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[REBOL] Re: Compression

From: agem:crosswinds at: 27-Jun-2001 14:36

RE: [REBOL] Re: Compression [louisaturk--eudoramail--com] wrote:
> Hi Brett, > > Thanks for the response. > > It might be the second possibility. If I type the following at the command > prompt it works: > > write/binary %data.r decompress read/binary %/a/data.r > > If compress/decompress is used for every write, then performance will be > affected. I just want to compress the data so that more will fit on a > floppy disk for backup purposes. I don't want the database compressed > during ordinary usage. How do I get around this problem? >
add some little bytes at the start which tells if file is compressed. something like: read-db: does[ data: read/binary %/a/data.r parse/all data [copy type to ":" copy data to end] if "compressed:" = type [data: decompress data] ] write-db: does[ write/binary %data.r join "uncompressed:" data ] write-db-compressed: does[ write/binary %data.r join "compressed:" compress data ] write-db-compressed read-db