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[REBOL] GUI Maker - You'll like this. Re:

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 19-Sep-2000 6:52

Hi Carl and others, just tested the thingy. As I am known as person imediatelly throwing some new ideas in the place, or just a little bit critisize, I will not break from my customs :-) Well, don't worry, just few general comments to GUIs at all ... 1) Thank's for the demo, it's nice, I although a little bit buggy .... 2) Is it a part of /Author or is /Author completly different product? 3) Could panel like look and feel bocome default one? Anyone? Isn't it just cool looking? And if not, what about providing some 'panel styles which will turn our buttons from flat ones to shadowed, arrows from the flat ones to plastic ones ... Now more seriously 4) We need some more professional aproach to GUIs. Look, some machines use 800x600, and even if I use 1024x768, I have problems with rebodex or just current layout demo to fit the screen. Could any automatic mechanism be built into /View which will check if the window fits the screen and if not, it would place scrollbars to the interface ... or .... scale coordinates, but it could be unpleasant behavior ... What do you think? I would strongly recommend to not depreciate user interface experience, as after tens of clicks, window movement etc. it could be annoying experience ... 5) What about proper menu system at the top of the screen? Well, thought of, kind of component - if it will not fit the screen, lef, right arrow at the corners to scroll it, etc. 6) The same goes for toolbar ... It would be really cool to get proper OS behavior - maximizable/resizable windows, menu, toolbars, scroll bars etc stuff ... Anyone? -pekr- [carl--rebol--com] wrote: