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[REBOL] Re: IDIOMS: setting multiple words

From: atruter:labyrinth:au at: 10-Oct-2003 11:21

Hi Gregg, Like others I tend to prefer the: foo: copy [] bar: copy [] baz: copy [] idiom for most cases. I often find my style changes depending upon chosen word size: variable-number-1: none variable-number-2: none variable-number-3: none for long words, and: v1: v2: v3: none for shorter ones. Also, I tend to use set when the values are different and the word names short: set [v1 v2 v3] [1 2 3] It's very subjective, but I tend to go for the idiom that looks compact while not taking up "too much" space on a single line. This "too much" might be absolute (ie. no more than 40 characters) or relative to the length of the preceeding and / or following line(s). How's that for obscure! ;) Regards, Ashley