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[REBOL] Re: rebol and kiosk systems embedding ...

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 12-Oct-2002 19:34

Jason Cunliffe wrote:
>Hi Petr > >I will read your post more carefully.. but my first reaction since I have also >thought about REBOL and kiosks is: > >REBOL - invisible back-end network and database engineering >FLASH - visible front-end user interface > >With Oldes' %make-swf.r you can use Rebol to dynamically a lot of Flash also. > >Running through a flash interface would allow you to *filter* urls in many ways. >You can even run a REBOL Web server or rugby as a router service and have flash >urls go through that. Flash interface can be full screen but also a single entry >form or invisible dot on a web page. >
OK, I know flash is the option - the problem is that I don't have designer fluent at Flash right now. Anyway, thanks for the tip. OTOH I think that flash is overhyped, well - that's just me :-) If I would use something for really cool presentations - I would go with Scala. One has to see it first to believe it - viva old good Amiga days :-) You can learn Scala in few hours to do basic stuff, all scripts are just that - editable scripts, etc. I would like to get Rebol working with 3rd party tools, but it is not capable of that and noone can tell (except RT probably), if we can get other app window (output) working in some View face. I will answer to IE in another mail :-)
>It is very interesting problem. I hope your keep the list regularly posted on >the project. >
I will - I am still in the investigation period ... Thanks for the tips, -pekr-