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[REBOL] using struct! to convert values to binary! datatype

From: rebol-list2::seznam::cz at: 16-Oct-2002 13:18

Hello rebol-list, thanks to discussion about the system-port I just found that the struct! is free in Rebol, so I started to play with it and found, that it's realy good for converting values to binary! format. For example the first thing in my %make-swf.r file - converting integer! to Unsigned 32-bit integer value: I was using this ugly function: int-to-ui32: func[i [number!]][head reverse load rejoin ["#{" to-hex to-integer i "}"]] t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui32 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:02.143 ;With the struct! I can do: int-to-ui32-st: func[n][third make struct! [n [integer!]] to block! n] t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui32-st 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:00.6 As you can see, it's much more faster, but I'm still creating new struct! - why not to use just one: ui32-struct: make struct! [value [integer!]] none int-to-ui32-st: func[i][ui32-struct/value: i copy third ui32-struct] int-to-ui32-st 100 ;== #{64000000} t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui32-st 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:00.19 ;Isn't it nice? It's faster! ;In the same way I can replace my old slow functions as well: int-to-ui16: func[i [number!]][head reverse load rejoin ["#{" skip mold to-hex to integer! i 5 "}"]] int-to-ui8: func[i [number!]][load rejoin ["#{" skip mold to-hex to integer! i 7 "}"]] int-to-bits: func[i [number!] bits][skip enbase/base load rejoin ["#{" to-hex to integer! i "}"] 2 32 - bits] ;to these new one: ui16-struct: make struct! [value [short]] none int-to-ui16-st: func[i][ui16-struct/value: i copy third ui16-struct] int-to-ui8-st: func[i][ui16-struct/value: i copy/part third ui16-struct 1] int-to-bits-st: func[i [number!] bits][skip enbase/base head reverse int-to-ui32-st i 2 32 - bits] t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui16 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:02.344 int-to-ui16-st 100 ;== #{6400} t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui16-st 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:00.201 t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui8 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:02.173 int-to-ui8-st 100 ;== #{64} t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-ui8-st 100] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:00.351 int-to-bits 100 16 ;== "0000000001100100" t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-bits 100 16] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:02.404 int-to-bits-st 100 16 ;== "0000000001100100" t: now/time/precise loop 100000 [int-to-bits-st 100 16] now/time/precise - t ;== 0:00:00.801 I'm really happy to see, that we are going faster and faster:-)) The %make-swf.r file should be uploaded with this improvement and you can just download it from here: cheers Oldes