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[REBOL] Re: Rebol 2.5 unstable ?

From: bo:rebol at: 30-Mar-2001 8:56

laplace, Maybe you could try adding the lines: echo %trace.txt trace on to your script. When it locks up, you can look and see what was happening when the script locked up. This may point out a potential problem. Sterling pointed out a minor change in the way ports behave that caused his proxy script to not work correctly. Maybe it is related. If you isolate the cause, or even if you don't, please send any information you can collect to [feedback--rebol--com] . Thanks! -Bo On 30-Mar-2001/14:09:30+2:00, [laplace--worldnet--fr] wrote:
>Hello, > >I have a program that downloads historical quotes from Yahoo. It freezes in >new 2.5 version and launch our Visual C debugger. Is there any change in >syntax that would explain that ? > >-- >To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to >[rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >subject, without the quotes. >
-- Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky REBOL Adventure Guide REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 ( The Official Source for REBOL Books (