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[REBOL] Re: [BUG] open/skip

From: rebol-list2:seznam:cz at: 4-Aug-2003 20:06

Hello Gabriele, Tuesday, July 29, 2003, 12:38:07 PM, you wrote: GS> Hi rebOldes, GS> On Tuesday, July 29, 2003, 12:28:38 PM, you wrote: r>> this is probably a bug as well: GS> /SKIP never worked on /DIRECT ports... Yes, I know, there was a crash. Now it's at least possible to open/direct file and then skip forward. But it would be nice if it would be working at least with file ports. Skipping backwards in the in direct file-ports would be nice as well. Now I'll have to always close/open/skip if I want to modify something in a VERY LARGE file, but at least it's possible (and it's fine because I don't need fast application... I just need the result:)) -- Best regards, rebOldes mailto:[oliva--david--seznam--cz]