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[REBOL] Interface to A J Martin's ML dialect

From: tim:johnsons-web at: 27-Aug-2003 7:51

Hello Rebols: It's my hope that some day RT will be releasing rebol with packages. I know that there are many good ones out there, from my own experience, I vouch for 'ML and mysql-protocol. I use 'ML extensively and I'm combining the dictionary approach that I use in python for building dynamic web content with the 'ML dialect. I note from Carl's Designer's Tip Sheet that came with my copy of Rebol The Official Guide Tip # 4 - Data Drives It. It's become my motto. It is useful then to have a function(s) that processes blocks of rebol words and values and then delivers them to 'ML to do the processing that is so much more efficient than the python HtmlGen module. I've include some preliminary code here mostly for Andrew's comments and guidance but for others that might be interested. Certainly, 'ML deserves more exposure. The test module uses ml-lib.r which is viewable at This contains Andrew's 'ML function, along with dependencies and source for the 'def subroutine and the 'htm shorthand function. the test module itself is at the 'def block that you see in this code is a shorthand for Andrew's Sub function that generates local variables automatically. 'htm is shorthand for ML with compose/deep. I would welcome comments and criticisms. This is just a small starting point. I plan on adapting my entire python module that I've written to a more rebolesque fashion, so much more functionality is obviously going to be added. Thanks! tim -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>