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[REBOL] Re: Novice Amiga Reboler needs help

From: gscottjones:mchsi at: 26-Feb-2003 6:16

From: "Jay S. Siegel" ...
> 2) I'm at a loss as to why the example on page 276 in the Rebol for
> does not seem to work for me. What's wrong here? Here's the dialog: > > *>> print read whois://[abooks--com--networksolutions--com*] > *connecting to:* > *** Access Error: Cannot connect to* > *** Near: print read whois://[abooks--com--networksolutions--com*] > *>>*
... Hi, Jay, Welcome to the REBOL list. I can't help with the two Amiga specific questions (#1 and #3). Regarding whois: Ralph's book, "REBOL for Dummies" is a great way to hit the ground running with REBOL. Unfortunately Network Solutions changed their whois interface soon after the book was released (if I recall correctly). I do not recall if they have a URL that works with the whois query. However, you will have more luck with the following: print read whois://[abooks--com--internic--net]/cgi/whois Hope that helps. --Scott Jones