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[REBOL] secure: not much

From: hijim::pronet::net at: 17-May-2003 8:25

secure: not much Sorry about the bad advice. Forget you ever heard it. Here's what I find odd about SECURE. It won't let me write to my printer without popping up and asking me to allow all. It won't let me change directories without my permission. But it will allow me to delete all files in the present directory without even an "Are you sure?". It will allow someone else's script to do that too. My printer is connected to my computer only. If I make a Print button, I click on it because I want to print. I don't want to be asked it I want to print. Maybe I can disable this only!? allow write %prn// ?? Something like that? No, I've never been able to go to a rebsite. I have studied and run scripts from the Rebol script archives and other websites. I assume they aren't malicious scripts. Maybe I shouldn't. I'll try Anton's two user.r file method. That way I can still prevent those pop-ups. Thanks, Jim