Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Todo List" File: %todo-list.r Date: 24-Jun-2004/14:59:42+2:00 Author: "Carl Sassenrath, Didier Cadieu & Fabrice Vado" Url: Purpose: {Based on the demo of Rebol /View by Carl. It allow you to manage a list of todo and move them between them.} Version: 1.3.0 library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [demo tool] domain: [database file-handling gui user-interface ] tested-under: [view on "Windows XP Pro"] support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] flash "Loading data..." read-thru unview todo-path: %todo-data.r status-words: [New Pend Now Wait Done Remind] priority-levels: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] effort-words: [Easy Medium Difficult] category-words: [Misc Design Code Doc Test] ;-- Utility functions: fail: func [msg] [request/ok msg quit] ;-- Generate images for dot and arrows: make-image: func [xy wh eff] [ eff: layout [ size 20x20 at xy box wh effect eff ] eff/color: main-color to-image eff ] dot: make-image 6x5 9x9 [gradient 1x1 255.0.0 0.0.0 oval key 0.0.0] arr: make-image 3x3 14x14 [arrow 0.0.127 rotate 90] ard: make-image 3x3 14x14 [arrow 0.0.127 rotate 180] ;-- Item creation, loading, and saving: item-obj: context [ summary: paritem: subitems: expanded: face: ;items-block: notes: none priority: 5 status: first status-words effort: first effort-words category: first category-words ] make-item: func [ "Given a block of todo items, return a block of todo item objects. Recursive." item-blk parent /local item items sum sub pri notes stat diff cat ][ items: copy [] foreach item item-blk [ set [sum pri stat diff cat note sub] item item: make item-obj [ summary: sum priority: pri status: stat effort: diff category: cat notes: note ;items-block: items paritem: parent ] if sub [item/subitems: make-item sub item] append items item ] items ] load-items: func [ "Load a file of valid todo items. Return the top level block." file ][ if not exists? file [return make-item [["Add some items!" 1 new easy test ""]] none] file: load/all file if file/1 = 'history [ list-date/text: file/2/1 show list-date file: skip file 2 ] make-item file none ] emit-item: func [ "Format a todo item for output to a file. Recurse over subitems." item out /local indent ][ indent: "" repend out [indent "["] foreach word [summary priority status effort category notes] [ append out mold item/:word append out " " ] if item/subitems [ append indent tab append out " [^/" foreach item item/subitems [emit-item item out] remove indent repend out [indent "]"] ] append out "]^/" ] save-items: func [ "Save todo items to a file." items /local out ][ out: make string! 10000 repend out ["history [" now "]" newline newline] foreach item items [emit-item item out] write todo-path out list-date/text: now show list-date ] ;-- Item user interface: selected-item: none item-wide: 480 item-cnt: 0 list-date: none main-window: layout [ style button button 60 across vh2 join "Todo List " system/script/header/version button "Save" #"^s" [save-items todo-list] button "<" #"^o" [outdent-item] button ">" #"^i" [indent-item] button "^^" #"^l" [move-item/up] button "v" #"^r" [move-item/down] return space 0x8 clip-box: box base-color / 2 480x400 edge [size: 0x1 color: coal] list-slide: slider 16x400 [scroll-box value] return space 8x8 button "New" #"^n" [new-item] button "Delete" #"^d" [del-item selected-item] txt 80x24 middle right bold "Updated:" list-date: text 240x24 middle center form now white base-color / 2 ] layout [select-box: box 480x22 orange] select-box/offset: 0x-40 list-box: make-face 'box list-box/size: clip-box/size clip-box/pane: list-box list-pane: list-box/pane: [] scroll-box: func [value] [ list-box/offset/y: negate value * (list-box/size/y - clip-box/size/y) show list-box ] select-item: func [item] [ selected-item: item select-box/offset: item/face/offset - 1x1 show select-box ] select-action: func [face value] [ select-item face/user-data ] expand-action: func [face value] [ ; Expand subitem list. face/user-data/expanded: not face/user-data/expanded select-action face value refresh-list ] make-item-face: func [ "Create the GUI summary line for an item." item /local bx px tx sx pri ][ pri: form any [item/priority 5] item/face: layout [ origin 0 space 0 across bx: image dot px: text 20x20 pri snow leaf center middle font-size 11 [show-detail face] tx: field edge none 400x20 middle font-size 11 sx: txt 50x20 black main-color middle center font-size 11 [show-detail face] ] item/face/color: none bx/user-data: px/user-data: tx/user-data: sx/user-data: item bx/action: :select-action sx/text: item/status px/color: pick [200.0.0 220.120.0 120.120.0 120.180.0 0.160.0 0.130.150 0.60.160 0.0.140 80.0.100] to-integer pri sx/color: pick [160.160.160 220.40.40 220.220.40 60.60.240 40.140.60 180.154.100] index? find status-words item/status if item/subitems [ bx/action: :expand-action bx/image: either item/expanded [ard][arr] ] tx/text: item/summary item/face ] locate-item-face: func [ "Position a face and adjust the size of it." item where width /local face ][ face: item/face face/offset: where face/size/x: item-wide face/pane/3/size/x: item-wide - where/x face/pane/4/offset/x: item-wide - where/x - 50 ] make-list: func [ "Make a pane of item faces." items depth ][ foreach item items [ ;print item/summary append list-pane make-item-face item locate-item-face item to-pair reduce [20 * depth + 1 item-cnt * 21 + 1] item-cnt: item-cnt + 1 if item/expanded [make-list item/subitems depth + 1] ] list-box/size/y: 1 + item-cnt * 21 list-slide/redrag clip-box/size/y / list-box/size/y ] refresh-list: does [ clear list-pane item-cnt: 0 insert list-pane select-box make-list todo-list 0 show list-box ] new-item: has [list item parent] [ list: either selected-item [ next find any [ all [selected-item selected-item/paritem selected-item/paritem/subitems] todo-list ] selected-item ] [ todo-list ] parent: either none? list [none][either tail? list [back list][first list]] ;if none? parent [parent: last list] insert list make item-obj [ summary: copy "" ;items-block: list paritem: parent ] refresh-list select-item item: first list focus item/face/pane/3 ] del-item: func [item] [ if none? item [exit] item: either item/paritem [ find item/paritem/subitems item ] [ find todo-list item ] if item [remove item] hide select-box selected-item: none refresh-list ] indent-item: has [list item] [ if none? selected-item [exit] item: either selected-item/paritem [ find selected-item/paritem/subitems selected-item ] [ find todo-list selected-item ] par-item: first back item if par-item = selected-item [exit] remove item if none? par-item/subitems [par-item/subitems: copy []] par-item/expanded: true append par-item/subitems selected-item ;selected-item/items-block: par-item/subitems selected-item/paritem: par-item refresh-list select-item selected-item ] outdent-item: has [list item par-item old-par-item] [ if any [none? selected-item none? old-par-item: selected-item/paritem] [exit] ; if same? selected-item/items-block selected-item [print "same" exit] item: find old-par-item/subitems selected-item remove item list: either none? par-item: old-par-item/paritem [todo-list][par-item/subitems] item: find list old-par-item if found? item [item: next item] if any [none? old-par-item/subitems empty? old-par-item/subitems] [old-par-item/subitems: old-par-item/expanded: none] insert item selected-item ;selected-item/items-block: list selected-item/paritem: par-item refresh-list select-item selected-item ] move-item: func [ "Move the selected item up or down" /up /down /local item ] [ if any [none? selected-item] [exit] item: either all [selected-item/paritem selected-item/paritem/subitems] [ find selected-item/paritem/subitems selected-item ] [ find todo-list selected-item ] if up [insert back remove item selected-item] if down [insert next remove item selected-item] refresh-list select-item selected-item ] detail-view: layout [ style tr txt bold right 70x24 style fld field 400x24 style ar area across tr "Item:" fv-summary: fld bold return tr "Priority:" fv-priority: choice data priority-levels [this-item/priority: value] tr "Category:" fv-category: choice data category-words return tr "Status:" fv-status: choice data status-words [this-item/status: value] tr "Effort:" fv-effort: choice data effort-words return ; tr "Who:" fv-who: fld return ; tr "Duration:" fv-duration: fld 150x24 return tr "Notes:" fv-notes: ar wrap return ] this-item: none show-detail: func [face] [ this-item: face/user-data fv-summary/data: fv-summary/text: copy this-item/summary fv-notes/data: fv-notes/text: copy either string? this-item/notes [this-item/notes][""] fv-notes/line-list: none fv-priority/text: first fv-priority/data: any [find priority-levels this-item/priority priority-levels] fv-status/text: first fv-status/data: any [find status-words this-item/status status-words] fv-category/text: first fv-category/data: any [find category-words this-item/category category-words] fv-effort/text: first fv-effort/data: any [find effort-words this-item/effort effort-words] inform detail-view this-item/summary: copy fv-summary/text this-item/priority: first fv-priority/data this-item/status: first fv-status/data this-item/category: first fv-category/data this-item/effort: first fv-effort/data this-item/notes: copy fv-notes/data refresh-list ] center-face main-window none todo-list: load-items todo-path refresh-list view main-window
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage