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[REBOL] REBOL for business apps?

From: jennyw::dangerousideas::com at: 27-Sep-2003 4:00

I recently ran across REBOL and I'm a little confused as to what it's for. It seems like it'd be a nice way to develop business apps at first glance, but I'm not sure after looking at it. In particular, I'm thinking of rewriting an order entry application written in Access. Some questions about REBOL: 1. What support is there for printing? The application prints several forms (e.g. invoices) and reports, using Access' report functions. Is there anything in REBOL that could be used to do something similar? 2. How does database access work? I didn't seem many examples of database applications. It seems like you typically use REBOL to write client/server apps -- the applications are downloaded from a Web server, but they communicate directly with the database server, and there's no application server in between. Is this correct? Is there such a thing as a REBOL application server? 3. Licensing fees. This would be a commercial application, so I'm curious how much it would cost to distribute this. Aside from buying REBOL Command/SDK for each developer, is there a fee for each user that uses the application? Thanks! Jen