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[REBOL] ANN: Xrebol.Net

From: phil::hayes::cnutarch::net at: 5-Oct-2001 19:42

Announcing . . . REBOL Initiatives and Applications As part of our contribution to the overall REBOL initiative we're making this cobalt RAQ server available. At the moment we're using the ubiquitous rubby broker and we're working on hopefully finalising the remote management aspects of using it this weekend so that you can interactively manage services remotely using username/passwords combos. Domain Parking We have no issues with setting up domains on this box for people. Obviously any DNS management charges would have to be incurred by the domain owner. Control Note that ultimately we'd keep control of the box ( not the domains ) and we'd insist that good practices and a degreee of responsibility to what you're hosting would be applied! Too Good To be True! What CNUT hope to get from this initiative is to generate good ideas and apps that we can learn from and apply these ideas to our 'Corporate' customers. We don't intend to steal or misappropriate ideas. All credits and copyrights will be posted and highly visible. Some of the terms of use posted on Xrebol need to be refined so they don't appear too draconian...please bear with us we're extremely busy working on paying projects but I hope that the spirit of this offer is eveident in the email The Box The box is a Cobalt RAQ 3 running redhat linux with MySQL/REBOL Cmd/Apache/Perl Next Steps If you wish to get involved just email us at [xrebol--cnutarch--net] and we'll progress matters. Phil Hayes CTO The Cnut Archetype