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[REBOL] Re: Seems like a View 2.7.6 "if" statement issue ......???

From: jfdutcher1958::yahoo::com at: 28-Oct-2008 18:10

Anton:  I went back and installed this version of Rebol: REBOL/View 5-Dec-2005 Core 2.6.3 The result was a return to perfect execution including the original 'if'....' statement as written. I might add that I got Rebol 2.7.6 to run the script by substituting the 'empty?'  approach to test the one character field (rather than 'if') wrote the output file as desired.  BUT, there is no comparison whatever between the contents of the output file as written by 2.7.6 and the one written with the version noted above. The 2.7.6 version is an abomination while the version is exactly what is expected when executing the  statements contained in the script.    You can do the same....I sent you the script and the input file. John D. Hi John, John Dutcher wrote:
> Well, I don't need to convince anyone that 2.7.6 differs from earlier's
a certainty for me. I would like you to answer these 2 questions: 1) *Which version* of Rebol is the version you used before ? 2) What is the console output of the following code, as run in the older version *and* in Rebol/View 2.7.6 ? (probe substr (probe rec1) (y + j) + 2054 1) > " " Bugs cannot hide forever. Regards, Anton.