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[REBOL] Fw: How to use a word instead of a numeric value

From: gerardcote::sympatico::ca at: 17-Jun-2005 20:57

Hello list, I need some help here since I can't work the copy/part correctly when using "words" instead of numbers. The problem I'm working on: ----------------------------- While working on a mimicked rebol version of the awk or C "printf" instruction somewhere I have to convert binary numbers in octal, decimal and hexadecimal. During this process I have to assemble binary digits into chunks of 3 or 4. This is what the following code does - here for chunks of 3 since the code part for the hexa is done separately for now. The code also pads to the left with 0 when needed, that is when Value length is not a multiple of 3. Example: Value: "12345678" -> first padded to "012345678" and sliced to 678 345 012 Eventually the numbers will be 0 and 1 but for testing it is easier to use decimal numbers to keep positions aligned. So the code below works well for a binary to octal assembly - at least for some samples. The difficulty I have is the following : the copy/part doesn't accept the fact that if replace the last parameter (number 3) by its equivalent valued word "grouping" which is defined as number 3 (defined as grouping: 3). I've tried to compose the complete line and do it after but this never worked for the entire script. However this worked well on smaller oneliner examples. I don't know why and can't explain this kind of anomaly (from my beginnners eyes at least). Can someone help ? Thanks in advance Gerard value: "12345678" val-length: length? value grouping: log-2 dest-base ; Since source-base is 2 (defined elsewhere) reste: val-length // grouping ; Length of padding based on this value if reste <> 0 [ insert/dup value "0" (grouping - reste) ; Left padding done here head value ] c: length? value while [c >= grouping] [ slice: copy "" slice: copy/part at value (c - grouping + 1) 3 ; <- This 3 is to be replaced with the word print ["slice: " slice] ; "grouping" but REBOL seems to reject it! ; remove/part at value c - 3 3 c: c - grouping ]