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[REBOL] Re: Sameness - a pragmatic approach.

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 11-Feb-2003 16:33

Hi Gabriele, ...
> It is just a matter of definitions. I could simply start by > enumerating the types that are mutable and the ones that are > immutable, then enumerate the functions that cause a mutation in a > mutable value, and then saying that values of the immutable types > are never the same, and two values of a mutable type are the same > when they are equal before and after an arbitrary mutation of one > of them. > > Regards, > Gabriele.
That sounds legal. But the definition of mutability seems more complicated than the sameness to me. Let's take Rebol errors as an example. Originally I thought, that they were immutable. So I could have put them on the list of immutable datatypes. Later I found out, that I was wrong and I corrected myself. I was able to do so, because I had a definition of mutability. In the case of your definition I would never have a chance to find out that I was wrong, because I simply couldn't have been. This doesn't look like a pragmatic approach. Rebol dates may serve as another example. Set-paths originally didn't work for dates as we all remember. According to my definition they were immutable. Interestingly enough, the situation hasn't changed after the set-path introduction, i.e. the definition showed a good stability. Isn't that a good property? Ciao -L