[REBOL] Re: enctype="multipart/form-data"
From: ljurado:bariloche:ar at: 29-Apr-2001 16:11
> I want to be able to submit image files using POST and to save those image
> files from the POSTed input. I am taking steps in this direction, and so I
> gave my form tags a new enctype attribute.
With this modified post.r script and form-upload.r I can upload binary
files (jpg, etc)
But this is today work , beware ....
Luis Rodriguez Jurado.
#!c:/rebol.exe -cs
TITLE: "form-upload"
FILE: %form-upload.r
DATE: 29-April-2000
print "Content-Type: text/html^/^/"
print {
<form METHOD=POST ACTION="post.r"
Enter a description of the file:: <input TYPE=text
SIZE=50 NAME=text><br>
Select the file: <input TYPE=file SIZE=15
<input TYPE=submit VALUE="post.r">
#!c:/rebol.exe -cs
Title: "multipart POST"
Date: 15-Sep-1999
Version: 1.2
File: %POST.r
Author: "Andrew Grossman (modified by: Luis Rodriguez J -
Email: [grossdog--dartmouth--edu]
Owner: "REBOL Technologies"
Purpose: {
To decode multipart encoded POST requests, including file uploads.
Usage: {
Call this file in your CGI scriptand do decode-multi with a
file argument of the directory where uploaded files will go and
a logic argument to set whether files will be given the field they
uploaded as as a name. Files are saved and variables are decoded
Notes: {
Fixed problem recognizing EOF.
Functionality is now rock solid. Function
calls won't change, so this is certainly useable.
See the comment in the decode-multi function if you need mime types.
Tested with MSIE and Netscape for Mac.
category: ['web 'cgi 'utility]
decode-multi: func [
file-dir [file!] {Directory in which to put uploaded files}
save-as-field [logic!] {save files as field name or uploaded
/local str boundary done name file done2 content
if equal? system/options/cgi/request-method "POST" [
either not parse system/options/cgi/content-type
["multipart/form-data" skip thru {boundary=} skip some {-}
copy boundary to end]
str: make string! input do decode-cgi str][
str: make string! input
done: false
while [not done] [
name: make string! ""
str: make string! input
either equal? "" str [done: true] [
either parse/all str [skip thru {name="} copy name to {"}
skip thru {filename="} copy file to {"} skip to end] [
str: make string! input
if not equal? str "" [str: make string! input]
comment {if you need mime put "parse/all str
skip copy mime to end]" into the preceding if
done2: false
content: make string! ""
while [not done2] [
content-length: to-integer system/options/cgi/content-length
str: make string! content-length
read-io system/ports/input str content-length
either d: find/reverse tail str boundary [
e: find/reverse tail copy/part str (index? d)
content: copy/part str (index? e) - 2
done2: true]
append content str
if not none? file
either save-as-field [name: dehex name write/binary
file-dir/:name content] [
file: dehex file write/binary file-dir/:file
parse str [skip thru {name="} copy name to {"}]
str: make string! input str: dehex make string! input
set to-word name str str: make string! input
decode-multi %. true