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[REBOL] Re: Puzzle with FIND and SELECT

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 10-Feb-2003 14:35

Well, Romano, ----- Original Message ----- From: "Romano Paolo Tenca"
> But i know that every rebol value is in a block at a given position.
This is *very* questionable as a definition...
> Beyond > its attributes, it has a block position.
Again, I am not sure I understand: a: make block! 2 append/only a b: [1] append/only a b Is there one value B included twice in A or not?
> Literal values, for example, have never the same block position: > > same? "a" "a" > same? 1 1 > > should result both false.
See above...
> Only if same? receive pointers to value the two values can be truly the same: > y: x: [[]] > same? x y > same? x/1 y/1 > do reduce ['same? x x]
Neither this looks as a definition, the "pointer" notion is undefined. My POV is, that you didn't define (at least until now) any sameness, and, moreover, there are inconsistencies in your specifications. If you had a function like ABSOLUTELY-SAME? what would be the result of: absolutely-same? 1 + 2 2 + 1 and why? Ciao -L