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[REBOL] Re: Fast way to remove all non-numerical chars from a string

From: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 24-Sep-2007 13:07

Hi Kai, KP> As you likely have guessed, I asked because I need to re-format KP> phone numbers. Here is some very old code I remembered I had here. Use what you can. It was designed for interactive UI use, checking and reformatting numbers as users entered them, hence the object support; not optimized for speed in any way. -- Gregg ctx-phone-entry: context [ set 'format-phone-number func [ num [string! issue! object!] "String or object with /text value" /def-area-code area-code [string! integer!] /local left right mid obj res ] [ left: func [s len][copy/part s len] right: func [s len] [copy skip tail s negate len] mid: func [s start len][copy/part at s start len] if object? num [obj: num num: obj/text] res: either data: parse-phone-num num [ ; discard leader if it's there. if all [11 = length? data/num data/num/1 = #"1"] [ data/num: right data/num 10 ] rejoin [ rejoin switch/default length? data/num [ 7 [ compose [ (either area-code [rejoin ["(" area-code ") "]][]) left data/num 3 "-" right data/num 4 ]] 10 [[ "(" left data/num 3 ") " mid data/num 4 3 "-" right data/num 4 ]] ][[data/num]] reduce either data/ext [[" ext" trim data/ext]] [""] reduce either data/pin [[" pin" trim data/pin]] [""] ] ][num] if obj [ obj/text: res attempt [if 'face = obj/type [show obj]] ] res ] set 'parse-phone-num func [ num [string! issue!] /local digit digits sep _ext_ ch nums pin ext ] [ digit: charset "0123456798" digits: [some digit] sep: charset "()-._" _ext_: ["ext" opt "." | "x"] nums: copy "" rules: [ any [ some [sep | copy ch digit (append nums ch)] | _ext_ copy ext digits | "pin" copy pin digits ] end ] either parse trim num rules [reduce ['num nums 'ext ext 'pin pin]] [none] ] set 'well-formed-phone-number? func [num /local data] [ either none? data: parse-phone-num num [false] [ any [ found? find [7 10] length? data/num all [11 = length? data/num data/num/1 = #"1"] ] ] ] ]