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[REBOL] Re: ANN: Rbox2 ...ech

From: oliva:david:seznam:cz at: 2-Nov-2001 14:45

Re: [REBOL] Re: ANN: Rbox2 ...ech =================================
>wonderful design.
thanks:-) but some of the interier graphic and the man is from an old but great Amiga game: Dreamweb
> There seems to be a bug, how am I supposed to get to the >room 28 after finishing 27?
Yes that was a bug, I've already updated the files. ( ) Most of the level design (the files in %screens/ was generated automatically parsing a very small bitmap (%map.bin is actually %map.png:) but the doors I had to edit manually (it would not be so easy to write a script, that would recognize which of the sensors (targets) will open which doors and to which screens are the doors leading to... so instead of setting "w" as the main exiting direction for that door was set "e" direction. I'm not sure if the automatic udate will be working, because I've changed the %rbox.r file that contains the updating part as well... if you will have problems you can delete/rename the %rbox/ folder and install it again...
>Moreover, Save/load seems to work well only when >saving at the start of a room.
Yes, it's better to save only at the start then to risk that you are saving bad position;) BTW. The recent news from Rebol are really good and I'm looking forward. Just hope that memory management will be improved as well, because sometimes it was hard to optimize the code not to eat so much memory. to Holger: there is some bug in clearing faces with rates... clearing the pane that contains faces with rates is not freeing the memory as should do. You has to hide all the objects with rates first and then to clear the pane, but it really doesn't look nice. That's the main reason why the targets are not blinking as I had it in some of the first versions. PS: I should not tell it, but the game has no end yet (and I'm not sure if there will be some) so the man will be closed in this maze forever:-( The main reason for that is, that I'm not sure to where I should send the man in the end, and I don't want to continue because it's not so funny to design the world as to make something new.