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[REBOL] Re: Thanks, and a few more questions

From: gjones05:mail:orion at: 21-Jun-2001 15:18

From: "Mike Rozack"
> 1) How would I get an entire site (not just specific cgi-bin pages) to > run in Rebol? I'm coming from an IIS/ASP setup, where "xyz.asp" can > be browsed to, and "index.asp" is the default for a subdirectory. > Currently I can direct my browser to a specific ".r" file in my > cgi-bin directory to execute a Rebol script, but if I place such a > file anywhere else, my browser tries to download it. Is this maybe > something I would need to have my provider configure?
Hi, Mike, What webserver? Apache, IIS, other? Will you want to use .r or some other extension (or no extension) in order to hide the language used? In Apache there are several approaches, depending on your needs. I have to punt on the second question. --Scott Jones