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[REBOL] Re: mysql scheme port

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 18-Mar-2001 23:46

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dr. Louis A. Turk" <[louisaturk--eudoramail--com]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 10:48 PM Subject: [REBOL] Re: mysql scheme port
> Is this a special edition of mysql modified to work with rebol?
No, it is not. You have basically two ways of how to work with mySQL (or even other SQL databases) in general - 1) direct access - it would require Rebol to have mySQL "driver" inside, but it is not the case even with Linux Command. You could also use Command's ability to call libraries ... 2) some of SQL database servers listen on TCP port, which is the case with mySQL too. So - nenad has created mySQL TCP scheme. You can use it with Core for free of course. The question is - how fast it can be in comparison to PHP based solutions. You have to remember though, that you can run Core only in form of CGI, as Rebol Apache module is not released yet .... As for learning mySQL in particular - I don't know .... If you are already familiar with database systems in general - should not be much of a problem imo. Other case is if you would like to set-up and maintain mySQL server yourself .... -pekr- Will it