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[REBOL] Re: Skinz 0.1 (Now an API Tutorial)

From: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 25-Feb-2002 13:08

Hi Terry, << We have the API working to determine the winamp window, but can't get the WM_COMMAND function to kick in. Any ideas? (Again, heres the url for api info... >> This seems to work: send-message: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] wMsg [integer!] wParam [integer!] lParam [integer!] return: [integer!] ] win-user "SendMessageA" WM_COMMAND: to-integer #{00000111} winamp-hwnd: find-window-by-class "Winamp v1.x" 0 print send-message winamp-hwnd WM_COMMAND 40029 0 --Gregg