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[REBOL] Re: make port! [scheme: 'event]

From: cyphre:volny:cz at: 22-Jun-2001 17:16

Hi Jeff, It is possible to make event-port asynchronous? I tried:
>> set-modes system/view/event-port [nowait: true]
** Script Error: Cannot use set-modes on this type port ** Where: halt-view ** Near: set-modes system/view/event-port [nowait: true] no success :(( I'm able only make little interupt while event port is running like: view/new layout [button "test"] dispatch [.01 [print "hello from console interupt ;)"]] but this is not true multithreading :) Will be cool if I can open View window and will be able to use console for another tasks while View-port is running. Will be to much invasive to make rebol proces multithraded? What is your opinion on that(Jeff, Holger, Carl, anyone?) Regards Cyphre