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[REBOL] Re: Switch with refinements/hmmm!

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 31-Oct-2001 15:01

Hi Tim, << It sure would be nice if I could use 'switch with refinements. I can't seem to wrap my poor little brain around that one. Any ideas? >> I'm not clear on what you're not clear on. :) If you mean using the /default refinement, I understand what you mean. That threw me for a loop as well. If that's the case, maybe this will help. The default case is a block unto itself, after the block of defined switch cases. REBOL [] test-switch: does [ prin [ref #"^-"] switch/default type?/word ref [ object! [print "!O"] error! [print "!E"] word! [print "!W"] any-function! [print "!F"] none! [print "!-"] block! [print "!B"] string! [print "!S"] integer! [print "!I"] decimal! [print "!D"] ] [print to-string type? ref] ] ref: "A" test-switch ref: 1 test-switch ref: 1.1 test-switch ref: none test-switch halt --Gregg