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[REBOL] word Re:(3)

From: al::bri::xtra::co::nz at: 14-Aug-2000 23:47

Fantam wrote:
> Yes, you are right, nothing is wrong with this method, on the contrary, it
may be the most elegant solution. I just wanted to understand how it had to be done with 'bind (see Larry's message), how you can take an existing word and change its context. For more on this, see Web_Dialect list: Home page for Web Dialect: Community email addresses: Post message: [Web_Dialect--egroups--com] Subscribe: [Web_Dialect-subscribe--egroups--com] Unsubscribe: [Web_Dialect-unsubscribe--egroups--com] List owner: [Web_Dialect-owner--egroups--com] Web access to Web_Dialect home page: Where you'll find some interesting code on dialects and using 'bind. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169