, or sequencing 
numbers, or mixture of mentioned techniqueues? We might look how 
others do it ...

2) better support for possible conflicts - imagine following scenario 
- you have some reblet, e.g. Contacts - one person starts editing 
it, then another person starts editing it too. First one syncs (saves 
changes), then second one does the same - changes of first ones are 
lost. How to aproach this - introduce some kind of resources locking? 
(not real locking, but we are message based, so could be queued)

It could work as follows - person 1 wants to edit some record. Edit 
button posts request-for-lock. Lock is assigned. I other person tries 
to edit, it will not obtain lock. We could even introduce protocol 
level support, so that the person is informed, who has the lock, 
and how long. The trouble usually comes, when person goes off-line 
after the edit started - we need to remove dead-locks, so by default, 
I would lock for 20 minutes e.g. and the lock would have to be renewed, 
if person 1 wants to work longer with the given document ...

another scenario is, when you actually start editing something which 
might require locking, but you start already being off-line. We could 
create lock-request, just not synced yet. Once you go on-line, you 
simply check seqno, if the lock is possible, and the given record 
not modified. But what if it was modified in the meantime? e.g. you 
might be working with stock system and someone else in the office 
sells few units, for which you may start writing offer for to another 
customer. Tough scenario - would like to know your opinion. Maybe 
some things simply need to be done on-line only?

3) I needed small file-sync scenario - could use IOS, but IOS can't 
sync and "forget". Simply idea is to have different kind of syncing 
techniques, so e.g. for file transfer you have dir to sync, if correctly 
synced, log it, forget it, delete it on client and or server (or 
not, it depends)

as for IOS, local storage could be encrypted (or not), imported into 
RebDB (no single better solution so far introduced for rebol), sync-per-record 
or record-set could remain (record=document). RebDB on Serve would 
speed things up significantly too ...

another possibility is to think outside the IOS terms, in more general 
way - simply thinking about world of objects, being in various states, 
with various life-time around internet and on-line or off-line devices. 
I think that maybe we could find some simpler solution than SyncML 
and the likes ...

another point - such techniques should be transport independent, 
so I would not like to hear that it needs this or that ;-)

So, anyone?
yes, I might be, if I decide to go for the app ... I will post our 
company requirements in oportunities group, maybe today evening. 
Our company failed with big Sap system for file transfer. I wanted 
to create something upon which business could be based. I will not 
be selfish - I better publish what could be a good business imo, 
than doing nothing myself due to lack of free time or the lack of 
my coding knowledges ...
By "for comparison purposes", I mean don't change the file date, 
just subtract the diff between you and UTC to get the adjusted file 
date in memory and then compare against the adjusted file date from 
the server.
FAT also stores file dates in 2-second increments, so file times 
can adjust up to two seconds when copied between FAT and NTFS. File 
times in ZIP files have the same restriction because of ZIP's DOS 
using tortoise SVN, how can I checkout just a single file?  here 
it complains about only wanting to checkout directories.... which 
is a bit dumb IMHO.

note, this checkout occurs in a new checkout area, the directories 
on the repository aren't anywhere else.  I just want to pick out 
one file from a repository and use just that elsewhere.
Group: Tech News ... Interesting technology [web-public]
uf, so the only advantage of mozilla mail is now gone :-) they go 
ms outlook route - one big file, binary, what a route ....
Group: SQLite ... C library embeddable DB [web-public].
so, for me, sqlite is near ideal, I give it a big minus because of 
that, in my opinion, bad design decision .... well, although I can 
imagine that they need to control locking/transacitons on file level, 
so it is easier for them to work with one file only ....
One file IMO is appreciated also in web programming - especially 
with small databases instead of flat-file. But - as You wrote - can 
be problematic at some level.
(one file = easy to transfer, easy to backup, easy to update)
Antont - it can't be easier to fix, as it is a binary file .... I 
really like old unix mail format, which nowadays uses mozilla/netscape 
- plain text files - that is what I call easy to fix ...
even if some part of file gets corrupted, you might be able to fix 
it ... once binary file is corrupted, I bet sqlite.dll code contains 
some parser, which will simply fail :-)
Alek - as for backups, one file per table is imo better, because 
imagine your all-tables-in-one-file containing blog, the db may easily 
exceed large size ....
anyway - that's all I can do about it - to dislike it :-) I expect 
they went with one file because of locking issues in FS ....
As I mentioned near the beginning of this thread, SQLite supports 
multiple database files each containing one or more tables - in fact 
they go so far as recommending that you separate multiple high-access 
tables out into different databases for concurrency reasons. In this 
sense, SQLite "databases" act more like traditional "tablespaces". 
So, if we wanted we could write our REBOL front-end so that it created/accessed 
each table in a database of the same name thus ensuring a one-to-one 
mapping between table names and database names. The advantages of 
this approach are:

	backups (only those tables that change need be backed up)

 external table administration (you can drop a table by deleting its 
 database file)

 concurrency (you spread your file locking across a greater number 
 of physical files)


 Administering your database is more cumbersome (you can't use the 
 sqlite3 admin tool to administer all tables in one session)

 Value of sqlite_master is diminished (you can't "select * from sqlite_master" 
 to report on all your tables in one query)

 Query references need to add a database prefix when referring to 
 a table not in their own database

 Name conflicts (all tables in one file means multiple databases can 
 use the same table names - the solution with multiple files would 
 be to segregate at the directory level)

 Multiple database files means you need to zip them prior to some 
 operations such as email attachment, etc

On balance, I actually prefer the one file / one database approach.

Pekr's other comments in relation to schema implementation also have 
merit (I've agreed with Pekr twice today - a new record!); I see 
the value of an ftp schema, an http schema, etc; but what value in 
a sqlite schema? Given that the entire schema can be written in a 
much more concise fashion as an anonymous context that exports a 
couple of key access functions to the global context; I can't see 
what the functional differences between the two implementations would 

So, bar any good reasons to the contrary, these are the features 
of the implementation I am currently working on (a rough design spec 
if you like):

	Implemented as an anonymous context

 "Database" is a directory (which is specified when a database is 
 opened with 'open-db)

 Each table resides in a "tablespace" (aka SQLite database file) of 
 the same name
	File is automatically opened on first reference

 The /blocked refinement of 'db-open specifies that rows will be returned 
 in their own block (default is a single block of values)

 Non-numeric values (which SQLite stores natively as INTEGER and REAL) 
 will be subject to 'mold/all on insert and 'load on retrieval

 The /native refinement of 'open-db will turn this behaviour off (see 
 comments below)

 SQLite binding will be supported allowing statements such as ["insert 
 into table values (?,?,?)" 1 [bob-:-mail-:-com] "Some text"] and ["select 
 * from table where email = ?" [bob-:-mail-:-com]]

Whether to store values (including string!) as molded values in SQLite 
is an interesting question; on the one hand it gives you transparent 
storage and access to REBOL values – but at the performance cost 
of having to mold and load every TEXT value returned; and the storage 
cost of the overhead of a molded representation. On the other hand, 
if I only want to store numbers and strings anyway then I don't want 
this overhead. I think the only practical solution is a /native type 
option as detailed above.
OK, need to leave to work, just a note - I think we can forget having 
one-table-per-file, as it is simply a hack with sqlite. Version prior 
to 3.0 even had problems with transactions in that regard and even 
3.0 has stupid compile limitation (like we have with callbacks) to 
something like 16 separate table-files, so ...
what is more - subdire has some meaning, if sqlite would use one 
table per file design, not sure here, I am opened to thoughts ....
I've given up on the one table per database idea as the default attachment 
limit is 10 files. On the positive side, the ATTACH command seems 
to work properly under 3.0+ and table names unique to an attached 
database do not have to be prefixed in queries. ;) My 'connect function:

>> help connect
    CONNECT database /create /attach databases /blocked /direct

     Open a SQLite database.
     CONNECT is a function value.

     database -- (Type: file url)

     /create -- Create database if non-existent

     /attach -- Attach up to 10 databases (of type file!) to this connection
         databases -- Database files (Type: block)
     /blocked -- Return each row as a block
     /direct -- Do not mold/load REBOL values

lets you do this:

 connect/attach %/c/app/data/system.db [%/c/app/data/users.db %/c/app/data/reports.db]
	sql "select * from a-system-table"
	sql "select * from a-user-table"
	sql "select * from a-report-table"

which could be quite useful in many situations. The default, however, 
is now one database.

BTW, my rewrite (even after adding a lot more functionality) is about 
twice as fast as the original protocol version.
1) why did you name somehow not traditionally functions as connect 
and disconnect?

open and close are already taken and I wanted to avoid pathing (sqlite/open) 
or prefixes (sqlite-open) as the number of words added to the global 
context is relatively few and I wanted them to be meaningful words 
in their own right (same reason why VID doesn't have vid-layout, 
vid-center-face, etc). Connect and disconnect are the commands used 
to login/logout of another user in many databases; so while the context 
is not strictly correct, they are recognisable DB words.

2) why can't we support multiple name-spaces?

You can via the connect/attach refinement (and this lets you transparently 
reference tables across multiple "databases"). Why would you want 
to concurrently access multiple databases that are *not* related 
to each other in any way?

3) can we have opened only one db at a time?

Yes, bar /attach as above. The benefit of this approach is that you 
minimise the number of file locks a single process obtains, and you 
don't have to track state information (i.e. you don't need to tell 
'sql which DB you are referring to).

4) Would it also be possible to extend e.g. 'headings to return non-string 

No, as it may contain strings like "count(*)"

5) don't agree with exposing functions as you did

I tend to write CONNECT, SQL, etc in upper-case so db references 
embedded in my code stand out. Come up with a better naming scheme 
that everyone likes though and I'll adopt it. ;)
0.1.5 available at: http://www.dobeash.com/SQLite/sqlite.r

Changes of note include:

 - New /format refinement of CONNECT that formats output like MySQL 
 (can be turned on/off via SQLIte/format?: true|false)
	- Widths block (SQLite/widths) added to supporrt above

 - DESCRIBE, TABLES and INDEXES functions rewritten (and simplified)
	- Added an EXPLAIN function

 - CONNECT rewritten (note that the attach refinement has been replaced 
 by the function accepting a block! of file names instead)
	- DATABASE function added

 - Experimental IMPORT function added (but not exported to global 
 context - see example for how it is used)

 - Error trapping / reporting more informative (especially if a library 
 call error occurs)
	- Example block updated (do example)

Documentation will be updated as time permits.
btw, do you know if it's possible to separate sqlite's engine from 
the rest of the code? (sql, etc) we'd need only the low level stuff, 
file format, indexind etc.
fileformat sucks :-) who needs one extra big binary file? that is 
like ms outlook storage against mozilla's one - give me table per 
file like any other database, plus maybe text storage like rebdb, 
and you win :-)
give me table per file like any other database

 ... many databases actually have a table -> tablespace -> file(s) 
 kind of mapping; and finding a [high performance] RDBMS that uses 
 plain text storage is not that easy.
IMO encryption should be on a lower level, on the file level. I don't 
want to care about using encryption in my application, I just want 
to set a flag that the database file gets encrypted.
Group: !Liquid ... any questions about liquid dataflow core. [web-public]
A suggestion: put the working full script as a downloadable file 
(rebol.org or a link from liquid site) at the beginning of the page. 
I did the example step by step following the page and, at the endo 
of my tests I found the full script I colud copy and paste!!!
elixir, itself is about 90% done.  file i/o is done, GUI framework 
finiwhed,  CLI 100% operational, all I needed was to finish the data 
query language to be able to create/list/edit/delete stuff in the 
data cloud more easily...
Group: DevCon2007 ... DevCon 2007 [web-public]
He said Unicode is three separate issues:
1: getting strings into REBOL
2: a REBOL unicode datatype
3: interfaces to operating systems -- eg for file names.

The first two he said are easy. The third, he needs help on. But, 
as it wll be part of the Open Source 3.0 Opsys interface, it does 
not need to be done by RT.
Group: reblets ... working reblets (50-100 lines or less) [web-public]
rebol [
	title: "explore.r"
	version 1.0
	date: 2009-03-19
	author: "Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"
	copyright: "2009(c)Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"
	tested: "win xp"

 notes: "Add any dir to the dirs block.  options are self explanatory"

dirs: [
	%/C/ []
	%"/C/program files/" [expand]
	"%tmp%" [label "temp dir"]
	"" [ label "my documents"]

blk: []

explore-dir: func [path expand? /local cmd][

 call/shell rejoin [" explorer " either expand? ["/n,/e,"]["/n,"] 
 path ]

ctr: 1
foreach [item opts] dirs [
	ctr: ctr + 1
	expand?: found? find opts 'expand
	label: any [select opts 'label to-local-file item]
	append blk compose/deep [ 
		pad 20 
		(to-set-word setw: rejoin ["dir" ctr]) check (expand?) 
		pad 20 

  btn 200 left (label) [ explore-dir to-local-file item get in (to-word 
  setw) 'data ]
	append blk 'return

view layout compose [across vtext right "expand?" vtext "folder" 
 return (blk)]
bug creep: parens disapeared for some strange reason...  replace 
in the above:

btn 200 left (label) [ explore-dir to-local-file item get in (to-word 
setw) 'data ]


btn 200 left (label) [ explore-dir (to-local-file item) get in (to-word 
setw) 'data ]
	File: %scramble.r
	Author: "Ammon Johnson"
	Email: [ammon-:-johnson-:-gmail-:-com]
	Version: 0.0.1
	History: [
		0.0.1 31-Mar-2009 "scrambles and descrambles code"

scramble: context [
	words: []
	load-words: does [
		foreach word first system/words [
			add-word mold word
	add-word: func [
		/local chars length
		chars: charset word
		unless found? find words chars [repend words [chars copy []]]

  unless found? find words/:chars length: length? word [repend words/:chars 
  [length copy []]]
		length: select words/:chars length
		unless found? find length word [insert tail length word]
	get-word: func [
		/local chars length
		chars: charset word
		unless chars: select words chars [return "UNKNOWN"]
		unless length: select chars length? word [return "UNKNOWN"]
		random/only length
	scramble: func [
		/local result
		result: parse/all txt " "
		forall result [

   unless empty? trim copy result/1 [change result random add-word result/1]
		form result
	descramble: func [
		/local result
		result: parse/all txt " "
		forall result [

   unless empty? trim copy result/1 [change result get-word result/1]
		form result
801 / 484512345678[9] 1011...4546474849